Kansas GenWeb
Welcome to Trego County, KS

Trego County Location

Welcome to the Trego County KSGenWeb genealogy site.

The Trego County Coordinator is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. We have more information that we will be adding to the site soon. So check back often and please if you have any information at all that would be helpful to fellow genealogists researching Trego County, we would like to post it on this site.

We invite all contributions of transcribed records with genealogical value. This could range from wills and letters from your personal family records to indexes of your county's marriage records. Anything you have that you are willing to contribute will be greatfully accepted.

Tribute to former Co-Coordinators Gayle Garrett & Ann Bush.

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EMAIL Trego County Coordinator
Temporary Coordinator:
Rebecca Maloney

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The KSGenWeb logo was designed and is copyrighted by
Tom & Carolyn Ward
for the limited use of the KSGenWeb Project.
Permission is granted for use only on an official KSGenWeb page.
The USGenWeb Logo was designed by Linda Cole.

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KSGenWeb Project