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Sections of the 1912 Polk's Kansas State Gazetteer and Business Directory

Trego County Location

Trego County town sections taken from the directory.

BANNER....... A rural postoffice, in Collyer township, Trego county, 22 1/2 miles s. w. of Wa-Keeney, the county seat, and 11 from Collyer, the nearest banking and shipping point. Mail stage tri-weekly to Wa-Keeney, fare $1. Telephone connection. J. W. HARVEY, postmaster.
  • HARVEY, J. W., general store
  • PURINGTON, F. L., stock breeder [compiler's note: surname differs in Collyer below]

BOSNA....... A country postoffice in Trego county, 14 1/2 miles s. w. of Wakeeney, the judicial seat, banking and shipping point. J. L. YEWELL, postmaster

COLLYER....... Population 100. On the U. P. R. R., in Collyer township, Trego county, 14 miles west of Wa Keeney, the judicial seat. Settled 1879. Has Baptist, Catholic and Congregational churches and a bank. Tel., W.U. Exp Am. Ida G. SIMMONS, postmaster.

  • ADDISON, A. L., meat market
  • BERGER & BERGER, general store
  • Collyer Band, W. F. TEAGUE leader
  • Collyer Lumber Co., Lumber, Coal, Furniture and Hardware
  • Collyer State Bank (Capital $10,000), R. C. WILSON Pres, J. J. HARRISON Cashier
  • GUBBINS P. J., restaurant
  • HOBL, J., restaurant
  • Hotel Palace, J. H. BRIGGS, propr
  • ISENBERG, Dr. B. A., druggist
  • JONES & BORAH, grain
  • OVERHOLT, K. N., restaurant
  • PURINTON, F. L., land agent [compiler's note: surname differs in Banner above]
  • RICHARDSON, A. S., agl. implts
  • VOISEN, E. A. and E. J., general store
  • Wheatland Elevator, V. L. MADER prop.
  • WURST, F. F., general store
OGALLAH....... Population 100. On the U. P. R. R. in Ogallah township, Trego county, 9 miles e. of Wa-Keeney, the county seat. Tel., W.U. Exp., Am. C. F. REEVES, postmaster.
  • BINDER, C. T., harness and shoe repairer
  • HENDRICKS & LINDBERRY, general store
  • HUYCKE, Paul, lumber
  • MARQUAND Bros., hardware and furniture
  • Ogallah Elevator Co., grain and feed
  • Ogallah State Bank (Capital $10,000), R. C. WILSON Pres, R. W. BLAKELY Cashier
  • REEVES, C. F., Books, notions and postmaster
  • RICHARDS, Michael, livery and hotel
  • ROSS & WALDO, grain and implements
  • SAMUELS, Robert, general store
  • YETTER, C. C., hotel
  • YOST, I. M., grain

WA-KEENEY....... Population, 883 (U.S. Census 1910). The judicial seat of Trego county is an incorporated city on the U.P.R.R., 254 miles from Topeka and 321 from Kansas City. Has Baptist, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, excellent school advantages, including the county high school, a handsome and commodious court house erected at a cost of $40,000, 2 banksthe Wa-Keeney State Bank, having a capital and surplus of over $60,000good hotels, among which the Amercian House and the Trego House are widely noted for their hospitable arrangements and excellent fare and service. Two newspapers are published. The mammoth crops of everything that can be grown from mother earth are produced in the territory tributary and these products find a market here, a portion for home consumption but the major part for transhipment to less favored localities. Tri-weekly stage connection with Bosna and Banner. Tel., W.U. Exp., American. Telephone connection. Harvey S. GIVLER, postmaster

  • ACRE, J. H., propr the Trego House
  • American House, Miss Betty PENNEY Propr., Commercial Men's Headquarters for the part of Kansas. They Sunday at Wa-Kenney.
  • BAKER, Wm G., meats
  • BEAN, -, photographer
  • BLAKELY, John, livestock
  • BOHMAN, O. F., dentist
  • BURNHAM, Frank H., farm implements
  • Central House, Henry MYERS, propr.
  • COOK, O. L., livery
  • CORTRIGHT, Jesse C., tailor
  • CORTRIGHT, O. A., abstracter
  • COURTNEY, Ernest, general store
  • CRABILL, Wm E., jeweler
  • DAVIDSON, -, physician
  • ELLERMEYER, August J., cement blocks
  • EPPLER, Walter, agrl implts
  • EVERETT, Ray S., Asst Cashier Wakeeney State Bank
  • FELLER, Chris, cement blocks
  • FERKIN, Henry, baker
  • GIBSON, W. Wallace, drugs
  • GIVLER, Harvey S., publr Western Kansas World
  • GORRELL, Wm T., well borer
  • GROFT, Joshua, feed stable
  • HARDMAN Lumber Co The, C. L. HARDMAN mngr
  • HECKMAN, Jacob, produce
  • HILLE, Henry J., live stock
  • HUTZEL, Samuel M., lawyer
  • JONES, A. B., auto garage
  • JONES & HERRICK, (A. B. JONES, W. Y. HERRICK), physicians
  • KELLY Bros., (Samuel and Wm), grocers
  • KRAUS Hardware Co., D. B. KRAUS, propr
  • LARABEE Furniture Co., W. N. LARABEE, Propr, furniture and undertakers
  • LARABEE, W. N., county clerk
  • LONG, Herman, lawyer
  • MASON, Wm M., auctioneer
  • MOORE, T. R. Mrs., general store
  • MUSGRAVE, Fred W., ins.
  • NELSON, John A., lawyer
  • OLSON, W. C. & Son (Wm C. and Fred H.), harness makers
  • OSTERKAMP, Henry F., flour and feed
  • OWENS & REDDING (Carl OWENS, Joseph REDDING), restaurant
  • PENNEY, Betty, Propr, the American House.
  • PHARES, John W., abstracts
  • PIERSON, Ida, books and stationery
  • PORTER, Ed Land Agency (Ed PORTER, W. J. WILLIAMS)
  • PURCELL, Isaac T., lawyer
  • ROSS & WALDO, F. D. HASTINGS agt., grain
  • SAUM & PURCELL, lawyers
  • SHAFFER, Fred, real estate and insurance
  • SPENA, John W., auto livery
  • SPENCER, R. E., dentist
  • STAATZ, Henry, livery
  • STEINBERGER, Charles E., gasoline engines
  • SWIGGERT, Wm H., real estate
  • Trego County State Bank, H. J. HILLE pres, W. G. BAKER vice pres, A. H. BLAIR cashr, C. R. HILLE, asst cashr
  • Trego House, J. H. ACRE Propr, Refurnished and Refitted Throughout, Rate $1.50 Per Day, Commercial Trade Solicited, Opposite the Court House
  • Trego Mercantiles Co., George M. UFFORD pres, general merchandise
  • VERBECK Supply Co., John F. JONES mngr, hardware
  • The Wa-Keeney State Bank (Capital and Surplus $60,000), R. C. WILSON Pres, I. T. PURCELL Vice-Pres, Chase T. WILSON Cashr, Ray S. EVERETT and Celia K. CUTLER Asst Cashrs.
  • Wa-Keeney Telephone Co., O. W. SHIDLER mngr
  • WALSH, James, live stock
  • Western Kansas World (weekly), H. S. GIVLER, publr.
  • WHEELER, E. D., real esate
  • WILSON, Chase T., Cashier Wa-Keeney State Bank
  • WILSON, Robert C., President Wa-Keeney State Bank
  • WOLLNER, Frank C., general store

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