Transcribed from History and Statistics of Brown County, Kansas, comp. by E. N. Morrill, Hiawatha, Kan., Kansas herald book, news, and job office, July 4, 1876.

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Name Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

Name Index M-Z

Macy, H.F.   1, 2
Magill, C.W.   1
Magill, Caleb   1
Mallows, Zach   1
Mann, Thomas   1
Manning, E.C.   1
Marak, Frans Jr.   1
Marak, Franz   1
Marshall, Abram   1
Marshall, F.I.   1, 2
Marshall, Frank J.   1
Marshall, J.S.   1
Martin, -   1
Martin, J.   1
Martin, John   1
Martin, John A.   1, 2
Martin, Thomas   1
Maxwell, John   1
Maxwell, John H.   1
May, -   1
May, A.R.   1, 2, 3
McBride, Wm.   1
McCall, Sol   1
McCartney, R.   1
McCauley, O.H.   1, 2
McCoy, B.F.   1, 2
McCreary, A.T.   1
McCrerey, Jno.   1
McFarland, D.   1, 2
McFarland, Dan'l   1
McGashey, W.P.   1
McGilvary, P.C.   1
McGuire, Jas.   1
McGuire, John   1
McLaughlin, A.   1, 2, 3, 4
McLaughlin, Andrew   1
McLaughlin, Thomas   1
McLaughlin, W.S.   1
McMeekin, -   1
McMeekin, H.D.   1
Mead, A.J.   1
Meisenheimer   1
Meisenheimer, A.   1
Meisenueimer, C.   1
Meredith, J.M.   1
Meredith, John   1
Meredith, S.T.   1
Meredith, Wm. G.   1
Metts, James   1
Metts, William   1
Miles, J.J.   1
Miller, Daniel   1
Miller, J.M.   1
Miller, Jacob   1
Miller, James J.   1
Morrill, -   1, 2
Morrill, E.N.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Morrill, Levi   1
Morris, William   1
Morse, John   1
Moser, Eli   1
Moser, John   1
Muire, D.U.   1, 2
Mulhollen, J.P.   1, 2
Munn, B.B.   1
Murrill, E.N.   1
Myers, Frank   1
Myers, Sam'l   1
Myers, Sol. R.   1

Nash, Wm.   1
Nelson, Ole   1
Nesbit, -   1
Nichols, Harvey   1
Niles, E.H.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Niles, Edward H.   1
Norwood, Abram   1
Nutting, D.C.   1

Oberholtzer, -   1
Oberholtzer, J.W.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Oldfield, David   1
Oldfield, John   1
Oldham, Richard L.   1
Ordway, E.N.   1
Orth, C.H.   1
Osborn, Elisha   1
Osborn, Thos.   1
Osman, Geo. S.   1
Owen, A.J.   1, 2
Owen, Amasa   1, 2
Owen, Daniel W.   1
Oxier, Isaac   1

Padon, Jesse   1
Page, John   1, 2
Painter, Enoch   1
Palmer, Luther R.   1
Parker, C.E.   1, 2
Parker, Geo. W.   1
Parker, P.G.   1, 2, 3
Parker, R.D.   1
Parks, D.J.   1
Parks, David J.   1
Parsons, H.A.   1
Parsons, Henry A.   1
Partch, B.F.   1, 2, 3
Paschal, Joseph   1, 2
Patterson, H.H.   1
Peebles, David   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Peevy, J.   1
Perkins, Isaac   1
Petit, -   1
Pfeiffer, Peter   1
Piatt, W.H.   1
Pilot, Stephen   1
Pittman, -   1
Plankington, E.   1
Plankington, E.W.   1
Platt, A.R.   1, 2
Poe, John   1
Poe, Joseph H.   1
Poe,John   1
Pollock, Robert   1
Pope, J.A.   1
Pope, James A.   1
Poster, W.C.   1
Pottenger, J.W.   1, 2
Pound, E.L.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Probasor, S.U.   1
Proctor, John W.   1
Proctor, Moses P.   1, 2
Proctor, Moses R.   1
Proctor, W.J.   1
Proctor, W.P.   1
Purket, Wm.   1, 2, 3

Quaile, Stephen   1
Quick, Jonathan   1
Quigley, M.A.   1

Ransom, R.B.   1
Rawlings, N.B.   1
Rawlings, N.P.   1
Reasoner, Jacob   1, 2
Redpath   1
Reeves, John T.   1
Rhea, Robt.   1
Rice, G.G.   1, 2, 3
Rice, Geo. G.   1
Richards, E.   1
Richards, Sam'l   1
Richards, Wm.   1
Richardson, -   1
Richardson, A.   1
Richardson, W.J.   1, 2
Richardson, Wm.   1
Rider, B.L.   1
Risley, L.M.   1, 2
Robbins, Frank J.   1
Roberts, Geo.   1
Roberts, S.L.   1
Robinson, Chas. E.   1
Robinson, H.M.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Roehm, J.F.   1
Roehm, Jacob F.   1
Rohl, -   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Rohl, F.W.   1
Rohl, Fred W.   1, 2
Rokes, Albert   1, 2
Root, Orville   1, 2
Ross, George   1
Ross, James   1
Ross, Wm.   1
Round, James   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Rounds, James   1, 2
Ruley, A.N.   1
Rush, Marshall P.   1
Rymal, Henry   1

Sargent, W.G.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sawin, F.O.   1
Sawin, Franklin O.   1
Sawin, Isaac   1
Sawin, Isaac A.   1
Sawin, M.L.   1, 2, 3
Sawin, Marcellus   1
Sawin, Marcellus L.   1
Sawyer, -   1
Sawyer, Dudley   1
Sawyer, Leander   1
Saylor, C.A.   1
Schecker, T.   1
Schecker, Theo.   1
Schecker, Theodore   1
Schenck, John H.   1
Schilling, -   1
Schilling, A.   1
Schilling, Adam   1
Schilling, John   1
Schmidt, -   1
Schmidt, Adam   1
Schmidt, Isaac   1
Schmidt, John   1, 2, 3
Schmidt, Michael   1
Schmidt, Wm.   1
Scott, Alonzo   1
Scott, Jonathan   1, 2
Scott, Jonathan W.   1
Seaman, G.W.   1
Seaman, I.N.   1, 2
Seburn, -   1
Seburn, Harvey   1, 2, 3
Seely, Edwin   1
Selleg, A.J.   1
Selleg, Andrew J.   1
Selleg, Edwin   1
Selleg, G. E.   1
Selleg, Geo. E.   1
Selleg, Isaac   1
Seveir, Moses   1
Seveir, Newton   1
Sevier, Francis   1
Seward, -   1
Shackelford, -   1
Shackelford, C.L.   1
Shannon, J.O.   1, 2
Shaw, Sumner   1
Sheldon, F.E.   1
Sherman, James   1, 2
Sherman, S.   1
Shields, John F.   1
Shields, Samuel   1
Shields, Samuel C.   1
Shirley, Wm.   1
Short, E.W.   1, 2
Sigafous, Jacob   1
Simmonds, C.E.   1
Slagle, E.H.   1
Slosson, W.B.   1, 2
Smith, -   1, 2
Smith, Chas.   1
Smith, Henry   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Smith, Hesokiah   1
Smith, Ira H.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Smith, J.E.   1, 2
Smith, James   1, 2
Smith, John   1
Smith, John W.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Smith, R.P.   1
Smith, Roger P.   1
Smith, Winslow W.   1
Smouse, S.   1
Smouse, Sam'l   1
Snively, John M.   1
Snively, Josiah A.   1, 2
Soden, Jonthan   1
Spabe, Gottleib   1
Spaurer, John N.   1
Speer, A.G.   1
Speer, Albert G.   1, 2
Speer, I.N.   1
Speer, Sam'l   1
Speer, Sam.   1
Speer, Samuel A.   1
Spencer, John G.   1, 2
Spenser, John F.   1
Spenser, John G.   1
Sperry, Byron   1
Sperry, John   1
Sperry, Luther   1, 2
Spooner, E.A.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Stanley, J.A.   1
Stanley, James A.   1, 2
Stanley, James H.   1
Stanley, Murry   1
Starnes, Francis M.   1
Starnes, James AF.   1
Starns, F.M.   1
Starns, Wm.   1
Stauff, -   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Stauff, Henry   1, 2, 3
Stebbins, H.P.   1
Steigler, F.W.   1
Stillwell, J.S.   1
Stilwell, Jacob   1
Stout, X.K.   1
Strange, Benj. F.   1
Strange, Jesse   1
Strange, Thomas   1
Strange, Thos.   1
Stretch, -   1
Stringfellow, J.H.   1, 2
Stumbo, Chas. D.   1
Stumbo, F.M.   1
Sumpter, Abraham   1, 2
Sutherland, D.   1
Sutherland, H.   1
Swayzie, David C.   1
Sweangen, Bradford   1
Sweetland, B.F.   1
Sweetland, Isaac   1
Swordferger, Eli   1

Tess, Samuel   1
Thomas, J.C.   1, 2
Thomas, Josiah C.   1
Thompson, -   1
Thompson, Pettus   1
Tibbetts, -   1
Towne, -   1, 2
Travis, Isaiah   1, 2
Turner, Geo.   1
Turner, W.A.   1
Turpin, -   1
Twidwell, Andrew   1
Tyler, J.S.   1, 2, 3
Tyler, John S.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ullman, John   1

Vassar, William   1
Vassar, Wm.   1
Vassar, Wm. C.   1
Vaugh, Lewis   1
Vaughn, Albert   1
Vaughn, E.M.   1, 2
Vincent, John   1
Vincent, Wm.   1

Wade, S.W.   1, 2
Wade, Sam'l W.   1, 2, 3
Wade, Sam. W.   1, Wade, Sam. W.   2
Wade, Samuel W.   1
Walters, A.   1
Walters, Alfred   1
Walters, John   1
Waterson, James   1, 2
Waterson, T.W.   1
Waterson, Thos. W.   1
Watson, -   1
Watson, A.H.   1
Webb, Wm.   1
Weiss, John   1
Weiss, Philip   1, 2
Weiss, Phillip   1
Weltmen, Jacob J.   1
Weltmenr, J.J.   1
Wescott, Amasiah   1
Westerfield, A.D.   1, 2
Wheeler, -   1
Whitehead, J.H.   1
Whitehead, John H.   1
Whitfield, J.W.   1
Whitney, -   1
Whitney, O.C.   1
Whittenhall, C.T.   1
Wicks, C.V.   1
Wilder, A.C.   1
Wilhoit, John   1
Wilkins, Henry   1
Wilkinson, S.   1, 2
Wilkinson, Simeon   1
Wilkinson, Wm.   1
Willet, Morgan   1
Willett, Morgan   1
Williams, C.M.   1
Williams, G.W.   1
Williams, R.M.   1
Willis, M.C.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Willis, Martin C.   1
Wilson, J.A.   1, 2, 3
Wilson, James L.   1
Winkles, Benj.   1, 2
Winkles, Benj. Jr.   1
Winkles, Geo. G.   1
Winslow, I.P.   1, 2, 3
Winslow, Isaiah P.   1
Winslow, L.P.   1
Withnow, Sam'l F.   1
Withrow, Samuel F.   1
Woodcock, W.S.   1, 2
Woodmansee, G.T.   1, 2
Woodward, Henry   1, 2
Wyatt, W.C.   1

Zimmerman, Christian   1
Zimmerman, John   1
Zimmerman, Rudolph   1

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