Transcribed from History of Jewell County, Kansas, with a Full Account of the Early Settlements and Indian Atrocities Committed Within Its Borders; Its final Settlement, Organization and Progress, Its Present Society, Churches and Schools, Its Towns, Streams; Topography; Soil and Products, Its Population; Township Organization and Officers, Its Industries; Business, Resources, Etc. by M. Winsor and James A. Scarbrough, Jewell City, Kansas, Diamond Printing Office, 1878. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 2001.

1878 History of Jewell County, Kansas

Ezbon Township

was originally a portion of Limestone Township. It was organized August 10, 1872, and at that time contained all of Township 3, south, Ranges 9 and 10 west. It now contains Township 3, south, Range 10, west.

The First Settlers

of the Township, as it now stands, were Henderson Ward, John W. Ward, Levi Ward and Geo. W. Ward, who settled and took claims on the west branch of the West Branch of Limestone creek in October, 1870. Several other settlers came in that fall and the next spring, but we are unable to get the names and date of but very few. Among them were Hon. D. W. Pate, afterwards Representative; A.W.D. Carman, afterwards Justice of the Peace and S.O. Carman, afterwards Register of Deeds. The Carmans came in 1870, and Mr. Pate came in March, 1871.

The First election

held in the Township was the general election of 1872, held November 5, 1872, at which 20 votes were cast, all of them for the Republican ticket. The first Township election was held on the first day of April, 1871, at which Geo. S. Villott was elected Trustee; C.W. Tillotson, Clerk; M.F. Rozell, Treasurer; S.C. Jackson and Gideon Brown, Justices of the Peace and Clarence E. Pound and Frank S. Griffith, Constables.

Schools and Churches

there are four school districts in the Township, in which regular terms of school are kept. There are also four church organizations--the Catholics, Free Methodists, Dunkards and United Brethren, all of whom have Sunday Schools in connection therewith, and regular preaching. The people are intelligent, industrious, thrifty farmers, and the society is good. The Township contains six miles square of fine rolling land, rich and productive, and is well watered by Limestone and its numerous tributaries. The only

Catholic Church Building

in the county is a neat one story stone edifice, 27x33, situated near the residence of martin Regan, in Ezbon Township, Father Timphaus, of Beloit, Priest in charge. The building cost $600, is nicely finished, and is a credit to the county.

The Present Township Officers,

elected November 6, 1877, are: Martin Regan, Trustee; N.Z. Lewis, Clerk; Henry Hershner, Treasurer; J.C. Hubbard and Percival Sheard, Justices of the Peace, P.G. Regan and S.C. Jackson, Constables.