Transcribed from A History of Meade County, Kansas by Frank S. Sullivan. ; [c1916] ; Crane & Company. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, September 2006.

1916 A History of Meade County, Kansas

Surveyor Moses Black, R.
Oliver Norman, D.
Coroner Ed. Otto, R.
Theodore Wolfley, D.
Commissioner 2nd District John F. Conrad, D.
R. W. Campbell, R.
Representative Geo. W Wiley, R.
John Wehrle, D.
Probate Judge David Truaz, R.
T. B. Petefish, D.
Clerk District Court Effie Coon, R.
Lottie Snyder, D.
County Attorney A. T. BodIe Sr., R.
Geo. S. Selvidge, D.
Superintendent J. A. Porterfield, R.
James T. Walter, D.
Commissioner 3rd District H. E. Hayden D.
B. F. Bisbee, R.
Treasurer Moses Black, R.
James Wilson, D.
County Clerk Frank Wehrle, D.
N. B. Peck, R.
Sheriff F. C. Judd, D.
A. J. Byrns, R.
Register of Deeds Winnie Bonham, R.
Ormond Hamilton, D.
Coroner Wm. F. Fee, D.
Claus Borger, R.
Surveyor John H. Ellis, R.
Oliver Norman, D.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.**
John R. Keith, R.

* In 1909 there were three tickets—Republican, Democratic, and Populist, but the nominees of the last two were identical.

** In August, 1899, the Clerk of the District Court. Effie Coon, resigned and John O. Keith was appointed to fill the vacancy until the next general election. In this election he was defeated by John Elliott, who was inducted into office on Nov 14th, 1899, thus completing by more than one year the term for which Effie Coon had been elected in 1898.

Commissioner 1st District John B. Innis, R.
J. R. Keith, Pop.
Representative S. D. Adams, D.
A. O. Edmunds, R.
Probate Judge E. W. Jenkins, R.
W. J. Woodard, R.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
F. Sourbeer, R.
Superintendent Maggie Martin, D.
J. A. Porterfield, R.
Commissioner 2nd District John F. Conrad, D.
W. C. Schmoker, R.
County Attorney Geo. S. Selvidge, D.
F. M. Davis, R.
Commissioner 3rd District H. E. Hayden.
Albert Hemple.
Representative R. B. Campbell, R.
S. D. Adams, D.
County Attorney Geo. S. Selvidge, D.
A. T. Bodle, Sr., R.
Treasurer Moses Black, R.
County Clerk D. P. Wysong, R.***
Frank Wehrle, D.

* In 1900 there were three tickets—Republican, Democratic, and People's Party, the last two having the same nominees.

** The canvassing board found that the candidates for County Commissioner had each received 48 votes. Straws were drawn to decide the tie, Mr. Hayden, having drawn the long straw, was declared the winner. Thereafter Mr. Hemple instituted a contest. He was represented by attorneys A. T. Bodle, Sr., R. W. Griggs, R. M. Painter, F. M. Davis and E. D. Smith. Attorneys for Mr. Hayden were A. B. Reeves, A. T. Bodle, Jr., Geo. S. Selvidge, and Geo. B. Allen, The contest was heard by E. W. Jenkins, Probate Judge, with Darius Skinner and R. W. Campbell as associate judges. The contest board decided in favor of the contestee, Mr. Hayden, and assessed the costs, taxed at #165, against Mr. Hemple.

*** Mr. Wehrle contested the election, alleging that the election board had rejected numerous legal ballots, which, if counted, would have resulted in the election of Mr. Wehrle. The principal point of contention was as follows. The Democrats had failed to make nominations for some of ths offices, and where this occurred there was printed in the space intended for the candidate's name the words, "No Nomination," followed by a voting square. Many who voted for Mr. Wehrle also placed a cross in the square opposite the "No Nomination." This was held to vitiate the whole ballot, and it was accordingly thrown out. Mr. Wehrle contended that these ballots were legal, and should have been counted. Mr. Wehrle was represented by attorneys F. C. Price, A. T. Bodle, Sr. and A. T Bodle, Jr., Mr. Wysong by attorneys R. W. Griggs, F. M. Davis, E. D. Smith, S. S. Ashbaugh, and R. M. Painter. The case was heard by E. W. Jenkins, Probate Judge, R. A. Harper and John W. Ellis, associate judges, and F. G. Hamilton, clerk. The contest hoard sustained the election boards, declared Mr. Wysong elected, and taxed the costs, $130.64, against Mr. Wehrle.

Probate Judge E. W. Jenkins, R.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
J. I. Stamper, R.
Sheriff Samuel B. Givler, R.
Samuel P. Bunch, D.
Register of Deeds Winnie Bonham, R.
John W. Russell, D.
Superintendent Maggie Martin, D.
Bertha Campbell, R.
Surveyor J. H. Ellis, R.
Coroner C. B. Leslie, R.
Wm. F. Fee, D.
Commissioner 1st District T. V. Pinnick, R.
J. H. Randolph, D.
Representative Geo. B. Cones, R.
H. E. Hayden, D.
County Attorney Frank S. Sullivan, D.
J. R. Griggs, R.
Treasurer Ormond Hamilton, D.
County Clerk D. P. Wysong, R.
Frank Wehrle, D.
Probate Judge A. T. Bodle, Sr., R.
William Jobling, D.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
E. O. Palmer, R.
Sheriff Samuel B. Givler, R.
Sam Conger, D.
Register of Deeds Florence Smith, R.
Charles E. Tally, D.
Superintendent Ruth Bennett, D.
Frilla DeCow, R.
Surveyor J. M. Robinson, D.
J. H. Ellis, R.
Coroner Wm. F. Fee, D.
C. B. Leslie, R.
Commissioner 2nd District John F. Conrad, D.
Geo. M. Edwards, R.
Commissioner 3rd District J. W. King, D.
B. H. Cordes, R.
Representative S. D. Adams, D.
Geo. B. Cones, R.
County Attorney Frank S. Sullivan, D.
F. P. Marshall, R.
Treasurer Ormond Hamilton, D.
Edward Desmarias, R.
County Clerk W. W. Pressly, R.
W. H. Dalgarn, D.
Probate Judge J. H. Randolph, D.
S. O. Ball, R.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
Ira Scott, R.
Sheriff J. S Price, D.
J. F. Pinnick, R.
Register of Deeds Florence. Smith, R.
Charles E. Tally, D.
Superintendent Ruth Bennett, D.
E. B. Reay, R.
Surveyor Moses Black, R.
Coroner Wm. F. Fee, D.
Geo. A. Nickelson, R.
Commissioner 1st District William Jobling, D.
T. V. Pinnick, R.
Representative J. E. McNair, R.
S. D. Adams, D.
County Attorney D. P Wysong, R.
Geo. B. Allen, D.
Treasurer Moses Black, R.
J. C. Hall, D.
County Clerk W. W. Pressly, R.
W. J. Woodard, D.
Probate Judge J. H. Randolph, D.
J. H. Ellis, R.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.*
Frank Ellis, R.
Sheriff J. S. Price, D.
A. J. Byrns, R.
Register of Deeds W T. Gray, R.
C. H. Burford, D.
Superintendent Mattie Haigh, R.
Lou McCrellis, D.
Surveyor N. C. Galway, R.
G. W. Dalgarn, D.
Coroner E W. Fletcher, R.
Wm. F. Fee, D.
Commissioner 2nd District James Wilson, R.
F. I. Bennett, D.
Commissioner 3rd District F. M. Paul, Sr., R.
T. B. Novinger, D.
Representative Geo. B. Cones, R.
H. Llewellyn. Jones, D.
County Attorney Frank S. Sullivan, D
D. P. Wysong, R.
Treasurer John F. Sweet, R.
H. Albertson, D.
County Clerk W. W. Pressly, R.
Probate Judge J. H. Randolph, D.
M. S. Gillidett, R.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
John O. Keith, R.
Sheriff Thos. Martin, D.
E. W. White, R.
Register of Deeds W. T. Gray, R.
Superintendent Mattie J. Haigh, R.
Jessie M. Chase, D.

* In this election the two candidates for Clerk of the District Court each received the same number of votes. The tie was decided by lot. At the suggestion of Mr. Ellis six straws, three long and three short, were placed in a book, the ends projecting, and the candidates drew alternately. Mr. Elliott drew two long straws and was declared elected.

Surveyor N. C. Galway, R.
George Hockaden, D.
Coroner E. A. Twist, Ind.
Commissioner 1st District A. B. Roberts, R.
Wm. Jobling, D.
Representative E. L. Watt, R.
H. J. Sloss, R.
Isaac Covalt, So.
County Attorney Frank S. Sullivan, D.
Treasurer J. F. Sweet, R.
J. D. Dalgarn, So.
Probate Judge J. H. Randolph, D.
A. J. Paden, R.
Newton Snyder, So.
County Clerk W. W. Pressly, R.
J. D. Golliher, So.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
John Lusk Jr., So.
Sheriff Thos. Martin, D.
J. A. Spencer, R.
R. J. Walk, So.
Register of Deeds W. T. Gray, R.
Superintendent Pearl Wood-Smith, D.
Frank Carison, R.
Surveyor Moses Black, R.
Coroner Wm. F. Fee, D.
G. A. Nickelson, So.
Commissioner 2nd District John Cordes, D.
H. N. Holderman, R.
Commissioner 3rd District T. B. Novinger, D.
S. T. Frederick, R.
Representative H. LlewelIyn Jones, D.
Geo. W. Day, R.
C. B. Leslie, Progressive.
County Attorney Frank S. Sullivan, D.
F. M. Davis, R.
E. D. Smith, Prog.
Treasurer R. W. Campbell, R.
Frank Wehrle, D.
C. M. Gates, Prog.
County Clerk W. W. Pressly, R.
F. W. Calvert, Prog.
Probate Judge C. A. Marrs, R.
J. H. Randolph, D.
Blanche Love, Prog.
Clerk District Court John Elliott, D.
Effie Sandusky, R.
Sheriff L. G. Krisle, D.
Frank Ellis, R.
H. E. Hoon, Prog.
Register of Deeds Ira Scott, R.
W. H. Dalgarn, D.
Jennie Crocker, Progressive
Superintendent Pearl Wood-Smith D.
Surveyor Moses Black, R.
Chas. Havens, Prog.
Coroner Wm. F. Fee, D.
E. E. Fletcher, Prog.
Commissioner 1st District A. B. Roberts, R.
John Staples, D.
Charles Haskins, Prog.
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