Transcribed from A History of Meade County, Kansas by Frank S. Sullivan. ; [c1916] ; Crane & Company. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, September 2006.

1916 A History of Meade County, Kansas

  CITIES. 41

A well-authenticated story is told concerning an adventure of Cap. French during the Indian raid in the fall of 1878. A band of Indians came to Meade City, and, noticing a grindstone, they compelled French to turn it while they sharpened their knives. It was an unpleasant task for him, as he fully expected that when the knives were all sharpened some Indian would test the edge of his instrument on his scalp. However, he was agreeably surprised when they departed without molesting him further. A short distance away, however, they killed a freighter and took possession of his outfit.

Another story in connection with this Indian raid is, that at a ranch house, either in Meade or Clark County, a large quantity of dried apples was secured, of which the Indians ate greedily without subjecting the fruit to the process of cooking. They proceeded on their way toward Meade City, but before reaching that point one of the squaws, having drunk profusely, discovered that dried apples and artesian water do not constitute a proper combination, and died in great agony. She was buried in a small ravine, the body being placed in a ditch washed out by drainage-water and covered loosely with earth. The body was soon exposed, and about a year afterwards it was found by Oliver Norman. The bones were not intact, and Mr. Norman secured the skull, desiring it as a specimen of Indian anatomy. As portions of the skin still adhered to the bones he hung the skull in a tree for further curing." While it yet remained in this tree some eastern tourists observed it, and reported to the eastern press the discovery of a strange tribe of savages


who disposed of their dead by depositing the bodies in the branches of trees

Meade City was succeeded by Jo-Ash, located about a half-mile to the west. Jo-Ash acquired two stores, a postoffice, and was a regular mail route on a regular stage line. After two or three years it passed into memory.

Red Bluff and Carmen were once postoffices. Miles was a little store and postoffice conducted for many years by Captain and Mrs. Busing, on the south side of the Cimarron. The postoffice of Lakeland was in the Painter family through several administrations, and is now on the Hulburt ranch, Zada-Black Hulburt, P. M, while S. E. Matthews, the founder, still conducts the store and handles the mail at Uneda.



While the political complexion of Meade County has always been strong Republican, with the exception of a brief period of time during the days of Populism, in local affairs the people have generally exercised their best judgment and voted without regard to party lines, considering the general fitness of the candidate as of more importance than his party affiliations. As a result there has never been a time when all of the county officers were of the same political faith, and the public has been unusually fortunate in securing capable officers.

In the tables which follow, the name appearing first is the one elected to the designated office, and the names following are the unsuccessful candidates. The party affiliation is indicated by the abbreviation following each name, and the year of election by the figures preceding each list.


Representative. M. J. O'Meara, D.
R. M. Painter, R
Probate Judge W. D. Hudson, R.
O. J. Loofbourrow, D.
Clerk District Court Fillmore Hudson, R.
W. H. Willis, D.
County Clerk W. H. Young, R.
Matt B. Peed, D.
Sheriff George F. Eckert, R.
Thomas G. McAuliffe, D.
Treasurer C. S. Rockey, R.
J. W. Taylor, D.


Register of Deeds. C. W. Adams, R.
J. W. Jamison, D.
Superintendent N. H. Mendenhall, R.
N. B. Clark, D.
County Attorney S. R. House, R.*
A F. Hollenbeck, D.
Surveyor Moses Black, R.
J. A. Dupree, D.
Coroner H. Chaney, R.
E. E. Buchecker, D.
Commissioner 1st District J. H. Randolph, R.
James Vaughn, D.
Commissioner 2nd District Chris. Schmoker,R.
Ed. McDaniel, D.
Commissioner 3rd District E. M. Mears, R.
F. J. Beckwith, D.
Sheriff George F. Eckert, R.
E. B. Summers, D.
Treasurer C. S. Rockey, R.
E. T. Hughes, D.
Register of Deeds Jesse Summers, R.
Wm. McKim, D.
County Clerk. L. E. Brown, R.
T. C. Bonham, D.
Surveyor K. P. Smith, R.
John Werth, D.
Commissioner 1st District J. H. Randolph, R.
D. K. Griffin, D.
Coroner I. N. Graves, R.
Benjamin. F. Cox, D.
Representative A. H. Heber, R.
Robert E. Steele, D.
H. F. Caldwell, Union Labor.

*In September, 1888, Mr. House resigned, and R. W. Griggs was appointed to fill the unexpired term.

Probate Judge W. D. Hudson, R.
E. T. F. Thompson, D.
C. F. Cahoon, U. L.
Clerk District Court D. B. Stutsman, D.
E. B. Russell, R.
C. T. White, U. L.
County Attorney R. W. Griggs, R.
M. L. Brown, D.
J. M. Holcomb, U. L.
Superintendent N. H. Mendenhall, R.
James B. High, D.
Mary Dalgarn, U. L.
Coroner William Lake, R.
O. J. Loofbourrow, D.
Commissioner 2nd District E. D. Smith, R.
D. Barragree, D.
R. P. Cooper, U. L.
Surveyor John G. Fonda, R.
John Werth, D.
County Clerk L. E. Brown, R.
J. R. Graves, D.
Coroner William Lake, R.
Dennis Callaghan, D.
Commissioner 3rd District C. M. Plymell, *
John H. Ellis, R.
M. H. Howard.
Representative A. H. Heber, Ind.
S. M.. Bennett, Peo.
James Wilson, R.

* C. M. Plymell at the time of his election was City Clerk of the city of West Plains, which office he continued to hold after he had qualified as County Commissioner. On April 29th, 1890, L. B. Kellogg, Attorney-General, commenced proceedingsin quo warranto against Plymell in the Supreme Court. The opinion. filed In May, 1891, ousted Plymell from the office of Commisioner, for the reason that the law forbids a County Commissioner from holding any other office. The other two members of the Board, with the County Clerk, elected W. F. Newhouse to fill the vacency, Mr. Newhouse receiving two votes and E. J. Graves one vote.

Probate Judge W. D. Hudson, R.
H. F. Caldwell, Peo
County Attorney Geo. S. Selvidge Peo.
R. W. Griggs, R.
Clerk District Court D. B. Stutsman, Peo.
Minor Weightman, R.
Superintendent Mollie Dalgarn, Peo.
Carrie B. Campbell, R.
Commissioner 1st District William Beaty, Peo.
Gamaliel Rogers, Peo.
Coroner C. P. Fletcher, R.
Treasurer Len Follick, R.
R. L. Sawyer, Peo.
County Clerk J. F. Armstrong, R.
U. G. Park, Peo.
Register of Deeds Moses Black, R.
J. E. McCall, Peo.
Sheriff A. J. Byrns, R.
Geo. B. Allen, Peo.
Surveyor John Werth, Peo.
J. H. Ellis, R.
Coroner C. Button, R.
J. M. Riney, Peo.
Commissioner 2nd District Frank Lohr, R.
E. P. Boyle, Peo.
Commissioner 3rd District H. E. Hayden, Peo.
J. N. Stamper, R.
Representative James Wilson, Peo.
R. M. Painter, R.
Probate Judge Andrew Graham, R.
D. H. Bryant, Peo.
Clerk District Court F. W. Fick, R.
N. R. Bishop, Peo.
Superintendent D. P. Wysong, R.
J. A. Porterfield, Peo.
County Attorney A. T. Bodle, Jr., R.
Geo. S Selvidge, Peo.
Coroner A. Kessler, R. (to fill vacancy)
G. W. Umbarger, Peo.
Commissioner 3rd District H. E. Hayden, Peo.
Rhees Singley, R.
County Clerk J. F. Armstrong. R.
J. R. Graves, D.
Register of Deeds Belle M. Peed, D.
B. F. Stivers, R.
Sheriff S. D. Adams, D.
Richard Buis, R.
Treasurer Geo. W. Wiley, R.
J. C. McLean, D.
E. J. Graves, Peo.
Surveyor John Werth, D.
J. H. Ellis, R.
Coroner A. Kessler, R.
Commissioner 1st District William Beaty, D.
John B. Innis, R.
Representative R. M. Painter, R.
S. N. Butts, People's Party.
Clerk District Court F. W. Fick, R.
H. G. Marshall, P. P.
Probate Judge Andrew Graham, R.
X. B. Sawyer, P. P.
County Attorney F. M. Davis, P. P.
A. T. Bodle, Jr., R.
Superintendent Jennie Kessler, R.
Commissioner 2nd District B. H. Cordes, P. P.
Benjamin White, R.

*There were three tickets—Republican, Democratic, and People's Party. The same candidates were nominated by the Democrats and the Peple's Party in 1895, and the same in 1894 except that the People's Party had a different candidate for County Treasurer.

Treasurer Geo W. Wiley, R.
F. G. Hamilton, D.
County Clerk E. F. Rieman, R.,
J. F. Armstrong, D.
Register of Deeds Belle M. Peed, D.
Carrie B. Campbell, R.
Sheriff S. D. Adams, D.
Geo. W. Potter, R.
Surveyor John Werth, R.
Oliver Norman, D.
Coroner C. Button, D.
Commissioner 3rd District H. E. Hayden, D.
E. N. Sharp, R.
Representative John Wehrle, D.
R. M. Painter, R.
Probate Judge Andrew Graham, R.
X. B. Sawyer, D.
Clerk District Court Effie Coon, R.
Etna Dalgarn, D.
County Attorney A. T. Bodle, Sr., R.
Geo. B. Allen, D.
Superintendent Jennie Kessler, R.
Commissioner 1st District John B. Innis, R.
Jacob Heape, D.
County Clerk E F. Rieman, R.
S. D. Adams, D.
Treasurer Geo. B. Cones, R.
D. B. Stutsman, D.
Sheriff F. C. Judd, D.
A. J. Byrns, R.
Register of Deeds Nettie Bonham, R.
Belle M. Peed, D.

* There were three tickets in the field—Republican, Democratic, and Populist, but the nominees of the Democratic and Populist Parties were the same.

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