Return to Volume 1 Index. Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
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Some names appear more than one time in the same listing. The letter(s) following the name indicate the regiment and how many times the name appears, and are a link to the extractions of the regiment listing.
Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Aashburn, Barnett A
Abbott, Joel B. H
Abbott, Stewart I
Abernathy, John J. C, New C
Abernathy, William New C
Abernathy, William D. C
Ables, James B
Ackerson, John I, I
Acord, Harrison C, I
Adair, Charles S. K, K
Adair, Major B
Adams, Aaron I, I, New C
Adams, Cyrenius M. K
Adams, John D, D, D
Adamson, Valentine V. Field & Staff
Ainsworth, James H. G, New D
Ainsworth, Robert G, New D
Ainsworth, William T. G, G
Akers, Homer T. C, C
Akin, Joseph G. E, E
Albright, James I, New C
Alcorn, Joshua B, B
Alden, Byron E, E
Aliff, Thomas J. A, A, A
Allee, William D
Allen, Pleasant L
Allen, Robert G
Allen, Thomas H. A
Allison, James W. F, H
Anderson, Alexander B. D, D
Anderson, Amasa A. K
Anderson, Thomas D
Anderson, William C. F, New D
Andes, Henry L
Angel, James M. L
Angus, James A
Archer, Charles A. A, A, A
Armstrong, Andrew J. K
Armstrong, James E
Armstrong, James E. L
Arnold, Alexander C. I, I
Arnold, John J. B
Arnold, Perrine I, I
Atchison, Walter I, I, New C
Atherton, William D
Atwell, Robert H. F, New D
Atwood, Caleb T. B, B
Austin, Elizur B. B
Axton, John C
Axton, John I
Ayers, Byron P. I, K
Babbitt, Marion A. I
Bacha, Philip I
Bacon, Charles E. E
Badger, John C. D
Baggs, Francis H. D
Bailey, Cloyd C
Bailey, John I
Bailey, John C. Non-Commissioned, Non-Commissioned, E
Bailey, Joshua B. I, I
Bailey, Lloyd G, G
Baird, John P. E, E, E
Bairth, Andrew K
Baker, Ephraim W. L, L
Ball, William F. G, G
Ballance, Joseph A
Ballard, Daivd E. H, H
Ballard, John W. A
Ballard, Thomas H. A
Barber, Moses H. Non-Commissioned, G, I, I
Barker, Edgar A. C, C, C, New C
Barker, Frank B. K
Barnes, Lewis M. B
Barnes, Robert P. B, B
Barstow, John G. H, H
Bartlett, Samuel E, E, L
Bartlett, William G
Basey, Peter G, New D
Basinger, Nathan G
Bassett, James F, F
Bassett, Owen A. Field & Staff
Bates, Edward C, C
Bates, Isaac I, New C
Bates, William J. C, C
Bauer, Frederick H, L
Bawcum, William R. D
beates, Gurden E. E
Beck, William C
Beckes, William I, New C
Begimralt, Joseph D
Beigert, David C
Beldon, Lucius A. G
Bell, Henry C. C, C, C
Bell, John G, I, L, L
Bell, William G, New D
Bell, William Bell New D
Bennett, Andrew J. C, C
Benson, Ezra C, New C
Berkley, Luther R. C
Berkley, Melville D. C
Berkley, Samuel D, D
Berry, Charles E. Non-Commissioned, E
Berry, Samuel E
Bertwell, William H. D
Best, Socrates T. A, B
Bevins, William C
Bickel, Albert C, New C
Bicking, Albert F. I, I
Biddle, Joseph D
Bigert, David New C
Bisbey, Charles E. K
Bisbey, Charles F. K
Bishop, Cyrus W. E
Bishop, Gottlieb I, New C
Bittman, Valentine F
Black, Thomas B
Blackford, John C. H
Blackhoof, Thomas G, New D
Blackwell, Ambrose L, L
Blackwell, James L, L
Blackwell, John H. L
Blair, Charles W. Field & Staff
Blakeslee, Charles E. F, New D
Blanton, Edward E. I
Bledsoe, Joseph H. H
Blizard, William A, I, New C
Blocker, James H. H
Bluejacket, George G, New D
Blunt, Andrew N. I
Bly, Jacob D, D
Bockover, Jacob L. A
Bockover, John A. A
Bockover, Stephen M. A
Bolling, James H. I
Booth, Edward K
Border, Peter I
Borgman, John H
Boston, Kinion D, D
Bousfield, John C. G, G, G
Boutwell, William H. F, F
Bowen, Mathew C
Bowers, John H. G, I
Bowman, John H, H
Boyce, Artemas W. L
Boyce, Artemus W. H, H
Boyd, Marcus E, L
Boyer, John W. F, New D
Boyles, Elias G
Boyles, James G
Boyles, Squire G
Boyles, Wesley G
Bracelin, Thomas G
Brammer, Henry H, H
Brasee, Henry W. I, New C
Brashier, Allen L
Brashier, Henry L, L, L
Bratton, Alexander M. E
Brewer, William E. I
Briggs, George H
Briggts, George L
Briles, Jesse G
Brock, Nathan A. B, B
Bronson, Ira D. K
Brooks, John E. D
Brothers, Terrill L
Brothers, William R. L
Brown, Cyrus M. F, F, New D, New D, New D
Brown, Edward G. C
Brown, James W. F, F, New D, New D
Brown, John L
Brown, Levi B
Brown, Randolph G. F, F, New D
Brown, William E. L
Browning, Bartlett F. I, I, I
Brownlee, Addison M. I, New C
Brumley, Joseph L
Brundage, David S. A
Bryan, James S. F
Bryson, Andrew J. G, New D
Bulis, Ruggles S. H, H, H
Bulis, Tunis H
Bunton, Daniel C. H
Burch, Abraham S. A
Burdlow, Mitchell E, L
Burke, John I, I, I
Burks, John R. C, C, New C
Burnaugh, Thomas B. H, L
Burns, Robert C. I
Burris, Daniel H
Burrois, Augustus E
Burton, Jesse D. C
Butler, William I, New C
Buzzard, Jasper K
Buzzard, Jonathan K, K
Buzzard, Simeon K
Caddenbach, Joseph G, New D
Caldwell, Joseph A. B, B
Callahan, Cornelius D, D, D
Callen, Samuel G
Callen, Samuel M. G
Callus, Henry L
Cameron, Hugh F, F
Camp, George B
Campbell, George A. A, B
Campbell, William T. C
Cann, James I
Carlock, John D, New D, New D
Carlock, William D, New D
Carlton, James M. C, New C
Carpenter, Joseph G, New D
Carpenter, William T. G
Carr, Lewis W. D
Carr, William P. H
Carsely, Joseph H. I
Carsly, Joseph H. I
Carson, James W. H
Carter, Charles L
Carter, George G, New D
Cartwright, William H
Case, Otis K
Cash, Uriah C, C, C
Cass, Thomas M. E
Cavenah, John G
Chaffee, Elliott C
Chambers, William B. E
Chandler, Thomas C
Channel, William H. A, B
Chapman, Lorenzo A. E, E, L
Charleston, John E, L
Chase, Noble F
Chatfield, William C. H, H, H
Cheeseman, Charles H
Chesnut, William F, H, K
Chestney, Thomas H. K
Choat, Daniel M. L, L
Choat, John W. L, L, L
Clark, Enoch G, G, New D, New D
Clark, Samuel E
Clay, Thomas G
Clayton, Franklin New D, New D
Clayton, Franklin H. D, D
Clayton, John K
Cleary, Patrick C, C, New C
Clem, Ephraim D, D
Cloud, William F. Field & Staff, Field & Staff
Clymer, John B. A, I
Cogburn, Henry P. L
Cogburn, John W. L
Cohoon, William R. D
Colby, Levi W. H, H, L
Cole, Samuel E, L
Cole, Seymour G, G
Coleman, Abram F. H, L
Coleman, David R. Field & Staff
Coleman, William A. H
Collier, Benjamin F, F
Collins, Joseph H. E
Comfort, William B. E
Connelly, Josiah I
Conner, Henry H
Connor, Timothy Non-Commissioned, H, H
Conroy, Richard R. E
Consgrove, Patrick G
Cook, Albert B. K, K
Cook, Thornton I
Cooper, George G
Cooper, Peter E. H
Cooper, William K
Copp, Thomas H. K
Copple, John I, New C
Corbin, Andrew F. G, New D
Corneal, Elijah B
Corrothers, William C. C
Cory, Spencer C
Coryell, Abner E. E, E, E
Cosgrove, Patrick L
Coulter, George H, H
Cowee, Merrill New C
Cowee, Merrill E. I
Cox, Levi H. E
Coym, Nathaniel H. C, C
Cracklin, Joseph Field & Staff
Craig, Ranzel G
Craighead, John W. C
Craker, William B
Crampton, Robert S. K
Crane, Edward H, L
Crawford, Samuel J. A
Crawford, William H. H. G
Crawley, David I
Crittenden, Lewis C. K
Crittenden, Louis C. Non-Commissioned
Crook, Newton G
Cross, Samuel K. A, A, A
Crossman, Joshua G
Crossman, Williaim G
Cummings, Benjamin P. C
Cummins, Cornelius M. K
Cummins, John E, F, K, L, New D
Cunningham, Dennis E
Cunningham, John I
Curry, George W. K
Curry, John F. K
Curry, Thomas E
Curtiss, James W. E
Curtiss, Jefferson I
Daggett, Fortinatus G
Daily, Martin K
Daniels, Absalom G, New D
Darby, John W. H
Darnall, Abijah I, New C
Davergne, John C
Davidson, Joseph G, New D
Davis, Andrew W. C, C, F
Davis, George C, I
Davis, James H. C, New C
Davis, James W. D
Davis, John C
Dawson, Stephen W. E, E, E
Dayser, William New C
Dean, Marcellus D. G, New D
Dean, Thomas J. D, D, D
Dean, Wayne G
DeBaum, William S. F
Decker, Moses G
Deeney, William J. New C
Delany, John C
DeLesdernier, Wm. J. P. Non-Commissioned, A, A, B
Delong, Charles W. D, New D
Dennitt, James C. F, New D
Dennitt, Squire F, F
Depler, David K
DePrieste, Green A. C, New C
Depue, Jabeze B. B
Deshane, Eli G, New D
Deshane, Henry G, New D
DeVeau, Andrew K, K
Devoe, Clark S. H, H, H
Deweese, John H. D
DeWolf, Edward P. F, New D
Dexter, John B. D
Dickson, Horace M. B
Dickson, James A, B
Dillback, Joshua G
Dillon, Isaac G
Dimon, Charles I, I
Doane, Newman J. I
Dolan, John D
Dolen, Edward I
Donahoe, Arthur A, K, K
Donaldson, John F, H
Donovan, Albert H, L
Dooley, Henry D
Dooley, James C. D, D
Dooley, John B. D, G
Doran, William E, L
Doryland, John E, E
Doty, William B. F, New D
Dougherty, Moses G
Douthwait, William F
Dower, John G, G
Downer, James P. C
Downs, Andrew M. L, L, L
Downs, Francis M. L
Downs, James F. L, L
Drake, Henry F. F, New D
Drennan, William E. A
Drummer, George E. F, F
Duff, James C, C
Dunbar, Jacob S. H
Duncan, John F
Dunlap, Theodore H. F, F, F, New D, New D, New D
Durant, William W. F
Duval, Bailey C
Duval, William C, New C
Easter, Samuel B. F, K, New D
Eckengren, Charles W. H, L, L
Eckhart, David A, A,B
Eddy, George W. F, New D
Edgar, John F. B
Edgar, Joshua M. B
Edgarton, Charles B. I, I
Edie, John S. K
Edwards, Jospeh A. C
Edwards, Marshall H. B
Edwards, William P. E
Eggleston, Allison H. E, L
Eldridge, Luther M. G, G, G, G
Eldridge, Thomas B. Field & Staff
Elliot, Leonard H. New C
Elliott, Leonard H. I
Ellis, Daniel D
Ellit, Abram B. D, D
Ellit, Whitfield D, D
Embrec, Thomas B. F
Embry, Abel C. L, L
Emmerson, Edward C. C
English, Alexander D
Enright, Morris Field & Staff, I, I, I
Estep, Ivy L
Estep, Rody I, I
Evans, James B. F, H
Evans, Nathan R. A, B
Evans, William B
Everett, Josiah A. I, New C
Ewbank, John S. E
Ewbanks, William Y. A
Eytinge, Henry S. F, I
Fahnestock, Orrin F
Fahnestock, Orrin S. F, F
Falkner, Frank C
Farmer, John Q. C, C, C
Farmer, John R. C
Faucett, Crawford D, New D, New D
Faucett, John F. H, L
Faucett, Samuel M. K
Faulds, George H
Favors, William H. B
Fellman, Louis C
Fenton, Henry E
Fenton, John W. Non-Commissioned, I
Ferguson, Reuben D, D
Fields, Isaac A
Fields, Jacob A
Finnister, Henry F, K
Fisher, Robert F
Fisher, Robert H. B, B
Fisher, Seth H. B, B
Fisk, Julius G. Field & Staff
Flanders, Albert H
Flint, Daniel G
Flint, Joseph G, New D
Flood, Alfred I
Focht, Martin A, B
Foltz, Martin L. I, I, I, New C
Foreman, Samuel D
Foster, Columbus K
Foster, Daniel B. H, L
Foster, John L
Foster, Leander L
Fowler, Charles F
Frank, Thomas C
Freeman, Calvin H. I, I, I
Freeman, Christopher H. L
Freeman, John K. G
French, James C. F, F
Frost, John W. I, L, New C
Frost, Joseph W. I, L, New C
Frost, Thomas R. I, L, New C
Fuller, Herman J. B. G. F
Fuller, Jay F, G, H
Fulton, William C. E
Gadbury, Joel W. G
Gage, John G
Gallagher, Felix F
Gallagy, John D
Gallagy, Thomas D
Gardine, Jules E, E, E
Gardner, John E, E, E
Gardner, William C, New C
Garrett, John I, New C
Garshing, George D
Gear, Robert F
Gere, John N. G, G
Gibbons, Robert K
Gibbons, Robert B. K
Gibbons, William C. K
Gibbs, Gilbert C. H, L
Gibson, Jeremiah C. L, L
Gibson, Marion C
Gibson, William G
Gifford, Sylvanus D, D
Gilmore, John C, C, C
Gilson, James J. D, D
Gilson, Samuel C, C, K, K
Gist, John L
Gist, Thomas L, L
Gittaims, John C
Glancey, John C. E, E
Glanville, William R. B
Glass, Henry O. L
Godley, Walter N. K, K
Gooch, James A. A, A
Good, John D
Goodman, Jesse K, K, K
Goodner, Henry S. L, L, L
Goodrich, Elizur T. Field & Staff
Goodwin, Elijah G, G, New D, New D
Goodwin, Isaac G, New D
Goodwin, William I
Gorham, Henry D. H, H
Gorisch, George D
Gorton, Cyrus L. Field & Staff
Gould, John H. K
Goulding, John F, H
Graham, Alexander A
Graham, Benjamin F. B
Graham, Christ C. C
Graham, Henry H. D
Graham, Joseph A, B
Graham, Lewis W. I, New C
Graham, William A. I, I, I, New C
Graham, William H. New C, New C
Grany, Daniel E
Grasmuck, Francis A, B
Grason, Samuel New D
Gray, John E
Greer, Lorenzo D. C
Grice, Henry R. G
Grico, Henry R. G
Griffin, Albert D. K, K, K
Griffith, Columbus I, New C
Grober, Reinholt A, B
Gugler, Gotlieb C
Gugler, Gottleib C, New C
Gunther, Arthur H, H
Gwin, Thomas S. M. G, G
Gynes, Absalom L
Haas, George A
Hahn, James A. B
Hale, William I, I
Halford, Joseph B
Hall, Henry L. G
Hall, John R. G, New D
Hall, Robert Non-Commissioned
Hall, Wiley P. B, B
Hall, William E. I
Hamblin, Alonzo K, K
Hamblin, George W. F, F
Hamilton, Alexander A
Hammelman, Jacob G, H
Hammer, Louis G, G
Hammond, Peter Non-Commissioned, F
Hampton, Robert C
Hand, Thomas J. K
Hankers, Roland I, I
Hanna, Andrew J. E, G, G, G
Hanna, George W. G, G
Hanna, Robert O. E, G
Hardy, Stephen L. K
Harmon, John G
Harper, George W. F
Harper, Marion E, E
Harris, Dionysius G, K
Harris, John Jr. C
Harris, John M. K
Harris, Pembrook G, K
Harris, Robert H
Harrison, Abel C. L
Harrison, John G. K
Harrison, Samuel C. C
Hartwell, George F. F
Harvey, Charles A. F
Hastings, Janett M. I, L, New C
Hastings, Robert C. I, New C
Hayes, Edmund C. C, C
Hayes, Horace I
Heath, Ivon D. Non-Commissioned, H
Heberling, Sylvanus I, I, New C
Heidel, George C, C,C
Heidel, Gerge New C
Heim, Peter C, G, K
Helton, John I
Helton, John F. D, New C, New D
Henderson, Joseph I, I, I
Hendry, John W. F, H, H
Henning, Albert C, C, New C
Henry, James W. F
Henry, John W. L
Henry, William L
Henslee, James B. L, L
Hensley, Larkin F. A
Henson, David A. B, B
Henson, Francis M. L, L
Herman, John K, K
Herman, Valentine K
Herriman, Frank H. K
Herrington, Oliver H. H, H
Herron, William B. C
Hester, James H. D
Hewins, Edwin M. F, F, F, New D, New D
Hewitt, John Y. Non-Commissioned, A, A, A, A, A
Hiatt, Henry H. H
Hiatt, John W. H
Hiatt, Jonathan G. A
Hiatt, Stewart T. A
Hickey, Thomas C, I
Hickox, Isaac C. C
Hickox, William M. C
Hicks, Benjamin A
Hicks, Benjamin W. I, I, I
Hicks, Ira A
Hicks, Solomon F
Hicks, Wallace W. C, New C
Higley, Charles Non-Commissioned, E, G
Hildebrant, Henry B. E, E
Hill, Charles S. Non-Commissioned
Hill, James A
Hill, John H. D, D
Hilliard, Franklin C
Hills, Charles S. I
Hiner, Herbert H. A
Hiner, John P. A, A
Hinkle, Jasper N. B, B
Hinkley, Edwin C. F
Hinkley, Edwin E. New D
Hinojos, Jose L
Hirsch, Henry H
Hllhouse, David I
Hodge, Oliver B
Holland, John N. C, C, New C
Holland, Joshua D
Holley, William S. L
Holliday, Duncan K
Holloway, Thomas L. H, H
Holmes, Andrew R. B, B
Holmes, Michael K
Hook, William M. C
Hooper, Ebenezer C
Hoover, Samuel L. D, New D
Hopkins, Alfred B. C, C, C, C, C
Hopkins, Henry Field & Staff
Horrigan, Morris C, C, F
Horton, Samuel F, F, K
Hoskins, Patterson L. I
Houston, Robert L. K
Houston, Samuel Non-Commissioned, Non-Commissioned, Non-Commissioned, Non-Commissioned, F
Houston, William L. K, K, K
Howard, Jesse H
Hubbard, David C
Huff, Benjamin G. D
Huff, Eli A, B
Huff, Richard J. D
Huff, Willis D
Hughes, John H, H
Hughes, Monroe L
Humes, John W. H
Humes, Samuel H
Hunt, Alonzo I
Hunt, Robert L
Hunt, Robert H. I
Hunter, Almon F, F, F, New D, New D
Hunter, William F, F
Huntoon, Loudon F, New D
Hurd, James E. A
Hutchison, Joseph G, G, L
Hyde, John P. A
Hyder, Allen B
Hyland, David C, I
Ingles, John G, New D
Isbell, Henry L. Field & Staff, Non-Commissioned, K, New C
Isbell, John C. K
Isely, Christian H. F, F
Jacobs, Ferdinanad B. H
Jacobs, Nathaniel P. Jr. Non-Commissioned, K
James, Henry I, New C
James, William D
Jarrell, Sanford D. E, E, E
Jarvis, Thomas F
Jenkins, Charles E, L
Jenkins, Edward W. F, New D
Jenks, Henry S. C, C, C, C, C
Jenning, William I
Jerdon, Henry C. New C
Jerdon, Henry C. I
Jillson, Frederick E. F
Job, Williaim L
Johnson, Edward E
Johnson, Horace H. E, E
Johnson, John F
Johnson, Justin J. E, L
Johnson, Thomas B
Johnson, Wallace H. E, L
Johnson, William C. K
Johnston, George W. L. A
Johnston, John Field & Staff, A, A
Jones, John A. C, New C
Jones, Theodore E
Jones, William M. G, New D
Jordan, William C
Jorden, Samuel B
Jordon, William C
Kaiserman, Samuel G, I
Kayser, William I
Keeney, William J. C
Keffer, John L
Keffer, Joseph I, New C
Keister, Frank H, H
Kelihan, Michael B
Kellogg, Nathaniel H. F
Kellough, Eridus M. E. H
Kelly, Henry C. I
Kelsey, Austin H. K
Kenney, Thomas F
Kent, James G. G, G
Kepler, Philip K
Kern, William C. G, G, G
Ketchum, Jackson G, New D
Keys, John W. C
Killgore, Merriman B
Kimball, Charles O. E
King, Luther C. E, L
Kingman, Lucius D, New D
Kinney, Daniel I, New C
Kirkpatrick, Elijah C, L
Kirley, Owen D, G, K
Kise, George W. A, B
Knight, Frank A, B
Knight, Immer L. G, G
Knight, William H. H. E, G, G
Kolster, Haen C
Kout, Jacob D
Krumm, Wendelin F, H
Lacey, George W. I
LaCroste, Joseph E
Lamasney, Richard New D
Lancaster, William A. D, New D
Landers, William E
Landsdown, Richmond E. H
Landsdown, Richm'nd E. L
Lanker, Eli G
Larkin, John C
Larrison, George W. D
Lasmasney, Richard G
Latake, Ferdinand New C
Lathan, Frederick W. New D
Lathau, Frederick W. F
Latzke, Ferdinand C
Lawrence, Frank D
Lawrence, Lewis G, New D
Lawrence, Thomas I
Lawson, Ansel B
Leach, Thomas J. G, New D
Ledgewood, James C, New C
Lee, James G. F, New D
Lee, John A. D, F, New D
Lee, Nathaniel E. E, E
Lemming, Daniel G, G
Leonard, George L. M. New D
Leonard, Joseph I
Leondard, George M. L. F
Lewellen, Joseph G, I
Lewellen, William I,New C
Lewis, Charles E
Liggins, John S. C
Lindsley, John E
LInes, Edward C. D. C, C, K
Littell, John N. L
Lockard, Martin W. D
Logan, Darius L
Logston, Dorrity F, New D
Long, Abraham B
Long, Daniel K
Long, David D
Long, Eli E
Long, Lewis K
Longnecker, James F
Longstrauz, Benjamin E
Loomis, William C. I
Loomis, William W. A, G, I
Looper, Jeremiah C. L
Lovelette, Augustus T. E
Lovell, Adfer E. H, H, H
Lovellette, Augustus T. E
Lowe, John C
Lowe, Thomas B
Lowry, Melvin I, I
Loyd, Andrew J. D, D
Luckey, Joseph W. K
Lucky, Joseph W. K
Luke, Augustus F, H
Lummis, Charles E. K
Lummis, Robert P. K
Lusadder, Daniel D
Luster, Jackson C
Lynn, Benjamin D, D
Lynn, John D
Lyon, Daniel W. A, A, A, B
Lyon, Marion F, New D, New D
Mahoney, James G
Malott, Milton B,B
Maltzberger, Michael C, C
Manning, Edwin C. H, H
Manter, Roland S. H. I
Martin, Hezekiah M. K
Martin, James I
Martin, James N. F, H
Martin, John F
Martin, Thomas C
Martine, Manuel I
Mason, Albert P. K, K, K
Mason, Charles M. K, K
Matthews, Austin W. G, G
Matthews, Hiram W. D, D
Matthews, John B. G, K
Maxwell, Robert M. I, New C
Mayberry, Scott H, K
Mayes, Henry C. G, New D, New D
McAuliff, John F
McBride, Samuel F, New D
McCabe, Peter F
McCann, John C, F, I
McCathron, John G. C, C, F, F
McCauley, William I, New C
McCleane, George K, K
McClellan, Andrew S. K, K, K
McClemy, William I
McClerny, William New C
McCollum, Thomas C
McConnell, James H. E, L, H
McConnell, John E, L
McCormick, Edward F, F, F, F, New D, New D, New D
McCune, William C
McDaniel, Levi F, New D
McDougal, Benjamin G
McDougal, John G, G
McDowell, William S. I
McDowell, Wm. S. I
McFadden, Samuel S. A
McFadden, Thompson M. A
McFarland, Edward S. E
McFarland, Oliver J. G, New D
McGinley, George G, G
McIninch, William H. G, New D
McIntyre, George G, New D
McIntyre, Marion C. G, New D
McKay, Lawrence C
McKinney, Abraham Non-Commissioned, E,E
McKinzee, John I
McLain, Michael K
McLaughlin, John Q. A, A, B
McLees, Mark I
McMaster, John F, New D
McNeal, William J. G
McNickle, James K
McNulty, Joseph H, H, H
McTeer, William B
Mecker, Jeptha D
Meeker, Charles W. I
Meeker, George D
Meeker, Jeptha D
Melton, William A. I, I, New C
Melvin, Lowry New C
Mentor, Joseph D
Mentzer, John M. K, K, K, K
Mercer, William M. H, H
Mershon, James H. L, L, L, L
Meyers, Michael A
Meyers, Michael A
Middlebusher, William H. New D
Middlebusher, Wm. H. D
Miller, Andrew E. D, D
Miller, Benjamin B. A
Miller, John A. E
Miller, John O. L
Miller, Levi A. L
Miller, Philip R. L
Miller, Samuel B
Miller, Williami B
Milliman, Jacob A. C, C, New C
Milton, Clinton H
Mitchell, Barnett B. K, K
Mitchell, John C. H
Mitchell, Presley L, L
Mitchell, Robert B. Field & Staff
Mitchell, William D. K
Mitchell, William N. F
Mite, Patrick D
Moffitt, John Non-Commissioned, K, K
Monroe, George E
Moody, John C
Moon, Francis F
Moor, Harvey B, B
Moor, John A. C. B, B
Moor, John R. L
Moore, Amaziah D, D, D
Moore, Asa I, I
Moore, Henry I
Moore, Henry P. D
Moore, Horace L. D, D, D
Moore, James A
Morgan, George W. F, F, F, F, New D
Morgan, Samuel F, H
Morris, Abner I, New C
Morris, Newton H. A
Morris, Preston A
Morris, Samuel A
Morris, William H. E, E
Morris, Wright A
Morrisey, John F
Morrison, Ralph G
Morrow, Farmer G
Morton, George H, L
Morton, Jesse L. G, G
Moses, George F. Non-Commissioned
Mott, Nathan W. B, B, New C
Moyes, Charles E
Moyes, Henry E
Mudler, John A. C, New C
Murphy, John E
Musgraves, Francis M. L
Myers, Charles B. A, B
Myers, George I
Myers, John F, H
Nail, Fox T. L, L
Nance, James M. C, C, C
Nance, John V. C, C
Nance, Levi C, New C
Nance, William S. C
Nauman, Edward H. H
Neal, Henry A
Neff, Orange M. L, L
Neil, George I, I, New C
Nelson, Henry D
Nelson, Peter G
Nelson, Thomas J. L
Nelson, William F
Nevis, William B, B
Newcomb, John R. L
Newell, Alexander L
Newell, Lauren F, F, F, New D, New D
Newton, Daniel C. H
Newton, Thomas R. D
Nichols, Amos I, I
Nichols, Joseph L, L
Nichols, Nichols New C
Noland, William H. D
Noll, Englehardt F, H
Noonan, Timothy F
Nordin, Hampton W. A, B
Northum, Allen K. C, New C
Nugent, Henry A, A
Nye, Ephraim A, A, A, B
Nye, Ephriam A
Nye, John C. I, I, I
O Neill, Joseph H. New D
O'Brien, Charles C
O'Brien, Miles I
O'Neil, James S. I, I
O'Neill, Joseph H. F, F, F, New D
O'Neill, William F, F, New D
Ober, Charles F
Odlin, Woodbridge E, E, E
Ogan, Jacob E
Olinger, David G. D, D, D
Osborn, David F
Osborn, James B. L
Osborn, Vincent B. A
Osmer, William F, New D
Overton, Thompson K
Page, Mattison H
Page, Robert C. L
Page, William H, H, H
Page, William M. L
Palmer, Samuel S. L
Palmer, Seth E. A. K
Palmer, Timothy B. K
Palmer, Timothy R. K
Palmer, William O. F
Paris, William J. C
Parish, Samuel B. K, K
Parish, William J. New C
Parker, James G, New D
Parks, David A. F
Parks, John H, L
Parmer, Allen I, I, I, New C
Parsons, George W. K
Parsons, William B. Field & Staff, C, C
Pate, Boley D
Pate, Edward M. L, L
Pate, William G. D
Pate, William H. L
Patterson, John I, New C
Paul, William A
Payne, Albert L. A
Payton, Alfred D, New D
Peak, William J. C
Pearce, Lorenzo B
Pearce, Samuel B
Pearson, Charles B. F, F
Pearson, James R. I, I
Peck, Amos H, H, H
Peck, Theodore I
Peden, Andrew Mc. L
Peden, John B. L
Pelky, Peter E, E
penegar, William C
Penny, John W. K, K, K
Perine, Delos W. K
Perrine, Delos W. K
Pershing, Erastus W. A
Pershing, William G, New D
Peterson, Charles E<, E, L
Pherson, Robert N. F
Phillips, William P. B, F, F
Pickering, William D, New D
Pierce, Jacob J. E
Pierce, Jeremiah S. H, L
Pillow, George W. C, New C
Pinegar, William New C
Plummer, John I, New C
Plummer, Levantine I, I, New C
Poindexter, Richard B
Poland, John H. B
Pomeroy, James M. Field & Staff
Poor, Henry W. H
Pope, Jasper K
Porter, Allen N. L
Porter, Franklin D. C, C
Porter, John C. H, L
Porter, John E. L
Poston, Charles W. A, B
Potter, George F
Potts, Benton E, E
Potts, John F
Potvine, Israel E
Powers, James E
Prather, Albert H, L
Pratt, John Field & Staff
Praun, Joseph H
Praun, Theodore H, H
Press, George K
Preuss, John F, F, New D
Price, Berry D
Price, Charles P. D
Pritchard, Aaron B
Provost, Thomas F, New D
Pugh, James H. B
Quigley, James G
Quin, Hugh A
Quinn, Hugh A
Rabenstorf, John H
Racine, John R. E, L
Ragland, Thomas J. F, New D
Ragsdale, Christopher C. B
Rains, William J. G, G
Ramsay, John W. A
Rankin, John K. H
Ranviett, Peter E
Ravilett, Mitchell E, E
Ravilett, Peter E
Ray, Jacob S. I, I
Read, Arthur M. K, K, K
Rechow, Theodore B
Redman, John L, L, L
Reed, Gabriel M. A, G, I
Reeds, Gabriel M. New C
Reese, George W. D, D, D, D, F
Reese, Hiram C, I
Reese, John L. D
Reeves, James B
Reid, Charles C. H, L
Reinterio, Yrinco C
Reister, John D. C, I
Remiatte, Louis Non-Commissioned, Non-Commissioned
Remiatto, Louis E
Remy, Jasper N. D
Renix, John G, New D
Resbaugh, Philip G, K
Resbaugh, Phillip D
Reynolds, Charles Field & Staff
Reynolds, Francis M. H
Reynolds, Henry K
Reynolds, James F. L
Reynolds, James T. H
Rhoe, Thomas J. D
Richardson, Stephen G, G, New D, New D
Richmond, Levi G, New D, New D
Ricker, David A
Ridgell, Richard C
Riggs, Joseph S. F, New D
Riley, James F
Riley, Terrance C
Riley, Terrence I
Ringer, Joseph G, I
Rivard, Joseph C
Rixon, John H, L
Roach, Michael C
Robb, Andrew I
Roberts, John G
Robinson, John W. Field & Staff
Robinson, Neal C. E
Robinson, Rufus B
Rochester, James C
Rockwood, Lewis A, G
Roden, Joseph J. C, New C
Rodgers, John New D
Rodgers, Lewis F
Rodgers, Thomas W. F, H, H
Rodman, James M. C, C
Rogers, John G
Rogers, Joseph I
Rogers, Lewis New D
Rogers, Patrick H. B
Rogers, Thomas G
Rogers, William F. B
Roller, Cass K
Romine, Ezra A, A, A, A, B
Root, Joseph P. Field & Staff
Root, William H
Rosa, John S. E, E
Rose, Bazil L
Rose, John A. L
Rosenberger, Antone F
Ross, Charles F, F, New D, New D, New D, New D
Ross, Edward I, I, I, I, New C
Rosson, James L
Roughton, Thomas R. L
Rowan, John B
Rowan, William B
Ruben, Ferdinand C
Rubin, Ferdinanad New C
Ruckman, Luke B
Rusk, John M. G
Russell, Avra P. K, K
Russell, James M. F, F, F
Rust, Henry J. D, D
Rust, John S. D, D, D
Ryan, Mathew H
Ryan, Matthew F
Sabin, Joshua F
Sadberry, William T. K
Saddler, John A
Sailsgiver, William D
Salsburry, Albert A
Sample, Josiah A, A, H
Sanders, Franklin W. D, New D
Sanger, Joseph F,F, H, H
Sarber, John N. K
Sauger, Joseph H
Sawyer, Richard G
Sawyer, William I, I, I, I
Sawyers, Richard A
Sawyers, Thomas J. D, D
Schroeder, Albert F
Schroeder, William F
Schuyler, Nicholas J. B. F
Schuyler, Nicholas T. B. F, H, H
Searle, John Q. C. Non-Commissioned
Sears, Jonathan D
Season, Zebediah W. I
Sehldon, Charles P. I
Selig, Charles F
Selig, Henry W. F
Sellers, Edward G. W. K
Sellers, Nathaniel S. K
Selly, Richard B. D, D, Non-Commissioned
Serles, John I, New C
Sewell, William J. C
Shafer, Elias C, New C
Shannon, Henry S. A, A,A
Shannon, Richard I
Sharkey, Thomas I
Shaughnessey, Edmond C
Shaw, Francis E. D, D, New D, New D
Shearer, James N. D
Shearer, William J. D
Sheek, James I, New C
Sheldon, Charles P. G
Skelton, Joseph N. C
Sherrer, Daniel K, K
Shipley, Daniel F
Shoemaker, Solomon C. K
Shorey, Stephen M. I
Shunks, Samuel F. F
Simmons, Charles G, New D
Simmons, Edward F. F, New D
Simon, William A
Simons, William A
Simpson, George W. G
Sinclair, Frank F
Skelton, Joseph N. New C
Slattery, Charles F
Slaughter, Matthew H, L
Slighter, Jeremiah E
Slinkard, Henry T. I, New C
Sloan, John G
Smart, James H. K, K
Smidth, Henry E, E
Smith, Charles K, K
Smith, Daniel F
Smith, Harvey A. I
Smith, Henry S. L
Smith, James E
Smith, James L. H, H, L, L
Smith, John W. G
Smith, McDaniel G
Smith, Michael L
Smith, Peter C, G
Smith, Reuben B
Smith, Robert D
Smith, Theophilus A, A
Smith, Thoeophilus B
Smith, Thomas F. L, L
Smith, Thomas J. B, B, B
Smith, William F
Smith, William H. I, I
Smith, William L. L
Smothers, James B, B
Snook, John S. A
Snook, Silas A
Snyder, Jesse J. D
Sorrells, Andrew J. L
Sorrells, William A. B
Sparks, John W. D
Spellman, Michael G
Spencer, George W. A, A
Spencer, William P. H
St. Matthews, George W. C, C, New C
Staatz, William C, C
Stabler, George W. D, D, D, D, New C, New C
Stacey, James A. L
Stacey, William L
Stacy, William L
Stahl, Francis M. I, I, New C
Stailey, Martin V. B. A
Stanwood, William H. H. A
Stauffer, Peter A
Stephens, John L
Stephenson, James W. D
Stern, Michael A, A, B
Stevens, John H
Stewart, Henry L
Stewart, Henry A. C, I
Stewart, John W. L
Stockton, Thomas I
Stone, Lyon B. I, New C
Stout, John Jr. C
Stout, Levi H. E
Stover, Elias S. B, E, E
Stow, William P. B
Stowell, Abishai A, A, A, A, A, B
Strange, Thomas F
Straw, Philander W. E, G, G, G, New D
Stroud, Marion F. B
Stubblefield, William C
Studebaker, William C. A
Studibaker, William C. G
Suaill, William H
Sullivan, Daniel C, G, New D
Sullivan, Francis M. I
Sullivan, Maurice E
Summers, Isaac N. Non-Commissioned, C, C
Summers, John W. E
Swartwood, Jacob E
Tappy, Madison J. G
Tate, Franklin G
Tate, Samuel G, G
Taylor, Amos C, C
Taylor, John M. H, L
Tenbrook, James B. A
Tennis, John F, New D
Terry, James L
Terry, John W. A
Test, Edward B. G, New D
Test, John B. G
Thompson, Benjamin B. G, G
Thompson, Daniel W. G, G, G
Thompson, James K
Thompson, John M. E
Thompson, John S. D, D
Thompson, Marion C
Thompson, Thomas L. K
Thompson, William H. B
Thorn, Rufus F. F, H
Thornhill, Asbury D
Thorp, George W. F, New D
Thurston, Lewis R. I, I
Tidwell, James G
Timoney, John C
Tippie, Hathaway D. I, New C
Tippie, Philip S. I, New C
Tipton, Marion D
Titsworth, Reubin C. L
Todd, Thomas N. G
Tolbert, William O. B
Tomas, Frank C
Tomson, Joseph V. I
Tooey, Thomas K
Toole, Asa I
Tozier, Charles W. E, E
Tramble, Charles C
Transue, Silas H
Tripp, Merritt E
Trotter, William D, New D
Troxel, Mathias C
Truskett, John O. B, B
Tucker, Henry G
Tucker, Reuben D. D
Tupper, Madison G
Turner, Benjamin A. A, A, B, G
Tuxburry, Jesse E
Tuxson, John G, G, G
Tyre, Maston E. B
Tyrell, Isaac A
Tyrrell, Isaac N. I
Umstead, Van Renslaer D
Underwood, George K. B
Underwood, George R. B
Underwood, James A. D
Van Geuder, Alexander Non-Commissioned
Van Horn, John C, C
Vanderlip, William New C, I
Vanderpool, John B
Vangender, Alexander H, H
Vangeuder, Alexander F
Vanhoorhies, James New D
Vanhorn, William I, New C
Vanornem, Melville W. Non-Commissioned, A, A
VanVoorhies, John D
Vermillion, Samuel I, New C
Vess, William B. A
Vickery, Harden I, New C
Vogel, John H, H, H, L
Voyles, Jacob L
Voyles, John L
Wagner, Charles F, H
Wait, Joseph L. D
Walbridge, Jerome E, E
Walbright, John F, H
Waldo, George I
Walker, Edward S. H, H, H
Walker, Franklin D, D, New D
Walker, James F. A
Walker, William H. I
Wall, Patrick P. I
Wallace, Robert G
Waller, Squire J. G, G, G
Walton, Carey I
Walton, Cary New C
Wanless, John A. C, C
Ward, Jonathan I, I, New C
Ward, Peter C
Wardecker, Samuel J. D
Warren, James H. F, New D
Waters, Andrew S. F, New D
Watson, Andrew J. C
Watson, Delos G
Watson, John W. D, D
Watts, John H. B, B
Watts, Robert D. B, I, New C
Watts, Samuel B
Watts, Samuel J. G, G
Watts, William B
Waugh, Gideon M. G, G
Weatherby, Martin W. E
Weatherby, William E
Webster, Robert J. C, C
Weider, George W. I, I
Weidner, George W. New C
Weil, Henry H, L
Weinheimer, Valentine A
Weir, Benjamin F. B
Welch, John F
Welch, William I
West, William W. Non-Commissioned
Weston, Phineas E. E, E, L, L
Weyand, Dennis R. B
Wherle, Frederick I
White, Frank G, G, New D, New D
White, Ivey H
White, Robert D, D
Whiteday, Henry G, New D
Whitmore, Alexander G, New D
Whittenhall, Daniel S. C
Whittington, John B
Widener, William H. F, New D
Wike, Alexander I
Wilcox, Herman A
Wiliams, John W. F
Willaims, Thomas S. K
Willey, Henry I
Willey, James A. H, L
Williams, Charles T. A, A
Williams, Clarence J. Field & Staff, I, I, I
Williams, David A. H
Williams, Elias E
Williams, Henry A. L, L
Williams, John K
Williams, John W. New D
Williams, Samuel A. I
Williams, Thomas B
Williams, Thomas M. I, New C
Williams, Thomas S. K, K
Williamson, Adrain New C
Williamson, Adrian I
Williamson, Lamar I
Wills, William T. D
Wilson, Edward A, A
Wilson, George F. G, G, I
Wilson, James L. A, A
Wilson, John C. C, New C
Wilson, Martin C
Wilson, William B, I
Winklepleck, Samuel A, A, B
Winney, Claudius P. E, E
Wise, John I
Wise, Philip C, I
Wittenberg, Arnold H
Wood, George B. Field & Staff
Wood, Henry K
Wood, Luther H. Field & Staff
Woodbury, Nathan I
Woodruff, Willard H
Woolard, Henry M. B, B
Wooster, William H. E
Worcester, Sylvander New D
Worcester, Sylvender F
Wright, Freeman E
Wright, James M. F
Wright, John F. K
Wright, Morris Non-Commissioned, A, A,A
Wyatt, Isaac N. C, New C
Wyckoff, George W. E
Wyckoff, Joseph E, E
Wylie, Samuel G. D
Wymore, Abraham D
Wymore, Cornelius S. D
Wymore, Martin D
Wymore, William D
Yelkin, Riner G
Yingling, Lee F
Young, Enos K. I
Young, George A. D
Zalpf, Henry F
Zeilor, George J. D
Zinn, James W. H, L
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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