Joe Hall (jhall@pvestates.org) 5 October 2009
I am trying
to find information on my grandfather, Joseph Henry HALL or Henry Joseph HALL.
He once lived in Rosalia, Kansas where he owned a bar and raised two kids,
Joseph Allen HALL (my father) and Josephine HALL (my aunt). He was also in the
cavalry and had the rank of Captain.
Sharon Bone
(jgrogan44@sbcglobal.net) 22 September 2009
I have information and am looking
for information on Josie THOMPSON (McCANN). Born in Walnut, Cowley County,
Kansas, raised in Seligman, Missouri the daughter of Al & Alice McCANN (YOUNT).
The history book of Seligman mentions that Great Aunt Josie is buried in El
Dorado, Kansas. I would like more info, Spouse and children's names if possible,
thank you.
Terry Brown
(tbmk1@verizon.net) 18 August 2009
I am looking for others who are
descendants of these family names.
Vern Stanton
(verns@att.net) 14 July 2009
Occupation and death information for Frank H.
Linda Collins (oldretcop@consolidated.net) 20 June 2009
Looking for a death date for Henry DIGMAN and wife Mary (STARKS) DIGMAN . Also a
burial location; They are supposed to have died in/near El Dorado after 1900 and
before 1910
Lyle Kallenbach (lrkalle@sunflower.com) 27 May 2009
These brother and sisters were all born at Potwin, Kansas; Maude (MEAD) THOMAS,
Joseph MEAD Jr., Frances M. (MEAD) WILSON, Mattie (MEAD) ULLUM, and Lillian A.
(MEAD) ECKHARD to Joseph MEAD Sr. and Harriet MEAD. Please supply birth dates,
death dates and cemetery location if available.
Jim Foose
(jimfoose@eatel.net) 26 May 2009
The following family lived on Anita Street
in Potwin Ks. between 1958 and 1965. James D., was employed at Vickers Refinery
until the economy became stale and forced a transfer to another area of the
James D. FOOSE
James A. FOOSE
Patricia P. FOOSE
Marshall R. FOOSE
William I. FOOSE
Marilyn Dorr
(marilyn_george@surewest.net) 26 May 2009
Any information on Peter and
Elizabeth TELYEA. I have info from El Dorado City Directory; date, place of
death and burial; Copy of Civil War Pension record. I'd like any 'personal'
information - like: church affiliation, information on any of their children,
etc. Thank you for your help.
William Peter (wpeter@charter.net)
20 May 2009
I am looking for information about the Simon Jesse PETER family
who homesteaded in Butler County in 1873. Their homestead was 25 miles south and
slightly west of El Dorado, near the little villages (schools) of Bryant and
Brownlow. I have in my possession a book written by one of the 13 children in
that family, and have been given the right to share it with archivists and
Aaron Hill (mrmayor@hotmail.com) 2 May 2009
I am
looking for Owen HILL and any relatives. What follows is from the 1880 census:
Owen HILL Self W Male W 58 OH Farmer NJ NJ
Source Information:
Place Rosalia, Butler, Kansas
Family History Library Film 1254375
NA Film
Number T9-0375
Page Number 188B
James Pirtle
(jim.pirtle@tx.rr.com) 25 April 2009
PIRTLE's settled in Butler County ca
1870-1880 Walnut Grove area. Elisha died ca 1900-1914 George W. PIRTLE, Prospect
Twn. 1881-1884 buried in old Parker (Economy) Cemetery ,East of El Dorado-
Settled the old Arnold Farm 160 acres.
George W. PIRTLE
John Meade PIRTLE
Larry Hardesty
(ebony51@frontiernet.net) 29 March 2009
Looking for information on JONES
family that came from Aledo, Illinois in the 1870s and settled in Butler County,
Kansas. Some moved to Noble County, Oklahoma in 1890. Names include: Isaac
JONES, age 54 in 1900 in Union Township; JONES, John C., White Male, age 38 in
1880; JONES, Benjamin, White Male, age 30 in 1880; Alonzo A. JONES, White Male,
age 29 in 1880 in Logan Township; James JONES, age 27 in 1880 in Little Walnut
Township; Also interested in Will ALLEN age 53, male, white, born in Illinois,
living in Butler County, Logan Township in 1920; and the Henry Marshall COTTON
Family of Butler County.
Dave Henry (jdavh@sbcglobal.net) 23
March 2009
Any information on the following would be appreciated.
Hannah A. HENRY
John William HENRY
Ralph E.
Mable A. HENRY
Jack Evert HENRY
Roger Kent HENRY
Treva Demarle
Jack David HENRY
Kerry Dean HENRY
Keith Hart (owlhart@verizon.net) 15 March 2009
Looking for death and burial
information for Ellen REED. Probably died in Butler County between 1925-1930.
Ellen lived with her daughter Clara MAGILL. Clara in 1925 State Census in
Fairmount, 1930 census in Pleasant.
Jacquelyn Johnson
(jacquelynwjohnson@prodigy.net) 24 February 2009
I am seeking the parents of
HUFF, Kenneth Edward, B-4 Dec 1921 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Also,
the parents of HAZELETT, Violet, B-1/29/1902 in Ed Dorado, Butler County,
Eric Butts (ericbutts@yahoo.com) 18 February 2009
Looking for any information about ancestors in Butler County. My father (Harold
BUTTS) lived in Leon, Kansas as a child.
Eric Brown
(eltrbrown@yahoo.com) 10 February 2009
I am interested in any information on
the family of Ira and Lillian SMALLEY who came to Kansas in the late 1800's.
Thank you.
Ron Foster (foster@axept.com) 19
January 2009
I am looking for a marriage record: William A. LEGATE to Maggie
RICHARDSON, July 9, 1886, Butler County, Kansas
Chriestenson (bchriest@sbcglobal.net) 18 January 2009
Am searching for
BOYER/KING family information on Ellen Eliz. & Sylvester KING. Have family
information on BOYERs.
ellenb7580@aol.com 15 December
I am trying to find out if Mary K RIEF who died Feb 7,1899 and her
father Siefert or Sievert RIEF who died Feb 7,1922 in Butler County KS are
buried in cemetery there. From what I can read in our newspaper there is no
indication they were brought here but a Mary K's name, date of death and age
were on a family marker that was in a cemetery in Pennington County, it no
longer can be seen but it was seen. It has been widely believed that Siefert was
also brought here to be buried with his wife and four children who all died here
in the 1890's. I am putting up a cemetery on findagrave and I want to know if
they really were buried here. Can someone help me with this?
Jean Cloke (gjcloke@msn.com) 22 November 2008
Trying to
find out where Rebecca MORGAN 1st wife of Jacob T. ROBINSON is buried. They were
in the census in 1880 in Douglas Township, Butler County, Kansas. By Aug. 9,
1888 Jacob was in Newton County, Arkansas marrying Martha Jane BETHANY. Very
little is known about Rebecca other than her family gave Jacob a hard time about
their 3 children after her death. The ROBINSON family says that is why he left
Kansas and went to Arkansas where his family was living. I would like to have
some info about her if anyone has any.
Dwight Palas
(dwightpalas@aol.com) 28 October 2008
I am looking for information on Leland
A SCHUCH and wife Frances E SCHUCH, who were living in Butler county, Kansas in
1930, in the town of Augusta. Leland is said to have divorced Frances and put
her in a mental institution. They had a son and a daughter. The surname
sometimes was misspelled as SCHUCK. Leland died December 20, 1952 and is buried
near Del Norte, Colorado where he was born. His father was Philip SCHUCH Jr.
Frances died July 1976 in Cowley County, Kansas.
Shirley Whitmore
(shirleyroot2@yahoo.com) 29 September 2008
Looking for information on John
Benjamin KING, also known as J. B. KING, or Benjamine KING who migrated to the
El Dorado area in the mid-1800's and remained there until his death in the early
1900's. John Benjamin owned a grocery store in El Dorado as early as 1900, maybe
before. His known children were John B., Marion, Mary, Henry, Minnie and Willie
(William). John was born in Louisiana. All information appreciated.
Brett Morgan (bpmorgan@verizon.net) 14 August 2008
correspondence with anyone researching or having info re: James Goodwin MORGAN
(1819-1892) of Clifford Township or descendants.
Vickie Glover
(vglover776@comcast.net) 8 August 2008
Guy Noyes GIBSON lived at 121 N
Central, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. His draft card (hard to read) states
he was b 1885, Dec 30. He was married to Nan (Beulah Leonna). It states he was a
jeweler for a L G???? He must have worked out of his home because business
address is his home. The family lore that he boarded a train and was never heard
from again, probably robbed and murdered. Can you tell me the name of the
jeweler and if there is any newspaper articles about Guy GIBSON?
Patricia Leibham (pl_genealogy@tx.rr.com) 12
July 2008
Researching David Newton BROADBENT, who was born 1865 in Allen
County, Kansas to David & Malinda (WHITE) BROADBENT. He married Mary (MARSHALL)
METZNER 1913 in Nowata, Oklahoma. They had five children: Leonard, Henry, Helen,
Edward & Eugene. He moved to El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas before 1930. He
died there in 1955 and is buried in Sunset Lawns Cemetery.
Marvin Pippig (mopippig@yahoo.com) 18 June 2008
I am having trouble to locate
my Great-Grandfather. His name is John or Johann PIPPIG. His wife name was
Dorothea (HEITZENRIDER) PIPPIG. John came to Kansas, Butler County in 1875. John
died on June 14, 1914, but I can't find out where he is buried at. I have a obit
for him but it dose not say anything can you help me or give me some advice to
try next. I am willing to pay for any information that you can find out for me.
If you need more information please let me know.
Hinkle (dhkL2006@aol.com) 8 June 2008
Am seeking info on Julia McDANIEL and
Maudie/Audie McDANIEL. We believe they died in Butler County between 1884 and
1889. Julia was wife to Charles G. McDANIEL. Maudie was born in about 1882.
Neither arrived in Arkansas in 1900. Family history says that they had died.
Cindy Dickinson (cmdickinson@cox.net)
married Maude Mae ____ on 23 Nov 1926 in Eldorado, Butler County, KS according
to their divorce record. I'm trying to find their marriage record to verify her
maiden name.
Cindy Dickinson (cmdickiinson@cox.net) 5 June
Olan John BOOKOUT married Maude Mae ____ on 23 Nov 1926 in Eldorado,
Butler Co., KS according to their divorce record. I'm trying to find their
marriage record to verify her maiden name.
Ramona Pekarek
(pekarekr@ties2.net) 2 June 2008
I am a descendent of Lars Eric and Anna
Charlotta JANSSON/JOHNSON/LARSON. I am not sure if Lars is referred to as a
LARSON, since his name in Swedish records is Lars Eric JANSSON, but my
Grandfather said his father changed his name to LARSON when he immigrated to the
U.S. I find him and his wife in other U.S. records as Lars and Charlotte
Lars and Charlotte (JANSSON) apparently settled with their daughter Gustafva Charlotta, whose married name was WALLENSTROM, in the Salina KS area, probably about a mile north, according to my grandfather's journal. He is buried in Rosalia Cemetery.
Here is my family information:
Eric JANSSON (Johnson/Larson)
b. 30 Jun 1830
Bo Parish, Orebro, Sweden
d. 1907 Salina KS bur. Rosalia
m. 9 Apr 1854 Bo Parish, Orebro, Sweden Anna
Charlotta Pehrsdotter b. 16 Oct 1831 Bo Parish, Orebro, Sweden d. 27 Jan 1920
bur. where?
Hillhead SD
BIRTHS to Lars and Charlotte: Bo Parish Orebro
Axel Ludvig 30 Jul 1854
m. Hannah
***Gustafva Charlotta 27 Nov
d. 11 Mar 1917 Salina KS
Johan Victor 8 Jan
Sofia 15 May 1860
d. 5 Oct 1939
Lake Norden SD
m. Axel W.
Emilia Augusta 25 Mar 1862
Elin Wilhelmina 26 Dec 1864
d. 28
Aug 1913 (murdered)
Faith (Bixby?) SD
m. ___ FOX (died before 1913)
Adolfina 6 Jul 1867
*Carl Henning 4 Mar 1873 (my grandfather)
d. 13 Mar
1949 Brookings SD
Alma Susanna 24 Sep 1875
Susan Doores (sgd@montana.com) 1 June 2008
Seek burial
information/location for Anna Maria (PIKE) DOORES b. April 1868 KS and died 1917
MO; buried at El Dorado, Butler County Kansas.
Pat Klum
(pakorrwk@verizon.net) 25 May 2008
Do any of the following names appear in
your history?
SHAW, William W.
SHAW, Isaac
SHAW, Knowles/Noel
SHAW, Elizabeth
SHAW, Mary
They are all siblings except for Mary
who is their mother. Their birth years range from 1829-1841, approximately. Many
thanks for your help.
Bob Jones (bjones92119@yahoo.com) 29 April
I am looking for the marriage record for Orland Johns HULL and Josephine
Emma HULL of Rose Hill between 1905 and 1909. She is listed with her parents W.
A. and Martha Cutting on the 1905 Federal Census. They were married in Rose Hill
and continued to live there until 1925. His father and mother Lewis Byram HULL
and Lide HULL settled in the Eightmile Creek area in the 1870s and are buried in
the Douglass Cemetery. I would be interested also in any obit or other record of
Lide's death in 1929. Her true name was Emily Eliza (SINCLAIR) HULL. Any help
would be appreciated.
Marilyn Pickering (wnpick@msn.com) 15
April 2008
In 1930 census he was with the Railroad. Parents Edward M.
Would appreciate any help you might
be able to give me. Thank you
James Lord
(jamestlord@charter.net) 27 March 2008
William Thomas Hobbs, born 1887 in
Texas, He died 1944 in Kansas, He married Sarah Ellen Stockton, she was born
1889 in Oklahoma, She died 1961 in Kansas. Researching Family.
Liz Juhala-Borders (lizziev6@yahoo.com) 19 March 2008
Looking for cemeteries
in the Butler County, Eldorado, Kansas area for Henry Martin Collins and family.
Bonnie McDermid (bonmcd@frii.com) 24 February 2008
Charles W.
FAIR was my Great-Grandfather. He was married to Sarah ?? and had three
daughters (Ada, Lucy & Geneva). In the 1920 census he is living in El Dorado,
Butler County, Kansas with wife and two daughters, Lucy and Geneva. The census
also shows an infant girl whom Geneva is listed as the mother of. CW was born in
MO in 1856. In the late 1890's they were in Arkansas and then show on census
records as living in Caldwell, Kansas through 1910+. Sarah shows on the
California 1930 census living with Geneva and husband George STROUD in
California and is listed as a widow. Did CW die in El Dorado and if so, where is
he buried? Thank you for your help.
Ruth Brown
(gerrybrown1@aol.com) 19 February 2008
Needing information regarding the
prairie fire that killed the two WIGGINS children buried in the Adams Family
Cemetery, Potwin, Kansas. The names and dates on the stones are Frank and James,
year of death for both is listed 1880 on the cemetery listing. However, the book
by Elsie Higdon Smith, "Potwin Christian Church - a History" indicated the
children were named Frankie and Elsie and that they died in 1868. Amy Adams gave
an interview to the local paper regarding the Adams Family Cemetery and she
indicated that the children were named Jimmie and Elsie and that they died in
1898. Their parents are Horace WIGGINS and Elizabeth Jane (PITZER) WIGGINS . Any
information about this family and the correct dates of death would be greatly
Ann O'Hara (ann@rahughes.com) 13 February 2008
I'm am trying to find out more about My Great,Great,may, Great Aunt Zella LAMB.
I know that she was Kansas' first female elected official and that she was a
teacher but in her retirement, she lived amongst the Navaho Indians and I'd love
to find out more about that Thank You.
Cindy Morgan
(gritgal@aol.com) 6 February 2008
My Great-Great-Grandparents, Melvina
THURSTON and William HOUSLEY were married in El Dorado on April 24, 1892. Can
you find a marriage license or anything on them? I know he died very young. Any
information would be wonderful! Thank you very much for your time.
Jim Cook (jimc1942@cox.net) 13 January 2008
The 1880 census puts Isaac and
wife Chaidy E., as living in Pleasant, Butler County, Kansas. This would be my
Great-Great-Grandfather. Any information appreciated on either Isaac or Chaidy
Carol Courtwright
(ccourtwright@apl.kscoxmail.com) 31 December 2007
Supposedly County Clerk in
Nov. 1894 and Augusta Justice of the Peace in 1876.
James Lord
(jamestlord@charter.net) 14 November 2007
William Ray Billy Hobbs, born 1924,
El Dorado, Kansas. He died July 1960? Seeking Family Information.
bbhunt10@juno.com 27 November 2007
Looking for the marriage
of Mary FORGY sometime between 1900 and 1910 to J E HOLMES. Any hints will be
Evalyn Barrett
(scoobydoo12301@yahoo.com) 12 November 2007
I'm looking for these names for
I'm trying to do a family tree. On the HOGOBOOM and the TALKINGTON and the
FAUNCE surnames, my Grandma was a HOGOBOOM and my Grandpa is a FAUNCE and my Dad
is a TALKINGTON. I'm trying to find as much info as I can Thank you very much.
Robin Yonash (ryonash@foothill.net) 12 November 2007
grandfather, Frank H. TULL, worked at Crow & Sutton in El Dorado, Butler County,
in 1916. I can't find anything about this company on the web. Can anyone tell me
what business they were in and any history of the firm? Thank you!
Kathleen Erickson (kathye67042@sbcglobal.net) 29 October 2007
Would like
information on Wm. F. OBERST, born 1883, died 1928 in Butler County.
Particularly interested in brothers/sisters/cousins.
Nancy Ross
(nlwross@hotmail.com) 27 October 2007
Looking for information on descendants
of DeLafayette WELTY, born Tuscarawas, Ohio, living in Butler in 1880. He had
sons James and Isaac. Isaac was in Chelsea, Butler county in 1910 with children:
Constance?, Quin?, Charlie, Nellie, James and Loid?. Would like to exchange
Robert Thurman (bobpeg85@att.net) 24 October 2007
Seeking information on death of my great grandmother Mary Jane FOSTER who died
in 1876. Does the County Clerk office have records of deaths at that time?
Lloyd Robinson (lrobinson1@cox.net) 19 October 2007
I would
like copies of obituaries for both Charles F. BENFER and Marjorie (STAATS)
BENFER and anything relating to their children, Carala and Gail Marie. Both
lived in El Dorado most their lives. Charles died 24 Jun 1991 and Marjorie died
Aug 1972. Marjorie was my cousin.
Peggy Villanueva
(pjvillanueva@cox.net) 15 October 2007
I am looking for an obituary for
Maggie Leona MOORE who died Sept 1991 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.
Jeff Herbert (jeff.herbert@ae.ge.com) 1 October 2007
I am
looking for the death date (from an obit or cemetery record) for Lydia M. POSTON
(nee MORRIS). She was born Aug. 1861 in Indiana, and was married to William
POSTON. They both were living in Richland Twp., Butler County, Kansas in 1930,
and died shortly after that.
Ellen Vandiver
(thomashvandiver@bellsouth.net) 3 September 2007
This is not a query. I'm
looking for some way to put a note in the Butler Co. Ks website for persons
interested in the above surnames to look at the genealogy I've put on the
My maiden name is SINGLETON, and my dad, Robert Henry
SINGLETON, deceased has sisters (mostly now deceased) and relatives from the El
Dorado, Kansas area. There may be some of my cousins looking for genealogy.
I have put some family photos and obituaries, as well as two old letters on
the website Lincoln Co., KY Gen Web. Look under "photos".
Also, in WorldConnect I have posted a GEDCOm file on Rhodom Ball which includes the Singleton and Ball family from Missouri and Kansas.
James Herbert (musmaestro@aol.com) 24 August 2007
My great grandfather, John
Cory (HARBERT) HERBERT , b. 22 June 1833 in Indiana, was a resident of Prospect,
Butler County, Kansas from about 1880 until late 1880's when he moved to
Columbus, Kansas with his wife, Frances Caroline (WHEELEN) HERBERT . He died in
Columbus 22 June 1891. His wife died in Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1911 where she
is buried. They had 12 children and the following 9 are listed on the 1880
Census as living in Prospect:
Mary Elsie - b: 14 September 1853, Indiana
John William - b: 7 April 1860, Iowa
Henry Everett - b: 8 Nov 1861, Iowa &
wife, Orissa E. (Ripley) b: 1873, New York
Parcus Cory (Rev.) - b: 30 Mar
1863, Iowa & wife, Thresette b. 1861, Pennsylvania
Mahlon Brown - b: 26 Oct
1866, Iowa
* Oliver Marion - b: 25 Mar 1868, Iowa
* Frances Cora - b: 16
Apr 1870, Iowa
* George Wheelen - b: 9 Aug 1874, Missouri
* indicates both
1880 and 1885 census - John Cory HERBERT and Frances were on both census as well
Other children not on 1880 or 1885 census list for Prospect were:
Phebe Jane - b: 1864, Iowa d: 1879, Prospect, Kansas?
Rosa Pearl - b: 1872, Iowa d: 1873, Iowa ?
Laura Malissa - b: 1876, Prospect, Kansas? d. 1879,
I have received some obit information on John Cory HERBERT as well as other information on Oliver Marion HERBERT from Cherokee County Genealogical-Historical Society as to their time in Columbus.
Paul Bramble (pdbramble@aol.com) 19 August 2007
Looking for information /
obituary on my great-grandparents, Fred and Frances BRAMBLE. They lived in Oil
Hill, Butler County Kansas, and died on or around the fifth of January, 1949
(apparent murder - suicide).
Iona Rivers Mackey
(iona479@aol.com) 15 August 2007
I'm looking for information on John RIVERS,
Iona (MILTON) RIVERS and Frederick (Fred) RIVERS who lived in Whitewater and/or
Furley Kansas, circa 1900-1940.
Peggy Edwards
(virginiaindian@yahoo.com) 31 July 2007
I am seeking information about
ancestors who were in Butler Co in 1880, in Bloomington, Hiram Young & wife
Marilda A. (JAMES) YOUNG. They had 3 daughters and 1 son listed on the census.
They were all from Ohio, and they may have left Butler for Texas after 1880. Any
information about them in Butler County, Kansas would be appreciated.
Phillip Sharp (phil.sharp@sbcglobal.net) 29 July 2007
I am trying to
research my family beginning with Joseph SHARP, who came to Butler County in
1870, married and had 12 children, two of whom were Ray (my Grandfather) & John.
Joseph resided in El Dorado.
Barbara Kenyon
(bjkenyon@gcinet.net) 15 July 2007
I am trying to find who Rhoda KENYON
married. She was b. Dec 19, 1899 in Butler Co to Benjamin Franklin (Frank)
KENYON and Elmina White KENYON . I last find her in the 1915 Kansas State census
in Bloomington Township at the age of 15. Can anyone help me?
William Phillips (slowpoke46@yahoo.com) 8 July 2007
Lemuel Oscar
PHILIPS/PHILLIPS lived in Benton, Butler Co. KS in 1952. He was in an auto
accident where he died and his wife Jessie was seriously hurt. I was told it was
Feb.,1952. Any info about him would be great to get.
Sutton (dsutton@bainbridge.net) 4 July 2007
Does anyone know of record (s) of
Winfred BUSKIRK, who served as Butler County Surveyor around 1890-1910.
Joan Derry (mdmama2841@aol.com) 4 July 2007
Researching HARY
(Harry) REZZER and family members. Recorded in the 1 Mar 1895 KS State Census
for Augusta, Butler County. Thank you.
Lee Ann Langston
(stepspres@suddenlink.net) 1 July 2007
Looking for information about James
CARR family (supposedly listed in 1900 census); wife--Louisa. Thank you! Would
love to know other family members names, ages, birthplaces, etc.
Nancy Jackson (wv32@verizon.net) 1 July 2007
Need a marriage for J.P. or
James K. P. Jackson to a Hariett T. ?. Found them in the Bruno, Butler Co.
Census in 1880. May have been there in 1875 census-can't read her initials.
Betty Bowen (aunthoppy@yahoo.com) 15 June 2007
looking for information regarding Johnathan Henderson of Butler County and his
wife Duranda J. Potter also of Butler County. They were married November 16,
Delores Davis
(deedavis34@comcast.net) 5 June 2007
Is there anyone looking for a
combination of the above names? Please contact me.
Helen Boydston (hboydston1@sbcglobal.net) 4 June 2007
Richard FAIRLEY and his
wife Mary (COCHRAN) FAIRLEY lived in Butler Co, KS. Richard died in Leavenworth
Kansas in 1903 (he was incarcerated in Ft Leavenworth in the 1900 census, but
Mary was in Butler Co, KS), and Mary was still in Butler Co, KS in the 1910
census with several of her children. When did Mary die and where is she buried??
Also who did her children marry?? Thank you for any help!!!
Helen Boydston (hboydston1@sbcglobal.net) 30 May
Interested in knowing the cemetery and dates of death for Richard
FARLEY/FAIRLEY (b. Apr 1835 in Ohio, d. after 1900) and his wife Mary A. Cochran
FARLEY/FAIRLEY (b. Abt 1850 in IL, d. after 1910 in Butler Co, KS) They had 12
children some born in Sullivan Co, MO and the younger 6 born in Butler Co, KS.
The children were:
Jackson M., b: abt 1867, d: 1872 in Missouri
M., b: abt 1868 in Missouri
William T., b: abt Apr 1870 in Missouri
Eugene, b: 18 February 1872 in Missouri
Rosa, b: abt 1874 in Missouri
Nancy E., b: abt 1876 in Missouri
Cora E., b: abt 1879 in Butler County,
Annie, b: January 1883 in Butler County, Kansas
Mattie, b: December
1886 in Butler County, Kansas
George, b: June 1888 in Butler County, Kansas
Minnie, b: Aug 1890 in Butler County, Kansas
Edna, b: Aug 1893 in Butler
County, Kansas
Richard is found in Ft. Leavenworth prison in the 1900 census
as an inmate, but Mary is still living in Butler Co, KS with her younger
Any help would be appreciated!!!
Chumley (chum523@bellsouth.net) 20 May 2007
Looking for information on any
NELSONs, descendants of Isaac NELSON and Lovina MERRITT who settled in Bruno,
Butler County by 1880. Isaac, his wife Lovina, and two sons, George W. NELSON
(1858-aft 1930) and Merritt A. NELSON (1855-aft 1930) settled in Kansas
following about 20 years in Grundy Co, Illinois. Isaac and his wife Lovina were
born in NY where son George was born in 1855, then left abt 1856-1857 for
Illinois where son Merritt was born. The son George W. NELSON married Leona May
? and they had 6 children (Stella, Earl, Winifred, Lee, Joseph and Relton) all
apparently born in Bruno.
Any information would be appreciated.
Roy Kepferle (rckepf@fuse.net) 17 May 2007
Thomas WHALEN in the
1880 census is listed in Pleasant township with wife, Margaret, and daughters.
Did they die or were buried in Butler county?
King (susanking@carolina.rr.com) 16 May 2007
Looking for any info on the
WAGGONERs, Benjamin A. and William F. who resided in Spring Township, Butler
Co., KS in at least 1880. Originally from Maryland and parents were Archibald
and Susan WAG(GO)NER.
Nancy Boland (nboland@kc.rr.com) 14 May
Benita Mae BOLAND was b. 15 Jul 1936 and d. 30 Apr 2001. Buried in Leon
Cemetery. Does anyone have information on her siblings or parents??
Geoff Bamber (geoff@bamber84.freeserve.co.uk) 9 May 2007
I am
looking for the BAMBER ancestors and in particular the connection with the
HERSHEY family in Whitewater that have descendants living to-day.
Mary Porter (mporter@c-zone.net) 30 April 2007
I am looking for an obit on my
grandfather, Charles Daniel FORBES, d: 1901. Also any information on his will.
Helen Boydston (hboydston1@sbcglobal.net) 19 April 2007
Jacob Wilson BAKER (b. 13 Feb 1864 in IA, d. 1917 in Butler Co, KS) and Susan
"Minetta" (VARNER) BAKER (b. 10 Sept 1874 in IA, d Jan 1931 in Wichita, KS)
moved to Butler Co, KS in the early 1890's. All their children were born in
Butler Co, and Jacob died in 1917 in Butler Co. and is buried in Baker Cemetery
there. I would like to know who the daughters married in Butler Co, so I could
continue to trace this family on out. The children were Ruth Amelia, b. 1893,
Ida Olive, b. 1895, Walter S., b. 7 Aug 1899, Eugene W., b. 1901, Homer Ellis,
b. 30 June 1906, Clara Ellen, b. 1910, d. 1912, Vesta M., b. 1917. Can anyone
help with info on this family???
Paula Bradley (stillwellangel@cox.net) 31 March 2007
information on any families with these surnames; WALDORF, APPLEMAN, McGOWAN,
STILLWELL, and PARKS. Especially the first four.
Richard Dalton
(richard.dalton@abbott.com) 8 March 2007
I am interested in any information
anyone might have on William DALTON, b: 1869 d: about 1935. Wife's name is Lida.
Margaret Kropf (mkropf@cox.net) 8 March 2007
someone is in the court house, could you look up and see if there is a license
for J.Q. ROCKWELL and Mary KROPF about 22 Jan 1909 (marriage date at Wellington,
KS) However, they resided in Butler Co., Chelsea area and Wellington, KS does
not have a license for them, even though they were married there. So they must
have obtained the license in another county. Since they lived in Butler Co.,
that would be my second guess. Thank you if you can.
Missman (misspow@ncn.net) 7 March 2007
I need info on Charles G. HAUPT,
supposedly buried in Clifford Township Cemetery, died Dec. 17, 1882.
Eliz Hanebury (ehanebury@aol.com) 6 March 2007
I am searching for
information about my BUCHANAN kin in Butler County and would enjoy contact from
anyone else searching for them. The start with Joseph "Warren" BUCHANAN and his
family, he died in Chelsea in 22 Mar 1891. The children I loose as they marry or
live past 1930.
Margaret Kropf
(mkropf@cox.net) 24 February 2007
Trying to find out what happened to John
William PATTON (b. 1867 Ohio) that was married to Clara Belle ELLENBERGER, abt
1894 (from abt 1884-aft 1899). They had 5 children together (he had one child,
Archie, from previous marriage to a STORKSLAYER). The seven children were:
Frank, Mabel, Helen, Clara, Harry. Helen married Arthur Henry KROPF. Mabel
married Mike McFARLAND. Clara married Bud BALCOM.
ssonshineexpress@aol.com 23 February 2007
I'm trying to find the grave of
John CRAIG (CRAIGE) Jr. He was buried in Brainerd where he died March 18,1888.
If anyone could help with any information please.
Fleta Forquer
(jforquer@arkansas.net) 12 February 2007
Any information on Moses V. McCALL
and his wife Margaret McCALL, and their family. They moved to Butler before 1920
and were in Rosalia, Kansas in 1944.
George Cousland
(chigeo1972@msn.com) 8 February 2007
Please Help me in my search for
information on the COUSLAND family. My dad's name is Everett COUSLAND born in
1906. Feel free to email me. Thanks also I am looking for some sites to search
some vital records to make sure they have info before I pay for it
Wayne Brumback (brumback@optonline.net) 31 January 2007
Interested in anything on the BRUMBACKs of Butler county and surrounding areas.
The prior two generations of my family comes from Butler county. I still have
family in El Dorado and Augusta.
Brad Reeder
(radarreeder@sbcglobal.net) 30 January 2007
I am looking for any information
on TEDROWs that lived in Butler County.
Sandra Brake
(rbrake@insightbb.com) 27 January 2007
I'm looking for DOB, DOD and cemetery
information for the William A. AIKMAN family.
Phyllis Thomas
(phylthomas@carrollsweb.com) 24 January 2007
Would like some family
information on Cyrus S. THOMAS and Lydia (FREEMAN) THOMAS who are buried in the
cemetery we know as Cumberland which is east of Gordon. They are great
Grandparents of my husband.
Larry Bright (cunaz@esedona.net) 20
January 2007
I'm looking for parental and other history for my Grandfather,
John Sylvester BRIGHT who lived in Butler County, Kansas in 1920. I'm also
trying to ascertain his heritage/race and hope that finding parentage
information will help me find what I am looking for.
Perry (perydise@tabletoptelephone.com) 12 January 2007
Looking for
information on the following family.
Descendants of Ruel OSBORN
Generation No. 1
1. RUEL2 OSBORN (NOAH1) was born Abt. 1860 in Otter Creek, Ripley Co., IN, and died 08 December 1928 in Clay, Butler Co., KS. He married MARTHA ADDALINE WHITEKER, daughter of PETER WHITEKER and ELIZABETH OSBURN. She was born 25 December 1866 in Kentucky, and died 06 September 1941 in KS.
i. NOAH FLETCHER3 OSBORN, b. 09 April 1889, MO; m. JESSE E JOHNSON; b. Abt. 1905, OK; d. 1985, KS.
ii. CARROL EVERETT OSBORN, b. 25 August 1891, Gentry Co., MO; d. 16 January 1976, Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS; m. VENUS INEZ STICE, 22 September 1915, Winfield, Cowley Co., KS; b. 13 March 1899, Bible Grove, Scotland Co., MO; d. 17 June 1979, Eureka, Greenwood Co., Kansas.
Marriage: 22 September 1915, Winfield, Cowley Co., KS
iii. MARION ELMER OSBORN, b. 29 June 1896, MO.
iv. LESLIE B OSBORN, b. Abt. 1900, MO; d. 26 January 1970, Augusta, Butler Co., KS; m. (1) GRACE E JOHNSON; b. 12 January 1907, KS; d. 28 October 1993, Benton, Butler Co., KS; m. (2) INA LUCILLE HUNGERFORD; b. 04 October 1911, Lawton, Comanche Co., OK; d. 01 January 1987, Augusta, Butler Co., KS; m. (3) VERA SARG.
OSBORN, b. 30 December 1903, KS; d. February 1966, Augusta, Butler Co., KS.
Rema Cole (rcole32@cox.net) 5 January 2007
I am looking for
information on Alberta SHOEMAKER. She married after 1930 in Butler County to
Unknown. She had a daughter named Sara Francis. Alberta is the daughter of John
Leonard (Lennie and sometimes JL) and Mertyl (Hall) SHOEMAKER. Alberta was born
about 1911 in Kansas. Any information is greatly appreciated.
Mike Morgan (morgan5057@bellsouth.net) 1 January 2007
Searching for
information on the family of William J. PEARSON who is shown on the 1880 Butler
County census. William J. PEARSON is shown as a former resident of TN along with
his wife Mary. Trying to determine the TN origins of the family and if William
could be a Confederate veteran of the First TN Regiment.
Linda Stewart (lkstew50@sbcglobal.net) 22 December 2006
Looking for
family of John Frederick SIGEL. B-7/17/1918 Greeley, Anderson, Kansas. Died
12/24/2003 in either Andover, Butler County, Kansas or Wichita, Sedgwick County,
Kansas. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.
(holfordy@aol.com) 22 November 2006
I am researching Samuel CROW and family.
Samuel lived in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas from about 1865 until he passed
away in 1918. Any help would be great.
David Woods
(woodstrave12005@yahoo.com) 21 November 2006
My Great-Grandfather was Dan
Stephen HOLLIDAY. It has been told us that he was the Sheriff there many years
ago...I am wondering if that is true if you may have a picture of him there?
Richard Dixon (rmdixon@comcast.net) 21 October 2006
I'm looking
for info on Richard Paul DIXON, Guy DIXON, and Nellie Elizabeth LYONS.
Floyd Kernes (bfkernes@aol.com) 20 October 2006
I am trying to find
birth records of my Grandmother who was born in Douglas, Kansas on 7 October
1887. Her name was Ida May WILES. Her parents were Columbus Martin WILES and
Rebecca Jane (BAILEY) WILES. I am Floyd E. Kernes and I am doing Genealogical
research on my WILES & BAILEY ancestors.
Bonnie McDermid
(bonmcd@frii.com) 17 October 2006
1920 Butler County US Census for El Dorado,
Kansas, lists Sarrah (Sarah) FAIR, Age 41 and children, Lucie (should be Ada),
Geneva and Lucy. No mention of C.W., her husband is there. Looking for info on
C.W. and Sarah, my Great-Grandparents. Sarrah shows in 1930 CA census living
with Geneva & husband George STROUD. I have CW and Sarah on the 1900 & 1910
Caldwell, Kansas census records, so wonder if CW died in El Dorado area or ?? CW
was born in Missouri approx 1856 and Sarah was born in Missouri approx 1878.
Bruce Kennedy (ckennedy3@kc.rr.com) 16 October 2006
I am
looking for any information on Charles C. (Charley) DOERFLINGER. He was born in
South Dakota Sep 18 1885 and died in El Dorado, Kansas in Nov 1973. He is the
son of Henry (Heinrich) DOERFLINGER, born in Germany and Sarah E (Unknown. He
may also be known as Carly as was shown in early census data.
Chris Stanga (jas64@tds.net) 3 October 2006
for information on the HENRY family: Andrew N. and his wife Anna; Anna May HUNT
m. Roy (Ray?) C. HENRY; their son George Nelson HENRY. Dr. N. G. JONES who
brought my Grandfather, George McClelland HUNT to Kansas and may have settled in
Butler County around 1875.
Martha Keys (martha.keys@comcast.net) 2 October 2006
Looking for information
on Matilda Ellen (JUNKEN) (WILSON) (HARVEY) CLARK (3 husbands) and her first
husband, Miles WILSON. Also her daughter-in-law, Fredonia Wedding WILSON and her
husband, John Harvey WILSON. In March 1875, Fredonia was a widow with a year-old
child and living in Augusta with her mother-in-law, who was by then married to
B. CLARK. All except Mr. CLARK came from Indiana. He died there in the county in 1887. I have seen his grave. I really would like to know when and where John Harvey WILSON died. I know what happened to Fredonia, she married a MAHAFFEY and went to live in Oklahoma.
Lynda Lee Harbour
(lmh1527@yahoo.com) 22 September 2006
I am looking for any information on
Raymond LEE or his sister Nellie LEE. I would appreciate any help that you could
Frank Crabtree (crabtree@fuse.net) 14 September 2006
Looking for burial place George Aiken CRABTREE, died 2 July 1901 Whitewater,
Kansas. Also his son, George L. CRABTREE, died 13 April 1925. Any info would be
greatly appreciated.
Cindy Thorpe
(geniehunter@hughes.net) 12 September 2006
Looking for George, Earl, Ella,
Harold, Myrtle MOORE, abt 1910. Paul MOORE, and Myrtle WHEELER.
Albie and Dot Kohanowich (albdor@sbcglobal.net) 1 September 2006
Looking for
information on William Henry FLEMING and his family, he was born around 1850.
Betty Hicks (bwhicks@worldnet.att.net) 18 July 2006
I have found
my Elbert C. HICKS, his wife, Ida M. or Maude and their son, Lynn in the 1920 &
1930 census of Butler County, Kansas. Elbert worked in the Oil Fields. I find no
further information them. Does anyone know of this family? Elbert was born in
Kentucky and Maude in Missouri. The son in Illinois where Elbert was working in
the Oil Fields in 1910.
Pearle Pruitt (ppruitt2@gmail.com)
14 July 2006
I am looking for the location of a family farm in Douglass,
Butler, Kansas as well as a family cemetery. Specifically looking for the graves
of Andrew (1832-1904), Mary (1844-1925), and Jerry (1883-1927) HARTENBOWER. Any
information you could provide or further resources, I would appreciate very
Ruth (gerrybrown1@aol.com) 13 July 2006
for descendants of Alice VANN, born 4 March 1881, Butler County, Kansas. The
daughter of James VANN and Sarah Eva ADAMS. I have a picture of Alice with two
of her daughters. Alice's married name is unknown, as well as the daughter's
names. Also desiring to know the location of where Sarah Eva ADAMS is buried.
There is a stone on the Adams farm (Potwin) with her name; however, I have been
told that this was only a memorial, and that she is not buried there. Any
information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
George Norris (stgeorge54@hughes.net) 9 July 2006
I have
been trying to track down my mother's family. According to the 1900 federal
census, her parents were both living in the Plum Grove Township, before they
were married. James Edwin RUTH was a farmhand who had moved from Ohio and was
then apparently working for Harry Parker (? the name is really indistinct). Mae
Ethel POE (listed in the census as May) was a schoolteacher living with her
mother and siblings. Mary Frances POE (nee CAVE) was apparently a widow, as her
husband Lafe POE drops out of the records between the 1880 and 1900 census
reports. In 1880 they are both living in Plum Grove, but have no children until
the next year when Mae/May was born.
Mae/May was born in Potwin, according to
the family Bible, and married James in 1903, although there is no indication
where. At some they move and in the 1920 census show up in Everett and then had
a home in Yates Center.
I would appreciate any information on the three
families when they lived in Butler County.
Thomas (glenokla59@yahoo.com) 22 June 2006
Looking for info. on Joseph,
Jeannette "Jane", George Walter, & Serena "Rena" (PARKER)COUSLAND. Joseph born
around 1816, "Jane" around 1819, George around 1865, & Rena about 1879. They
also had more children; one of which was Henry R. birth 1860 or 61. Also needing
info. on "Rena's parents which are believed to be Martin & Mary A. PARKER.
Rick Cook (rcook001@nycap.rr.com) 22 June 2006
Looking for info
on Rueben Cook of Walnut, Butler County Kansas. Originally from Petersburgh,
Rensselaer County, New York. Served with the 2nd NYS Cavalry during the Civil
War. Thank you for any info you may provide.
Ol & Ann Pearson (apears@webtv.net) 17 June 2006
Does anyone have information
of a boarding house in Augusta Kansas, Butler County about 1918 and 1920s that
was run by Charlotte (SLAYMAN) RUSSELL? She had her mother Tennessee SLAYMAN and
2 sisters living with her. Also a son Richard RUSSELL. Vera SLAYMAN attended
Augusta High School and graduated in 1928. Vera Married Oscar PEARSON and had
their first child in El Dorado Kansas, Butler Co.
Sandra Fink
(sandra.l.fink@gte.net) 13 June 2006
I am told there was a newspaper article
on a truck accident involving Walter Rex NALL dating probably Sept. 3, 1967 in
El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. I am trying to obtain this article if anyone
can help me I would appreciate it.
Debbi Collins
(collinsbnd@mchsi.com) 10 June 2006
I know my Great-Grandfather lived in
Butler County - I have information he married there. Please send any information
you have on Charles VALENTINE or Barbara CLARK - Peter CLARK and Mary (DUNN)
CLARK were her parents - I believe they lived there also - thank you!
Suzie Daniel (junkmeister1@yahoo.com) 3 June 2006
for family of Joseph DANIEL b. 1837 in Indiana or brother, Bartlett DANIEL born
1855 in Illinois. Bartlett was found in Kansas on 1880 census Joseph in 1900.
Dayle Baker (daylebaker@comcast.net) 16 May 2006
1880 census
Towanda, Butler, Kansas re: Zeno Baker age 49 born Ohio I am searching for a
Zenas Baker same age and birth place.
Betty Hicks
(bwhicks@worldnet.att.net) 11 May 2006
The family of John F. BAILEY and his
wife, Phoebe Ann (DAVIDSON) BAILEY had settled in Butler County by 1880. It
seems John and his wife, were running a boarding house in the City of Augusta in
1880. Their grown son, William and his wife, Mary E., were living on a farm in
Clay Township, Butler County. I lost them by the 1900 census. My connection is
the DAVIDSON line. Love to make connection with this BAILEY family's
Jim Moore (j.h.moore@comcast.net) 11
May 2006
Mary (FERGUSON) OLINGER death 1881, Butler County, Kansas. Lived
with Julia A. (OLINGER) SPANGLER. Looking for parents of Mary (FERGUSON)
Laura Daniels (laurad@cebridge.net) 3 May 2006
Proctor DANIELS, born September 18, 1885 in Butler County, Kansas to John and
Sallie (PROCTOR) DANIELS. Does anyone have anything on this?
Sue Waterman (waterman67@adelphia.net) 30 April 2006
I'm seeking the family
of a Conrad STEEBER who was in the 1880 federal census in Butler County, Kansas.
Trying to determine if this is the same Conrad STEEBER who married Nancy
WATERMAN in 1862 in Washington County, Ohio. I have no info on them following
their marriage.
Jim & Vicki
Cooper (gidyupgo@century.net) 25 April 2006
El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas
William Robert PARSCAL married to Claretta (CHASTAIN) (JUNKINS) PARSCALl.
William died 1951 Claretta died 1981 I live in Oregon and doing genealogy. These
were my grandparents. If anyone wants to connect and share information...would
love to hear from you.
Janet Downing (m.w.downing@att.net)
24 April 2006
I am looking for the parents and siblings of Dorothy E.
CARMICHAEL born December 16, 1929 in Butler County, Kansas.
Shirley Dreaden (rdreaden@mlec.net) 21 April 2006
I recently read about a
Wilcox school in Butler County that existed in the early 1900's. I was wondering
if it still existed and who established it. My WILCOX relatives came from East
Tennessee and settled in Emporia, Kansas. My Great-Great-Uncle was Major
Christopher Columbus WILCOX who married Martha BURROWS. I was wondering if
perhaps his children or grandchildren established the school in Butler County.
Major C. C. WILCOX was a Union Officer and considered a hero of the Civil War
with his capture of General John Hunt Morgan in Greeneville, Tennessee.
Bruce Matson (bwmatson@yahoo.com) 20 April 2006
I would like to
find burial information for John E. CRUMBLISS who supposedly died in Butler
County, Kansas in 2004. Would be pleased to trade CRUMBLISS information with
other researchers.
Barb McMahon (yrlessbs@aol.com) 18 April 2006
Looking for obit on J.W. Rank or any other info.
Burl Abraham (burldabraham@hotmail.com) 17 April 2006
I have much information
on the ABRAHAM/METCALFE families I am willing to share. These ABRAHAMS came from
Virginia 1700's to Illinois 1843 to Butler County Kansas 1893 to date.
DiAnna Lee (qasdrs@earthlink.net) 31 March 2006
I am looking for
probate records, obituary or death records of James G. or Adaline BLUE. They
lived in Butler County, Kansas in the 1880 census. They do not appear in the
1900 census, but their son, Herbert does. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
David Rich (david_rich65@hotmail.com) 26 March 2006
Looking for Edwin A. RICH and Betty SCOTT. Both born in El Dorado, Kansas; Edwin
in 1877, Betty in 1880. Looking for birth and ancestry info.
Sue Haslett (pmhaslett@carrollsweb.com) 17 March 2006
These are my Great-Great-Grandfathers on my mothers side. I was wondering if you
can give me some information on them. My mothers name was Mary Elizabeth THOMAS,
and her fathers name was Lewis Clifford POWELL.
Cornel Gleason (biolab2@verizon.net) 9 March 2006
Looking for the Marriage
Certificate for Alexander Elick GLEASON and Jennetta (Jenny) THOMPSON, married 9
Apr 1884 in Butler, Kansas.
Yvonne Nimmo
(ynimmo@hotmail.com) 2 March 2006
Searching for descendents of these two
families who lived in the area in the early 1900s and found in the 1920 census.
Christine NIMMO married a HOLLON.
Natalie Nye
(fxygrniiz@aol.com) 23 February 2006
I am looking for the parents of Amanda
M. SMITH. She married Charles E. HIGGINS, Oct 24, 1875 in Butler, KS.
Cathy Wright (mcycgal@yahoo.com) 18 February 2006
Any info would
be great.
kennecou@aol.com 9 February 2006
Do you have
the census for Butler County, Kansas in the 1800-1890s? We are looking for the
name, John Phillip DETALENTE.
Michael Sweek
(sweekfamily@cox.net) 8 February 2006
Looking for information on Allen Thomas
SWEEK. family
Mike Baker (galahav@yahoo.com) 27 January 2006
My father was born in El Dorado in 1927. I think in October. His name was Frank
BAKER. That's all I know, would like to find other relatives etc.
Bonnie McDermid (bonmcd@frii.com) 27 January 2006
FAIR, C. W. & Sarah E.
(Children: Ada, Geneva and Lucy). Ada was my maternal grandmother. Am seeking
information on the family and location of burial sites for C. W. and Sarah. The
1920 census lists them in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. They moved there
from the Caldwell, Kansas area (1920 Census). Ada married Harry W. VanDORIEN and
had eight children. They lived in Caldwell for a time, and then in Norwich,
Kansas. Geneva married George STROUD and moved to California. The 1930 Census
for Los Angeles area shows Sarah living there with Geneva and family. Did C. W.
die in El Dorado and she moved to California or? I have been unable to find info
on Lucy. Thank you for your help with my search.
Brenda Royse
(royse2@bellsouth.net) 26 January 2006
Very interested in finding out any
information on a Henry LYKINS that lived in Butler County, Kansas as shows up in
the 1920 Federal Census.
Chriestenson (bchriest@sbcglobal.net) 26 January 2006
Would like to find
living family members of Phebe Ann (BOYER) KING & Ellen Elizabeth (BOYER) KING.
Both were married to brothers, Wesley & Sylvester KING. I am a descendent of
their brother George W. BOYER. Also family of Barbara & Andrew FETROW of Butler
County, lived and are buried in El Dorado. Their daughter Mary Edith (my
Grandmothers mother), married Charles E. SNYDER in 1912, Butler County, El
Dorado, Kansas. Would love to hear from you and learn more of my other family
Donald Harrison (lvnana94@aol.com) 20
January 2006
I am looking for information on J.D. HARRISON and Anna HARRISON.
I have just begun a family search and find my father and his sister living with
the HARRISON's and taking their name. This information I found on 1910 Census
for Butler County, Kansas. They are listed with the surname BELOW, and as farm
hand and servant. I was born with the name HARRISON and attempting to solve this
puzzle. We have had no contact with Elizabeth, who would have been my aunt.
Could you please give me the name of someone in Butler County who does genealogy
look-ups, so I can contact and find out how much it would cost for search of
records? Thank you for any information you might be able to give me.
Milly Dillon (grandpasd@msn.com) 17 January 2006
I am researching
Aquilla Leatherwood DILLON and his wife, Sarah Ann. I found a reference to his
death in Andover, Butler County, Kansas - no date or other info. I have traced
him from the 1820 Census to the 1880 Census when we was in Missouri. However,
the above-mentioned reference to his death coupled with his son Jacob on the
1900 Census in Bruno, Butler County, Kansas helps to clarify where Aquilla lived
after 1880. Any help will be appreciated.
Tresa McVay
(tresa@fidalgo.net) 13 January 2006
I am told LOVERN, Lunie M. is buried in
Towanda Cemetery. Married name McVAY, this would be my Great-Grandmother.
Ron Scott (rdtb@discoverynet.com) 9 January 2006
SPERRY was born March 22, 1895 in Latham, Kansas. Did Butler Co. keep birth
records for this year? How would I find info. on his birth?
Mary Bittle (mabnightowl@ckt.net) 7 January 2006
I am looking for
confirmation that a Florence Viola SHANNON was born in Butler County in 1892.
Information I found listed the county as Bulter rather than Butler, so I am
trying to make sure I have the county right. If you can also provide her
parents' information, that would be very helpful.
Bontekoe (clbontekoe@bellsouth.net) 3 January 2006
Rosa M. THOMAS married
John W. "Willie" JONES on September 29, 1887. Rosa THOMAS was raised by her
Grandparents Christle and Fanny THOMAS. Rosa and John later moved to Tulsa, OK
area. Searching for information related to these families.
Ray Tressler (myfamilyrt@cox.net) 22 December 2005
Nancy (DOHNER) TRESSLER, and their son, Cal TRESSLER, graduated from Peabody
High School during 1903, 1914-16, and 1890 respectively. Would like to find
their graduation pictures in the HS annual.
Smith (redhd4str8@aol.com) 14 November 2005
I am wondering if someone can
help me. I have a big mystery in my Winter family. Gottlieb and Catharina
"Kraut" WINTER were in Marion county Kansas in 1880. Their daughter must have
been abt 15 when she had a baby girl named Sarah FRIESEN that was born in Ks abt
1882, the actual census says March 1882. Living down the road was a John
FRIESEN, about her age, son of a Gerhard and Maria FRIEGEN/FRIESEN?. However I
am told this John is the Johan G FRIESEN that married a Katharina JANZEN. I have
also located a Sarah FRIESEN born March 1882 in Marion county Kansas, but she is
the apparent daughter of a Jacob A FRIESEN and Katharina EITZEN. This Jacobs
first or maybe second wife was a Katherine WINTER. This Sarah married a Henry
KRIEGER. I really would like to figure out who the real father of Sarah FRIESEN,
Grand-daughter of Gottlieb WINTER was. What Happened to Catherine WINTER,
daughter of Gottlieb WINTER?? Can anyone help me out?
Irma Miller (irmamh@tek-web.com) 14 November 2005
The following are family members; Charles GOODSEL, Daisy REED, John Wilson REED,
Arthur and Lucretia REED, John JOHNSON. Because I have started very late in
trying to find my husbands family roots every one has past who could tell me
anything so am looking for any information available on some of these. Thank you
for any help you can give me.
riverrummer1850@wmconnect.com 29 October 2005
Florence. I know WATERMAN was there in 1875 and that CAMPBELLs were probably
there at the same time or just before.
Cornelia Moore
(fenenga@connpoint.net) 18 October 2005
I am looking for the death record for
George HOUSE, who died after the 1900 census and before his widow's marriage
which was about 1905. this was either in Canada Twp or Marion Twp. I am also
interested in finding his first wife Catherine Shaffer HOUSE's death record,
also in Canada or Marion Twp, in about 1886. I looked at the State Archives site
and was confused as to whether to send to Marion Co. (and if so, who to) or to
the state archives. I've got many years of research but find each county has
their own way of storing records, some at the courthouse, some at the public
library, some at the historical society, etc. so each new county is a whole new
experience for me.
J W (lukn4kin@pacbell.net) 4 October 2005
Looking for information on Joseph KLINE and wife, Anna (ALLEN) (MUSICK) (BROWN)
KLINE. Came to Kansas in 1870's. She died June 1885. Both, with other family
members buried in Marion city Cemetery. Specifically trying to find out if they
were divorced. They were both alive in 1880, but not enumerated together in
Rose Cattanach (rcattanach@peoplepc.com) 28 September
I am looking for the burial place of Joseph & Emma LEWELLEN. Census
records for 1900 & 1920 show them living in Center Twp. 1930 has them in Milton
Twp. (Joseph died May 5,1938 and Emma in March of 1940.)
Beverly (heiki@webtv.net) 18 September 2005
Johannes (John) WEBER, (born Sep
8, 1861) arrived in Marion Co in the summer of 1892 with wife, Katherine "Katie"
(GABEL) WEBER and 3 children, Mollie, age 5, Mary, 3, and Annie, 1. He may have
come with other relatives, (possibly Kasper or Henry WEBER, or Jacob GABEL.) The
family lived on a farm in or near Durham until 1895, then moved to Fresno, CA.
They were Lutheran. I'd like to know if there is any record of them in Marion
Co., possibly land or church records. They came from Messer, a German colony in
Russia. I know John WEBER stated his intent to become a US citizen in Marion Co.
I’m searching for any information on this family.
Judy Soule
(jessoule@aol.com) 14 September 2005
Birth information and any family
information on Elnora COMSTOCK
Albert Klippenstine (albert.bk@mts.net) 6
September 2005
I would appreciate any info on the above mentioned surnames,
particularly the cemeteries that they are buried in.
Warren Orr
(orrt@cox.net) 5 September 2005
Looking for information about my
Great-Grandfather, Abraham Lincoln ORR, who passed in December 1935. Believe he
was buried in the general area. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many
Stacie Rogers (sjr73099@yahoo.com) 4 September 2005
have been working with my cousins for the past few years in hopes of finding
more information about our family. Do you have any suggestions on how I could
find an obituary for Dietrich WEIS? He died in March of 1890. I believe he lived
around Lehigh. We have no idea where Dietrich and his wife Anna Elizabeth WEIS
are buried. We would truly appreciate any suggestions. We have found that they
came from Russia to America. We believe that they were originally from Germany.
We truly would appreciate any advice or suggestions.
Spiker (marsha@insightbb.com) 2 September 2005
Ella and Henry SPIKER are my
husband's Great-Grandparents. I understand that they are buried at the
Whitewater Cemetery. I know that Henry was born in 1844, but no one seems to
know his death date. The only resource we may have is the engraved date on his
headstone. Would anyone have that information?
Fred Zumalt
(fzumalt@msn.com) 29 August 2005
I believe that my Great-Grandmother, Nancy
Ann MURRY was born in Marion Co. in about 1862.
Patty Ramsey (pramze@wyoming.com) 27 August 2005
I found a marriage
certificate dated 1914 on Opal PENNINGTON to Frank L. DUNKIN. She (Opal) listed
Marion, Kansas as her town. She was 18 years old as near as I can tell. He was
26 yrs old, He listed Mulvane, Kansas as him home. They were my Grandparents. I
am trying to find info about her and her family. I have pictures but no info on
them. If any one has any ideas I would certainly appreciate it.
Connie Jo Mitchel
(changa1951@cox.net) 15 August 2005
Searching for ancestors and descendants
of: Jacob KAMMERZELL and Elizabeth Dorthea, Conrad KAMMERZELL and Christina
ASCHENBRENNER, George KAMMERZELL and Anna, Heinrich "Henry" KAMMERZELL and Anna
KLASSEN, Jacob C. KAMMERZELL and Katarina WEIGAND, Conrad WEIGAND and Katarina
REUTZELSTEIN, Henry WEIGAND. Families were in Kansas late 1880s or 1890s.
Mary Sargentini (favant@d-web.net) 14 August
Any information would be appreciated. I do have some information on
MEIER. They were Germans from Russia, my Great-Grandparents came to Lehigh after
coming to this country, my Grandfather was born in Lehigh. I would like a copy
of his birth certificate, how do I go about this? Also, I have not been able to
find the cemetery showing two of the above names, STOKES and WEIDENBENER, I
believe they are buried in Marion County Cemetery.
Barbara Catchings
(bjc320@sbcglobal.net) 13 August 2005
I am looking for any information of
Joshua JOHNSTON, born 8 August 1845 in Ohio, died 12 May 1910. He married
December 23, 1874 in Blomingdale, Ohio, to Cordelia CANTLIN, born 9 February
1855 in Maryland or Virginia, died 19 June 1924 in Marion. They came to Marion
County in 1886 with 9 children: George, Leonard, Lewis, Clark, Edward, Lizzie,
Bessie, Grace, Homer (my Grandfather). They originally lived on a farm in Marion
County, but later moved into Marion. Also, information on families of Flora
(WIGHT) HOBEIN and George HOBEIN who also lived in Marion County. Their
daughter, Mary Francis (HOBEIN) JOHNSTON was my Grandmother.
Jamie Miller (jamie@ljmiller.com) 20 July 2005
Looking for information re
Carl MILLER, aka Charley MILLER, specifically DOB. He immigrated to the
Hillsboro area from Germany in 1883;died September 8, 1886. Wife named Amelia,
children were Olga, Hannah, Adolph, Margaret, Charley (last three born in the
Hillsboro area).
Raymond Kohlman (raykohl@hotmail.com) 17 July
Information on Adolph KOHLMAN, born in 1924, died 1944. His father
raised horses and mules. His sister married into the HAMMER family.
Robert Weis (rd.weis@comcast.net) 16 July 2005
I am especially researching
for the burial location of Detrich and Anna Elizabeth WEIS and any of their
peers. He died in Marion County on 3 March 1890; she died in 1894.
Linda Woodruff (woodruff1153@aol.com) 28 December 2004
Looking for a marriage date of Sarah J. BING and Joel C. GRAY. She is the
daughter of Charles Hale BING and Barbara LOUCKS. Charles Hale BING is my
Great-Great-Grandfather who came to Butler County, Kansas after 1880 and before
1896 from Ohio to Cowley County, Kansas then to Butler County. Would like to
know if anyone has marriage dates of his children. Charles Hale BING died 1916
at Latham, Kansas.
Mala Buck
(daughterofsouth@yahoo.com) 20 December 2004
Does anyone have any information
on the following: Jack EVANS who married Emma HARRISON, or their son, James
Howard EVANS, (born July 4, 1882 in Kansas and died May 8, 1956 in El Dorado,
Kansas), who married Fannie May NIXON
Brian Ford
(bluemoonjewelrydesigns@att.net) 29 November 2004
On June 11, 1873 the first
wife of my ancestor, John BLEVINS, died in childbirth. Family legend says she
was buried in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas, but no actual cemetery is noted.
Her name was Stella May (LINN) BLEVINS. I am hoping to locate her gravesite.
Gene Bruner (gene@rallstech.com) 10 November 2004
Brothers, Charles, b: 20 April 1877, and Edward, b: 18 September 1878 were born
in Butler County, Kansas to Edward COOK, b: 10 February 1849, and Nancy Jane
BOLTON, b: 12 February 1854 (daughter of, James and Elsie (THORNE) BOLTON) who
were married 6 April 1876 by I.A. NEWKIRK, JP, in Leon, Butler County, Kansas.
Further, it is interesting that Edward's elder brother, Charles COOK, b: 17
December 1846 married Frankie H. BROWN, b: 1859 on 30 April 1876 in Leon, Butler
County, Kansas by the same Justice of the Peace. Edward and Charles would die in
Butler County under questionable circumstances within eight days of each other
in December 1879. I wonder if anyone has these names in their family tree
Charlotte Nossaman
(ecnoss@ptsi.net) 23 October 2004
I would appreciate any information on the
following relatives. Are they buried in Augusta, Kansas? Jessie Annabelle
PEPPER, John Franklin PEPPER, Elisabeth Isabelle (HOPKINS) PEPPER, Harris
Jeffrey Vaillant (jeffreyvaillant@hotmail.com) 15 October
I am interested in Philip David BOYER who was born about 1830 in Indiana
and married Harriet (TROTTER) WINTERS about 8 August 1872 in Jeffersonville,
Clark County, Indiana. I believe she is buried in Wichita, Sedgwick County,
Kansas, perhaps dying about 1873-76. There is a Philip D. BOYER in the 1880
census for Pleasant, Butler County, Kansas who is a 50 year old widower living
with son, Harvey, 18, born in Indiana and son, Paul W., 7, born in Indiana.
Since Harriet was married prior to BOYER and perhaps BOYER was married prior to
Harriet (since there is an 18 year old son), maybe I have the correct BOYER in
Douglas L. Wilkinson (dwilkinson11@cox.net) 11
October 2004
Actually I was looking for information on the community of
Chelsea. My Great-Grandfather, John homesteaded there in 1866 after emigrating
from Illinois after the deaths of his wife, (Jane), and children. He is buried
at Reece if it matters. I believe Chelsea must be under the lake now. I drove
past there as a child in the early 60s, but all I remember was that it was
between Cassoday and El Dorado on old 177. Any information about the community
would be helpful.
Doris Smith (dormarbil@yahoo.com) 26 September
I am searching for living first cousins: Sammy, Judy Ann and Peggy Lee
NEFF. The girls will have married names, which I don't know. They are the
children of my mother's brother and sister-in-law, James F. "Jimmy" and Judy
(Julia VEACH) NEFF. The last time I heard anything about these cousins, Judy
Ann's surname was LEIGHTON, and Peggy Lee's was BIEBERLE. October 9th in Austin,
Texas there is a reunion of the children of Sam and Kin NEFF, Robert and Lillian
NEFF, and Maxine (NEFF) WILLIAMS. We would like to be able to at least visit on
the phone with our Kansas first cousins. I am the daughter of Maxine (NEFF)
P M (millstone2@mindspring.com) 26 September 2004
Looking for ancestors of Frank KNUST.
Judy North
(judyleenorth@yahoo.ca) 9 September 2004
Trying to find information on George
Oliver OLDS, b: 1903, married to Edna M. SCOTT, b: 1907. Any and all information
on these last names from this area, and in particular, the names listed above
would be greatly appreciated.
Nancy Webb
(webbmail2003@yahoo.com) 4 September 2004
Looking for birth record or father
of Esther Blanche LINCOLN, born July 1888 in Clifford Township, Butler County,
Kansas. Mother's name was Angie Luella ARNOLD.
Morrison (chalfort@earthlink.net) 1 September 2004 Looking for any information
pertaining to Barnett MORRISON, who had a son born in El Dorado, Butler County,
Kansas in November 1892. The family would have arrived after 1888 and moved away
in 1893.
Marjorie Wilson (marj9226@aol.com) 24 August 2004
would like to obtain a death certificate of my Great-Grandmother who died
February 2, 1911 at Leon, Kansas. Also if possible to locate where she is
buried. Her name is Elizabeth Rush (VERMILLION) RAY. She was married to John
Mickey RAY. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me where I might be able to
obtain this information?
Sandy Graham
(slgraham_03@yahoo.com) 16 August 2004
I am looking for Sarah MAILEN, Julia
Ann MAILEN, and Daniel CUPP. They came from up around Green, Kansas in the
Ryan Rymer (arymer@sbcglobal.com) 16 August
Looking for information regarding my Great-Grandparents, Carl "Runt"
RYMER and his wife, Rose HOGOBOOM. From what I recall, she may be John
HOGOBOOM's sister. Any information you can provide would be appreciated.
Noela van der Meulen (vdmeulen@hotmail.com) 30 July 2004
Looking for Rolland DILLENBECK descendants. Born 1857 in New York state, went to
Michigan as a child, married Frances EWERS died 1944.
Carla Jessup (glascar@aol.com) 12 July 2004
I am looking for marriages in
Butler County, Kansas. William D. JESSUP, married Sarah Catherine SHELTON in
about 1867 or 1865.
Maggie MacKay (maggie.mackay@att.net) 11
July 2004
I am seeking information on the family of William MATHERS, listed
in the 1880 census for Butler County, Kansas. William MATHERS is shown living
with wife Sarah, sons Samuel, William, and Henry. Also daughter, Sarah. I am
hoping this family migrated to Kansas from Monroe County, Indiana. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
Janice Buker
(jcbuker@newoutriders.net) 8 July 2004
Seeking marriage record of Charles
Franklin BUKER and Victoria Marie LEAVELL, m: abt. 1876-1877.
Seeking birth
records of Jessie Clay BUKER, b: July 1878 and Edson Perry Buker, b: 12 August
Mabel Long Huldeen (mabedeen@aol.com) 3 June 2004
to find ancestors of my Grandmother, Minnie (ALTUN) LONG, b: 1866, wife of Henry
P. LONG, b: 1859. They resided in Potwin, Butler County, Kansas, and are buried
Mike Erickson
(mike.erickson@wichita.edu) 31 May 2004
Looking for any information on
DEAN/DEEN, BLICKENSTAFF, and HALFHILL surnames. Especially those from the
Rosalia - Chelsea area.
Lori Klassen (kd7mug@hotmail.com) 29 May
Looking for these names and any information on them to help me find out
about my ancestors. We have Osage Indian as well as Cherokee. Any information
would be greatly appreciated.
cmsp3@aol.com 25 May
I am looking for information and descendants of William Harrison STEACH
and Martha (NEELEY) STEACH of Douglass, Butler County in the late 1870s. William
STEACH died in the spring of 1878. His wife survived him and lived for
approximately 8 years, whereabouts unknown. Perhaps she resided with a daughter.
One daughter, Juliana (STEACH) SUTTON, wife of George C. SUTTON, lived with her
parents when they moved to Kansas from Pennsylvania. Looking for information on
Juliana and George SUTTON as well. Their children were; Vestie, Clyde, and Rosa.
Rosa married a man named Newton ERRETT. I believe they had a son. Rosa ERRETT
died in Kansas in 1980. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Jim Scheetz (merkury@kansas.net) 23 May 2004
I am looking for any
information on, or relative of, Elmo DIEMART. Elmo died in Washington County,
Kansas in 1939 and is buried in the Morrowville Cemetery. Local residents would
like to improve the headstone, but need more information about Elmo, Especially,
possible Spanish-American War information.
Heider (jheider@comcast.net) 14 May 2004
The 1870 census lists Marshall
COOPER, b: 1826, Indiana, wife Letitia, b: 1848, North Carolina. Searching this
family and John Wesley DODSON, b: 1824, North Carolina, father of Letitia who
died in or near Spring Valley near El Dorado between 1870 and 1880. Children of
Letitia were: Albert, b: 1852, Indiana or Illinois; Alice, b: 1856, Indiana;
Laura, b: 1859; Ida, b: 1861, Indiana; Edwin, b: 1863, Indiana; Anna, b: 1866,
Sheryl Kenney (sherylleeowens@yahoo.com) 26 April 2004
Looking for living relatives of Cornelius LYNCH and Catherine LIND LYNCH of
Peabody, Kansas. Thomas "Ted" LYNCH took over the farm and then moved to Butler
County. Would like to find any information and pictures. Cornelius LYNCH, b:
1841, Cork, Ireland, immigrated to Ohio. Married Catherine LIND, Hamilton, Ohio
in 1868. Died in 1929 in Peabody, Marion County, and buried in Prairie Lawn
Cemetery, Children were Nettie and Mary.
Richard Gossett
(rjgossett@hotmail.com) 10 April 2004
I am looking for information on the
death (murder) of John Arthur GOSSETT. He was a taxicab driver for El Dorado,
Butler County. He died November 13, 1919 and was found near Augusta 2 days
later. I would like to find the newspaper article, could anyone help? Also
looking for his uncle, John, b: 1866, died 1950s or 60s in El Dorado and his
wife Martha GOSSETT. They lived in Butler County most of their lives and I am
being told that they're buried in El Dorado Cemetery. I would like to find
they're death dates so I can write for their records.
Linda Jones
(linder-j@cox.net) 3 April 2004
I am hoping to find someone who knows the
Adams Cemetery in Plumgrove Township.
Dean Jarvis
(tasha@srnet.com) 30 March 2004
I am researching my family of Joseph and
Margaret CARR, George W. BACON and Sarah M. BACON who were in the Augusta,
Butler County census of 1880. Thanks for any assistance.
McMahon (yrlessbs@aol.com) 24 March 2004
I am looking for an obituary on Ed
GOLEY, born around 1881. Mother was Julia GOLEY. I am trying to find out what
Julia's maiden name was and thought it might be in Ed's Obituary. She may have
been related to or maybe was a SELVES. Julia was married to Dennis LANSBURY and
lived in Matfield Green and died when a son, John LANSBURY was born. John was
raised by some family in El Dorado. Ed later lived in Marysville, Butler County,
so maybe he died in Butler County.
Darline Smith
(darlineishere@sbcglobal.net) 20 March 2004
I am trying to locate any
descendants of my FOWLER ancestors of Butler County or Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Ezra Lonzo FOWLER, b: 1842, Ohio, married Mary Ann (HAYWARD) FOWLER, b: 1844,
Ohio. Children were: George A., b: 1868 Edward T., b: 1870 Ezra L., b: 1872
David Albert, b: 1874 Andrew J., b: 1875 Robert W., b: 1877 Mamie May, b: 1879
Charles S., b: 1881 I am sure Ezra Lonzo had siblings that may have come to
Kansas also. They would probably have named their children pretty much the same
names, as all my FOWLERs followed a naming pattern. If you find any of these
names familiar, please contact me.
Judy Mayfield
(jrmayfield@cox.net) 17 March 2004
Seeking information on William Montgomery
Marie Butcher
(mbutcher14901@yahoo.com) 12 March 2004
Esther Adelia BARR, daughter of
George J. BARR, married Rollie WATSON in El Dorado on July 22, 1887. George
Leroy McNARY, Rollie's uncle (and mentor), censused in El Dorado in 1920. Rollie
and George both migrated from Barton County, Missouri.
Elizabeth Ruhmann (jruhmann@madisontelco.com) 10 March 2004
I am trying to
locate more information on John KESSLER. Did he have a family and did he die in
Kansas? He was born in 1875, in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Any
information would be much appreciated.
Stacy Mitchell-Ryan
(stevesdreamboatt@aol.com) 9 March 2004
Seeking information on my
Great-Great-Grandparents, Adoniram Judson MITCHELL, born in 1838 in Martinsville
Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Died September 7, 1897 in El Dorado,
Butler County, Kansas, die using his middle name of Judson. His wife was Calista
A. (ROBINSON) MITCHELL, born February 21, 1846 in Farmington, Maine, died
November 7, 1912 in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. Both are buried at Bella
Vista Cemetery, El Dorado, Kansas.
I would love any copies of obituaries, or
their life in El Dorado that I can obtain. Where they lived, what did my
Great-Great-Grandfather do for a living while living. Adoniram has a very
impressive Civil War record. Where can I share this information at? Calista
ROBINSON is related to the 14th President, Franklin Pierce through her mother,
Harriet PIERCE, one of his sisters, as well as her 7th Great-Grandfather was the
pastor to the ship Mayflower in 1620, Reverend John ROBINSON. The current
President's mother is also a PIERCE and related to the 14th President. Is there
a place I can post this information?
Norma Tracy
(nntracy@postoffice.pacbell.net) 22 February 2004
Seeking location of a park
in Douglass, Kansas. In a 1910 postcard it shows a large pavilion situated
there. There is a park located on Walnut St. and was wondering if anyone knows
if this was where the pavillion was located? My Grandmother lived on Walnut, and
I remember the park, but not the pavilion.
POST 305
Diana Spires (octavias_dream@msn.com) 18 February 2004
We are
looking for any information on the Grand Army of the Republic, Post #305 in
Towanda, Kansas.
Lynn Barnes Rudberg (lyrud1@comcast.net) 17
February 2004
Searching for Charles GRANT and his family. Charles was
probably born in Scotland and settled around Rosalia, Kansas.
Carl Guggisberg (ceg802@msn.com) 6 February 2004
Looking for information on
Julia Ann MOSHER. Married to Charles F. BRUNN. Settled in Clifford Township in
Elizabeth Ruhmann (jruhmann@madisontelco.com) 31 January
I am trying to locate information on John KESSLER, born 1875,
Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. He moved to Augusta, Butler County,
Kansas and I can find nothing on him. I would like to know if he married and if
he has a family. Also, if anyone else is researching this surname.
Bill Myers (wfmyers@comcast.net) 31 January 2004
Seeking anyone with
VAN HUSS family connections or knowledge about this Butler County family.
varn949@aol.com 26 January 2004
My mother was a BUCHANAN; her
parents Orlando and Bertha BUCHANAN are buried in Chelsea Cemetery. Orlando's
brothers; Merrit, Charles, and Lorenzo are buried nearby. There are other
BUCHANANs in the cemetery, are they any connection to Orlando?
Paul Tipton (tap217@aol.com) 19 January 2004
I am looking for information on
Arthur SHAW. He was born in Kansas in September 1890. I believe he lived in
Towanda, Kansas and died as a teenager. Also looking for information on John H.
SHAW, he was born in 1892 in Kansas and died in Arkansas City, Kansas. I think
he fell out of the back of a truck and was dragged to death.
Curt Underwood (bh820@yahoo.com) 15 January 2004
Checking for information on my Grandparents, Russell and Josephine OLINGER on my
mom's side. Gail and Dorothy UNDERWOOD on my dad's side. I just found out that
my mother, Annabelle OLINGER was born in Herman, Illinois. Am also told that my
Great-Great-Grandfathers both fought in the Civil War. Also, both sides of my
family came from Kentucky.
Debbie Arnholt
(countrylane3@yahoo.com) 15 January 2004
Looking for William Jay DILLON,
Myrtle COSNER-DILLON, John COSNER and Katherine LEU-COSNER. Also information on
Little Walnut Baptist Church Cemetery (Byrd's).
Jim Lee
(jimpenny@charter.net) 7 January 2004
Would like to find out anything about a
Charles and Julia HABERTHIER. I believe Charles worked on the railroad. Charles
was b: 1857 and d: 1932. Julia was b: 1858 and d: 1941.
Dana Kenneson (kslawdog@netzero.com) 15 December 2003
I am looking for any
information on my Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth PERRY. She also went by Betty.
She had several last names.
mvoss730@aol.com 1 December 2003
I am searching for information regarding a Lizzie BERGERSEN of Hickory, Butler
County, Kansas. She is listed in the 1880 census as the wife of Bant BERGERSEN,
but I can find nothing about her after the birth of a child in 1883. Do not know
if she died or if they left the state. I know Bant remarried sometime later.
Would appreciate it if there is a death record somewhere.
dburton739@aol.com 1 December 2003
Looking for
information on Jaccus Leroy PORTER, m: Minnie Eldora SANDERS in 1899. They had
two children, a son and a daughter. They moved to Oklahoma where he died of
pneumonia in 1905. Have not found any family with information of Jaccus family.
Colette Harrison (colette@netins.net) 27 November 2003
for an Ann TRIMBLE, her sons:
Edwin John Oaker Theodore They moved to Butler
County from Iowa and are possibly buried there.
Jean Coleman
(olin@puritanproject.com) 24 November 2003
BALLINGER, Janet, b: 17 October
1914, Walnut, Kansas. d: November 2001, Knoxville, Tennessee. Married John
Campbell PAGE, Jr. on 30 April 1939 in Junction City, Kansas. Probably parents
of Jane BALLINGER: Dr. Robert BALLINGER, Dentist and Louise HEMINGWAY. They
later lived in Junction City, Kansas.
Would like information on parents, date
of birth, death and siblings.
Carolyn Higgins Jones
(coolpaws@comcast.net) 11 November 2003
I have been trying to find any
information I can about my father's family. They lived on a farm just outside
Towanda, but I don't know how they came to settle there. I have been on every
genealogy site possible and can't find any information about the HIGGINS family.
My father's name was Alfred Clinton HIGGINS. He was born February 22, 1897 in
Butler County and died in the same county on February 11, 1939. I find it
interesting that I cannot find any information about his marriage to my mother
or his death. I would appreciate any and all information.
Mark Wakefield (wakefieldmark@hotmail.com) 7 November 2003
Thomas MULVANEY, Sr. is shown in the 1850 Federal Census of Allegany County,
Maryland. His wife's name was Ann, maiden name unknown. All were born in
Ireland. Their children are as follows: Christopher P., b: 1840, served in MA
1st Inf, 1863 Frances "Frank", b: 1843 James, b: 1845, d: West Virginia Mary, b:
1846 Catherine, b: 1849, d: West Virginia John E., b: 1852, d: Pos. Lewis
County, West Virginia John E. MULVANEY marries Ellen WHITE, found in the 1900
Federal Census records and held in family bible. The MULVANEYs are living near
to the Court House District of Lewis County, West Virginia. Just when the family
moves into West Virginia. I don't know now perhaps just after the John and Ellen
(WHITE) MULVANEY marriage. Other family members from Maryland brothers came out
to join John. The first male child of John and Ellen (WHITE) MULVANEY is Thomas
Gilbert MULVANEY, born 1882 Weston, West Virginia, died December 5, 1938, El
Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Thomas G. MULVANEY marries Frances FERRELL. All
show in the 1920 Federal Census records of in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.
Thomas G. MULVANEY died in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.
Janis McCahill (mccahill@xcelco.on.ca) 5 November 2003
I would be pleased to receive any information or stories about the William &
Emma (LAPHAM) SHERVINGTON family and their descendants. Came to Butler County in
1876 from Missouri and Ontario, Canada. Children were: Mary Ada Watson
Christopher William Ida Cora Felix Ella Crittenden Nola Emma had a nephew,
Augustus LAPHAM in Wetmore Township, Nemaha County, Kansas.
Barb McMahon (yrlessbs@aol.com) 1 November 2003
for information on Julia GOLEY. She married Dennis LANSBURY in Chase County,
Kansas. When she died a week after son John was born. John was raised by
relatives in El Dorado, Kansas. Looking for her obituary or her parents
Betty Bateman (bbateman@together.net) 28 October
I am trying to find Carlota & Edwin DODGE. They came from New York, St.
Lawrence County. They were in El Dorado 1885 - 1895. That I am sure of
apparently had boy Georgie with them. Did they live there longer, did they die
there? Carlota was my father's half-sister. I do have information on her prior
to Kansas, but cannot trace her after.
Stephen Roberts
(sroberts@wyoming.com) 27 October 2003
I am interested in any historical
references to Jefferson Homer SAUL and George SAUL. Family records indicate
Jefferson SAUL and his wife are buried in Brainerd Cemetery. A digital photo of
the gravesites would be wonderful. We are also interested in finding out if
George SAUL is buried at Elbing, Kansas in the Plainview Cemetery. Some records
say yes, some say he is buried in Missouri. Thanks for any help.
Lee Cunningham (lcunning@gte.net) 9 October 2003
Great-Grandparents, Howell Allen HEFTON and Nancy Ann SUTTON were living in
Butler County, Kansas in 1882. They were married sometime in 1882, but I am
uncertain of the date. I know I have very little information about the parents
of Nancy Ann SUTTON, other than there was other SUTTON's in Butler County in the
same time frame. I would appreciate sharing any information on these lines.
Janet Shade (j.r.shade@worldnet.att.net) 5 October 2003
Joel M. RHOADS and his wife, Nancy Jane REID are buried in the Fairview Cemetery
in Butler County, Kansas. I am looking for the parents of Nancy Jane REID. This
family was originally from Macon County, Tennessee.
Christine Alvarez (c_alvarez@sbcglobal.net) 30 September 2003
Looking for the
birthplace of Roy William MORRISON, March 17, 1892, to Barnett MORRISON and
Lydia Elizabeth SPENCER. Also for the location of the marriage or residence of
Joseph Elihu HOLCOMB to Maude MORRISON, March 16, 1890. He was the son of John
Cook HOLCOMB and Julia A. SKELTON.
Susan Hopper
(suzyq045@charter.net) 18 September 2003
I would like any information that
anyone could give me on Wesley RUCKLE and family. My Great-Grandfather was his
son, Joseph. They lived in the Butler and Sedgwick County areas of Kansas.
Greg Hammer (gghammer@aol.com) 15 September 2003
Buried in the
Leon Cemetery is my Grandfather, Gerald HAMMER, his parents, Elliot and Mary
HAMMER, and Elliot's parents, George W. and R. A. I. HAMMER. I understand that
there are several other relations there, but so far I don't have all the
G. W. and Rachel Ann Isabelle (Belle) came to Kansas sometime
prior to 1879, as Elliot is shown to have been born in Kansas. G. W. was born in
1853 in Iowa. The Kansas census places them in Butler County in 1900, and
Sedgwick in 1910. Although they should show up somewhere in 1880, I can't seem
to locate them.
The reason for my search primarily is t trace the lineage
back from G. W. The census says his parents are from Virginia, but we can't find
anyone so far. Given all the birthdates, it seems possible that they may have
simply missed them in their travels, and without a name prior to 1850, we may be
hard pressed to find one.
At any rate, any information from the early Butler
County history would be appreciated. As a child I can remember visiting my Aunt
Lucie there in Leon. Lucie was a sister to Gerald HAMMER, and her married name
was LOGAN. We buried her in Leon last year. I will be glad to add whatever
family data I have. I understand that of our other relations, William L. GORDON
was apparently the parent of Mary (GORDON) HAMMER, and we supposedly are related
to the NEIHARDT's that are buried in Leon.
Cathie Hargreaves
(hargreaves@citcom.net) 13 September 2003
Norman M. A. WITHROW and wife, Mary
Ann YOWELL, m: abt. 1847, Marion County, Kentucky (records burned during War
Between the States). They were still in Kentucky on the 1870 census but were in
Bloomington, Butler County, Kansas on the 1880 census. Their children living to
adulthood were:
Sarah T. WITHROW James K. Polk WITHROW Phoebe WITHROW Their
son, James K. Polk WITHROW, m: abt. 1885 to Lou M. maiden name unknown. I'd like
to correspond about these WITHROW's. I have quite a bit of Kentucky information.
Douglas Hanshaw (dehanshaw@hotmail.com) 28 August 2003
My Great-Great-Great-Grandparents are listed in the 1870 Butler County, Kansas
census. They were William and Marilla HENSHAW or HANSHAW. He died sometime
before 1880 as the 1880 census shows Marilla as a widow. He is quite likely to
be buried somewhere in Butler County. Is there some way to find out where they
might be buried at?
Judy & John Gallagher
(juanita1950@hotmail.com) 20 August 2003
Jessie Pearl GALLAGHER was my
husband's Grandfather's sister, and she married Ridley Jerome CARR in 1908.
Would like to know if they had any children.
Stephen Berrey (steve_berrey@yahoo.com) 18 August 2003
I am seeking the
family members of William Riley HARRISON, b: 1846, Indiana, d: after 1905,
Butler County, Kansas. William was the son of Robert HARRISON & Mrs. Mary Jane
Also seeking details regarding the younger brother of
William. This is Stephen Edwards HARRISON, b: February 1862, Iowa, d: after
1910, place unknown.
Also seeking details of Mrs. Sarah Ann
Robert died in Augusta, 14 February 1898. Sarah was residing in household of
William Riley HARRISON during the 1900 U.S. Population Census of Augusta Town,
Butler County, Kansas. She remarried sometime following this census to a Mr.
PUTTER (?) - short lived marriage that left Sarah, again, alone and without
Viola Boulware (vib@consolidated.net) 18 August
I am looking for relatives of Herman Colen REED who married Myrtle
STODDARD sometime before 1917. They had children, Margretta, Eddie, Ralph, and
Herman Colen, Jr. All of the children are deceased except Herman Colen Jr., who
lives in Louisiana.
Herman and Myrtle later divorced, as Herman was sent to
prison for "White Slavery". Myrtle married Charles Linsey CRONK. Shortly after
Myrtle married Charles CRONK, she passed away. Then Charles CRONK married Herman
and Myrtle's daughter, Margretta.
Charles and Margretta CRONK are buried in
the Economy Cemetery, Butler County, Kansas. Eddie REED was accidentally killed
from a gunshot wound when he was between 10-12 years old, he is also buried in
the Economy Cemetery.
There is still relatives of the CRONKs living in El
Dorado. If anyone could fill me in on the dates of birth, where, etc. I would
like to have any information that anyone could give me on this family.
Nancy Smith (drsmith53@cox.net) 9 August 2003
Would like to exchange information with any descendants of Asa STANLEY and Mary
(POE) STANLEY, Alonzo HARP and Mary Nettie Ann (Mollie) (KIRKPATRICK) HARP, or
Thomas Isaac KIRKPATRICK and Lurena (STANLEY) KIRKPATRICK. All resided in
Douglass, Butler County, Kansas in 1870's - 1890's.
Barbara Kenyon (bjkenyon@gcinet.net) 5 August 2003
I am trying to find
information on the Benjamin Kranklin KENYON who lived in Butler County during
the turn of the century, 1900. Also, the W. M. and Rhodah KENYON family that
included two YEAGER sons by a previous marriage, living in the same area at the
same time.
Lori London (lorilondon@comcast.net) 5 August 2003
Seeking information or descendants from this line:
1910 Census, Kansas,
Butler County, Pleasant Township, taken April 19.
Grant, age 44,
second marriage, married 10 years, born Iowa, Father, South Carolina, General
Framer Zella, age 28, married 10 years, 5 children, 4 living, born Kansas,
Father, Iowa, Mother, Kansas Ethel, daughter, age 11, (his first marriage?)
Clarence, son, age 3 George D., son, age 1 2/12 Laura A., daughter, age 1/2 --
Michelle Hamilton (hamilton_michelle@hotmail.com) 31 July 2003
am looking for the surname MITCHELL. I have information pertaining to the last
benefit of Edward J. MITCHELL. Showing that it was paid to Benton, Kansas in
Butler County. He had a wife by the name of Anna whom I know is deceased, but I
don't have an obituary. They had a son by the name of Robert W. MITCHELL
"Mitch", in Benton, his wife's name was Candi and they had 3 daughters, Chassy,
Tiffiany and Renee. I am looking for any information past or present. If anyone
can help, please let me know.
Genevieve Hertel
(ghertel@pld.com) 12 July 2003
Searching for information about Jacob K.
SKINNER, born 1833, Pike Township, Perry County, Ohio. Married 11 December 1856
in Perry County to Sarah Ann HOY, daughter of John Sr. When and where did Jacob
Pamela Pool (ppool@cox.net) 8 July 2003
Nathan Eugene PIKE and Nancy Jane LAMB were married in Butler County October 14,
1885. I would like to locate any records pertaining to them, their marriage and
any family names available. Nancy may have had a brother named Henry. Also, I
know that Nathan was a Quaker and believe Nancy was also.
Velma Swisher (swisherv@teleport.com) 6 July 2003
Looking for Margarthe
KAEMPFE/KAEMPFA, b: abt. 1823. Also her husband whose first name I do not know.
Margarthe was listed in the Oklahoma 1910 census as living with my Grandmother
and Grandfather, Louis and Louise MILLER whom originally lived in Kansas and
most of their children were born there, maybe at or near Augusta.
Jim (mgraves490@aol.com) 23 June 2003
Looking for locations in
sunset Cemetery, El Dorado, Butler County for Dean and Dorothy (HUDSON)
HOGOBOOM. I live in Wichita, Kansas and would like to get photos of headstone.
With Sunset being so large, and not knowing where to look. Could anyone please
Joan Acridge (sweetjolieblon@cox.net) 19 June 2003
SATCHELL: Satchell's Creek was named for my Great-Great-Grandfather, Thomas W.
SATCHELL husband of Hannah (PEACOCK), father of: Mary M., Georgiana, Ethan,
John, Joseph, Mary E., Sarah C., (taught 1st school in Butler County), Andrew,
Hannah J., Carry, Emma R. and Thomas W. Willing to share information and have
some photos. Wanting a photo of the stone house they had was where the lake is
Pat Henderson (pathenderson@tcworks.net) 9 June 2003
the 1880 US Census, Douglas, Butler County, Kansas, I find my Great-Grandfather,
Joseph Shelby BUSH. I later find him listed in the 1910 US Census, Kay County,
Oklahoma along with his wife, Carrie T. KNAPP and children: Jocie Mae, Mattie
B., and Jordan B. Jocie Mae BUSH is my Grandmother and I am attempting to
confirm she was born in Douglas, Kansas. In addition, it would be nice to
confirm the births of Mattie and Jordan. If there is any other information
available about this BUSH family, I would appreciate it. I have just recently
started to search for my family history. Unfortunately, I have waited until I am
the senior member and no longer have a grandmother or someone older to tell me
about my ancestors. Thanks very much for your help!
Mansfield (cmflatlander@wildapache.net) 9 June 2003
I am searching for
information on a Nels Charles HANSON.
Colleen Lill
(sassenach@shaw.ca) 8 June 2003
I am searching for any information on the
family of Isaac Gillett MORGAN, married to Margaret SMITH. Known children:
Sadie, Ethel Jane, Frances Louise, Frank Richard, Susie Adell, Jeanette
"Nettie", Joseph Bradford, Isaac, Margaret Silvia, Lois, and Willard. I have
information on Ethel Jane (married Jay Bertram WHEELER), however, I would also
like information on the other children of Isaac Gillett MORGAN.
Fran Cobb-Arnold (angel4pa@yahoo.com) 4 June 2003
I am
looking for information about Erastus JACOBS, who married Mary Jane SNODGRASS.
The family was found on the 1880 census "Clay, Butler County, Kansas"
story from Rose Etta JACOBS was that Indians had killed her brother in Kansas.
She also said that the Jesse James gang use to visit them when she was a child.
Her Grandson, my father was given the middle name of James because this family
felt he looked like his cousin Jesse James.
Carole Krejci
(vkrejci@cox.net) 26 May 2003
Trying to find information on Jesse Marklyn
KELLEY, born in 1852 in Yadkin, North Carolina. He had a brother, Samuel KELLEY
and their parents were Henry & Sarah KELLEY. Jesse lived in El Dorado, Kansas.
Christy Griffith (christygriffith@bigfoot.com) 24 May
I am looking for any information on a Peter Wilson DAVISON, who died on
August 18, 1881 in Cassoday, Butler County, Kansas. Also his daughter, Susie
Sophia, and her husband, David J. M. JONES, who married on December 22, 1881 in
Chelsea, Butler County, Kansas and had the following children: Elizabeth May,
Anna Belle, John Wilson, Mamie Elenora, Susie Edith, Lura Ada and Margaret
Frances. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Daisy Shepard
(dshep@fidnet.com) 24 May 2003
My Grandfather, David LAURY is on the 1880
census for Butler County (Augusta). His wife is listed as Nettie. I don't
believe they lived there very long as I think they were in Colorado in 1885.
However, is there an 1885 census? A way of seeing if Nettie died? Any other
information on David LAURY and the child, Belle, who is listed on the 1880
Carolyn Golding (cgold10617@aol.com) 15 May
Looking for information on John T. BAIN, b: 1841 Kentucky?, m: Mary
Josephine KIMBERLIN (b: August 1, 1855/1856 in Washington County, Kentucky) abt
1878 in Butler County, Kansas, nine children. Mary J. (KIMBERLIN) BAIN d: 1922
Butler County, Kansas, John T. BAIN's death date and place unknown. They and
their children are shown in 1880 and 1900 census. Any information on John T.
BAIN and his antecedents appreciated.
Jane Drennan
(shadow@accnorwalk.com) 7 May 2003
For four years I have been searching for
Ernest YOUNG, Florence YOUNG and Bill YOUNG, their son. Someone has to have
known them. Bill would be about 74 now, and he married LaVona APPLEBAUGH. Bill
also went to the Augusta schools, I am sure. Somehow I had heard that he also
was in the Air Force during WWII. Grandfather Benjamin McCANN lived with this
family in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas too. The last that I communicated with
any of them was in 1935, when I too, lived with them fro about 5 months.
Clifford Morgan (clmorgan36@earthlink.net) 7 May 2003
I am looking
for additional ancestry information on my Grandfather, John Henry PARKER, b:
October 1, 1870 in Illinois, d: May 29, 1949 in Latham, Kansas. He was a
resident of Latham from before 1920 until his death.
Scott Raine (scott@rainefamily.com) 28 April 2003
Looking for information
about Ruby CARSON, Charles RAINE.
Elaine Sunde
(elaine@sunde3.com) 24 April 2003
I am interested in the family of Dr. Harvey
Daniel (H. D.) HILL (1868-1913) of Augusta and Leon, Kansas and also the family
of Warren Leslie RICHARDSON (1843-1894) of El Dorado and Chelsea, Kansas. Would
like to hear from anyone working these names. Thanks!
Susan Richardson (suejason@scican.net) 22 April 2003
My Great-Great-Grandmother, Rebecca J. (QUINN) TAYLOR moved to Kansas from
Indiana, pre 1900. She was married to William A. TAYLOR and they had seven
children together. They wound up splitting their union and William went back to
Indiana with half of the children and Rebecca stayed in Butler County with the
other half on their farm. Rebecca later sold her property for top dollar to the
oil industry. She also remarried to one Harvey ABRAMS. They had no children
together. Harvey remarried Rebecca's nurse, Lora upon Rebecca's death. Some of
Rebecca and William's children were Eunice, Ruth A., Ora and Henry Franklen
"Frank" TAYLOR, who is my Great-Grandfather. I would love to trade information
with cousins, have been hitting brick walls on this line for quite some time. Am
anxiously waiting to hear from you!
Connie Kline
(gregkli@aol.com) 13 April 2003
My Grandfather, Foster Vivian CRAIG was born
in Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas in July 1904, to Looker "Luke" Nixon CRAIG
and Mabel Clara BENNETT. I am trying to locate birth records for Foster. I would
also like to know what census township this area would have been in for the 1900
and 1910 Federal Census. Thanks very much for any assistance.
Olin Claassen (occlaassen@wheatstate.com) 13 April 2003
I would like to have
any information on the town of Plum Grove in northwest Butler County. If anyone
has pictures, they would also be appreciated. We presently live on the property
that was the town site of Plum Grove. The town existed between 1870 and 1884.
Barbara Blimm (bblimm@netnitco.net) 8 April 2003
I am working on my family genealogy. According to the Social Security Death
Index, Myrtle DAVIS passed away 25 October 1989, and her death residence was
Leon, Butler County, Kansas. I believe her father was Herman B. OEHMS. Myrtle
married J. Munson DAVIS in November 1927. I believe she had two children. My
Great-Grandmother was Wilhelmina (OEHMS) YESTER. Would like to make contact with
someone researching Myrtle (OEHMS) DAVIS.
Kralicek (skralice45@hotmail.com) 4 April 2003
I am looking for more
information on Catherine "Kate" CHRIST. She married Henry J. SCHUPP. They lived
around the Furley area.
Tami Murphy
(murphyt@oregontrail.net) 30 March 2003
Looking for Jonathan H. HAGER, Hiram
C. CLARK, Mary Elizabeth CLARK, William Thompson CLARK and Hiram Commodore Perry
Yvonne Brunson (lbrunson@cox.net) 30
March 2003
I am looking for information on Dan & Sarah C. (MAILEN) CUPP,
Julius & Rachel (STEWART) STRAW, Frank E. & Carrie (CUPP) STRAW, John C. &
Dollie A. (PIERCE) STRAW. All are from Towanda, Kansas.
Rick Rantz (rrantz@uh.edu) 26 March 2003
I am searching for information on
Lawson C. SMITH, born 1834 in Pennsylvania, died 14 November 1904 in or near
Potwin, Butler County, Kansas. Lawson was married to Catherine Margaret SCOTT,
born 24 February 1839 in Illinois, died 8 June 1910 in or near Potwin, Butler
County, Kansas.
Children of Lawson C. SMITH and Catherine Margaret SCOTT are:
SMITH, Effie Ann, b: 21 October 1870
SMITH, Sarah M.
SMITH, Weltha C., b:
22 June 1861
SMITH, Charles A., b: 1867
SMITH, Rachel Mary, b: 7 September
SMITH, Thomas William, b: 21 October 1869
SMITH, Elmer E., b: 1874
SMITH, Frank M., b: 1876
SMITH, Mamie, b: 26 August 1879
3 other daughters
died as infants.
Debbi Collins
(collinsbnd@mchsi.com) 14 March 2003
I am looking for the marriage record of
Charles G. VALENTINE and Barbara Ann CLARK or any other information you can give
me. They were married October 8, 1878 in Butler County, Kansas.
Christine Roszak (croszak@excite.com) 3 March 2003
I am searching for information on the BRENNER family. John George BRENNER died
there August 28, 1898. His daughter Anna May married John W. BATRUM in El Dorado
on March 2, 1892. In the early 1900's Henry TOLER lost his wife and he and his
two sons came to live near Anna May and John BATRUM. Henry married Anna May's
sister, Minnie BRENNER, she died in childbirth in 1903. Any help with any of
these people would be greatly appreciated.
Mala Buck
(daughterofsouth@yahoo.com) 26 February 2003
I am trying to find a way to get
an obituary copy for my husband's Great-Grandfather in the hopes that it will
contain further genealogical information that we don't have. The problem is that
w don't have dates of birth or death.
His Great-Grandfather was Jerome Melvin
EVANS, (born sometime around 1880?) who married Fannie Mae NIXON. They lived in
El Dorado and raised their children there. Jerome worked for the Butler County
Courthouse in El Dorado in maintenance and retired from there. Jerome and
Fannie's children's names were: Pearl EVANS, (who married Earl BRANAMAN, and
they lived in Plevna, Kansas), James EVANS, John EVANS, Claude Chester EVANS and
Jerome Melvin EVANS (who married Anna Louise HASH and they lived in Hutchinson,
Kansas). Any help or advice you can offer us would be greatly appreciated.
Frank (famtree812@aol.com) 25 February 2003
Trying to find out
information on a Gaylord JOHNSON, moved from Florida, and not sure his ancestors
lived in Kansas.
Heather Seaton (t-bell2u@lycos.com) 16 February
I am looking for information on William Arthur WAGGY, born 1884 and died
1928. He married Lucille MONTGOMERY about 1911. Had at least one brother named
Virginia Withnell
(virginialr_56@hotmail.com) 13 February 2003
Looking for a Lucy DUNNIGAN,
whose mother was Millie DUNNIGAN, could be Lucy SMITH, born in 1869.
Joan Linam (jlinam@frontiernet.net) 12 February 2003
Looking for
the family of Tony SUBLETT and Sarah Ann "Sadie" CROUTHERS. Sadie was born in
1885 and died in El Dorado, Kansas in 1958. Do not know the birth or death date
for Tony (maybe Anthony) SUBLETT.
Harve Wolfe (hwlobo@aol.com) 9 February 2003
Of particular interest is one
Abel Homer HALL, father of Homer HALL (who was Mayor of El Dorado around
1926-27). Abel supposedly married Bell/Isobel CAIN or BURKHOLDER in 1878. He
seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.
Russ Raines
(nikkocat@msn.com) 1 February 2003
Looking for information on paternal
Grandmother: Ruth Ann KRAMER, graduated from El Dorado High School in 1930.
Father, Jack KRAMER, ran Kramer Cleaners on Main Street. No luck on 'normal'
genealogical sites.
Dr. Stephen Berrey
(steve_berrey@yahoo.com) 31 January 2003
Seeking details regarding Robert
HARRISON and wife (2nd marriage): Mrs. Sarah A. (RICKABAUGH) HARRISON. Robert is
my 3rd Great-Grandfather.
Need to know if Robert and Sarah are laid to rest
in Augusta or anywhere in Butler County. Also, need to know if Robert's son,
William R. HARRISON (son from 1st marriage with Ms. Mary Jane DAVIDSON), retired
and died in Butler County? Where is he laid to rest? They all resided in
Augusta, Butler County, Kansas as identified in the 1880 Federal Census of
Butler County, Kansas.
Skip Buhler (doyle_buhler@hotmail.com)
14 January 2003
Does anybody recognize the name, Granville SPEARS? He
apparently lived for some time in DeGraff, Butler County, Kansas, and was shot
dead here abt. 1927 in a poker game dispute. Was born Granville J. SPEARS in
Kentucky, before his death he lived in Hopkins County, Texas with brother,
Fountain Jasper SPEARS. Granville may have been married to a Ida WINFREY from
Hopkins County. If any of these folks look familiar please contact me.
Sarah Armour (linsey@wheatstate.com) 9 January 2003
Jay E. HANKS was
my Great-Uncle. I have come across a cemetery deed that he and his wife had
purchased in March of 1954, the deed number is535 and it states Sunset Lawn
Cemetery, Butler County, Kansas. I am certain he is not buried there but would
like to know if maybe other family members are?
Sean Droney (sdroney@hotmail.com) 27 December 2002
I have been able to trace
roots back to Warren W. CONNER and I believe, Captain J. D. CONNER, but I would
like to find out more information. All I have are pictures of J.D.'s homestead
(1858) and autograph books from Warren CONNER and Myrtle CALDWELL's, (Warren's
wife) school days (1880's-1890's). My Grandfather was Ned CONNER, Warren and
Myrtle (CALDWELL) CONNER's son. I believe all were from the El Dorado area.
Kim Makuch (makuch@bellsouth.net) 20 December 2002
I am
trying to find information about Doris Agnes CARR (dob May 4, 1920), and Richard
SLUSS. I would like to know when they were married and if they had any children.
If so, are the children still living?
Carolyn Busch
(wcpbusch@pdq.net) 30 November 2002
Who keeps the records for Bella Vista
Cemetery in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas? Is it a county or the city or
private? Someone must have the records or how would anyone know where it is
acceptable to bury a person. I have been trying for years to find my family. I
know where E. E. HARVEY, his wife, Marilla and daughter, Minnie are buried
because they have a stone. A daughter, Ada (HARVEY) LAMBDIN is also buried there
with her husband, Robert LAMBDIN and a daughter, Marilla and they all have
stones. I think E. E.'s daughter-in-law, Martha Susan (PAYNE) HARVEY is also
buried there probably with no stone. Martha's husband, William Horace HARVEY
could also be buried there with no stone. There may be additional HARVEY family
with no stones. Please help find the records. If necessary I will come all the
way from Texas to search page by page, but I have to find where the records are
Marcia Hutson (lhutson1@cox.net) 29
November 2002
W. G. NEIGHBOR/NEIGHBORS, name and maiden name of wife, when
she died, obituary if possible. Her daughter married J. F. HUTSON abt. 1895,
they lived in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.
Jack Arct (jack356@earthlink.net) 25 November 2002
I am looking for my
Grandfather, Paul ARCT/ARZT, who was born in 1840 in Butler County, Kansas. I do
not know who his parents were or his brothers and sisters. He married Clara
METZGER in 1879 near Douglass, Kansas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Norma Smith (wsmith01@mchsi.com) 23 November 2002
Searching for information about Andrew Jackson MORRIS and his second wife,
Margaret MICKLE. Andrew died 24 July 1898 and was buried in the Towanda
Jeri Maling (gram1209@cox.net) 20 November
I am researching Alice Belle FOWLER, b: July 9, 1864 in Iowa, d: October
16, 1956 in Oklahoma. Her father was Charles FOWLER, b: 1826 in Ohio. She
married Owen Franklin WRIGHT October 4, 1881, in El Dorado, Kansas. They had 7
children and lived in Terlton, Oklahoma. Any information would be appreciated.
Jim Austin
(sparky@southwind.net) 5 November 2002
Does anyone know about the Pontiac
Cemetery, in Butler County, east of El Dorado, Kansas. Is there any records on
who is buried there and how can I find these records?
Martha Keys (martha.keys@comcast.net) 24 October 2002
Looking for information
on Matilda Ellen (JUNKEN) (WILSON) (HARVEY) CLARK (3 husbands) and her first
husband, Miles WILSON. Also her daughter-in-law, Fredonia Wedding WILSON and her
husband, John Harvey WILSON. In March 1875, Fredonia was a widow with a year-old
child and living in Augusta with her mother-in-law, who was by then married to
J. B. CLARK. All except Mr. CLARK came from Indiana. He died there in the county
in 1887. I have seen his grave. I really would like to know when and where John
Harvey WILSON died. I know what happened to Fredonia, she married a MAHAFFEY and
went to live in Oklahoma.
Bonnie Vinduska
(ken2bon@wwwebservice.net) 20 October 2002
I am seeking information for the
following who are relatives, possibly my Great-Grandparents and
Great-Great-Grandparents: Melvina M., Martin C., Emily E., and William J.
MITCHELL. I know they lived in Butler County and are buried in Elmwood Cemetery
at Augusta.
Mary Wood
(marycarolinewood@comcast.net) 13 October 2002
Seeking to share information
on the family of Levi and Eliza (McKAUGHAN) WILLIAMS, who lived near Rosehill in
Butler County, 1872 and 1900's. Levi died in 1921. Children included: Ida,
(married Guy CRABBE); Willard, (d: in Wichita in 1921); Luella, (married a
HOLCOMB); Otto; Clarence and Percy WILLIAMS.
Watson (helgehauge@aol.com) 6 October 2002
We are searching for information
on Frank Howard BIGGS, who married Mary (Marie) DIRKS on February 17, 1898. They
were married in El Dorado, Kansas and are listed on the 1920 census for Butler
County as proprietors of a boarding house. We would like information regarding
the parents of Frank, as well as any kind of documentation of their boarding
house. (Our Grandmother had called it the "Biggs Hotel".) They both are buried
in Sunset Lawn Cemetery in El Dorado.
Their first child was Russell Vernon
BIGGS who was b: 12 July 1899; he married Gertrude BOLLINGER on 8 April 1927 in
Wichita; Russell died 16 September 1967 in Wichita, and she died 26 September
1967 in Derby. They had a son who was killed in a motorcycle accident. Their
second child was Robert Henry BIGGS, b: 23 April 1904; he married Vera Mae
KELLOGG 27 December 1931 in Wichita. Robert died 9 July 1986 and Vera died 16
September 1982. She was buried in Sunset Lawn Cemetery. Vera's obituary
mentioned a daughter, Marilyn MILLER and a Grandson who preceded her in death.
We would also appreciate any information regarding any of the above mentioned
Kim Horton (the3hortons@webtv.net) 1 October 2002
Amy information on George Edmund HORTON. Parents owned a grocery store in the
late 19th century in Towanda. They were from New York or New Jersey.
Howie Fitzpatrick (wfitzpat@nckcn.com) 25 September 2002
am searching for information on a Martha MEYERS who was married to Walter
MEYERS. Martha was the daughter of Carrie EVANS. They lived in El Dorado, Butler
County, Kansas
Hugh Bale (balehb@yahoo.com) 22 September 2002
Looking for information about a Samuel Andrew Jackson BALE (1832-1899), and
Lucinda (LAYTON) BALE, (1849-1920) and their parents. Samuel may have gone by
George. Both are suppose to be buried in El Dorado.
Jean Bowers (jeanbow@ionet.net) 19 September 2002
Looking for any information
on W. O. WALKER, b: October 7, 1893 in Leon, Kansas. Also any HARWICK family
that might have been in Butler County.
Kathy Davis Steinman
(katejoan@aol.com) 19 September 2002
Looking for information regarding an H.
J. DAVIS, supposedly living in Whitewater, Kansas in 1918. H. J. DAVIS' parents
were George W. and Sarah E. George died around this time and H. J.'s mother was
living with him. Information taken from copy of probate heirship of Sophia Ann
(DAVIS) PROUD dated September of 1918. George's parents were Benjamin S. and
Sophia (McCLURE) DAVIS of Burlington, Kansas who moved to Kansas after the Civil
War from Michigan and Ohio.
Robert Phillips
(phillipsr011@hawaii.rr.com) 17 September 2002
Searching for birth and
marriage information on Barbara Ann BAKER, born 1944 or 1945 and Robert Arthur
TURNER, born 1939 or 1940.
Sandra Patterson
(sandra_patterson@hotmail.com) 11 September 2002
Looking for data of Delila
(ROBINSON) PATTERSON, death and cemetery location. She is the mother of William
Hambelton PATTERSON, b: January 20, 1854, Mt. Vernon, Illinois d: November 28,
1938 in Augusta, Kansas. Buried in Latham Cemetery, Union Township, Butler
Patrick Lincoln (lizzy@wi.net) 8 September 2002
am looking for descendants of Edwin, father of Harvey and William LINCOLN, and
possibly Sherlock LINCOLN, in Butler County, Kansas. They moved there in 1883
from Iowa and earlier, Wisconsin.
Sandra Barton
(akbarton@msn.com) 31 August 2002
I am looking for descendants of John C.
BARTON, who we believe died in El Dorado in about 1918. He had a son by the name
of Jay Thomas BARTON and we believe he may have passed away in February of 1983
in El Dorado as well. Any information on this family would be greatly
Dick Pierce (dickpierc@aol.com) 28 August 2002
Searching for information on the family of Martin Monroe PIERCE and Lydia Ann
(JOSLIN) PIERCE, who came to Butler County, Kansas between 1870 an d1872. Their
last four children were born at Towanda. They were, Dollie, Frank, Herbert and
William (my Grandfather).
Martin died on March 17, 1880, and Lydia died on
August 20, 1905. Boith are buried at the Towanda Cemetery. Their farm was
located north of Towanda.
Sharon Swan
(swanrs@pldi.net) 27 August 2002
I am looking for anyone related to George
MAXWELL. His daughter Minnie married Earl CAREY and they owned a store in
Towanda, (I have a picture of the store and the museum at Towanda was kind
enough to send a 1901 advertisement for the store). In return, Minnie and Earl's
daughter, Edna Pearl married John Finly NICHOLS. I have found John F. NICHOLS in
the 1900 census.
lagrayforrest@cs.com 26 August 2002
Looking for information about Joseph
FARNI (died in Butler County, buried in Olinger Cemetery April 26, 1916. Got a
death certificate stating that he was married at the time of death. He married
Mary? in 1884. Don't know if she was still living at the time of his death.
Joseph's father was Christian FARNI, a Mennonite bishop from Illinois. Joseph
had a sister named Anna (FARNI) ROPP. She died in Butler County on 29 September
1908. Also a brother named Jacob FARNI and his wife Mary KEHR moved to Kansas
also. Jacob died in 1889 and Mary in 1901. Their children married into the
COULTER, OLINGER and POE families. Can anyone help me or give me information on
how to find the information?
Libby Saxby (libby1@san.rr.com) 21
August 2002
I am looking for information on James S. SAXBY. He was married in
Butler County in 1868 to Sarah SLAYTON.
Elizabeth Nash
(dnash1@cox.net) 16 August 2002
Chester Delos DICKINSON, my Grandfather, was
born in Butler County 23 April 1875. His father Wesley Ackley DICKINSON is in
the Houston, Texas City Directory of 1910. Chester was in Lake Charles,
Louisiana in August 1899. When did this family come to Kansas? and when did they
leave Kansas?
Jeanette Stroud (bjstroud@datarecall.net) 15
August 2002
I am looking for any information on the John Ross HEARN family
who were in El Dorado between the years of 1920 and 1940.
Richard Dalton (richard.dalton@abbott.com) 15
August 2002
Please help me find some information about my Grandfather, John
DALTON. He was married to Ethyl MOSER(MOSIER?). He died sometime around
1927-1928, I believe in Butler County. My Grandmother, Ethyl remarried to Marvel
WIKOFF. Any information concerning these individuals is greatly appreciated.
jdelmar1021@aol.com 11 August 2002
Researching the WILCOX
family of El Dorado, Kansas. Was born as WILCOX in 1948 and adopted at birth,
searching for my birth father.
Carol Knight
(ozknight1@mchsi.com) 10 August 2002
Looking for marriage and divorce or
death information on these names: Ellsworth KISNER to Minnie R. ?, Ella Mae
KISNER to Edward A. ABBOTT, Ella Mae KISNER to ? BRADFIELD, Edward A. ABBOTT to
Sarah N. ?, Thomas ASHCRAFT to Phidelphia KISNER (her name is probably not
spelled right).
Sheilah (sparkingme@aol.com) 4 August 2002
am looking for any information on my Great-Grandmother, Nellie Martha GOLDEN.
She was born April 11, 1874 in Augusta, Kansas. Any information will be
appreciated. The birth certificate might give her father's name and the mother's
name (maiden). Also their birth places.
Tim (eagle207@aol.com) 4 August 2002
CARTER Family lived in Chelsea, Kansas,
1872-1960, came from Linton, Indiana.
PEAL Family lived in DeGraff, Augusta
and El Dorado, Kansas, 1884-1968, came from Paducah, Kentucky.
lived in El Dorado, Kansas, 1858-1981
HUMMEL Family lived in Newton, El
Dorado and Whitewater, Kansas, 1910- Present, came from Pennsylvania.
17 of
the CARTER Family are buried at the Chelsea Cemetery. All SHERMAN's were buried
at family cemetery on old farm just east of El Dorado airport. I am the
caretaker. All PEALs are buried at Walnut Valley Memorial Park westside of El
Dorado. A few HUMMELs are buried in the Eastside Cemetery in El Dorado and a few
in Whitewater. Most are at Walnut Memorial Park in El Dorado.
William R.
PEAL, Great-Great-Grandfather, was one of three original founders of the Prairie
State Bank of Augusta, Kansas. The SHERMAN's farm was settled before El Dorado
was even a town. Land was given by US Land Office to settlers. I have many old
pictures of locations in and around El Dorado. The PEAL Family are established
in both the El Dorado and Augusta Historical Museums.
(uponyou2@aol.com) 3 August 2002
My Grandfather's bible mentioned Tint,
Kansas, which is in Butler County. Have been trying to locate information on him
for three years. Vilroy P. GIBSON, born 1867, Valparaiso, Indiana, d: 1952,
Pullman, Washington. He left Indiana for Kansas at 7 years old (1874) with his
mother, Susan (CHILDERS) GIBSON and his said sister, Pearl. Any leads for
hunting him in Tint, Kansas?
Ann Honermann
(honermann2@charter.net) 28 July 2002
I am looking for information on a James
(Jim) REAL, he was also adopted and that gave him the name GIDLEY. Does anyone
know where I can get some information, adoption paperwork or anything like that?
He is my Grandpa and it seems so hard to find anything on him. I know he was
born around November 15, 1899 and died around November 15, 1971.
Sandra Kralicek (skralicek45@hotmail.com) 17 July 2002
am looking for anyone who knows a Richard Lee GUINN, born June 26, 1926 in El
Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. He was suppose to have worked at the Susan B.
Anthony Hospital. I think his father's name was Charley or Charles.
Rick Stanley (tyler952001@yahoo.com) 16 July 2002
I am looking for
Elizabeth STANLEY. In 1910 she is living with her son , William STANLEY in
Douglass Township/District 9. STANLEY is her maiden name and I believe she
married a man with the last name of STANLEY. In 1910 she is a widow living with
son William and her brother Elwood/Thomas Elwood. I need to know who her husband
and children were. Anything would be nice.
Martin Davis (mrd@virginia.edu) 14 July 2002
Oscar KRUSEN, who married Hattie
E. BATCHELDER in March 1882 in South Dakota or Iowa was killed in Butler County,
Kansas in 1885, perhaps by Orlin LARAWAY, who later married Hattie on 29 May
1885. Would like to share information with anyone researching these individuals
or their families.
Kathy Davis Steinman (katejoan@aol.com) 8
July 2002
Looking for information regarding an H. J. DAVIS supposedly living
in Whitewater, Kansas in 1918. H. J. DAVIS's parents were George W. and Sarah E.
George died around this time and H. J.'s mother was living with him. Information
taken from a copy of probate heir ship of Sophia Ann (DAVIS) PROUD dated
September of 1918. George's parents were Benjamin S. and Sophia (McCLURE) DAVIS
of Burlington, Kansas who moved to Kansas after the Civil War from Michigan and
Sherry Lawson (swinn4@juno.com) 7 July 2002
I've since found out the name of the cemetery east of Leon, Kansas; it is called
Quito Cemetery. Does anyone know if it has been listed anywhere, (names, I
Jerry Ferguson (jwferguson12@icqmail.com) 4 July 2002
My Great-Grandfather was Thomas Thompson FERGUSON, who lived in Latham, Kansas
after moving there from Ohio. My Grandfather, Ira FERGUSON, also resided there
in his younger days and operated a barber shop in Latham for a few years.
According to a newspaper article I have, my Grandfather had a daughter born in
Latham on May 28, 1912, but it does not give her name. My Grandmother passed
away and he remarried. How can I find the name of the daughter that was born to
him and his new wife in Latham?
Ida Personeni (idalee@jps.net) 3
July 2002
I am looking for any information on a Joseph W. HAHN who supposedly
owned land in Butler County in the town of El Dorado.
Kathryn Decoteau (kathryn0101@myyahoo.com) 3 July 2002
married Margaret ROBISON, I'm not sure where, but they had two boys, Glen and my
father, Gilbert, who was born in Towanda. Margaret died when Gilbert was very
young. I would like to find out as much about her as I can,.. her parents,
Grandparents and so on.
Bruce Cunningham (brucebarbc@cox.net)
2 July 2002
I am looking for descendants of Henry F. MATTHEWS who was born
February 18, 1890 in Kansas and died in January 1968, probably in Latham, Butler
County, and is probably buried there. Latham was his last known address on the
Social Security Death Index. His siblings were: Nellie (MATTHEWS) SWAIN; Rosa M.
MATTHEWS; Benjamin W. MATTHEWS; Inez MATTHEWS; and Joab MATTHEWS, Jr. Henry's
parents were: Joab A. MATTHEWS and Inez (BEASTON) MATTHEWS.
Ray Parsons (ray970@yahoo.com) 2 July 2002
My Great-Grandmother, Maria
(BAGNELL) PARSONS, died March 11, 1886 in Butler County. Her husband, Charles
PARSONS, and their 6 children, moved from Zanesville, Ohio to a 160 acre farm
about 12 miles from El Dorado in about 1881. Son, William PARSONS, married Ida
WILES in 1885 (near El Dorado). The PARSONS family moved on to Denver, Colorado
about 1893. Does anyone know of any microfilm on a local newspaper where I might
find an obituary for Maria PARSONS?
Marilyn Hillison
(dhill@intrnet.net) 30 June 2002
I am looking for any information on Henry O.
and Anna (EDGAR) COOK. Where would I be able to locate an obituary?
Jack Sears (1677@medicineshoppe.com) 29 June 2002
Looking for
family of James A. HENLEY
Joan Snyder
(jsnyder19@gmail.com) 29 June 2002
Looking for descendants of all these
surnames. These people came to Butler County starting in 1869. Most in the
Walnut, Logan, Bloomington, Augusta, Rose Hill and El Dorado townships.
Polly Robin (thenest@mywebnet.com) 22 June 2002
family members shown in the 1880 census, Prospect Township, Butler County,
Kansas. Looking for information for John and Anna LINEBARGER: parents /
siblings, birth places in Switzerland; immigration dates; and immigration /
naturalization sites.
LINEBARGER, John (father)b: 1824Switzerland
LINEBARGER, Anna (mother)b: 1828Switzerland
LINEBARGER, Mary (dau)b: 1859Ohio
LINEBARGER, Emma (dau)b: 1860Ohio
LINEBARGER, Charlie (son)b: 1863Missouri
LINEBARGER, Edward (son)b: 1867Missouri
LINEBARGER, Amanda (dau)b:
Sherry Lawson (swinn4@juno.com) 19 June 2002
I am looking for information on either WINN or FINUF. Several of both are in a
cemetery (very old and small) about 5 miles outside of Leon, Kansas.
S. Daniels (sowegafam@netscape.net) 18 June 2002
Looking for
information on James A. KREEGER, b: 1893 d: 1971. He lived in Butler or Sedgwick
County and had one son named Arthur KREEGER.
Nancy Kelly
(dn_kelly@yahoo.com) 14 June 2002
Seeking connection and information
regarding Glover WILSON, b: ca. 1848, Michigan. Father: George. Mentioned in
1911 obit of brother, George M. as beings from Douglass, Kansas.
Lisa Burns (iluv2worship@aol.com) 12 June 2002
Looking for
any information pertaining to the Fred Earl DANNER and Golda Edna KING families.
Fred (b: January 16, 1889) and Golda (b: September 15, 1892) moved to El Dorado,
Kansas with their first baby Naomi, to help Fred's brothers build homes for the
families of men that were helping with the oil wells in the 1920's. Fred and
Edna lived in and raised their family, (Naomi, Norrine and Betty) in El Dorado.
Edna passed away there, but Fred died in Norton, Kansas in a TB Hospital. Fred's
siblings may have included, Clint, Jennie, Briant, Evelyn, Luther, Bertie, and
Charles. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Jim Austin (sparky@southwind.net) 9 June 2002
Looking for information on the
FRY family in Butler County, Kansas.
Lewis F. FRY was born 1884, and died
1945. He married Beulah DUNLAP. She was born 1894, and died 1938.
Children of
Lewis FRY and Beulah DUNLAP are:
i. Goldie Marie FRY, b: November 9, 1924
ii. Bernice FRY, m: Bud GLAZER
iii. Louise FRY, m: Virgle GREEN
iv. Betty
v. Art FRY
vi. Bill FRY
vii. John FRY, m: Pat
Stephanie Spacek (spaceks@birch.net) 5 June 2002
I know my
Grandpa, Uriah Nash HOOD is buried in Rosalia. I'm trying to find any oral
histories of Civil War Vets and GAR membership records that he might have
participated in. His baby daughter, Katie is buried there too. An obituary would
be nice, she died in 1861.
Jim Austin (sparky@southwind.net) 2
June 2002
Looking for information on the NEER Family from Butler County,
Kansas. Lloyd Erwin NEER (John Dorsey, Samuel A., Jessie) was born April 25,
1895 in Blackwell, Oklahoma and died February 28, 1969. He married Gladys E.
WARD, July 25, 1916 in Winfield, Kansas. She was born 1899, and died March 31,
Children of Lloyd NEER and Gladys WARD are:
i. Floyd Eugene NEER, b:
September 6, 1919, on Patterson Farm at parent's home near Ashton, Kansas; d:
July 16, 1955.
ii. Harold Cleo NEER, b: January 11, 1920, parent's home on
Bumler Farm near Arkansas City, Kansas; d: May 21, 1981.
iii. Billy Ervin
NEER, b: March 12, 1922, at parent's home on Nelly Prather Farm near Ashton,
Kansas; d: October 14, 1992, Wesley Hospital, Wichita, Kansas.
iv. Elva
Nadine NEER, b: September 12, 1924, parent's home in Tonkawa, Oklahoma; m: ??
v. Dotty Marie NEER, b: January 2, 1927, parent's home in Arkansas
City, Kansas; d: October 27, 2000.
vi. Vivian Maxine NEER, b: January 27,
1930, at parent's home on the farm of M. McLain near Leon, Kansas.
Robert E. NEER, b: October 24, 1933, at parent's home on Rolly Beadle farm near
Leon, Kansas; d: March 1, 1996, Wichita, Kansas.
viii. Johnny D. NEER, b:
April 24, 1936, at parent's home on Rolly Beadle farm near Leon, Kansas; d:
January 5, 1980.
Larry Melrose (mellars@comcast.net) 1 June
Looking for information on A. R. MELROSE and family.
Betty Hines (parkhosts@hotmail.com) 31 May 2002
My Great-Grandparents, James
Bluford and Valariah GARDNER lived there in Butler County, Kansas in the early
1900's. They had 9 children. My Grandmother was a daughter, Viola. Any
information would be greatly appreciated.
Marten (twonuts@centurytel.net) 29 May 2002
Does anyone have access to the
1925 Butler County, Kansas State Census? I am needing a look-up for an Anna
Pearl (GRAVES) REID and a Lucille MARTIN/MARTEN.
McAllister (chief@c-zone.net) 24 May 2002
I am searching for a record of
death for Andrew M. McALLISTER, b: 1814, place: ?? He is listed on the 1870
census for Augusta, Butler County, Kansas. His wife was Nancy Purdue (WEST)
McALLISTER, b: 1825 in Ohio. Thank you for your time!
Freeman (pfreeman68@yahoo.com) 21 May 2002
I have located Thomas and Emma
FREEMAN in the Dunlap Cemetery, Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas. Can anyone
tell me who may be the sexton for that cemetery or if cemetery records exist for
Marcia Eaton (rgeaton@sky.net) 4 May 2002
I'm looking for
information on the following families. They lived in Chelsea, Butler County,
Kansas. Parents: Leslie HOBBS, b: 1817, wife, Rachel SUTHERLAND - Children:
Nancy HOBBS, b: 1842, married Daniel HOLIDAY
John Wesley HOBBS married
Margaret FREEMAN
Elisha HOBBS
Sara HOBBS married Richard TAYLOR
HOBBS married Rebecca J. BISHOP
George W. HOBBS married Elizabeth Jane FOX
Eliza Jane HOBBS married William MERRYFIELD
Bertha HOBBS
Janelle Gardner (gardnerjanelle@hotmail.com) 25 April 2002
I am looking for
information on Doyle & Elva WARREN. Doyle died sometime ago, I believe Elva
passed recently, or may be in a nursing home. They lived in El Dorado, Kansas
near the playground. They adopted twin boys of American Indian descent
approximately 43 years ago. Randy who died within the last 4 years by drowning
somewhere locally and Richard, who was last known to be in the Winfield area.
Richard Kevin WARREN would be approximately 44 - 45,.. and I believe he is still
living. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Caldicott (rc@wildbunch.co.uk) 15 April 2002
An ancestor of mine, Richard
CALDICOTT, (1826-1896) is known to have lived for a time in Kansas, where he is
thought to have bought a farm at Amador, Clifford Township, Butler County. He
had trained in his family's silk ribbon business in Coventry, England. Is there
any source material available that would throw light on this individual and his
time in Kansas? Any help will be much appreciated.
Margo Franz
(plan4yu@aol.com) 15 April 2002
Searching for FUTHEY families.
Diana Kohler (dkohler@rcsis.com) 14 April 2002
and his wife and son, Terry lived in Prairie Village in the 1970's.
Robert Thurman (bobpeg@worldnet.att.net) 12 April 2002
Elisha FOSTER (Pennsylvania) and family moved to Towanda in the early 1870's.
His wife, Mary who was a MOSIER, is buried in the Towanda cemetery. Seeking
information on the family.
Nancy Earl
(nancy@retterer.com) 6 April 2002
A 1915 obituary for Henry MEISTER in Marion
County, Ohio, mentions he is survived by a half-brother, John BOWERS, of Lost
Springs, Kansas. Henry's parents, Philip MEISTER and Margaret BEACH, immigrated
in 1851 from Hesse-Darmstadt to Marion County, Ohio. John BOWERS may have
appeared on the 1860 census in Marion County, Ohio, as John MYESTER, age 17,
farm laborer. Am willing to share BOWERS/MEISTER information with any living
Galen Steele, Jr.
(galensteele@prodigy.net) 5 April 2002
Trying to find where in Butler County
my Great-Grandparents lived: Arthur P. STEELE (2nd Great) and his son, Marshall
STEELE (1st Great). I believe in Andover, but cannot find in census from
1900-1920. Also where 2nd Great-Grandparents, Merritt LAWSON lived. I have found
all of above cemeteries.
Jane Atherstone
(jamath@tazland.net) 4 April 2002
Searching for Frederick DIEMER and Nannie
DOWNEY who married about 1907 in Kansas. They lived in Cherryvale and had two
daughters, Bertha Pauline, b: 1910 and Dorothy Callean, b: 1914. They were
divorced in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas, date unknown. The father of Nannie
DOWNEY was M. F. DOWNEY, and they lived in Missouri before coming to Kansas.
Patti Kinney (pkinney103@aol.com) 31 March 2002
I am searching for information about my Grandparents who resided in Butler
County, Kansas in the early 1900's. My Grandfather's name was Henry Lewis
COOPER; he was born in Illinois and I believe he served as postmaster of El
Dorado before his death. He died when my father was very young so I am
estimating his death to be around 1920 or so. It is possible he is the
Grandchild of Ebenezer C. COOPER, an early Kansas minister in the United
Presbyterian Church. My Grandmother's name was Melissa Adaline DUNN, born in
Abilene on January 17, 1869 to James H. DUNN, (b: May 9, 1839) and Martha Jane
SEXTON, (b: June 25, 1843). Henry Lewis and Melissa were the parents of Merton,
Ella, Lura, Berdine and James COOPER. I would appreciate any help someone can
give me in this search.
Penni Scialdone Luntsford
(penni@pladesigns.com) 30 March 2002
I am seeking information regarding my
ancestors, William Preston BAIRD, b: 4 January 1836; wife Amanda ULERY, b: 29
February 1848; both born in Bath County, Kentucky, both buried in Latham,
Kansas. Also, father of William, Hardiman BAIRD, b: 13 September 1813, Kentucky,
d: 20 December 1891 and wife Louisa Jane HARDIN, b: 4 April 1816, Virginia, d:
12 January 1892. Both died and are buried in Howard, Elk County, Kansas.
Harvey Pearson (hpearson@nemr.net) 26 March 2002
all information on a Fred VANHUSS that the SSDI lists as having died in
Beaumont, Butler County, Kansas sometime in September 1972, born 1 December,
1893. In particular I am interested in whether or not he was married and if so,
if his wife's name was Ada and possibly he may have had the following two
children, Danny, Virgie and possibly Virginia. Ada would be my 94 year-old
father, Henry Pearson's half-sister. She coincidentally, according to our 1900
census was born in December 1893 in Sullivan County, Missouri. Married possibly
in Kansas or Oklahoma. The family knows she lived somewhere in Kansas and was
married to a gentleman whose last name was VANHUSS.
lagrayforrest@cs.com 24 March 2002
Looking for
information in Butler County, Kansas. Think family members were in the
Whitewater area. Their names were: Joseph Charles FARNI, b: 1825, Canada, Mary
FARNI, Dora E. OSBORN, Mabel OSBORN and Walter ZERBY. Does anyone have a
cemetery listing for Butler County?
Robert Aswell
(hhairbrn@yahoo.com) 23 March 2002
Seeking information on Charles Homer
"Fritz" LOGAN, born July 10, 1891 in Towanda, Butler County, Kansas; died August
28, 1954, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. Buried in Live Oak Cemetery,
Monrovia, California. Mother's maiden name was PRATT. Married to Leona Caroline
WOODINGS (nee TREADWAY) about 1925 in North Platte, Nebraska.
Judy North (jnorth@ladypi.com) 22 March 2002
I am looking for any information
on my Great-Grandparents. Apparently settled in Beaumont, Butler County, Kansas
where they had 9 to 10 children. They may have been in the area from about 1884
or so for at least 15 years. Any information on this branch of the OLDS family
would be greatly appreciated.
Marilyn Britz
(britz@everestkc.net) 16 March 2002
My Grandfather, C. P. RICHERT lived,
taught school and kept a lumber(?) yard in Elbing from about 1895 to 1906, and
again about 1911 to 1915. I am eager to locate his property and take pictures of
any remaining buildings.
Dee Scribner
(dds76252@ntin.net) 16 March 2002
I am looking for information on Virgil
DOORNBOS. He married a Sena RANDALL, in or about 1902. Not sure when he was
born. I do have his spouse's dates from the SS Death Index, Sena b: February 26,
1885 d: October 1967.
Irene Totherow
(irene@mbo.net) 12 March 2002
Looking for cemeteries where these families are
buried. Especially looking for Rachel LONG and others.
Sullins (shersull@iland.net) 11 March 2002
Searching for the parents of my
Great-Grandfather, Francis Eden MARCUM. He was an approved preacher of the
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, El Dorado, Kansas. Last renewal: March
2, 1901. He was also know as Dr. MARCUM as he formulated and patented a medicine
called Australian Oil. He had 10 children. Any help or suggestions will be
Francis Eden MARCUM
d.o.b. 7 October 1836
d.o.d. 11 November
Spouse: Sarah Jane (GLAZE) MARCUM
Place of Death: El Dorado, Butler
County, Kansas
Burial: Sunset Lawns Cemetery
Joan Stripe
(bobjoan@bright.net) 11 March 2002
We have information that a William Oliver
HOUSTON died November 1, 1902 in El Dorado, Kansas and is buried in the Sutton
Cemetery. He was from Darke County, Ohio. Also would like to know if his mother,
Melvina HOUSTON is buried there also.
Carol Brown
(cacbrown@nycap.rr.com) 4 March 2002
I am searching for: Clifford CANNON,
Daniel CANNON, Emma CANNON, Stella(?) CANNON in Rosalia, Kansas or nearby,
sometime after 1930+ (GA>TX>OK>CO>UT>CA>?) Any help at all will be greatly
Don Coats (coatsdw@aol.com) 3 March 2002
I am
inquiring about families with a surname of COATS in the town of Potwin. I know
there are still a few families with that surname in Potwin, but I'm looking for
those who resided there during the late 1800's and early 1900's. If you have any
information during this time frame I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
Mark Wakefield (wakefieldmark@hotmail.com) 3 March
Thomas MULVANEY is shown in the 1850 Federal census of Maryland in
Allegany County. He was born in Ireland in 1811. His wife's name is Ann was born
in Ireland also. There children; Cristoper P. MULVANEY b: 1840, was in Ma. 1st
Inf., 1863; Frances "Frank", b: 1843; James, b:1845, died West Virginia; Mary,
b: 1846; Cathren, b: 1849 d. West Virginia; John E. MULVANEY, b: 1852, died Pos.
Lewis County, West Virginia. John E. MULVANEY, son of Thomas the Sr. MULVANEY;
Marries Ellen WHITE. John and Ellen are found in the 1900 Federal census rec.
Living in the Court house Dist. of Lewis County, West Virginia. The first male
child is Thomas Gilbert MULVANEY, b: 1882 Weston, West Virginia, d: December 5,
1938 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Thomas G. MULVANEY, marries, Frances
FERRELL. All show in the 1920 Federal census of same city, county, of Kansas
were Thomas G. MULVANEY had died in.
Mary Holden
(mholden999@aol.com) 26 February 2002
My Great-Grandfather was John Steven
JOHNSON. He married his step-daughter, Martha Jane BARNETT on April 10, 1874 in
Butler County, Kansas. The JOHNSON's moved to Butler County from Texas in 1868.
My Grandfather, Henry Oscar JOHNSON was born on September 2, 1877 in Douglass,
Kansas. I have a lot of information on the children born of Martha Jane and John
S. JOHNSON, but I am hoping to find a record of marriage, a record of residence,
and more about the history of Mr. JOHNSON. All I know about Mr. John S. JOHNSON
was that he was born in 1822 and died in 1901, and that he and Martha Jane
divorced sometime between 1883 and 1895, when she married as Homer C. CROSS in
either Texas or Oklahoma.
Max Smith (mmfs@hiline.net)
22 February 2002
Does anyone know of the gravesite for Ida (LEMBCKE) URBAN
who died in 1895? The name of the cemetery she is buried in is unknown at this
Wanda Wallace (wanderbj@earthlink.net) 11 February
I am looking for any information on William W. WISECARVER or any with
the surname who lived in El Dorado, Kansas or the area.
Arends (judyarends@hotmail.com) 26 January 2002
Myrtle Mary CHANCE was born
to Levi and Jane CHANCE in Butler County, Kansas, in July, 1884. I am looking
for proof of this birth through a connection with the Quaker (Friends) Church or
any other church records, as her birth is not shown as being recorded in Kansas
vital records.
Anne Pritchard (anne@bhms.com) 25 January 2002
I'm hoping to correspond with members of William Thomas and Sarah Ellen
(STOCKTON) HOBBS family. They moved from Anadarko, Caddo County, Oklahoma to Oil
Hill in 1917. Children were Gladys Pearl, b: 1907, William Haden, b: 1909,
Estella Eurdean, b: 1911, Martha Juanita, b: 1913, Willma Elizabeth, b: 1915,
Bettie Louise, b: ca 1920, Willard Ray, b: ca 1923. Juanita married Eldon
PHILLIPS and stayed in the El Dorado area. Bettie and Pearl lived in Wichita.
Haden was my father. Looking forward to hearing from anyone researching this
Martha Elizabeth Nash (dnash1@cox.net) 22 January
Chester D. DICKINSON, born 23 April 1875 in Butler County. Listed as 5
yrs old in 1880 Census. Had older sisters, Honora Altina and Ella B. Father was
Western A. DICKINSON and mother, Sarah. Need verification of birth and location.
Any information about family appreciated. Died at IOOF Home at Manhattan,
Kansas. Chester was my paternal grandfather.
Gretchen Truxal (truxal@pacbell.net) 22 January 2002
Looking for any and all
information on Mary 'Mollie' (TRUXAL) SPIKER b 1872 in Cherokee County, Kansas
but as a married woman lived on a ranch near Cassoday, Butler County, Kansas. Do
not know the first name of Mollie's husband but do have the first names of their
children: Edna (married a man named ? BENSON. Had a child named Johnny BENSON.
Pearl; Sylvia and Walter (I believe he was born around 1899 and died April
1868). I have a picture of the 4 kids when they were young adults - probably
taken around 1915-1918. Walter looks like he might be part American Indian.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Patricia Cantrell
(marpactx@yahoo.com) 19 January 2002
I am looking for the burial or death
record of CANTRELL, Cyrus or Silas, died 23 March 1905 of Chelsa, Indian
Territory (Butler County?). His father was Phillip CANTRELL of Franklin County,
Kansas. He may have been married to Eva Emeline.
Dan Dale
(dany0hhh@hotmail.com) 14 January 2002
I am looking for my father's parents:
He was born in El Dorado, January 27, 1908. His mother was an American Indian,
tribe unknown.
Thomas Guthery (tbgfun@yahoo.com) 14
January 2002
Searching for information on my 2nd and 3rd generation
Donna Boardman (il_kody@inw.net) 12
January 2002
My Great-Aunt and her husband, Mary (STUTLER) and Camel/Samuel
WILLIAMS, lived in Latham, Kansas in 1903. What happened to them after that we
do not know. I'm trying to find information for the Latham area, to search for
anything I might be able to find on Mary and her family (census, cemetery
listings, obituaries, etc.). Are there any genealogical holdings in the Latham
area? Perhaps at a library nearby? Also would like to know what Township Latham
is in.
Molly Sanders (msanders11@email.msn.com) 6 January 2002
I am looking for my Great-Grandfather who someone has told us was buried at
Beaumont, Butler County, Kansas. His name was Isaac Henry MYERS. He divorced Iva
Belle ALLISON. They had five children, Charles being the oldest. Can anyone help
me with more information on this family?
Sheryl McNeely Shaw (sjmcs@aol.com) 5 January 2002
I am looking for two
sisters that were in Kansas in 1929. Their maiden names were Ruth GOE and
Tyrannus GOE. In their brother's 1929 obituary they are listed as Mrs. SHEEPARD
of Garden City, (Finney County) Kansas and Mrs. W. M. HARSH of El Dorado,
(Butler County) Kansas. I have no idea which one is Ruth and which one is
Tyrannus, as I don't know anything about their marriages.
Tyrannus GOE was
born April 3, 1894 in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Her younger sister, Ruth GOE
was born March 9, 1900 in Doddridge County, West Virginia. They are the children
of Norval Douglas GOE I and Sarah E. "Sadie" DICE. I believe that DICE was from
her first marriage.
Some of the GOE and GALLAGHER family came to Kansas
working in oil related jobs in the early 1900s. Any help or clues as to how to
locate more information on these ladies would be much appreciated.
Nea Bidwell (neabear@yahoo.com) 1 January 2002
I am interested in information
about the Isaac and Iantha TYLER family who moved to Douglass before the 1880
Census was taken. I would like to know what happened to their children and if
any descendants may still be in the area. Thanks you so very much!
Tere Johnson (kllyhan@aol.com) 29 December 2001
interested in tracing a man named Frank Donald BUCHNER, born in 1916, married
Lorene MURREY (my Grandmother) in 1935 and divorced in 1936, (married and
divorced in Butler County). Appreciate whatever info you may be able to provide.
Mervin Rose (pcrose@cros.net) 21 December 2001
Any information on
Ralph Elwood Haas, date of death Jan. 20, 1999. Lived in Benton, Kansas, county
of Butler. Survivors names and phone numbers, if possible, would be appreciated.
Diana Watson (rwat@alltel.net) 6 December 2001
Looking for
descendants of John R. EDSALL, listed on the 1880 census in Hickory Township,
wife Sarah, children, Cora McKEEHAN, age 9, Dora McKEEHAN, age 6 and Jesse
EDSALL, age 1. Any information appreciated.
Margrete Fain
Bethea (artistpeg@aol.com) 28 November 2001
I am looking for the parents of
Jacob H. & Peter Andrew KLASSEN. Jacob KLASSEN, (b: August 15, 1875) married
Maria "Mary" WALL, (b: May 1, 1878) on May 25, 1897 in Cassoday, Kansas (license
received in El Dorado, Kansas on May 21, 1897). Peter Andrew KLASSEN, (b: August
25, 1874) married Helena WALL (b: February 10, 1875). WALL family also lived in
Kansas, (Peter M. WALL & Maria "Mary" RATZLAFF).
Gary Olds
(golds1@datastar.net) 18 November 2001
Looking for information on George
Washington OLDS, b: January 28, 1852 in Beaumont, Butler County, Kansas - d:
March 10, 1899 in Kansas.
Jenni Coe
(jenicoe2001@yahoo.com) 1 November 2001
Researching for nay information no
matter how small on Noel D. ADAMS, married to Blanch Elizabeth (JACKSON) BURNS
in 1920. They had Helen Louise ADAMS, born in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas
August 3, 1922. Noel D. ADAMS had a sister, Alice (ADAMS) SCOTT, who lived in
Great Bend, Kansas in the 1930's to 1940's. The ADAMS and SCOTT family were
involved in oil field work.
Debby Potter
(greganddebbypotter@aol.com) 1 November 2001
I am adding a list of
information that I have on the HARRISON family I'm related to, I descend from
William HARRISON, b: August 14, 1813 in
Northamptonshire (near Rugby, Warwickshire). William came with his parents and
siblings to the US in 1832. He lived in New York were he worked as a farm hand
for 4 years. In 1836 he moved to Kendall County, Illinois, where he followed
agricultural pursuits for a number of years. He married Mary Etta HUFF, (b:
1817, Lewis County, New York, d: September 15, 1862) in 1837, in Kendall County,
William lived in Iowa (unknown county) during 1853-1856 where two
of his thirteen children were born. Before 1857 he moved back to Illinois for a
short time. In the Spring of 1858, William moved his family to Butler County,
Kansas. He was a farmer and politician in Kansas. William was a member of the
State Legislature, and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners in El
Dorado, Butler County from 1861-64. In 1869 he was elected to the office of
Probate Judge, holding office for four years. William HARRISON died May 6, 1890
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. A. DAVIS (unknown which daughter this is),
four and a half miles south of Towanda, Kansas. He was laid to rest in the
family plot in Chelsea Cemetery, Butler County, Kansas.
William and Mary had
the following children:
Emma Ellen, b: May 6, 1840, Illinois, d: November 20,
1871, buried in Chelsea Cemetery; Charles Stuart, b: July 24, 1842, Illinois, d:
?? (also in the 11th Kansas Company M in the Civil War; Lucretia Keseah, b:
April 19, 1849, Illinois, d: January 7, 1919 in Stockton, California; Franklin,
b: November 20, 1845, Illinois, d: March 18, 1922, buried in Sutton Cemetery,
Butler County (also in the 11th Kansas Company M in the Civil War); William
Henry, b: 1846/47, Illinois, d: September 2, 1862, buried in Chelsea Cemetery;
(twins) Albert, b: July 17, 1850, Illinois, d: July 2, 1869 and Hubert "Hugh",
b: July 17, 1850, d: ??; Julia "Hettie", b: April 10, 1852, Illinois, d: ??;
Alice Ann, b: January 11, 1854, Iowa, d: October 5, 1934 in Nickerson, Kansas;
Edward Simons, b: September 25, 1857, Iowa, d: December 24, 1872, buried in
Chelsea Cemetery; John Musson, b: September 29, 1857, Illinois, d: February 26,
1939, Spencer, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, buried in Fairlawn Cemetery, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma; Minnie, b: 1859, d: 1859 (infant), buried in Chelsea Cemetery;
and Mary, b: 1861, d: 1861 (infant), buried in Chelsea Cemetery.
Iona May Phillips (ionamay48@yahoo.com) 31 October 2001
My Grandparents came to Kansas in the early 1900's. On my Uncle's obituary was
Richland, Butler County, Kansas. Can anyone help me with any kind of
information? My Grandfather's name is Franklin D., and my Grandmother's was Mary
Jane. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Curtis Clark
(clkwds@aol.com) 27 October 2001
I am looking for information on the KINDRED
family of Butler County, Kansas. Bartholomew KINDRED and MARTHA (GRAY) KINDRED
are buried in Brownlow Cemetery.
Ruby Martin (eagle@st-tel.net)
24 October 2001
I am looking for information on my Great-Grandfather, E. S.
GRAY, born in 1869. I believe he moved to Glencoe Township, Butler County,
Kansas. His parents are, W. W. GRAY and A. GRAY. He had one sister, M. J. GRAY
and one brother, Charles GRAY. All help is appreciated.
Bob Kuhn
(bob.kuhn@postman.org) 19 October 2001
Looking for Konrad KUHN, known to be
living in Butler County in 1897. Had a brother, William living in Illinois.
Believe this family to be from Westmoreland County, PA.
Stuart (bstuart@seasurf.net) 19 October 2001
I need birth records for John
Ira GHARST, born in Butler County on March 13, 1877 to father; Ephriam W. GHARTS
and Celestian GHARST. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
SueEllen Grove Trout (paulsuet@prodigy.net) 14 October 2001
Looking for nay
descendants of Wendle Daniel GROVE and Sarah Jane (HODSON) GROVE, Mary Ellen
(HAMM) GROVE, Jesse Milton GROVE, Phila Ann (LEIST) GROVE and William Uriah
GROVE. Originally from Ripley, Indiana, having settled in the 1860's (?) Butler
County, Kansas near Leon in the settlement of Bois D'Arc.
Jean Louis Theroulde (jtheroulde2@libertysurf.fr) 13 October 2001
What about
Edna THEROULDE died at Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas in November 1997. Is
there any THEROULDE in Butler County today?
Prissy Lee (prissylee@earthlink.net) 12 October 2001
I am looking for
information about descendants of Joseph and Jane (FERGUSON) CONDELL, who moved
to El Dorado, Butler County from Illinois about 1900. Their children were John
CONDELL (wife, Ella or Elsie, son, Logan); Will CONDELL (wife, Lena THOMPSON,
children: Frank Robert, Mary, Frances, Wilma and Barbara); Robert CONDELL (wife,
Elizabeth, sons Clayton and Lyle); Elizabeth CONDELL (nurse); Jenny CONDELL
(husband, Ruby REED of Benton, children, Ercel, Wilbur, Wayne, Betty and Doris);
Helen CONDELL, my Grandmother (husband John LEE, children, John, Virginia, Jane,
Joan and Robert) and Florence PALMO (husband, Joe PALMO). I may not have listed
that all correct, and I certainly don't have the generations after these. All
help will be appreciated.
Don Holtz (thebigsale@hotmail.com)
29 September 2001
Seeking information on deceased mother.
Gary Jacobson (jacobsongary@yahoo.com) 27 September 2001
Searching for
Clifford NELSON, mother was named Amanda, brother named Amos. Father may have
been named Aron. Trying to locate family of Clifford NELSON who graduated from
Hopkins School in 1912.
Chris Stanga (jas64@tds.net) 10 September
Looking for any information on the parents of Lloyd H. HUNT, deceased in
Butler County. His parents were George McClellan HUNT and Sadie Maude STEADMAN.
George may have been taken in by a family in Butler County.
btgs@naxs.com 10 September 2001
Searching for anything on Henry Kingman JONES
and his wife Nancy.
Kathy C. (kamarca@aol.com) 9 September 2001
My Great-Grandmother was Lena Joslin ROACH. She lived in El Dorado, Kansas in
1949. I am interested in any information about her.
Cloud (ela_girl@yahoo.com) 8 September 2001
I am looking for information on
my Great-Grandparents, Elsie CLOUD and Isaac ARMAS. Apparently, they lived in
Augusta and birthed a child on April 14, 1930 at a location identified as Little
Mexico Street. I've checked the 1920 Federal Census and city directories from
1927 to 1931 and came up with nothing. If you have any resources you can direct
me to or any information, please reply via email. Any help is appreciated.
Duane Tinius (tinius@webtv.net) 3 September 2001
Carlene POSEY married Marvin Dale REISCH in Butler County, divorced, they had a
child, either a daughter or perhaps a son. Any information will be greatly
appreciated. Marvin Dale REISCH deceased 1964, Carlene (POSEY) REISCH.
Beverly McAllister (chief@c-zone.net) 30 August 2001
I am
searching for the death of Andrew Mathew McALLISTER, b: 1814, state unknown.
Andrew and his wife, Nancy lived in Augusta in 1870. Nancy was alone in 1880. I
believe she died in 1893. Thanks you so very much.
(alphius@alltel.net) 29 August 2001
I am researching Frank RUDDICK, would
like to know if he had any children.
Sue Robinson (srobinson@mail.provalue.net) 19 August 2001
Looking for any information about my Great-Grandparents that lived in Butler
County, Kansas in the mid-1800's to about 1900. Samuel GENOWAYS died in Kansas
(Date of death and where? Name of his wife and his wife's parents, and their
children's names?) Elvira Elisabeth GENOWAYS married Willis WHITAKER and were
living in Leon, Kansas by 1877 to around 1893 where Willis was the Justice of
the Peace. (Date they arrived in Butler County or Leon, Kansas and dates he was
Justice of the Peace? Name of his and his wife's parents?) Cornelius GOODING and
Caroline WALKER lived in Butler County. (Interested in the names of his and his
wife's parents, the names of their children, and the date they lived in Butler
County.) Willing to share information on these families.
Brunson (lbrunson@cox.net) 18 August 2001
I am looking for the STRAW family
that lived in or around Towanda, Kansas. Julius C. STRAW, Rachel J. (STEPHENS)
STRAW, John C. STRAW, Dollie (PIERCE) STRAW and Frank STRAW.
Jim Phillips (jphil50477@aol.com) 18 August 2001
I am searching for any
information on Lester J. PHILLIPS, he was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania
on January 20, 1903 to Lee M. PHILLIPS and Emma SCHOONOVER. WE know that he
lived in Memphis in the 1940's, where he met and married my mother in 1941 but
left us when my sister and I were babies. He had previously been married before
my mother and had fathered two sons by that union and they had lived in Memphis.
He had worked for Western Union here as a telegrapher. When he left us he went
to Washington DC and worked there. He left Washington DC and returned to El
Dorado, Kansas in 1963 and was there until he died on November 13, 1989 in the
El Dorado Nursing Center. His obituary in the paper there said he had attended
schools in El Dorado and had gone to Temple Baptist Church. My father donated
his body to the University of Kansas. I know nothing about his side of the
family and have been looking for just a picture of him for years. He retired
from Western Union. I would appreciate any help that anyone can give me.
David Camp (dcamp@peoplepc.com) 18 August 2001
Miss Maxine POINDEXTER taught the first and second grade at Rose Hill, Butler
County in 1945-1946. There was also a Miss PENNINGTON. I am looking for anyone
who might have information on these two ladies; I am also looking for anyone who
has a Rose Hill annual for the school year 1945-1946.
Sharon Holden (ljholden@grapevine.net) 30 July 2001
I am looking for
information on Lillian C. (SPAIN) KIMBERLIN. She married Marcus D. KIMBERLIN,
1905 in Greenwood County, Kansas. My information has her death listed as
December 16, 1974 in Enid, Oklahoma and buried in Haldeman Cemetery, Butler
County, Kansas. I need o know who her parents were and where is Haldeman
Cemetery located. Any help will be much appreciated.
Freeman (pfreeman68@yahoo.com) 28 July 2001
Thomas and Emma FREEMAN, Thomas
was born in Canada in 1859, emigrated to the United States and married Emma ?
from Iowa. Old family members have told me that they were living in Rose Hill
during the latter part of the 19th and/or early part of the 20th centuries and
are buried there. I would like to have the names and addresses for the local
cemeteries near Rose Hill so that I may search them for this couple, my
husband's Great-Grandparents.
Kay Stevens
(estevens@tvutel.com) 18 July 2001
I am searching for any ABRAHAM's.
Lee Ann Walker (leeannw1@hotmail.com) 17 July 2001
Perlee Morgan (P. M.) STANSBURY owned a cattle farm in 1890. Looking for any
information about his family, wife Emma M. RUTHERFORD, and daughter, Grace
Rick Rantz
(rrantz@mail.uh.com) 11 July 2001
I am searching for information on Lawson
SMITH and Katherine SCOTT, who had a daughter by the name of Effie Ann SMITH,
born 21 October 1870 in Potwin, Butler County, Kansas, d: 27 October 1952 in
Walnut Shade, Taney County, Missouri. I am wondering if Lawson and Katherine
(SCOTT) SMITH are buried in one of the Potwin Cemeteries. I do not have any
other information on Lawson and Katherine (Catherine?). I do know that Effie Ann
married George Washington THORNBRUGH, abt. 1889. Any help that anyone can lend
in locating information associated with my search is greatly appreciated.
Allita Griffin (leegentx@yahoo.com) 5 July 2001
Looking for information on Pearl BEARDSLEY and Clara DeSHURLEY, they were
married in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas on 24 December 1900.
Beckie Willsie (brecka@montrose.net) 5 July 2001
believe the following people lived in Butler County, Kansas in the late 1890's -
Betty Edmonds
(bettylee_98@hotmail.com) 4 July 2001
I am trying to find any information on
my Grandfather, Walter Joseph SMITH. He is the son of Oliver SMITH and Emma
CASTO. He had a brother named Floyd SMITH. They lived in El Dorado, Kansas. I
think Walter is buried there. His body was shipped there from Macon, Georgia.
Rumor is he was on his way to New York to try to find my Mom, who his estranged
wife had put in an orphanage. He died around 1960 sometime of carbon monoxide
poisoning. My mom thinks he also had a sister named Veldeen. There are more, but
they are unknown as the SMITH family hated my Grandmother. Anything at all would
be wonderful! It gets hard to do a family tree when branches are missing.
Bill Woolen (bwoolen@yahoo.com) 4 July 2001
Looking for William
H. WOOLEN, in county approximately 1905-1915. Married to a 'Carrie' surname
unknown. He died in 1915, probably in county.
Tommie Ford
(tford@intertex.net) 4 July 2001
My father, James Quest is buried in a
cemetery in Augusta, Kansas. He died in 1966. His father was a doctor in
Augusta, Kansas. I am searching for information on my father.
Lorena Velasquez (raul@pld.com) 3 July 2001
Looking for any information on
Isaac C. FURTNEY who supposedly died in El Dorado, Kansas on 12 July 1906. Much
Charlene Roberts (grannchik@aol.com) 2 July 2001
We are looking for any information on the George L. ROBERTS family that was
listed in the 1880 Census, Butler County, Pleasant Township.
George L.
ROBERTS, b: 1840 - NC
Mary E. ROBERTS, b: 1844 - GA
Charles E. ROBERTS, b:
1867 - KY
Sarah B. ROBERTS, b: 1869 - KY
William C. ROBERTS, b: 1873 - KS
George L. ROBERTS, Jr., b: 1876 - KS
Tempie A. ROBERTS, b: 1879 - KS
there any descendants out there or does anyone have cemetery information on this
family? Anything?
Lawrence Harper (llharper@juno.com) 29 June
I was looking through these pages in hopes of finding my Grandfather,
Willis Bertin ELFRITS and his mother, Sarah (BRADEN) ELFRITS mentioned here. My
Grandfather was born in Leon, Butler County, Kansas on March 7, 1877. He did not
know his father; therefore, we know nothing about John ELFRITS. Grandpa ELFRITS
died in Ash Grove, Greene County, Missouri on 4 May 1943. Sarah (BRADEN) ELFRITS
actually witnessed the hanging of her father by the bushwhackers. She remembered
that she was eight years old during the Civil War, so when she passed away we
did not know whether she was 70 or 74. She died as Sarah (BRADEN) Butler in
Greene County, Missouri.
Viki Goodner
(rgoodner@internetcds.com) 28 June 2001
Seeking information on parents,
siblings, and descendants of Charles W. DIX, b: abt. 1830 in Kentucky. He, his
wife (Emily/Emma), and his 4 youngest children are listed in the Prospect,
Butler County, Kansas census of 1880. The 4 known children are: Benjamin, Nola,
Chardles, and Alney.
Annette DeCourcy (annette@astound.net)
22 June 2001
Looking for information on a William BROWNBACK, who owned a
ranch in Butler County, Kansas about 1900. Records from Illinois say he owned
21,000 acres. Any information would be welcomed. Children were: Dellman,
Margaret, Gertrude and William. Wife was Elizabeth (SHAW) DeCOURCY.
Liz Hedges
(lhedges@panola.cc.tx.us) 21 June 2001
I am searching for W. H. GREATHOUSE
and wife Anna CHERRY who married in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas in 1881 and
their daughter, Rosa A. GREATHOUSE who married Millard F. GOLDEN in Butler
County in 1901. They had one son, Harvey E. GOLDEN. Millard disappeared about
September 1902. Anna married Clarence WOOLWORTH in Butler County in 1903. This
about all I know about them. I would like to trace all of these families
further. I do not know a lot about the descendants of H. E. GOLDEN. Thanks in
advance for any help you can give me.
dixeebarb@aol.com 13 June
Looking for date of death for William and/or Marion REAVIS, I find both
on the 1880 Towanda, Butler County, Kansas census, he was age 81.
Anne Garcia (garciamari@earthlink.net) 12 June 2001
am looking for my Grandfather's parent's names. His name is Bernard Sylvester
JOHNSTON. He lived in El Dorado, died in 1955 in a plane crash in Missouri. He
was married to Cora JOHNSTON. They lived at 300 S. Summit, El Dorado. Cora died
in the 1970's. Any information will be helpful.
Peggy Bollenbaugh (ptbollen@comcast.net) 8 June 2001
I am searching for the
family of James DUNN and Martha Jane SEXTON. They were married in 1867. Two of
their sons, William and George DUNN, were Sheriff of Butler County. One of their
daughters, Ella DUNN, married George Austin TONG in 1896, in the town of Leon,
Butler County, Kansas. Any and all clues would be greatly appreciated.
Bryan Snyder (pwsa8zpg@hotmail.com) 5 June 2001
I am trying to
track down my Grandfather, Albert E. SNYDER's parents, Gerald Curlee SNYDER, b:
1902 in El Dorado, and Mary (PHILLIPS) SNYDER. Albert was supposed to be the
Station Master at the Missouri-Pacific Rail Depot. Any help would be
John H. Carey (wrong@srv.net) 4 June 2001
for any information on a RASH family in Douglass, Kansas, circa 1875-1890.
Grandmother, Lula A. RASH made the Oklahoma Land Run in April 1889, and may have
been married with the last name of CAREY at the time. But, she still had family
in the town, although her father may have moved to Oklahoma in 1889. Have photo
of her earlier than 1889 taken by "R.C. Snodgrass, Douglass, Kas."
Lorena Velasquez
(raul@pld.net) 3 June 2001
Desperately seeking the descendants and/or related
families of former Butler County residents, William James HOOBER (1876-1960),
Anna E. (HOOBER) CHRISTIAN (1881-1965), George D. WILKERSON (?-?), A. Lewis
HOOBER (1864-1946), Wayne M. "Mike" HOOBER (1905-1961), THOMPSON (1912-?), James
W. (Wesley?) HOOBER (1921-2000), Mary E. (HOOBER) DIXON (1918-1999) to share
HOOBER Genealogical date.
Mark Johnson
(mjohnson@coastalnet.com) 2 June 2001
Interested in descendants of John
Rankin FETROW, a Mill operator in 1890's Leon, Butler County, Kansas.
Brad Frank (thecoffeebug@yahoo.com) 25 May 2001
I am
searching for information on Anna Matilda NEWBY, my Grandmother. Born 1891/1893
in El Dorado, Kansas. Married Henry L. FRANK, date unknown. I'm not sure if
marriage took place in Butler County. Any information will be appreciated.
Teresa Mueller (peterm@olypen.com) 19 May 2001
Would like
to locate a source for a birth record: Stella Ruth RICHARDSON, born 1898, father
was Wm. RICHARDSON, mother was Ada Belle. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Lu Anne Kriebs
(lula@worldnet.att.net) 19 May 2001
I am gathering information on the
following names: William Lloyd KENNEDY; Ira Bryan KENNEDY; David Henry BOLINGER;
Jesse Albert PERKINS; and Nellie Francis (PERKINS) THOMPSON. Anyone with
information on these people or people related please contact me.
Harve Wolfe (hwlobo@aol.com) 17 May 2001
I am
looking for marriage information on a Homer Abel (or Abel Homer) HALL and Isobel
CAIN (cold have used the surname BURKHOLDER) ca. 1878. Many thanks in advance.
James Greathouse (mountaineer26070@netzero.net) 10 May 2001
Amos and Mary A. GREATHOUSE lived in Butler County in the 1870-1880 timeframe.
Looking for names of children and dates of birth. They moved from Virginia to
Indiana about 1866, after the Civil War. His brothers, Enoch and Henry moved to
Indiana about 1860. If anyone has any information on these people please contact
Carolyn Busch (wcpbusch@pdq.net) 30 April 2001
Elliott HARVEY, known as E. E. HARVEY and family lived in and around El Dorado,
Butler County, Kansas between 1872 and 1886. E. E. was a minister and helped to
start the Christian Church in El Dorado as well as other towns in Butler County.
Even though he moved to Lane County in 1886 he always considered El Dorado home.
E. E., his wife Marilla (FLYNN) HARVEY, his daughter Minnie, his daughter Ada
(HARVEY) LAMBDIN, son-in-law Robert M. LAMBDIN, a LAMBDIN child and
daughter-in-law Martha Susan (PAYNE) HARVEY, wife of son William Horace HARVEY
are all buried in the Bella Vista Cemetery in El Dorado. I think there may be
others. Does anyone know who I can contact to find who is buried in Bella Vista
Cemetery? Who keeps the records? I have some information on the early Christian
Church in El Dorado that I am willing to share with anyone who is interested.
Dennis Oelschlager (doelschlager@yahoo.com) 28 April 2001
Looking for a death certificate for Viola OELSCHLAGER, passed away abt. 2 May
Richard McGinnis (richard1937@webtv.net) 17 April 2001
Looking for McGINNIS family. Owen, b: 1845, in Connecticut, Pauline (CARLYLE),
b: 1851, in Arkansas. Children were: Charles Owen, b: 1872, Arkansas; Mary Ann,
b: 1875, Missouri; Pattie G., b: 1879, Missouri. This family is found in
Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, we were told that they might have
migrated through Greenwood or Butler Counties in Kansas between 1880 and 1892 on
their way to Leavenworth. Owen worked as a miner, stonemason or laborer. Any
information will be greatly appreciated.
Ruth Wood
(rwood52896@aol.com) 16 April 2001
I need someone to check Potwin for the
cemetery my Great-Grandmother was buried in and maybe also Chaster A. TURNER,
born 1878, died in 1879. My Great-Grandmother's name is Phebe Blythe TURNER, she
died 21 June 1887 in Whitewater, Kansas. I would be willing to look for anyone
that has family in Yellowstone County, Montana in exchange for someone to look
up things I need, pictures of tombstones or newspaper clipping.
Gene Gant (oneceltic@aol.com) 14 April 2001
I have a
Great-Aunt Zelma Louise GANT, born 20 July 1909, Eureka, Greenwood County,
Kansas and died, 31 July 1989, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. She was married
to Dee GRANT in November 1925. Dee GRANT died on 22 August 1975. Zelma and Dee
had a son, Bobby Dee GRANT, born March 1936. This is all I know about this
family. Would appreciate any additional information that is available.
Linda Goelman (k-lgoelman@qwiknet.com) 13
April 2001
I am looking for information regarding Cynthia/Synthia (maiden
name HASLIP) ANDREWS (second married name BEMAN/BEAMAN) who lived in Butler
County around 1914. I am not sure how long she lived there. Her son, George
Franklin ANDREWS and his new wife, Flossie LOGSDON lived with her sometime in
1914 or 1915. They were from Chadwick, Missouri.
Luella Rigg
Ostonal (lkotaurus@hotmail.com) 13 April 2001
I am looking for any
information on John RIGG and/or Perry RIGG. My Grandfather, Perry RIGG was born
in Anthony, Harper County, Kansas, but have found some new information that may
put him in Leon, Butler County, Kansas. Perry was born October 10, 1887 and
married Edith BARKER in 1909. Edith was born June 27, 1890? Perry's father's
name was John. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Carol Taulbee (sweetthangtx@hotmail.com) 12 April 2001
My Great-Grandmother
was Sarah PARKER. She was born in Missouri, but some of her siblings were born
in Kansas. I have a photo of her brother, Charley PARKER and his wife that has
very faintly written on the back, "El Dorado, KS". Charley had a son named Nova.
I believe that Sarah's mother was named Susan and her father may have been
Andrew. Sarah was born in 1848, she had siblings, Mary, Martin V., James,
Hattie, Nancy and Charles. Her parents were born in Indianan and Ohio. If anyone
has any information about these PARKER's, I would love to hear from you.
Marilyn Williams (rw3101@swbell.net) 12 April 2001
Looking for
information on Ida May HOPKINS, b: 2 October 1890 in El Dorado, Butler County,
Kansas. Do not know her parent's names. She married Edward Arthur REID in
Cushing, Oklahoma in 1907. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Alice Windle (atoodles@aol.com) 12 April 2001
Spencer Williams
JACKSON lived in Otoe County (later became Butler County), Kansas in the town of
Chelsea on August 5, 1860. He died October 16, 1860. His wife was Margaret A.
(POOL) and the had 2 living children, Mary Loretta and Alexus Benjamin. Margaret
married again in Dunn County Wisconsin to Jesse PETERSON. Margaret died January
4, 1870 in Howard County, Kansas. Jesse then married his step-daughter, Mary
Loretta's husband's sister, Ellen (DRISKILL) HUNT. I have been unable to locate
either the place of burial for Margaret or Spencer. I am unsure if Spencer died
in Otoe County, which seems likely, but his wife soon married after his death in
Wisconsin. Alexus Benjamin, I have been unable to locate also. Mary Loretta was
my Great-Great-Grandmother. Mary Loretta and husband James T. DRISKILL are
buried in Nowata, Oklahoma. Any help will be appreciated and I will gladly
Deanna Stewart (stew_art43@yahoo.com) 7 April 2001
Looking for Isaac Newton STEWART and his wife, Elizabeth. I believe she died in
1922 in Douglas, Kansas. Can anyone please verify this?
Kris Murray (jksmurray@aol.com) 6 April 2001
My Great-Grandfather is buried
in Leon, Kansas. His name is Clark Jameson DAVIS, he was married to Frances
(SINKHORN) DAVIS. Would anyone have a cemetery listing for a cemetery in Leon?
My Great-Grandparents as well as Great-Great-Grandparents are buried there.
Lorena Velasquez (raul@pld.com) 2 April 2001
Looking for any
information on the following families found on the 1920 Butler County census:
1920 Butler Co., KS, El Dorado City Ward 4
Enumeration Dist. 21 Sheet 3B, 3
Jan 1920
HOOBER, William; Head; 37; POB: KS; Father POB: US; Mother POB: US;
Laborer (Anything); Rents Home (N. Gordy St.)
Mary; wife; 35; POB: KS; Father
POB: US; Mother POB: US
Harvey; son; 9; POB: KS; Father POB: KS; Mother POB:
Eva; daughter; 8; POB: KS; Father POB: KS; Mother POB: KS
daughter; 4; POB: KS; Father POB: KS; Mother POB: KS
Elizabeth; daughter; 1
1/2; POB: KS; Father POB: KS; Mother POB: KS
1920 Butler Co., KS, El Dorado
City Ward 3
Enumeration Dist. 20 Sheet 10A, 14 & 15 Jan 1920
William; Head; 40; POB: MO; Father POB: MO; Mother POB: MO; Laborer (Odd Jobs);
Rents Home (W. 1st & Star?)
Effie; wife; 31; POB: MO; Father POB: MO; Mother
Harvey; son; 13; POB: ; Father POB: MO; Mother POB: MO
daughter; 7; POB: KS; Father POB: MO; Mother POB: MO
Annie; daughter; 4 4/12;
POB: KS; Father POB: MO; Mother POB: MO
Elizabeth; daughter; 3/12; POB: KS;
Father POB: MO; Mother POB: MO
Jackie McGuire
(jamijahan@aol.com) 30 March 2001
I am looking for information on the COWLEY
family of El Dorado, Kansas, (Cowley County is named after Matthew COWLEY, my
Great-Great-Grandfather). Also any descendants who moved to Oklahoma, Colorado
or California. Especially interested in pictures.
Gripenstraw (bart_gripenstraw@yahoo.com) 26 March 2001
Searching for any
information on Frederick ROTHA (1841-1918), who is buried in the Brainerd
Jean Cihal Tomas (jeanc@ykc.com) 23 March 2001
Looking for a STEPHENSON that owned an apple orchard in Butler County, Kansas.
He had one brother named William Robert STEPHENSON, in Brazos County, Texas.
William was born in 1847, where?? One other brother in east Texas although his
first name is unknown.
Robert Campbell (campbelr@indiana.edu) 16
March 2001
Charles Wesley WEVER and his wife, Charlotte came to Butler County
from Kankakee County, Illinois in the 1860's or 1870's. Their children were Mary
Alice, Anna, Eva Lottie, Benjamin, Charles Russell, Bonnie Isabelle and Milo
Nathaniel. I am looking for information on events, such as births, deaths,
marriages, etc.
Roger Barton
(bartondux@worldnet.att.net) 8 March 2001
My ancestors, Carl & Louisa BARTEN
(later changed to BARTON), were German immigrants who settled in Butler County
approximately 1866 to 1880. Does anyone now if their names, occupation, etc.,
might appear on any county records, and how it was spelled on those records?
Also, does Butler County have record of other groups of German immigrants moving
into that part of Kansas at that time? I am thinking of German-Mennonite
colonies, fleeing Germany and Russia to settle in the Midwest, Kansas and the
west, during much of the 1800's.
Kathie Stutz-Soto
(shadykatie@netzero.com) 5 March 2001
I have a couple of distant cousins who
moved into Butler County during the 1920's by the name of STUTZ. Lillian (STUTZ)
WELTY lived in El Dorado in the 70's and was married to a Lawrence WELTY. If
anyone has any information, please contact me.
Mary McIlwain (mack@bwn.net) 27 February 2001
I am searching for any
information on when George HEORMAN bought land in Benton Township. Also looking
for any information on John William NACE and am searching for the newspaper
article on the death of Sarah Elizabeth (CREW) (NACE) MURRAY.
Carolyn (noltens@aol.com) 17 February 2001
Seeking information on the SHAY
family. John SHAY, born September 23, 1817 supposedly died in Butler County,
Kansas on January 13, 1892 or 1889. He was residing with his son and his family.
Son is John Cefas SHAY, married to Mary Ann (PEELER) SHAY. This couple had
several children born in Butler County between 1892-1889. This family eventually
went to Noble County, Oklahoma about 1895. Any information about this family is
greatly appreciated.
Jim Pirtle (jascop@flash.net) 6 February
Looking for information on the PIRTLE family in Butler County from 1874
thru 1948, El Dorado, Prospect Township. My father, John Thomas Arthur PIRTLE
was born August 16, 1912 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. John Meade PIRTLE
was a pioneer settler in 1874, wife, Emma Wilmirth (DONELSON) PIRTLE died 1911,
El Dorado, Kansas. George W. PIRTLE, died February 3, 1884, Prospect Township.
Olin Petitjean (olinpet@aol.com) 16 January 2001
information on the PETITJEAN family, 1890 - 1948 Butler County. Including,
Ernie, Archie, and Edward.
Ruth Kidwell (kidone@kdsi.net) 12
January 2001
We are under the impression that our Great Aunts, Ida and Mary
BUCK married men in Butler County and thought maybe our Grandpa Charles J. BUCK
may have moved down there after 1907.
Kim Duren (bkrl@msn.com) 11
January 2001
I am looking for any information I can get on the ANGLETON
Family of Butler County.
Linda Faye Mecham (mechamlinda@hotmail.com) 26 December
Looking for any information on William Albert WESTFALL, who died in 1920
and is buried at Beaumont, Butler County, Kansas. He married Lena Leota AXTELL,
who also died on 17 January 1956 and is buried in the same cemetery. Their
children are Alice, Blanche And Frank, who all may still be alive. Alice married
Harry BALL, Blanche married Leo E. BEAUMONT and Frank Albert married Ruby
ARNETT. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hall (marty43@gte.net) 26 December 2000
Willis BURNHAM, b: abt. 1844 in
Dekalb, St. Lawrence County, New York, moved his family to Kansas, possibly to
the Latham area, date unknown. There were two known sons, John and Fred. There
may have been others. Fred married his cousin, Mildred BURNHAM. Fred lost a leg
to a rattlesnake bite. They had no children, but I do not know about any
ancestors for John. An obituary I have of Mildred's mother, has Mildred in 1943
in Latham, Kansas. After being in Latham they may have moved to the Severy area.
My mother visited her there just before Mildred's death in 1977, age 96. Looking
for anyone that may have a tie back to these BURNHAM's.
Fran O'Brien (fran.obrien@triadhospitals.com) 21 December
I am searching for Fred L. PATTON, born in Monroe County. West Virginia,
23 March 1887. He migrated to Douglass, Butler County, Kansas in 1916 and
married Opal May PATTERSON (daughter of Robert), on 7 September 1918. Fred
Worked in the oil business while living in Douglass. He was a member of the
Presbyterian Church there. He died 4 October (approximately) 1920 in a Halstead
Hospital. Fred was buried in a Douglass Cemetery, although I don't know the name
of the cemetery. Fred and Opal (PATTERSON) PATTON had a baby daughter at the
time of his death, but I do not know her name. Can anyone help me find her and
her family? I would love to learn more about this couple and their daughter.
Larry Hardesty (lhardesty@austinc.edu) 13 December 2000
Searching for information on Levi ALLEN and Elizabeth ALLEN. Elizabeth (DANGLER)
(MARTIN) (BALDWIN) (ALLEN) PERRY lived until the 1920's.
Heather Metheny (h.m.metheny@att.net) 8 December 2000
Looking for information
on John MEEKER, b: 1846 in Butler County, Kansas. He married Violet HENDERSON
who was b: in Tennessee. They had 9 children (not all born in Kansas)
1. May,
b: 1869
2. Amos, b: 1872
3. Charles A., b: 1873
4. George Thomas, b:
5. Mary Jane, b: 1877
6. James H., b: 1880
7. John
8. Mack
9. Violet
The above #4, George Thomas "Tom" MEEKER, b: 1874 was my
Great-Great-Grandfather. Any information will be appreciated.
Lois Jump (cricketjump@ocinet.net) 25 November 2000
am interested in learning more about my Great-Great-Grandfather's descendants:
Daniel W. McLAUGHLIN (1847-1915) married Mary J. GOSNELL (1848-1924), both died
in Butler County, Kansas. They had four daughters who survived to adulthood.
Carrie (1876-1910) married Albert BUSHNELL
Florence (1884-1950) married
Mary Edna (1887-1980?) married J. Alonzo BAKER
(1889-1971?) married Carl SMITH
Lois Jump (cricketjump@ocinet.net) 25 November 2000
I am researching the siblings of my Grandmother, Rachel (MONEY) LEGGETT.
Israel MONROE "Azzle" (1869-aft. 1949) married Parrie Lulu HIGH.
(1871-1949) married Fred MORSE
Simeon (1873-1938) married Pearl ____
(1875-1921) married Peter LYON
Mary (1877-1951) married George BARNEY
James (1882-1917) married Lucille RAMBOW
Grandma Rachel (1882-1978) married
Azzle was living in Augusta Township, Butler County, Kansas in
1920. Simeon may also have been in Butler County for a time. I would love to
know more about these kinfolk of mine. Any help would be appreciated.
Bobbie Mee (fdmee@aol.com) 24 November 2000
I was born in
Cowley County when my parents were living in Butler County. My Grandparents were
from Augusta, C. J. LEHR, Mary (JOHNSON) LEHR, Ola V. THOMAS and Robert "Bob"
THOMAS. I have been working on a little family history and I would appreciate
any and all information on these people.
Karla Dupree
Harp (jarronita@yahoo.com) 14 November 2000
I am in desperate need of someone
who can help find information concerning my 3rd Great-Grandfather, Peter DUPREE.
I have been searching for information as to when and where he died.
He lived
in Jefferson County with his son, Adam DUPREE, until about 1880. After that Adam
and his family moved to Butler County (around Winfield, I believe) and, since I
can find no information on Peter's death in Jefferson County, I am hoping that
he moved with Adam to Butler County and there will be a record of his death
there. Adam and his family moved from Butler County to Oklahoma in June of 1889
so there is only about a 9 year period when the DUPREE's lived there in Butler
County. I also believe Adam owned and operated a sawmill there. If anyone has
information on Peter DUPREE or know where I can search for information
concerning either his move to Butler County, or an earlier death please contact
James Cordy (jcordy@wcnet.org) 14 November 2000
Wheeler ZOOK moved to Butler County around 1920 with his family. He was born in
Ohio. Looking for an obituary or tombstone for him and his wife, Grace. Are
there any ZOOKs living around Butler County today that are related to him?
Sue Peterson (larrysue@digisys.net) 13 November 2000
I'm searching for information on Benjamin James and Nancy Catherine (BRYANT)
COFFMAN, who lived in either Butler or Cowley County, Kansas in 1887.
Christina Stanga (jas64@tds.net) 6 November 2000
for any information on these deceased relatives, George McClellan HUNT and Sadie
Maude STEADMAN. I know they had a child, Harold Harry HUNT, who was born in
Butler County on June 12, 1905. Other children included Roy H., Walter (died
young), and Lloyd (who lived and died in El Dorado).
Grove Trout (paulsuet@prodigy.net) 4 November 2000
My Great-Grandparents,
Wendle Daniel and Sarah Jane (HODSON) GROVE, left Kokomo, Ripley County, Indiana
to move westward. They settled in or around 'Bois d'Arc on the George HILLS
Homestead. They moved here after 1859. Where was Bois d'Arc and how can I find
anything on the census to support their name and life? I believe they are found
in the Fowler cemetery. I think I found ties to the Philadelphia area in the
Diana (Mo2okie@aol.com) 25 October 2000
I have a photograph from the Landifer Studio in El Dorado, Kansas that I bought
at an antique shop. The woman in the photo is someone's ancestor and I would
like to get this photo returned to a descendant. I have the photo scanned onto a
Zing page, so if you email me I will send you a link. Take a look and see if
she's your Great-Grandmother.
April Staring
(aprilstaring@hotmail.com) 23 October 2000
I am searching for any information
on Walton and Gertrude (BAILEY) ROGERS, who had a farm in El Dorado in the
1880's. They moved there from their home in Oneida County, New York. Walton died
on his farm on March 18, 1887. Gertrude packed the kids up and went home to New
York. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Levine (stovercj@aol.com) 23 October 2000
Riley CRAWFORD, b: 1841 New York,
d: 1891 Kansas, served in the Civil War with the New York 94th Infantry. He came
to Butler County around 1882 and farmed in Logan Township, near Leon, Kansas.
Does anyone know how I can find out if he belonged to the GAR in Butler County?
He had moved from the farm into El Dorado itself by 1887.
Christopher Courter (KitAtHome@aol.com) 29 September 2000
Looking for
information on the family of John A. COURTER. Originally from Genesco,
Livingston County, New York and Ionia, Michigan, moved to Benton, Butler County,
Kansas around 1890. John's brother, Cornelius P. COURTER, my Great-Grandfather,
reportedly accompanied John to Kansas around 1890 but returned to Michigan a few
years later.
David Burrell
(burrell2@inreach.com) 28 September 2000
I am looking for any information on
a Stephen G. DOWNING, b: in Frenchtown, Michigan, d: May 3, 1901 in Latham,
Butler County, Kansas or his sons, George Walter DOWNING, b: September 11, 1861,
d: February 22, 1931, and William Henry DOWNING, b: September 22, 1856, d:
August 30, 1940. Stephen G. first came to Sedan, Kansas in 1871. Died in Latham,
Kansas possibly at his son George's home. I am not sure how long in Butler
County. Stephen was married to Emily J. POTTER June 4, 1852, George was married
to Jennie Belle HITCHCOCK, William married to Sarah Hulda LUSE. George's
daughter, Emma Jane DOWNING married Clarence William VINSON of Latham or Leon,
Kansas. Clarence's parents are John William and Annie Maria (BUNDY) VINSON, also
of Latham/Leon, Kansas, (7 children in family). Also this family is connected to
Ernest A. and Emily Ann (STONE) DURFLINGER, also of Burrton, Kansas and Joseph
STRYKER and Ann Maria (COPELAND) STONE of Burrton, Kansas. Any information will
be greatly appreciated.
Deloris Schwarz (deloris@slsoft.com) 20
September 2000
I am searching for descendants of James W. and Emily (SCOTT)
HOARD. They were my Great-Grandparents. They were both buried in the Latham
Cemetery. I know that I have cousins that I would like to contact. Several of
their children lived in and around Latham and are also buried at Latham. I am
descended from their son, George Anderson HOARD.
Laurie McKeague (mckeaguel001@hawaii.rr.com) 8 September 2000
In search for
family of Robert and Margaret (McKEAGUE) BELFORD. They resided in Andover,
Butler County, Kansas about 1900/1910. They had 14 children: John, Emma, Mary
Ann, Sarah and Mattie. Sarah married (unknown) BEAVER. She had a son, William
BEAVER, born 9/12/1888. Mattie married Randolph/Rudolph SUITS. She resided in
Augusta. Any information or direction will be very much appreciated.
Kellie McIlvain (wolf104inf@aol.com) 25 August 2000
Looking for
any information on Mills and Rebecca (STEWART/STUART) McILVAIN. I have been told
that Mills died in Augusta, Kansas in 1888 and Rebecca, I believe died in 1902
or 1906. Is there anyway I can find out for sure? Any information will be
greatly appreciated.
Jean Dobson Sellers
(sjeanbug@aol.com) 22 August 2000
Minerva E. (DOBSON) MURPHY b: 1873 in
Butler County, Kansas. Minerva aka "Bessie" was born 1873 at Glencoe, Butler
County, Kansas to Chas. J. DOBSON and Clara (BIXLER) DOBSON. Her parents moved
to Payne County, Oklahoma. Don't know if she moved with them or not. Any
information would be greatly appreciated.
Harry Sprague (HarryGSprague@aol.com) 10 August 2000
I am seeking information
about the ancestry of Richard W. WINFIELD. He was born in Latham, Butler County,
Kansas on October 12, 1896. He died December 14, 1973 in Los Angeles,
California. He married Lula M. LOWE, who was born on May 22, 1898 in Caldwell,
Sumner County, Kansas.
Richard and Lula had a son, Richard WINFIELD, who was
born in Wichita, Kansas in 1925. He married Shirley J. SALADIN, born in 1931 in
St. Louis, Missouri. Richard W. WINFIELD had a brother, Ransom D. WINFIELD who
was born October 22, 1890 in Kansas, and died June 20, 1974 in Los Angeles,
Richard and Ransom WINFIELD were sons of Ransom WINFIELD, who may
have been born in New York in 1857, and Emily SCURR, daughter of Thomas SCURR of
London, England.
Kathleen Manzanares
(HorseCapitolUSA@cs.com) 19 July 2000
I am currently researching my family
lines of ADAMS and McGUIRE. Of special interest to me is Oliver ADAMS and his
wife Maggie, Joseph ADAMS and his wife Lucy Sophronia BROWN. I have heard the
Sophronia BROWN may be buried in Belvue, Kansas. I have almost given up on my
McGUIREs. I hop e that someone may recognize these names and be able to provide
me with some information.
Larry Bright
(lbright@oregontrail.net) 18 July 2000
I am looking for any documents on my
Grandmother, Almira (ELMER) BRIGHT. My father, James Larry BRIGHT was born in
Butler County, Kansas on September 17, 1907. I would very much like to obtain a
birth certificate for James Larry BRIGHT which, I hope will show some
genealogical information on my Grandmother. Hopefully, someone would have noted
her nationality correctly. She was Native American, but like so many in those
days, they did not indicate such on such records. Thanks for any help or advise
anyone may offer.
Mitchell Wiles
(nwiles@pacinfo.com) 22 June 2000
I would like to obtain information
regarding Lee GARRISON and Lilley RUSSELL, who were residing in Butler County,
Kansas in 1904. Lee was a machinist, working for the Santa Fe Railroad. Lilley
was the daughter of Thomas J. RUSSELL and Ruth Ann KELLEY and was born in Adams
County, Ohio in July 1878.
Mike Gaddis
(mgaddis@teletrac.net) 22 June 2000
I am looking for information on Fred and
Nora LEE. Nora's married name was SMITH. They lived in Butler County, I believe
around El Dorado. Their daughter, Marvel LEE married Gene GADDIS of Cassoday,
Kansas. I believe they had another daughter named Geraldine. Any help will be
Marian Dunlap (mdunlap@effingham.net)
9 June 2000
I am looking for information on the HAVICE family in Butler
County, Kansas. I have found some information on the family of Joseph SPARKS who
married Jane HAVICE in Champaign County, Illinois and raised a large family in
Butler County. I have only the names of their children and would appreciate
later descendants. Jane had one son from a previous marriage named Charles Abram
RAY, and he too, grew up in Butler County. I have been told that there have been
some other HAVICE's in that area and am wondering whether they may belong to the
same Pennsylvania HAVICE line we do. Any help is appreciated.
Lillie Kee (lkee@netdot.com) 9 June 2000
WISEMAN, Martha "Sis" Elizabeth, b: 7 October 1859 in Crawford Co., Indiana,
daughter of Allen & Mary Jane (RHODES) WISEMAN. Married a DAVIS, in Butler
County, Kansas. Her sister Nancy, m: the brother, James A. DAVIS, 17 March 1889,
in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas. Nancy moved to California and was there in
1944. Martha later married Charles L. ADAMS, 30 April 1879 in Ottawa, Franklin
County, Kansas. Mary H. WISEMAN, a Granddaughter of Allen and Mary Jane, was on
the 1880 census with them, she married M. L. PIERCE, 18 June 1887 in Butler
County, Kansas. The license says she was 18 years old, but she was 17. Have been
unable to locate any of them.
Ken Reed
(kdrp@micron.net) 9 June 2000
William REED, b: 1845 in Ohio and wife, Nancy
Jane SKIDGEL, b: 1853 in Indiana were in the 1880 Pleasant, Butler County,
Kansas census. Also a brother, John K. REED and wife Susana SKIDGEL (a sister to
Nancy) were at Bruno, Butler County, Kansas at the same time. I would like to
share information with anyone interested in these families.
Rita Wells (northplace@aol.com) 9 June 2000
Looking for information on the
Alfred PAGE & Mahala BROWN family. Alfred PAGE, b: 1839 in Ireland, d: 1870 in
El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Married Mahala BROWN in El Dorado? Mahala
BROWN, d: 1876-1880 in Butler County, Kansas. Her family lived near Coyville and
Neodesha. She had some BROWN brothers. The family moved to El Dorado previous to
abt. 1860. Alfred and Mahala had two sons, Harvey Harry PAGE, b: 1860 d: 1923 in
Butler County, Kansas, married Belle DOUGLAS. George PAGE, b: 1861 d: 1937 in
Butler County, Kansas, married Sarah BURROUGS/BURRIS, b: 1861 in Coyville,
Wilson County, Kansas.
Harold Black (vlhtblack@fox-net.net)
4 June 2000
I would like information on the WILKINSON family who came to
Butler County from Illinois. They lived near the Greenwood County line. John
WILKINSON was originally from England. They arrived in Butler County in the
Jean Bowers (jeanbow@ionet.net) 2
June 2000
I am looking for information on the families of W. O. WALKER,
George ROUSH, Harry F. HARWICK and Carrie (BRANT) HARWICK. I believe they might
have lived in the areas of Valley Center, El Dorado and Augusta in 1915-1940.
Any help would be appreciated.
Laverne Long
(vernlong@iamerica.net) 22 May 2000
Seeking information on family of William
Preston ROBERTSON, wife, Minta J., children: Dorothy; Lester; Mary, and Edna.
They were enumerated in Towanda on the 1920 Federal census of Butler County,
Judy Hopkins (yolo50@hotmail.com) 20 May 2000
I am
looking for information on the Horace MAYNARD family. I have tracked him from
Worthington, Franklin County, Ohio (were he was born in 1821) to Republic,
Seneca County, Iowa (1850), then to Iowa City, Iowa (1851), to North Liberty,
Iowa (1860), and to Towanda, Butler County, Kansas in 1870. Horace married
Georgianna Taylor METCALF of Dublin, Franklin County, Ohio, April 26, 1849. They
had 7 children: Mary Annette; Wm. Jefferson; Francis Henry; Eernest Eugene; Emma
Carrie; Horace Alonzo, and my Great-Grandmother, Marion Luella. Horace died
January 22, 1890 and is buried in Towanda. Mary Annette married Henry George
ROSS, February 7, 1875, was a schoolteacher in Towanda, and died May 1, 1877.
She is also buried in Towanda. Any information on this family would be very much
Rachel Bitler (rachelbitler@hotmail.com) 14 May
I am looking for early information and I don't quite know where to
start. Family was AMMERMAN. Son was Decatur Wilson AMMERMAN, he was christened
in 1849 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. I've no idea whether there were
other children, which I would like to know. I am also most interested in
Charlotte, since she was deceased before her father and must be buried
somewhere. In the census of 1870, there is a Decatur W. AMMERMAN, age 31 (not
21) in Chetopa Twp., Wilson County, Kansas, with a wife, age 19, and a 6 month
old infant. They don't appear in 1880. Charlotte's father died in 1872, in Know
County, and I don't think that the will was written much before his death.
Edwin, the presumed husband of Charlotte, was a witness to his will, so he must
have lived in the vicinity. Is there a printed index or a soundex or 1880? I
couldn't find Edwin on the 'Ancestry.com' search engine. Is there anyone who can
check on the State of Kansas index for 1880 for either Edwin or Decatur? Or
Edwin in 1870? It is also conceivable that Charlotte died in 1849 and that
Decatur was christened at her funeral? Please help, I'll so appreciate it.
Jennette McClurg (jennettemc@aol.com) 14 May 2000
I am
researching the MEEKER family who settled at Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas.
They were: Ferdinand VanEtten MEEKER, b: 1815, d: 1888 at Rose Hill, Kansas.
This was my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather. His 2nd wife was Lucy NEWTON. They
had a son named David Burr MEEKER, b: 1857, d: 1948 also at Rose Hill, Kansas.
David Burr's family also settled in Rose Hill. I would appreciate any
information on this family.
Lorena Velasquez (raul@pld.com) 13
May 2000
Looking for the family of my Great-Uncle, Abraham Lewis HOOBER, born
June 7, 1864, who passed away December 6, 1946 in El Dorado, Butler County,
Gina Easley (gnjeasley@mo-net.com) 30 April
I am searching for the family of the following people, I have lots of
information on siblings of James Wesley MYERS that I would be willing to trade.
Leatha MYERS, daughter of James Wesley MYERS and Mary WITTUM, was born May 3,
1889 and died ( I believe) 1980 in Whitewater, Butler County, Kansas. She
married Owen ELLIOTT, 1907 Sedgwick County , Kansas.
Franklin (linked_99@yahoo.com) 30 April 2000
Abner C. MINER, Sarah J.
(ROGERS) MINER. These were my Great-Great-Great-Grandparents. I have them in the
1880 census for Rock Creek Township, Butler County, Kansas. I was wondering if
anyone has any information on them? I am assuming that they died there. His son,
Charles had 10 children, 4 that lived and 6 that died in a row due to stomach
troubles??? I was wondering also if these babies were also buried there? Any
information would be very much appreciated.
Wheeler (jw2000@cdsnet.net) 16 April 2000
Looking for my Grandparents, Wayne
WHEELER and Nona ALTUM, married in Butler County on 3 August 1893. Any record of
them in El Dorado, Butler County would be greatly appreciated.
Johnny Riggs (riggs@ipa.net) 13 April 2000
Looking for nay information on
James Henry BRIGGS and Nancy D. (BUNCH) BRIGGS. Came from Kentucky to Butler
Co., Kansas. They lived in Augusta, Kansas. One of their children, a daughter,
Augusta BRIGGS was born in Augusta, Kansas on the 30th of May, 1877. It is
believed that James Henry had a brother, John Wesley, who also came to Butler
County. If anyone has information on this family, please get in touch with me.
Toni Holbrook (ReadToni@aol.com) 12 April 2000
am looking for information on my Great-Grandmother, Louisa or Lavisa Ann
MASSENGALE. She was married to Mitchell Hutson BAILEY and he died very young.
She moved to Kansas and remarried someone. My Grandfather, Charles Edward
BAILEY, worked for the Teeter Ranch. If anyone has any information on Louisa or
Charles, I would appreciate it.
Virginia (Gianjo56@aol.com) 31
March 2000
I am searching for any additional information on my Grandfather.
His name was William Arthur SHAY (aka Will SHAY), his birth year was 1879, he
was born in Butler County, Kansas. He was a farmer and married Florence
SHUFFIELD from Pope County, Arkansas. They lived in Lamar, Arkansas in 1920. I'm
at a dead-end on this and can use any information and/or tips on where to look
Loral Munson (bmunson@cox.net) 21 March 2000
I am
looking for any information on James W. COOMBE and a brother or uncle who lived
in Butler County in the 1880-1890's. The COOMBE's had a ranch near El Dorado,
and James W. worked there. We've heard that one of the men was a circuit riding
Audrey Peters (NiteOwl226@aol.com) 6 March 2000
Searching for descendants of this family who lived in Brownlow, then Latham,
1. Fitz Roy BUELL, b: October 15, 1841, Channahon, Illinois
DOUGLAS, b: June 11, 1848, Wells Island, St. Lawrence River, m: May 23, 1870
2. William Christopher BUELL, Sr. b: Latham, Kansas
3. William Christopher
4. Kenneth BUELL
2. Claude BUELL
2. Ira BUELL
Lynn Owens (MOwens9494@aol.com) 4 March 2000
Searching for information on Jo
Ann (Mrs. John) (WOLFE) EDWARDS who was living in El Dorado, Butler County,
Kansas in 1985 when her mother died in Texas (as listed in obituary). She was
born and reared in Brownwood, Brown County, Texas.
Phyllis Ford
(pif3237@earthlink.net) 3 March 2000
Looking for EACHES. I have a Lewis
EACHES b: 1836, m: to Mary JACKSON, b: 1831. Supposedly they moved to Butler
County , Kansas where 3 generations of this family are buried in a little
cemetery in Butler County, Kansas. Many thanks to anyone who knows this EACHES
Phyllis Ford (pif3237@earthlink.net) 3 March
I am searching for a John RAMSEY and Mary Brady RAMSEY who moved to
Butler County, Kansas sometime after 1870. they had a son, Joseph Peter RAMSEY,
b: 1865, d: 6 November 1950, m: Abbie Bridgett KENNEDY, b: 29 Dec 1871, d: 6
March 1935. Joseph and Abbie are buried at Rosalia, Butler County, Kansas. A
daughter, was Margaret Eunice RAMSEY, m: Charles Robert FORD and moved on to
Colorado. There may have been other children. Any knowledge about this RAMSEY
family would be appreciated.
mfulk@terraworld.net 25 February
I'm searching for information on either J. E. GORHAM, Sr. or Jr. The J.
E. GORHAM's had done alot of their business in Butler County. One of these guys
also made alot of the tombstones within Cowley and Butler Counties. Also J. E.
GORHAM appears in the book, 'The Violent Years', page 81. J. E. GORHAM, Jr.
married Nora SHEPPERSON, she was a step-daughter to Thomas BROOKSHIRE. My sister
and I did not know that there was a J. E. GORHAM, Sr. and Jr. On some marriage
licenses it shows that he had signed them, like a Justice of the Peace would do.
And in the book it calls him an Elder J. E. GORHAM, Elder of what church?
Ken Reed (kdr@pophost.micron.net) 13 February 2000
I am looking
for any information on Stacey REED, b: 1850's in Noble County, Indiana. His
parents were William and Caroline (KENNEDY) REED. He had three known brothers:
William C. REED, d: Neosho County, Kansas; John K. REED, d: Cherokee County,
Kansas; and Peter A. REED, d: Noble County, Indiana. Stacey REED is known to
have been living in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas in 1937.
Jim Austin (sparky@southwind.net) 11 February 2000
Looking for information on Harry Edward AUSTIN, his children or his wife's
family. He was my Grandfather's brother. Harry was born in Burrton, Kansas on
April 8, 1885, and lived in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. He married Flora
E. SPRADLIN and died on January 8, 1935 in a car accident. Harry and Flora's
children were: Bethel AUSTIN; Pauline B. AUSTIN; Sidney Edward AUSTIN and Harry
Jeanne Karasek (Jeanne.Karasek@Merial.com) 9
February 2000
I am looking for information on my Grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
James Edward O'BRIEN. They lived in El Dorado for years. I have been able to
obtain a fair amount of information on my Grandmother, Myrtle Frances RAYBURN's
side, but I am unable to locate much information on my Grandfather. I know that
he died in 1967 and is buried in Sunset Lawn. That he was born in Kansas City
and that's about it. I would greatly appreciate any information that anyone can
provide, especially on James Edward O'BRIEN or Myrtle Frances RAYBURN.
Bill Penny (bpenny@pclink.com) 2 February 2000
My Great-Grandmother lived in El Dorado ca. 1895 until her death in 1923. She
was born Elizabeth L(?) CALDWELL on 20 January 1853. I have been unable to
identify her parents. In the 1900 census in Butler County (when she was listed
as Elizabeth PENNY) she stated the her father was born in Scotland, and her
mother born in Georgia. Elizabeth herself was born in Tenneesse. Can somebody
please look Elizabeth up on the 1910 and 1920 census for Butler Co.,? I am
hoping that there is more information there about who her parents were.
Elizabeth married a L. FISHER sometime after 1900, so she would likely be found
in a FISHER household. Thanks for anything that can be provided.
Frank Cook (cookfq@beci.net) 25 January 2000
for any descendants of Mahalia (MILLER) SMITH, married to Daniel Webster SMITH.
Or Eliza 'Lizzie' (MILLER) AINES, married to Tom AINES. Mahalia's daughter,
Jennie SMITH married Elmer REAL. If any of these names connect to your tree,..
please contact me.
Toni Noah (brat@humboldt1.com) 18
January 2000
Looking for any information on Isaac SULTZ and Marey Louesa
(JARVIS) SULTZ. They lived in Butler and Edwards counties from 1870's - early
1900's. Marey Louesa had a brother named Serel JARVIS and a sister named Addie
JARVIS who married George HOLDEN. Isaac and Marey's children's names were:
Delbert Martin; George Henry; Edgar Dwight; Frank E., Ivel C., and Julia C.
Isaac had served in the Civil War with the Indiana volunteers. Marey was born in
Quebec and Isaac was born in Indiana.
Lincoln Wolverton
(lwolv@worldaccessnet.com) 18 January 2000
I'm looking for information
regarding George T. DONALDSON, first postmaster of Chelsea, who died in 1869 in
a logging accident. He was married to Eleanor P. VAUGHT (1832-1883).
June (juneken@airmail.net) 17 January 2000
Looking for any information re: Richard (1813 TN/VA) and Rebecca (1814 NC)
MOORE, residents of Butler County, Kansas, (Towanda, Murdock, and Fairview) in
the 1870 and 1880 census. Son-in-law's surnames were: HALL; ATKINSON; and
COLLEY, and sons' were: William; Reuben; Thomas; Calvin; George and J. Andrew
MOORE. Appreciate any 'leads'.
Freeman (brxpress@cswnet.com) 16 January 2000
I am researching Hattie
(HORNER) LOUTHAN, who lived in Butler County, Kansas in the 1880's. She was a
sister-in-law to my Great-Grandfather who lived in Butler County at the same
time and he was married to her sister, Lillie HORNER. Hattie (HORNER) LOUTHAN
lived in whitewater and is the author of five books and has many contributions
to newspapers and first class magazines. In about 1893 she married Overton Earl
LOUTHAN who died in 1906. I am interested in finding out what happened to her
sister, Lillie (HORNER) DETALENTE and her two nieces, Lilla LuElla DETALENTE and
Alice (EMMERSON) DETALENTE. Alice may have married a GOLDEN and lived in
Southern California in the early 1900's. Thanks for any help anyone can give me
on this.
John Gettman (jgettman@oregoncoast.com) 5 January 2000
Searching for any information on, Emma Agnus HYDE, born June 17, 1887 in El
Dorado, Kansas. Father was David George HYDE or Robert David HYDE, who was born
in 1852 in England. Mother was Elizabeth FITZGERALD, born in 1853 in Warren
Springs, Missouri, and were married in Kansas.
Morris (earlj@tir.com) 31 December 1999
I am researching Noah CODY, born 1815
in North Carolina; died 1881 near Latham, Butler County, Kansas. His wife
asJemina CROWELL. Children were: William T., b: 1850, died in 1885 in Beaumont,
KS in a gunfight; Mary, b: 1852, died 1881 in Latham, KS; Sarah, b: 1854; John,
b: 1860; July, b: 1864; Nancy, b: 1866.
Glenn Martin
(gamartin@presys.com) 21 December 1999
I would like to exchange family
history information with any descendant of Abraham Harrison MARTIN. He was born
in Greenville, Illinois in January 1841 and died in Cassoday, Butler County,
Kansas in March 1929. For a little more than a year I have researched his
father's branch of the family and in the process have accumulated considerable
documentation. Also, I have likenesses of four of his siblings and would greatly
appreciate obtaining a copy of a picture of him.
Chambers (d&jchambers@pahrump.com) 20 December 1999
In 1954, M. A. BREEDING
was living in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas. I am trying to locate any family
and/or information on Mr. BREEDING.
Sheri Iamele (siamele@megsinet.com) 17 December 1999
Searching for
information on Rebecca CONKLING, who married Rev. Homer SHEELEY in the late
1800's. They had a daughter, Alice SHEELEY, who married W. R. STEPHENSON in
Kansas. Family lived in Augusta, Butler County, Kansas.
Purdy (watewin@juno.com) 10 December 1999
Charles Richard PURDY, b: 1891 in
Indian Territory, resided in Douglass, Butler County from 1923 to 1933 when he
was killed in an auto accident. Looking for any information or connections with
the following: Eva Fern PURDY, wife, b: 1899, in Indian Territory; Victor Hal
PURDY, son, b: 1920 in Oklahoma; LaVern PURDY, son, b: 1920 in Oklahoma; Francis
PURDY, son,
b: 1923 in Douglass, Kansas; Fanny (WATERS) PURDY, his mother, b:
1852 in Missouri; Stella GARRETT, his sister, b: 1872 in Missouri; Lilly HICKS,
sister, b: 1878 in Missouri; Benjamin Henry PURDY, brother, b: 1881 in Indian
Territory; and Agnes HALE (later CARTER), sister, b: 1888 in Indian Territory.
Michelle Brantingham (mmncusa@netscape.net) 10 December 1999
am looking for any information about my Grandmother, Marvel May HUNTER, born in
Elbing, Butler County, Kansas in 1901. Her parents were Arthur and Alnora
HUNTER. If you have any information please contact me.
Kat Davis
(bobkat@rosenet.net) 10 December 1999
buried in Cumberland Cemetery. Died 12 February 1886. Wife of William H. N.
KNAPP. I understand that death certificates were not issued at that time. Could
someone please do a lookup for an obituary or something. I believe they were
living in Douglass at the time. Thanks in advance.
Corinne Diller (cdiller@juno.com) 7 December 1999
I am
searching for the following families in Butler County, Kansas: John DILLER
(1843-1912) and wife Alcinda HOY (1845-1905) of Cassoday. Aaron SKINNER
(1801-1880+) who was living in Chelsea Township in 1880 with son Jacob SKINNER.
Eli W. CAMPBELL (1843-1913) and wife Sarah Emma SOPER (1850-1917) of Sycamore
Springs, where he was postmaster in 1885. Any assistance is appreciated.
Ron Walker (rwalker9@flash.net) 25 November 1999
My wife's
Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother, William H. HARRIS and wife Mattie
HARRIS are buried in Brownlow Cemetery near the old town of Keighley, Butler
County, Kansas. Is this cemetery accessible to the public? If so, can anyone
give me exact directions on how to find it? (I know roughly where Keighley
is/was. Directions from Leon or some other nearby town would be helpful.) On a
future visit to Kansas, we would like to find the gravesite. Many thanks!
Mary Rogers (rarogers@janics.com) 19 November 1999
am searching for the children or Grandchildren of Lester James FULLER and Lucy
e. KOONTZ. They lived in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Children were:
Bessie; William Leonard; Myrtle, (married a BROWN); Levi; Ernest; Clyde; and
Mary. I have a picture of Lucy e. KOONTZ that I would like a family member to
have. Thanks so much for any effort or help you might give me. I am related to
the FULLER's and have information their children or Grandchildren might want.
Mary Douglass (mdouglas@midusa.net) 12 November 1999
I'm searching for the marriage record of Anna Belle CASWELL and Richard B.
CALHOUN, 1 June 1898. Were they married in Butler County? Where can I find this
marriage record? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Bonnie Moffitt-Clark (bonnie@fone.net) 9 November 1999
I am seeking
information about my Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Daniel LUKE. He died in
Butler County, Kansas (El Dorado) in 1880 or 1881. He is buried in the Fairlawn
Cemetery. He was married to Mary Jane FORSYTHE in 1851. I would like to find out
when and where he was born, and more about his wife who died in Ft. Scott,
Kansas, and is also buried in the Fairlawn Cemetery in Butler County. Would
appreciate any information at all.
Bill Emmett
(emmett@farmerstel.com) 8 November 1999
I am searching for descendants of
William H. CONDRA and his wife Mary Jane FRANCIS. He was born 1849 in Marion
County, TN, and she 1852 in DeKalb County, AL. The last I know of them is that a
daughter, Beulah CONDRA, was born in Butler County, Kansas on November 17, 1884.
If anyone knows of this family, please write.
LeVeque (jim040@hotmail.com) 6 November 1999
I'm looking for the names of the
parents of Agnes BARCOME, who married James MEAD in Towanda, Butler County,
Kansas in 1861, and who died in Towanda in 1869. She was born in Canada in 1841.
I am hoping that the names of her parents appear in some marriage record, other
county record, or perhaps, someone's recollection of this family.
J. K. Palmer (pjtaplmers@gateway.net) 5 November 1999
I am
searching for any information on my Grandparents, Raleigh Winslow LOVE, married
Mary Elizabeth BOWSER. Their children were; Margaret Elizabeth, Raleigh Keith,
David Allen, Nancy Ann, and Ernest Mac. Any and all information will be greatly
Jeanine Peters (apeters@citlink.net) 5
November 1999
I am descended from George DELKER and Margaret HUFFORD. Their
Granddaughter, Margaret, married Charles ARMSTRONG and lived in Butler County. I
am willing to share information with anyone researching the same lines.
Vicki Hutchison (vicki@qualcomm.com) 5 November 1999
I am interested in information on the Steven MORGAN, Robert WININGS and Jasper
STORM families that resided in Bloomington Township and the Little Walnut
Township, Butler County, Kansas from about 1875 thru 1885.
SweetSweetDiana@aol.com 19 October 1999
Robert David LEE
was born 31 March 1881 in Minneapolis, MN. He married Anna Mae STONESTREET. Two
children were born to the marriage; Robert David Wiswell LEE, 2 February 1908 in
North Dakota, and Lila Mae LEE, born 1905 in Minnesota. Anna Mae died abt. 1913.
Robert David LEE remarried to a Mary CALL or ROGERS. Robert David LEE died in El
Dorado, Butler County, Kansas on 6 March 1943 and was buried at Memorial Lawn
Cemetery in Wichita, Kansas. I would like more information on any of the LEE
line and I have very little information on Anna Mae STONESTREET. Robert D. W.
LEE's birth certificate said she was born in Mulvane, Kansas.
Rebecca Minks-Hoover (minksr30@hotmail.com) 18
October 1999
Looking for MINKS, WADLEY, CALL, FARNUM, all lived in Butler
Co., from 1905 to at least 1940. All are connected, and have lived in Greenwood
Co., Kansas and in Wichita and Salina Kansas. Specific names are; James Richard
MINKS, Richard Milton MINKS, Lydia Jane POOL/POOLE MINKS, Nathanial MINKS, Harry
Nelson WADLEY, Vernal WADLEY, Scott WADLEY, Eva FARNUM, Chester FARNUM.
James LeVeque (jim040@hotmail.com) 17 October 1999
looking for information about Agnes BARCOME, who was born in Canada in 1841,
married James MEAD in Towanda, Kansas in 1861 and died in Towanda in 1869. Any
information about her, especially her Canadian roots would be greatly
Kathy (Iris4You@aol.com) 16 October 1999
looking for information on my Uncles family. His Grandfather was Henry Frederick
SOHNREY. We don't know who he married, (possibly ?? Wescott). They had several
children born in Whitewater, Butler County, Kansas. Two of them were Walter
Richard SOHNREY, b: March 4, 1905, and Howard Lester SOHNREY, b: abt. 1900. Some
of the other children were: Kenneth, Lena, Ruby, Chester, Vada, and Gerold.
There were ten children in all. They were all born in Kansas. We think that all
were born in Whitewater, Butler County, Kansas. We will appreciate all
Christine Sell-Porter (claytonp@earthlink.net)
6 October 1999
I would like to inquire regarding my Great-Grandfather Dr.
Harry H. HENDERSON, who was living in Whitewater, Butler Co., in about 1885. I
have a letter that states he was living there when he bought some stock in a
bank. His wife's name was Clara Lydia (FASSETT) HENDERSON. My Grandfather Harry,
was born in 1883. He had a pharmacy license issued from the State of Kansas for
the year of 1887, in Frisco County?? Does anyone have any information on my
family? Thanks in advance for any help.
David Briggs
(trevor15@earthlink.net) 29 September 1999
I'm looking for any info on my 5th
Great-Grandfather, Henry Martin COLLINS. He lived in El Dorado, Butler Co.,
Kansas. He may be buried in Sunset Lawns Cemetery. Also need any information on
his eldest son, Nathaniel COLLINS. Both are said to be Civil War vets from
Indiana. If anyone can confirm this data please contact me.
Warren Robinson (wrob@midusa.net) 29 September 1999
Looking for information concerning my Great-Grandfather, Reuben WALLER. He was
born, 1840 in Wolfe Co., Kentucky, came to Kansas in July 1867, joined the 10th
Cavalry, Co., H (Buffalo Soldiers) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Honorably
discharged at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1872. He was married to Susan SAULTERS,
their children were; Jess A. WALLER, b: 5 September 1888 in Towanda, Kansas;
Elmer, Ray, Charles, Vera and Maisy. He died in El Dorado, Kansas in the summer
of 1945 at the age of 105.
Charlene Kolterman (ckknfk@kdsi.net) 26 September 1999
Looking for
information on the following familes: Sarah (MOONEY) RUNDLES, who died 6 August
1861? in Towanda, Kansas. Rev. Isaac MOONEY, born 1820 and wife, Eliza
RHODEHAMEL. Cecilia MOONEY, born 1855 and husband, Andrew SWIGGETT. Osborne
Tilton MOONEY, born 1827 and wife Adelaide KIKLY.
Marcia Alley
(alley.rm@worldnet.att.net) 26 September 1999
I'm hoping to find additional
information about the GODDING family who lived in Butler County, near Burns and
in Burns in the late 1800's.
Barbara Spates
(bspates@ix.netcom.com) 24 September 1999
If anyone has any information
regarding the VINSONHALER family, please contact me. I'm trying to locate
members of my Grandfather Frederick Christian VINSONHALER's family.
Diana Kerrigan (dianak@connectiva.net) 24 September 1999
am looking for information on Daniel Anthony ELLIS. He was born 1 March 1898. He
married Mabel JARVIS. They had at least one daughter before they moved to
Indiana. The daughter's name is Dorothy ELLIS, and she was born 11 December 1928
in El Dorado, Kansas. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Jean Bowers (jeanbow@ionet.net) 24 September 1999
I am looking for
information on William O. WALKER and Alma (STARKEY) WALKER. They were married in
Severy, KS on 24 June 1912 and lived in the Augusta, Butler County, Kansas area
in 1915. My mother, Eva Louise WALKER was born in Augusta on 12 July 1915. Would
like any information on this family, census, birth record, etc. All help will be
greatly appreciated.
Nicole Schermerhorn (nbhs@nckcn.com) 24
September 1999
I am looking for my father's family lines. His name is James
PLACE. Last known address was Loveland, CO. I was born in Susan Allan Hospital
in El Dorado, Kansas. My mother's name is Vanessa (MARTIN) SCHERMERHORN.
Lynda Harbour (LMHTeach1@aol.com) 15 September 1999
I am searching for
my Grandfather's siblings. He had several half brothers and sisters. At onetime
at least one of the brothers lived in El Dorado. His name was Richard LEE, but
went by the nickname 'Dick'. His father's name was Charlie LEE, b: at
Louisville, Kentucky about 1859. The name I have for my Great-Grandmother is
Josphina (OWENS) LEE, she was called Josie and was in Oxford, Indiana about
1868. She may have been Charlie LEE's second wife. Any information would help as
I have come to the proverbial 'brick wall' in trying to find my
Great-Grandfather Charlie LEE.
Willa Heisler (willa@ucnsb.net)
11 September 1999
Looking for information on the children of Peter BAKER, who
came to Allen Co., KS in 1865, lived in Woodson Co., KS until about 1908 and
died in El Dorado, Butler Co., KS in 1912. He was married to Permilla DeWITT,
they had sons, William (my Grandfather), Robert, who lived in El Dorado, George
and Ira. I would like to exchange information with anyone connected to this
Cathi Stephens (artcathistep@earthlink.net) 10
September 1999
Who was John W. "Willie" JONES, married Rosie May THOMAS on 29
September 1887 in Butler Co., KS? Their son, Jess Lewis JONES, was born 10 July
1895 in Potwin, Butler Co., KS. Were there other children? Jess Lewis JONES
married Edith May STEPHENS in the spring of 1920 in Tulsa, OK. What happened to
his parents? Is anyone researching this family in Butler County?
Madeline Bechtold (bechtolds@erols.com) 23 August 1999
I am hoping to find
descendants/researchers of Peter Gregg DILLMAN, who came to Kansas about 1871.
He and his wife, Martha Jane BOWMAN, are buried in Douglass, Butler County,
Kansas. I have information on this family's origins in Indiana and Ohio. Peter
Gregg DILLMAN's parents were Jacob DILLMAN and Ellen HOUSTON, married in 1833 in
Ross County, Ohio. The family moved to Fulton County, Indiana about 1837. Peter
and Martha married in Fulton County on April 25, 1864. I have more information
on the family, including siblings for Peter Gregg DILLMAN and his father Jacob
DILLMAN. I am descended from Jacob's brother, Joseph DILLMAN, who settled in
Tippecanoe County, Indiana.
Jeanette Duncan
(daduncan@leru.net) 20 August 1999
Charles RIDDLE b: 1857 married Melissa
Ellen HOOVER in El Dorado, Kansas 23 April 1881. Their three children: Lena, b:
1882, Ethel, b: 1884, and Willis, b: 1887 were born in Kansas. Lena and Ethel
attended grade school in Kansas before the family moved to Jasper Co., Missouri.
Any information anyone might have would be appreciated.
Whitmore (ken@wacom.com.uy) 20 August 1999
I'm looking for someone who can
help locate the death certificate, obituaries (if any) and burial site of my
Great-Grandfather Bennie Alonzo WHITMORE, who was born in Clarion, PA in 1875
and died in Towanda, Butler County, Kansas on April 19, 1954. I'd also like to
find any other document which places him in Towanda between 1916 and his death.
I've only located 2 cemeteries in close proximity to Towanda on the internet.
Unfortunately, I am not able to go there and look for myself and need someone to
do this for me. Additionally, I'd like to find any biography or diary of this
person or anything about his parents and his first wife and all of his children
from both marriages. I have located information which shows he was married to a
Constance Winnifred WELT, who was his second wife. Any assistance you can
provide would be greatly appreciated.
Nancy Kollenborn
(cnpvincent@earthlink.net) 16 August 1999
I am hoping someone that has access
could check the 1920 Butler County (El Dorado) Census for a KOLLENBORN family. I
don't know the parent's names. The children were: Charles, James, Roy, Thora and
Emma. Roy was my Grandfather and we don't know any further back than him.
Pat King (jpking@prodigy.net) 14 August 1999
I am seeking
information on Abraham R. RAWLINSON, b: 1816 in England. He was living in El
Dorado, Butler Co., Kansas in August 1887, moving there from Council Grove,
Kansas after 1870. It is believed he died in Butler County.
Betty VanLeer (Bvl54@aol.com) 7 August 1999
am seeking someone who could help me with a 'lookup' for a David L. McCABE, m:
Cordelia BAILEY, who died in August 1870 and is buried in Towanda. Later he
married Clara GARRISON, from whom I believe he divorced, perhaps in Oklahoma.
Then he married Sidana M. McCABE on 30 December 1892, (this may be her maiden or
married name). I understand that there was a D. L. McCABE that was a postmaster.
Is this the above person? Did he died in Butler County, and was there a will? If
so could I get a copy?
Bill Freeman (brxpress@cswnet.com) 7
August 1999
I am looking for information on an Alice E. (DETALENTE) HAZLETT.
She was born in Butler County in January 1882. The information I am looking for
is to see if she was a poetess from Kansas and if she was involved in any type
of criminal activity in the 1920's. Also looking for information on her sister
Lillie Luella (DETALENTE) GOLDEN. She was born around 1879. Also, I have a copy
of an autograph book of my Great-Grandmother Essie (RECTOR) GIFFORD. It gives a
few names with little sayings & poems written by her friends and various people
in 1880. Most of the people showed that they were from El Dorado or nearby. I
believe that Essie RECTOR's father Nathan RECTOR was listed as a hotel keeper.
Also looking for my Great-Aunt Jersua Rosa (DETALENTE) THOMAS, she was married
to an Edward J. THOMAS in Butler County around the 1880s. Another Great-Aunt
Mary Eugenie DETALENTE was married to a W. J. McFRANCIS and lived in the same
area about 1880. Thanks for any assistance that may be provided.
Sue Merhoff (jmerhoff@kskc.net) 7 August 1999
Looking for information on
ancestors or descendants of Tom (Thomas) EASTIN and Elizabeth Kindred EASTIN.
They are buried in Brownlow Cemetery, and lived in Butler County between about
1880 and 1900. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Lily Mattix (kasmat@midusa.net) 7 August 1999
looking for information on a Lydia Spar (HENDERSON) FORSYTHE. She married Joseph
MARSHALL on 25 March 1860 or 61. She was born 28 February 1831 in Ohio and died
4 April 1927 near El Dorado, Butler Co., Kansas. She was previously married to
Allen FORSYTHE and had two sons. She had six children with Joseph MARSHALL. One
son, Dillon 'Dill' MARSHALL might have lived near the area. If anyone has any
information on her or her family please let me know.
Colleen Lill (sassenach@home.com) 30 July 1999
I am searching for information
on my Great-Grandfather, Richard WHEELER. He settled in Leon, Butler County,
in/around 1875/76. He eventually started farming in Logan Township. I know this
for sure, as I have the originals of 3 tax receipts. He was married to Carrie
Bell TAYLOR. I have some information on him, but I know nothing about his place
of birth, parents or siblings. He fought in the Civil War for Missouri.
Harold Balter (hbalter@concentric.net) 21 July 1999
am needing to locate a genealogist who can do some searching for me in Kansas.
It seems that several different families related to me had moved to Kansas and I
am trying to do a Family Tree for my children. My Great-Grandfather was Stephan
BOELTER, born in Prussia, who lived in Brainerd, Butler County, Kansas. He is
buried in Milton Cemetery, his wife, Franziska is also buried there. A son,
Edward Stephan BALTER is buried there as well. I would like to find out
everything I can about these folks, I do know that they were farming there. I
also have a Great-Grandfather, James O. ROBINSON who lived in Kansas, and I know
very little about him, except he was written about in "The History Of Butler
County, Kansas". He was born in Ireland, came to America and was a ship's
Captain on the Great Lakes, sailing between Chicago and Buffalo until 1871. He
and his wife, Harriet (RAYMOND) ROBINSON had then moved to Milton Township,
Butler County, Kansas. I greatly appreciate any and all information, as it is
impossible for me to come back there to search myself.
Nathan (Natb71@aol.com) 21 July 1999
I would like to exchange information
with anyone who knows or knew of the PEAK or BLUNT families of Butler Co.,
Kansas. James or Jim was the father, Gus, or Augusta, or Gussie was the mother.
They had at least two daughters. One of the daughters name was Edith. there
quite possibly might have been son too!
Golding (CGold10617@aol.com) 21 July 1999
I am searching for information
about John T. BAIN, b: 1841, married Mary Josephine KIMBERLIN in 1878. Resident
of Butler County at least from 1880 to 1902, where all of their eight children
were born. Have no death information for John T. BAIN, nor do I have a
place/document for their marriage. Her father was Marcus DeLafayette KIMBERLIN,
whose will was probated in Butler County in 1888 (or 1887), mentioning her and
her siblings, and who was a landowner at that time.
Leigh Callaway (LCalla7208@aol.com) 21 July 1999
I believe my Grandparents
were married in Butler County on January 24th, but am unsure of the year,
however it was before 1914 because that is when my mother was born. Grandfather
was Earle James NELSON, b: 29 February 1888 in Augusta, Butler Co., Kansas.
Grandmother was Esther Luella NECOM, b: 20 January 1889 in Benton, Butler Co.,
Kansas. I am hoping that there is someone to help me find the year of their
marriage, without it I cannot find a marriage license for them.
Sharon Kountz (sjkountz@earthlink.net) 14 July 1999
Looking for Sarah Jane
CRABTREE, b: 1849-59 (as close as I can pin it down), per the family gossip.
Don't know anything else about her. Anything at all will be greatly appreciated.
Linda Cornutt (doclin@swbell.net) 13 July 1999
I am looking for
information on the family of Ivy Bussley BLACK, who was born in Butler County,
Kansas on 11 December 1871. Thanks for any help.
Bonnie Patterson
(bpatters47@sprynet.com) 12 July 1999
I am trying to find what information is
available regarding my Great-Grandparents, Lars C. NIELSEN and Anna PETERSON. I
believe they lived around the Rosalia area of Butler County, Kansas, and family
history reports them to be buried south of Rosalia along with their married
daughter, Anna TOWNSEND. I believe that my Great-Grandmother resided in El
Dorado for many years before her death around 1914. She lived with her oldest
son, Nels, who had by that time changed his last name to NELSON. Any information
will be appreciated.
Barbara (truempl@trib.com) 9 July 1999
Please contact me if you have any information on this family or any connected
families. John STRICKLAND, born in 1820 in Illinois and he married Caroline ??,
born in 1815. They had four children: Franklin, b: 1861, Moses, b: 1856, Charles
M., b: 29 December 1859, Edward, b: 1861. These were on the 1870 census for El
Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Caroline
was born in Virginia, Charles was born in Illinois, the rest is unknown.
LLwool@aol.com 6 July 1999
James O. ROBINSON was born in Ireland.
He married Harriet RAYMOND in Chicago, Illinois. They are the parents of the
following children: Emily; Elizabeth; Robert; Jennie; James; Martha and Lucinda.
Robert and Jennie are twins born in Illinois, near Lemont in 1866. Lucinda and
Martha are believed to have been born in Butler County, Kansas. The family moved
from Illinois to Milton Township, Butler County, Kansas in 1871 and settled near
Brainerd. James died in 1886. Harriet and the children lived on the farm for
several years after James' death, then moved into the town of Brainerd. Harriet
and Lucinda later moved to Whitewater and lived there until Harriet's death.
James and Harriet are both buried in Emmaus Church Cemetery near what used to be
Brainerd, Kansas. Emily Jane ROBINSON, married John MILLER, children were:
Henry, John, Allen, Lena, Elsie, Maude, George, Frank and Dude?. Elizabeth
ROBINSON, married ?? BALTER, children were: Blanche and another but name is
unknown. Robert James ROBINSON, married Daisy FURMAN, children were: Howard,
Carl and Lee. Jennie ROBINSON, married ?? JOHNSON, only one child born, Ethel or
Edith. James C. ROBINSON, married Mary ??, children were: Christopher, Willaby,
Evelyn and several others, names unknown. Martha ROBINSON, married ?? SMITH,
children were: Connie and another but name is unknown. Lucinda ROBINSON, never
GCollins02@aol.com 6 July 1999
I am searching for
information on Esther (HUNT) JESSUP. She died 15 January 1878 and is buried in
El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Also her son, Solomon Pratt JESSUP, died 5
January 1889 in Cherokee, Crawford County, Kansas, but is buried in El Dorado as
Sheila Irven (irven3@pwrtc.com) 6 July 1999
I ma looking for any information on my Great-Grandfather's family. Charles
Creigh STUART, b: 9 August 1880, married to Hattie CLAYPOOL, lived on a farm
near Whitewater, Butler County, Kansas. His father and mother's names were; John
Lewis STUART and Sarah (GILLALAN) STUART. She had ties in West Virginia, and
before Charles was born she went back to West Virginia, where she gave birth to
him in Frankford, Greenbrier County, West Virginia. She then returned to Kansas
to live. He also had a brother named John STUART and two sisters; Mary Lewis
STUART and Virginia STUART. I have been told that Virginia died in a buggy
Rick Wilcox (RRRWWW@aol.com) 6 July 1999
I am
looking for information on the De HASS family. The location is somewhere in the
Leon/Rosalia area of Butler County, along the Little Walnut River. I'm looking
for names, dates, locations and information on this family in that area. This
would be my Great-Great-Grandfather. The time-frame is the mid to late 1800's.
If you can help, please send or let me know where I can find some of this
judd10@bellsouth.net 3 July 1999
Looking for
information off of the 1860 Butler County, Kansas census, which may list a
Tobias MOORE. Trying to determine if he was born circa 1829 and had a wife named
Dave Matheny (dmatheny@brigadoon.com) Date unknown
Looking for information on Arthur Orval MATHENY, born on 20 June 1892 in El
Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.
William Wethington
(william@frognet.net) Date unknown
Lila P. NORTON was born in El Dorado,
Butler County, Kansas in 1922. Her parents were John W. NORTON and Winnefred
Alice SWINCHER. Looking for marriage information.
Carolyn Jensen (CJTeach@aol.com) 17 March 1997
Looking for information on the families of Christian OLINGER and Jacob HENNICK,
who where in the Butler County area in the 1870s. Christian and wife Mary had
the following children: Margaret, Henry J., J. E., Nancy Ann, Mary Francis, Emma
Jane, Albert Marion, and Warren Elbert. Was J. E. the John E. of the 1880
Fairmount Twp. census? Jacob and wife Barbara (HUDDLESTON HOWELL) had the
following children: William Ellen, Charity Ann, Elizabeth, Masnoah, Abigail,
Ethelbert, John Wesley, Catherine, Henry, Robert, Frank and Artie. The family
moved to Story County, Iowa where Barbara died in 1882 and then Jacob moved back
to Butler County where he died and was buried near Potwin in Lone Star? cemetery
about 1886. These two families are connected through the marriage of John Wesley
HENNICK and Margaret OLINGER in Lyon County, Kansas in 1871. Any information on
either family and their parents or children will be greatly appreciated. Also
connected was the family of Asa WHITE, who married Abigail and Catherine
HENNICK, wife of ?? KOONS.
Gene Brenner
(dbrenner@flash.net) 16 March 1997
I am looking for the parents of William
F. BRENNER. He was married to Florence FOWLER on July 16, 1912 in Newton, Harvey
Co., Kansas. Not sure of their last year in Butler County. Thanks for any help.
John Davis (minnstars@worldnet.att.net) 5 March 1997
My 2nd Great Grandparents were John Jackson BROWN and Mary Jane EDWARDS. They
lived 8 miles southeast of Leon, Kansas from 1870-1889. I would like to
establish a connection to Mary Jane's other EDWARDS kin living in or around
Leon, Kansas.
Houston Devins (brumback@compuserve.com)
27 February 1997
Robert ACKERLY/ACKLEY, b: 1814 in New York. Parents John
ACKERLY & Jane ?, m: California 1846. Died 1 February 1899, in Clay Center,
Kansas. Searching for any information on this family or ancestors.
Phillip Mitchell (mitchell@wsdot.wa.gov) 27 February
Am looking for relatives of James Homer MITCHELL. I can identify
Clarence MITCHELL, Willie MITCHELL (who was blind), and Charles Ellis MITCHELL
as two of his sons. James was my Great Grandfather, and Charles my Grandfather.
Charles married Julia Frances "Fannie" TORRENCE. From that union came; Charles
Afton, James Homer, Lorraine, Alvina, Earl, and one other daughter. I am Charles
Afton MITCHELL's son. Thank You for any assistance you can offer. Also in the
family history are the names Julia Francis TORRENCE, Charles Torrence, Isabel or
Isabelle TORRENCE, Peter and Julia HAWES.
Mike Nickle
(mnick@nbn.com) 17 February 1997
Would like to find info on the death of my
Great Grandmother, Alma FRENCH (nee KEZAR), d: 7 March 1909. Place: Augusta,
Kansas, believed to be buried in Augusta also.
Cindy Spencer (MasCps@aol.com) 17 February 1997
Looking for two families in Butler and Linn Counties. William Wilson
PATTISON b: 1831, d: 1912 in El Dorado, and his wife, Susan HUNT HEDLEY, b:
1825, d: 1912 in El Dorado. They had a deaf child, Susan, my Great-Grandmother.
Susan, b: 1859 went to a 'deaf-school' and met her future husband, Otho Holland
McMULLEN, Otho H. McMULLEN, b: 1851, was the son of Otho McMULLEN and Elizabeth
COLLINSWORTH. Elizabeth died in Linn County in 1894. Is there a Kansas State
Deaf School? Does it have records back to the 1870s? Any relation to the
PATTISON or McMULLEN names? Please contact me!
Brooks (ron.brooks@windmill.com) 16 February 1997
I am looking for
information on the BROOKS family. Fred Milo BROOKS was married to Martha Ruth
CHANCE. They lived at the turn of the century in Butler County, Kansas. Most of
their children were born there. Fred Milo's father's name was Younger BROOKS,
and he lived in the Butler/Sedgwick County area also. Any information on these
families will be greatly appreciated.
Elaine Ponton
(eponton@brooksdata.net) 12 February 1997
I am interested in information
about Arvel Rodolphus PONTON, born on 1 January 1885 in Butler County. I would
like to know his parents' names and their places of birth.
Daniel McCoy (dlmccoy@butler.buccc.cc.ks.us) 7
February 1997
I am interested in learning more about my families background.
I know that they settled in the Brainard and Whitewater areas of Butler County.
I also know they built the Mennonite church near Brainard and many are buried in
the cemetery directly behind the church. Some of the surnames associated with my
family are; HARDER, CLASSEN and BUSNITZ (sp). My father is Elwood (Bud) Leonard
HARDER and my Grandmother was Margaret Gale (HARDER) and her maiden name was
CLASSEN. I would appreciate any information, history, and/or interesting stories
involving my family. Thank You.
Dennis Simpson
(dsimpson@gallua.galludet.edu) 6 February 1997
I am seeking the SIMPSON
family in Butler County Kansas. My Great-Great Grandfather is Monroe Isaac
SIMPSON with his wife, Telitha Jane WALKER. My Great Grandfather is Albert D.
SIMPSON, his brothers are Willard M. SIMPSON and Leonard SIMPSON. The reason I
am contacting anyone in Butler County is to find out if any descendants of
Leonard SIMPSON are still living there. Thanks!
Merrill (dmerrill@fastlane.net) 5 February 1997
Isaac ESSEX, b: 25 September
1857 in Rock Island Co., Illinois, son of Simeon ESSEX of Indiana. He married 20
May 1885 in Butler County, Kansas to Margaret Emma "Maggie" BAILEY, b: 10 August
1868 in Atchison Co., Kansas, daughter of Joel and Nancy (Kerley) BAILEY. Their
children were: Bessie Flo, Ora Lee, m: Bertha, Infant, Maggie May, Katie Fay,
Earl Franklin, m: Iva NEWBERRY, Lucy Marie, Icel Geraldine, Alice Arrena, m:
Pearl KINNEY, and Alta Florence. Any additional information on this family would
be appreciated.
Virginia Hicks (KVHicks@aol.com)
2 February 1997
I would like to contact anyone researching Alonzo HICKS,
married to Lou GOLAY; and Columbus C. HICKS married to Georgianna BRAY. These
couples HICKS were brothers, and are listed on the Butler County, Kansas 1885
Census for Sycamore Twp. My HICKS line is related.
Junkins (tjunkins@arkcity.com) 30 January 1997
I am looking for information
on Arthur CAIN's family. He married Lucille GRIGGS, they lived in El Dorado in
Butler County in the late 30s, at least that is what I was told by my late wife,
their daughter Phyllis. I would appreciate any information on him and his
Yvonne Hall (YAnnHall@aol.com) 28 January 1997
Seeking HANSHAW information. A distant HANSHAW relative, now living in Texas,
was born in El Dorado, Kansas in 1926. His father was Ferrill HANSHAW Any
information about HANSHAWs and HANSHAW descendants in the area will be
Gayle Vest 25 January 1997
My ancestor,
Albert ROGERS, died in Butler County in 1915. His wife's name was Nancy. Can
anyone tell me her maiden name, or his parent's names? He was born in 1833 in
Pennsylvania. They were the parents of Otto ROGERS, who stayed in Bates County,
Missouri. My e-mail is not working at the present time, but you can contact me
at: P.O. Box 553, Teays, WV 25569.
Dena Harrison
(dena@fais.net) 12 December 1996
Looking for STOVER researchers in Douglas,
Shawnee and Butler counties.
Don Watson
(dwatson@texas.net) 10 November 1996
My Dad recently came into possession of
some tapes made with his Aunt at the age of 94. In it she revealed some details
of his Grandparents, my Great- Grandparents, that was previously unknown.
Richard Lane NEWMAN married Edith Mae LUKE in 1887 or 1888 in El Dorado, Butler
County, Kansas. Richard is reportedly from Kentucky and Edith from Missouri.
Their first children were twins born in El Dorado on 8 August 1889; Faith
Taliferro NEWMAN (my Grandmother) and Ruth Lane NEWMAN. The next child, Hazel
Edith NEWMAN, was born 9 August, 1890 in Junction City, Kansas. Soon thereafter,
the family removed to Texas. Any information on anybody listed here will be
greatly appreciated. Apparently, not much of this family's history was passed on
to Dad or his older brothers and sisters, so very little is known.
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