Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Butler county ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the County Coordinator.
2 Sep 1903 Wedding Day
1936 BOUCHER Family
Front: Flora & Harley, Charlie
Back: Ethel, Raymond, Harley Jr, Beulah
b: 1849/59 in Butler County
m: 1872 James Gidion SCOTT
Contributed by Sharon Kountz
Albert M. PATTERSON Family
Albert M. PATTERSON Family
after his funeral
26 May 1889
Jesse & Olive (ORR)
1916 Ed VARNER at oil wells
Varner Oil Wells near Augusta
Varner Oil Wells near Augusta
WHEELER Homestead
Contributed by Vicki Reynolds
Contributed by Marland Boucher, unless noted otherwise.
L. J. Fuller, a prominent farmer and stockman of Prospect township and early
settler of Butler county, is a native of Michigan. He was born in Washtenaw
county, December 14, 1850, and is a son of James H. Fuller and Mary Ann (Bonny)
Fuller, natives of New York state and early settlers of Michigan. Levi Fuller,
Grandfather of L. J. Fuller, was a Michigan pioneer and came from Utica, NY, to
the wilds of Michigan at an early day, and here located in the wilderness and
made a home for himself and his family.
In 1869, L. J. Fuller removed to
Missouri with his parents and settled in Newton county. They remained there
about ten years, when they came to Kansas and located at Columbus, where the
parents spent the remainder of their lives, their deaths occurring within
seventeen days of each other. They were the parents of five children, three of
whom are now living, two daughters being dead.
In 1890, L. J. Fuller
traded for the property in Prospect township, there he now resides. At first he
had 320 acres, but later sold 160. He has been quite extensively engaged in the
stock business and has also carried on a large dairy business. Mr. Fuller is one
of the substantial farmers and stockmen of the county and has made a success of
his undertakings.
Mr. Fuller was united in marriage in Newton county,
Missouri, in 1874, to Miss Lucy E. Koontz, a daughter of Levi and Charlotte
(Key) Koontz. Mrs Fuller is a native of Montgomery county, Missouri. Her father
was a native of North Carolina and of German decent, and her mother was a native
of Virginia and of French decent. When Mrs. Fuller was six weeks old her parents
drove across the plains to Iowa and settled in Clarke county,in that State.
After making their home there for sixteen years, they went to Newton county in
1869. The mother died in 1884, and six years later the father came to live with
Mrs.Fuller, where he spent the last sixteen years of his life. He died October
13, 1902, aged eighty-two years and six months. He was a grand ol man and a
representative of that type of pioneers whose work is well done.
To Mr.
and Mrs. Fuller have been born the following children: Fred, Peck, KS., married
Bessie Fuller, and they have two children, Alvah and Edna; William Leonard,
Prospedt township, married Viola Locke, and they have two children, Ruth and
Ruby (twins); Myrtle, married Frank Brown, Latham, KS; Levi, Latham, KS; Ernest,
died at the age of five months; Clyde, resides at home; Mary, married William
Jones, Prospect township, and they have one child, William.
Mr. Fuller is
a member of the Grange and the Knights of the Maccabees. He is independent on
politics and one of the substantial men of Butler county. He has taken a
commendable interest in local affairs and has served as township clerk, although
he has never aspired to hold political office.
[Note: Lester James Fuller was nicknamed "Let"]
Contributed by Mary Louise Hamilton Rogers,
extracted from 1916 History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney, pages 642-643
* in the second column means the Researcher confirmed their information during 2024
ABRAHAM | Burl Abraham ( | |
ADAMS | Lillie Kee ( | |
ADAMS | Jenni Coe ( | |
ADAMS | * | Ruth ( |
ADAMS | Jeff Golladay ( | |
ALLISON | Judy Mayfield ( | |
AMMERMAN | Rachel Bitler ( | |
ANGLETON | Kim Duren ( | |
ARMAS | Lisa Cloud ( | |
ARNETT | Linda Faye Mecham ( | |
ARNOLD | Linda Bernhardt ( | |
AXTELL | Linda Faye Mecham ( | |
AZENDORF | Chris Stanga ( | |
BAILEY | Betty VanLeer ( | |
BAILEY | Betty Hicks ( | |
BAIN | Carolyn Golding ( | |
BAIRD | Penni Scialdone Luntsford ( | |
BAKER | Cathy Debbrecht ( | |
BAKER | Helen Boydston ( | |
BALE | Hugh Bale ( | |
BALL | Linda Faye Mecham ( | |
BALL | Ellen Vandiver ( | |
BALLINGER | Debbie Ballinger ( | |
BARCOME | James LeVeque ( | |
BARNES | Penni Scialdone Luntsford ( | |
BARR | Marie Butcher ( | |
BARTON | Sandra Barton ( | |
BASKETTE | * | Carla Jessup ( |
BAUGHMAN | Joan Snyder ( | |
BEAL | Betty Hines ( | |
BEARDSLEY | Allita Griffin ( | |
BEAUMONT | Linda Faye Mecham ( | |
BEELER | Marcia Hutson ( | |
BELLAMY | Betty Hines ( | |
BENFER | Lloyd Robinson ( | |
BERGLEY | Cathy Wright ( | |
BLACK | Linda Cornutt ( | |
BLEVINS | Brian Ford ( | |
BOLES | Chris Stanga ( | |
BOOKOUT | Cindy Dickinson ( | |
BOUCHER | * | Marland Boucher ( |
BOWMAN | Debbie Yates ( | |
BOYER | Jeffrey Vaillant ( | |
BOYER | Bonnie Chriestenson ( | |
BOYER | April Davis ( | |
BRAMBLE | Paul Bramble ( | |
BREWER | * | Shari Higgins ( |
BROADSTOCK | * | Shari Higgins ( |
BROWN | Rita Wells ( | |
BROWN | Joan Snyder ( | |
BROWN | Michael Sweek ( | |
BUCHNER | Tere Johnson ( | |
BUELL | Audrey Peters ( | |
BURNS | Jenni Coe ( | |
BURNS | Stacey Lovelock ( | |
BURRIS | Rita Wells ( | |
BURROUGHS | Rita Wells ( | |
BUSKIRK | Edith Sutton ( | |
BUTTRICK | * | Colleen Lill ( |
BUTTS | * | Eric Butts ( |
BUTTS | * | Shari Higgins ( |
CALDICOTT | Robert Caldicott ( | |
CALDWELL | * | Sean Droney ( |
CALL | Rebecca Minks-Hoover ( | |
CAMERON | Bill and Pat Cameron ( | |
CANNON | Carol Brown ( | |
CARR | Kim Makuch ( | |
CARR | Judy Gallagher ( | |
CARSON | Scott Raine ( | |
CARTER | Tim ( | |
CASTO | Betty Edmonds ( | |
CAYWOOD | Michael Sweek ( | |
CHAMBERS | Delores Davis ( | |
CHANCE | Joan Snyder ( | |
CHANDLER | Beverly Phillips ( | |
CHARLES | J. D. Brown ( | |
CHASE/CHACE | Barbara Chase ( | |
CHRIST | Sandra Kralicek ( | |
CHRISTIAN | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
CHRISTIANSEN | * | Shari Higgins ( |
CLARK | * | Martha Keys ( |
CLARK | Debbi Collins ( | |
CLAUNTS | Lori Klassen ( | |
CLAYPOOL | Sheila Irven ( | |
COCHRAN | Helen Boydston ( | |
CONDRA | Bill Emmett ( | |
CONNELL | James Lord ( | |
CONNER | * | Sean Droney ( |
COOK | Marilyn Hillison ( | |
COOK | Rick Cook ( | |
COOPER | Patti Kinney ( | |
COOPER | Julia Heider ( | |
COTTON | * | Larry Hardesty ( |
COUNTER | Becky Bashaw ( | |
COUSINS/CUZZINS | Betty Hines ( | |
COUSLAND | Glen Thomas ( | |
COUSLAND | George Cousland ( | |
CRAIG | | |
CRANE | Carolyn Schwab ( | |
CROW | Lori Klassen ( | |
CROW | Kathy ( | |
CUPP | Yvonne Brunson ( | |
DAILEY | Linda Chandler ( | |
DALE | * | Marcia Shears ( |
DANIEL/DANIELS | Suzie Daniel ( | |
DANIEL/DANIELS | Laura Daniels ( | |
DAVIS | Lillie Kee ( | |
DAVIS | Kathy Davis Steinman ( | |
DAVIS | Maureen Davis ( | |
DAVIS | Linda Chandler ( | |
DAWSON | Marcia Eaton ( | |
DENNETT | Bryan Dennett ( | |
DeSHURLEY | Allita Griffin ( | |
DEWAR | Cathy Debbrecht ( | |
DICKINSON | Martha Elizabeth Nash ( | |
DILLENBECK | Noela van der Meulen ( | |
DILLON | Jim Cook ( | |
DIRLAM | Bryan Dennett ( | |
DIXON | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
DIXON | Richard Dixon ( | |
DOBSON | Jean Dobson Sellers ( | |
DODSON | Julia Heider ( | |
DONALDSON | Lincoln Wolverton ( | |
DOORES | * | Susan Doores ( |
DORSEY | Linda Jones ( | |
DOUGLAS | Rita Wells ( | |
DUNN | * | Peggy Bollenbaugh ( |
DUNN | Patti Kinney ( | |
EDWARDS | Lynn Owens ( | |
EDWARDS | Milly Piros ( | |
ELDER | Julie K ( | |
ELLIS | * | Peggy Bollenbaugh ( |
ETTENSON | Nancy Reicher ( | |
FAIRLEY | Helen Boydston ( | |
FARLEY | Helen Boydston ( | |
FARNSWORTH | Linda Chandler ( | |
FARNUM | Rebecca Minks-Hoover ( | |
FAUBIAN | * | Shari Higgins ( |
FAUNCE | Evalyn Barrett ( | |
FENNO | * | Sean Droney ( |
FERGUSON | Shanna Kurth ( | |
FERGUSON | Jim Moore ( | |
FETROW | Bonnie Chriestenson ( | |
FOOKS/FOOKES | Vicki Anderson ( | |
FOOSE | Jim Foose ( | |
FORGY | | |
FORSYTHE | Lily Mattix ( | |
FOSTER | Robert Thurman ( | |
FOWLER | Jeri Maling ( | |
FOWLER | Darline Smith ( | |
FOX | Stacy Hintz ( | |
FRANK | Brad Frank ( | |
FREEMAN | Marcia Eaton ( | |
FUDGE | Judy Mayfield ( | |
FULK/FOLK | Linda Jones ( | |
FURTNEY | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
FUTHEY | Margo Franz ( | |
GAGAN | | |
GAINES/GANES | Linda Jones ( | |
GALLAGHER | Carolyn Schwab ( | |
GALLAGHER | Judy Gallagher ( | |
GALLOUP | Joan Craig ( | |
GARDNER | Betty Hines ( | |
GARNER | Emma Miller ( | |
GARRISON | Betty VanLeer ( | |
GARRISON | Mitchell Wiles ( | |
GATTON | * | Judy Arends ( |
GAYLORD | Marcia Hutson ( | |
GIBSON | Georgia ( | |
GIBSON | Vickie Glover ( | |
GIDLEY | Ann Honermann ( | |
GIVENS | Mark Iverson ( | |
GLAVES | * | Dennis Glaves ( |
GOLDEN | Sheilah ( | |
GOLDEN | Marcia Hutson ( | |
GOODRICH | Sheryl Kenney ( | |
GORDON | * | Greg Hammer ( |
GOSSETT | * | Richard Gossett ( |
GRANT | * | Lynn Barnes Rudberg ( |
GRAY | Ruby Martin ( | |
GREEN | Tom Phillips ( | |
GREEN | * | Marcia Shears ( |
GRIFFITH | * | Marcia Shears ( |
GRIFFITH | Marcia Hutson ( | |
GROVE | * | Mike Keller ( |
GUINN | Sandra Kralicek ( | |
HACKLER | Joan Snyder ( | |
HAMILTON | Marcia Eaton ( | |
HAMMER | * | Greg Hammer ( |
HAND | * | Marcia Shears ( |
HANKS | Sarah Armour ( | |
HANNON | Kathy Hughes ( | |
HARDIN | Marcia Hutson ( | |
HARP | Nancy Smith ( | |
HARRISON | * | Stephen Berrey ( |
HARSHMAN | Linda Bernhardt ( | |
HART | Vicki Anderson ( | |
HARTENBOWER | Pearle Pruitt ( | |
HARTWELL | Marcia Hutson ( | |
HARVEY | * | Martha Keys ( |
HAVER | * | Donna Westwood ( |
HAWES | Wendi Haines ( | |
HAZELETT | Jacquelyn Johnson ( | |
HENDERSON | Peggy Luce ( | |
HENRY | Chris Stanga ( | |
HENRY | Dave Henry ( | |
HERBERT/HARBERT | * | James Herbert ( |
HICKS | Betty Hicks ( | |
HIGGINS | Carolyn Higgins Jones ( | |
HIGGINS | * | Shari Higgins ( |
HIGHTOWER | J. D. Brown ( | |
HILL | Aaron Hill ( | |
HOBBS | Marcia Eaton ( | |
HOBBS | Chris Stanga ( | |
HOBBS | James Lord ( | |
HOGOBOOM | Evalyn Barrett ( | |
HOLLON | Yvonne Nimmo ( | |
HOLLY | * | Arlene Hedlund ( |
HOLMES | | |
HOOBER | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
HOPKINS | * | Richard Gossett ( |
HOUSLEY | Cindy Morgan ( | |
HUFF | Jacquelyn Johnson ( | |
HUGHES | Marcia Eaton ( | |
HULL | Bob Jones ( | |
HUMMEL | Tim ( | |
HUNT | Chris Stanga ( | |
HUNTER | Lori Klassen ( | |
HUTSON | Marcia Hutson ( | |
JACKSON | * | Donna Westwood ( |
JACKSON | Jenni Coe ( | |
JACKSON | Lori Klassen ( | |
JACOBS | Linda Jones ( | |
JANSSON | Ramona Pekarek ( | |
JOHANSSON | Ramona Pekarek ( | |
JOHNSON | Ramona Pekarek ( | |
JOHNSTON | * | Marcia Shears ( |
JOHNSTON | Chris Stanga ( | |
JOHNSTON | Barbara Kenyon ( | |
JOHNSTON | Larry Hardesty ( | |
JUNKEN/JUNKIN | * | Martha Keys ( |
KELLEY | Carole Krejci ( | |
KENYON | Barbara Kenyon ( | |
KEPLAR | T Keplar ( | |
KESSLER | Elizabeth Ruhmann ( | |
KIMBERLIN | Carolyn Golding ( | |
KINDRED | Curtis Clark ( | |
KING | Bonnie Chriestenson ( | |
KIRKPATRICK | Nancy Smith ( | |
KNOLL | Stacy Hintz ( | |
KRAMER | Russ Raines ( | |
KREEGER | S Daniels ( | |
KROPF | Margaret Kropf ( | |
LAPHAM | * | Janis McCahill ( |
LARSON | Ramona Pekarek ( | |
LATCHAW/LATSHAW | Judy Bain ( | |
LAWRENCE | * | Richard Gossett ( |
LAYTON | Wendi Haines ( | |
LAYTON | Barbara Kenyon ( | |
LEE | Lynda Lee Harbour ( | |
LEHR | Marcia Eaton ( | |
LEMON | J. D. Brown ( | |
LINN | Brian Ford ( | |
LOGAN | Robert Aswell ( | |
LUCE | Peggy Luce ( | |
LYNCH | Sheryl Kenney ( | |
MACKLIN | Annette Schmidt ( | |
MACON | * | Stephen Berrey ( |
MAGILL | Keith Hart ( | |
MAHAFFEY | * | Martha Keys ( |
MALLORY | Tom Phillips ( | |
MARKS | Iona May Phillips ( | |
MARSHALL | * | Greg Hammer ( |
MARSHALL | Lily Mattix ( | |
MARTIN | Larry Hardesty ( | |
MATHERS | Beverly Phillips ( | |
MATTHEWS | Bruce Cunningham ( | |
MAYFIELD | Judy Mayfield ( | |
MAYNARD | Judy Hopkins ( | |
McCABE | Betty VanLeer ( | |
McCLURE | Peggy Luce ( | |
McCRANER | Linda Jones ( | |
McCUNE | Beverly Phillips ( | |
McFARLAND | Diana Kohler ( | |
McINTIRE | Julia Heider ( | |
McNARY | Marie Butcher ( | |
McSPARRIN | Bonnie Chriestenson ( | |
MEAD | James LeVeque ( | |
MEEKER | Jennette McClurg ( | |
MELROSE | Larry Melrose ( | |
MERRITT | Jerre Chumley ( | |
METCALFE | Burl Abraham ( | |
MINKS | Rebecca Minks-Hoover ( | |
MITCHELL | Linda Bernhardt ( | |
MITCHELL | Stacy Mitchell-Ryan ( | |
MOFLEY | J. D. Brown ( | |
MOORE | Peggy Villanueva ( | |
MORGAN | Vicki Hutchison ( | |
MORGAN | Jean Cloke ( | |
MOSHER | Carl Guggisberg ( | |
MOSIER | Robert Thurman ( | |
MURPHY | Jean Dobson Sellers ( | |
MURREY/MURRAY | Tere Johnson ( | |
MYERS | Molly Sanders ( | |
NEFF | Doris Smith ( | |
NEIGHBOR/NEIGHBORS | Marcia Hutson ( | |
NELSON | Gary Jacobson ( | |
NELSON | Jerre Chumley ( | |
NEWBY | Brad Frank ( | |
NEWLAND | Linda Jones ( | |
NICHOLS | Becky Bashaw ( | |
NIMMO | Yvonne Nimmo ( | |
NIXON | Marcia Hutson ( | |
NOBLE | Chris Stanga ( | |
NOVELL | Carroll J. Jones, Sr. ( | |
O'BRYAN | Debbie Yates ( | |
OBERST | Kathleen Erickson ( | |
OELSCHLAGER | Dennis Oelschlager ( | |
OLDS | Debbie Yates ( | |
OLENBERGER | Becky Bashaw ( | |
OLINGER | Curt Underwood ( | |
OLINGER | Jim Moore ( | |
OLMSTEAD | Stacey Lovelock ( | |
OPDENHOFF | Bart Gripenstraw ( | |
OSBORN | Chuck Perry ( | |
PAGE | Rita Wells ( | |
PALMER | Patty Blake ( | |
PARKER | Carol Taulbee ( | |
PARKER | Glen Thomas ( | |
PARKER | George Cousland ( | |
PARSONS | Ray Parsons ( | |
PATTERSON | * | Marland Boucher ( |
PATTERSON | Sandra Kralicek ( | |
PATTERSON | Sandra Patterson ( | |
PEAL | Tim ( | |
PEARSON | Harvey Pearson ( | |
PEARSON | Mike Morgan ( | |
PETRIE | * | Sean Droney ( |
PHILLIPS | Tom Phillips ( | |
PHILLIPS | Iona May Phillips ( | |
PHILLIPS | Chris Stanga ( | |
PHILLIPS | William Phillips ( | |
PIERCE | Lillie Kee ( | |
PIERCE | Yvonne Brunson ( | |
PIERSON | Gina Stephenson ( | |
PIKE | Pamela Pool ( | |
PIKE | * | Susan Doores ( |
POFFENBARGER | Jacque Knight ( | |
PORTER | | |
POWELL | Vicki Anderson ( | |
PRATT | Robert Aswell ( | |
PRICE | Joanne Chaffin ( | |
PULVER | Stacey Lovelock ( | |
PURDY | George Cousland ( | |
RADER | Becky Bashaw ( | |
RAINE | Scott Raine ( | |
RANDLE | Lori Klassen ( | |
REAL | Ann Honermann ( | |
RECHER | J. D. Brown ( | |
REED | Keith Hart ( | |
REYNOLDS | Ellen Vandiver ( | |
REZZER | Joan Derry ( | |
RICH | * | Mike Keller ( |
RICH | David Rich ( | |
RIGG | Patty Blake ( | |
RIGG | Luella Rigg Ostonal ( | |
RIVERS | Iona Rivers Mackey ( | |
ROACH | Kathy C. ( | |
ROBERTS | Charlene Roberts ( | |
ROBERTS | T. Stevens ( | |
ROBINSON | Marilyn Pickering ( | |
ROBINSON | Jean Cloke ( | |
ROCKWELL | Margaret Kropf ( | |
ROGERS | April Staring ( | |
ROTHA | Bart Gripenstraw ( | |
RUDDICK | Joanne Chaffin ( | |
RUSSELL | Mitchell Wiles ( | |
RUTHERFORD | Lee Ann Walker ( | |
RYAN | Joan Snyder ( | |
SATCHELL | Joan Acridge ( | |
SCHLOSSER | Robert Mitchell ( | |
SCHMICK | Joanne ( | |
SCHROYER | Lori Klassen ( | |
SCHUPP | Beverly Phillips ( | |
SCHUPP | Sandra Kralicek ( | |
SCOBEE | Lori Klassen ( | |
SCOTT | David Rich ( | |
SEXTON | * | Peggy Bollenbaugh ( |
SEXTON | Patti Kinney ( | |
SHAMLEFFER | Barbara Beal ( | |
SHAMLEFFER | David Wilson ( | |
SHAW | Paul Tipton ( | |
SHAY | * | Carolyn Gang ( |
SHERMAN | Tim ( | |
SHERVINGTON | * | Janis McCahill ( |
SHERWOOD | Joan Snyder ( | |
SHOEMAKER | Rema Cole ( | |
SIDERS | Irene Nichols ( | |
SIGEL | Linda Stewart ( | |
SIMERL | Jacque Knight ( | |
SIMMONS | Linda Chandler ( | |
SINGLETON | Ellen Vandiver ( | |
SLUSS | Kim Makuch ( | |
SMALLEY | * | Eric Brown ( |
SMITH | Betty Edmonds ( | |
SMITH | Cathy Debbrecht ( | |
SMITH | * | Shari Higgins ( |
SNYDER | * | Bryan Snyder ( |
SNYDER | Joan Snyder ( | |
SNYDER | Bonnie Chriestenson ( | |
SOHNREY | Kathy ( | |
SPEARS | Skip Buhler ( | |
SQUIER | Debbie Yates ( | |
SQUIERS | * | Shari Higgins ( |
SRADER | Beth Biar ( | |
STANLEY | Rick Stanley ( | |
STANLEY | Nancy Smith ( | |
STANSBURY | Lee Ann Walker ( | |
STANTON | Vern Stanton ( | |
STEADMAN | Chris Stanga ( | |
STEVENS | Julie K ( | |
STOCKS | Linda Chandler ( | |
STOCKTON | James Lord ( | |
STORM | Vicki Hutchison ( | |
STRAW | Yvonne Brunson ( | |
STRAWMATT | Delores Davis ( | |
STUART | Sheila Irven ( | |
STURDYVIN | Delores Davis ( | |
STUTZ | Kathie Stutz-Soto ( | |
SUBLETT | Joan Linam ( | |
SWEEK | Michael Sweek ( | |
SWEENEY | * | Shari Higgins ( |
TALKINGTON | Evalyn Barrett ( | |
TATUM | * | Colleen Lill ( |
TAYLOR | * | Colleen Lill ( |
TAYLOR | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
TEDROW | Brad Reeder ( | |
TELYEA | Marilyn Dorr ( | |
THOMAS | Lori Klassen ( | |
THOMPSON | Lorena Velasquez ( | |
THURSTON | Cindy Morgan ( | |
TONG | * | Peggy Bollenbaugh ( |
TYLER | Nea Bidwell ( | |
UNDERWOOD | Curt Underwood ( | |
VALENTINE | Debbi Collins ( | |
VAN HUSS | Harvey Pearson ( | |
VAN HUSS | Bill Myers ( | |
VANN | * | Ruth ( |
VARNER | * | Marland Boucher ( |
VARNER | Helen Boydston ( | |
WADLEY | Rebecca Minks-Hoover ( | |
WALDORF | * | Paula Bradley ( |
WALKER | Milly Piros ( | |
WALLENSTROM | Ramona Pekarek ( | |
WATSON | Marie Butcher ( | |
WEDDING | * | Martha Keys ( |
WELLMAN | Robert Pitcher ( | |
WELTY | Nancy Ross ( | |
WESTFALL | Linda Faye Mecham ( | |
WHEELER | * | Colleen Lill ( |
WHITE | Tom Phillips ( | |
WIGGINS | * | Ruth ( |
WIKE | Sharon Bambara ( | |
WILKINSON /WILKENSON /WILKERSON | Douglas L. Wilkinson ( | |
WILKS | * | Judy Arends ( |
WILSON | Joan Snyder ( | |
WILSON/WILLSON | * | Martha Keys ( |
WIMBERLY | Joan Snyder ( | |
WININGS | Vicki Hutchison ( | |
WINTERS | Jeffrey Vaillant ( | |
WINZER | Joan Snyder ( | |
WISEMAN | Lillie Kee ( | |
WISHARD | Carolyn Schwab ( | |
WOLFE | Milly Piros ( | |
WOOD | Delores Davis ( | |
WRIGHT | Peggy Luce ( | |
WRIGHT | J. D. Brown ( | |
WRIGHT | Jeri Maling ( | |
YEAGER | Barbara Kenyon ( | |
ZOOK | James Cordy ( |
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