Butler County


1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
134,783Avery, Wm. H.AmadorInj. of spine$6.00......
34,876Dill, Marydomother$8.00Nov., 1864
77,821Haven, John OAndoverinjury to abdomen$18.00......
48,040Newland, Isaacdochr. conjunctivitis both eyes$6.00Aug., 1865
........Frost, MirandaAralwidow$8.00......
42,304Good, WalterAugustaamp. rt. forearm$18.00......
162,228Daniel, Joseph Mdow.l. arm$2.00Aug. 1879
115,971Chase, John, jr.dog.s wds. of mouth, neck, l.shoulder, rt. breast, and l. chee$12.00......
106,467Hamilton, Isaac Tdog.s.w r. side$10.00Nov., 1870
97,176Hill, Edwindoinjury to abdomen$8.00......
67,054Reynolds, Oscardog.s.w.l. arm$18.00July, 1866
177,715Brown,Wmdog.s.w.rt. breast$4.00July, 1872
216,184Gallagher, Gustavus Fdog.s.w.rt .leg$6.00Aug., 1882
131,324Gaskil, Greendog.s.w.both shoulders$8.00......
32,533Gimlin, Elijah E.dog.s.w.l.elbow$8.00......
130,424Biddle, Wm.Hdog.s.w.through mouth and neck$6.00Oct., 1874
138,829Leppelman, Emelius J.dodis.lungs$24.00......
126,351King, Leverett Edochr. Diarr$18.00Jan., 1874
186,354Kibby, John WAugustainjury to abdomen$8.00May, 1880
199,647Jones, Wm. BdoPart'l paralysis lower limbs$18.00......
22,973Davis, James T.M.doinj.l.ankle$8.00......
222,332Dale, Chasdog.s.w.rt.foot$2.00Dec., 1882
176,047Davis, Johndog.s.w.l.leg$4.00Oct., 1880
202,831Fuller, Aaron Hdodeaf'sboth ears and sunstroke$8.00Feb., 1882
77,130Lacke, James Jr.dolumbago and partl. Paralysis$6.00Feb., 1867
184,168Fitzpatrick, Denisdoinjury to abdomen$8.00Mar., 1881
167,555Schlosser, Wmdodis.eyes$72.00......
184,073Harrington, Mary Sdowidow$27.00May, 1879
82,618Fry, Enochdodis.l.hip joint and result'g sciatica$8.00......
68,908Rucker, James Hdog.s.w.rt.hand$4.00......
188,860Allen, Mary Adomother$8.00June, 1880
59,196Bishop, Martin Ldoch. Diarrhea$2.00......
150,046Smith, Jesse YAyrg.s.w.rt.knee$6.00......
198,058Osborn, Wm. Ldominor$20.00Dec., 1882
24,093Paffinbarger, John Hdog.s.w.rt.hip$14.00......
178,870Dobson, CharlesBeaumontdis.lungs and chr. Rheum'm$8.00Nov., 1880
66,522Hurum, Starksdow.r.breast$4.00June, 1866
206,581Brodie, GeoBryantg.s.w.chin$4.00Apr., 1882
145,780Nance, Amanda Adowidow$8.00.......
167,450Balcom, Ann Esterdodo $12.00.......
94,797Salvage, Johndow.r.thigh$4.00......
217,417Weidman, Daniel WCariboodis. and deaf's of l. Ear result of measles$4.00Aug., 1882
121,858Strawmatt, Wmdog.s.w.l.arm$2.00Mar., 1873
199,473Kinney, James Wdoshell wd.rt.shoulder involving lung$6.00Dec., 1881
204,921Giddings, Jerome Wdog.s.w.rt.arm and jun.l. ankle$4.00Mar., 1882
214,662Strait, WmChelseag.s.w.l.hand$4.00June, 1882
36,157Beals, Phebe EDouglasswidow$8.00......
55,257Cline, Chas. Rdowd. l. Elbow$15.00.....
115,435Sells, Lewisdowd. Forehead$15.00......
147,061Cook, Christopherdols.rt.thumb with ulceration of stump$6.00......
218,084Crisswell, Johndochr. Diarrh, and scurvy$6.00Sept., 1882
17,660Haskins, Chas. Edog.s.w.l. forearm$8.00......
206,278Ham, James Mdoinj.l. side by shell and result'g dis. Lungs$4.00Apr., 1882
192,852Lewis, Charles Cdochr. Bronchitis$8.00......
214,733Engle, Zimridog.s.w.rt.hand$2.00June, 1882
71,145Ritchie, Andrewdoinj.l.arm$8.00......
147,706Avery, Amosdog.s.w.l.arm$3.00Aug., 1877
102,533Attwell, Robert Jdog.s.w.l.shoulder$12.00......
190,531Blakey, Jamesdochr.diarrh$6.00......
70,484Stine, Chas.Adowd.rt.shoulder$4.25......
43,612Reynolds, Schofield Hdodisability$15.00......
23,957Faulkner, Lemueldoloss r.leg, g.s.w.forearm$24.00......
21,801Darnin, Thomas Ado........$4.00Dec., 1863
95,588Heintz, Anna MEdgecombwidow$8.00June, 1867
124,802Ham, Jasondowd.l.thigh$2.00......
159,025Hawes, Jesse Adodis.lungs$4.00Apr., 1879
67,697Shuman, JacobEl Doradowd.l.leg$6.00......
81,812Blackwell, Jeromedoblindness$72.00......
178,591Locke, Benj. Rdoinj.of chest$4.00......
191,184Lercher, Chas. Fdowds.l. forearm and rt. Leg$4.00June, 1881
204,601Hedges, Richard Tdodis. Lungs$6.00Mar., 1882
134,003Jones, Harrisondog.s.w.rt.groin and back$6.00.......
136,182Connine, Henrydog.s.w.l.thigh and rt. Arm$8.00......
155,768Remington, Ch'ncey Hdodis of liver$10.00Oct., 1878
22,694Ackerly, Dariusdow.l.leg &c$8.00.......
121,511Henning, John Hdoinjury to abdomen$18.00......
93,472Crabtree, Abijah Rdoinj.of rt.ankle$8.00......
215,774Gaylord, Martin Bdochr.diarr$8.00July, 1882
53,554Bogardus, Peterdowd.l.leg$7.50.......
51,642Fisher, Jamesdog.s.l.leg, &w.r.hand &arm$24.00......
180,735Redden, Margaretdowidow$30.00Apr., 1878
91,110Dunlevy, Wm. Hdog.s.w.l.leg &res.var.veins$16.00.......
223,801Dickey, John Hdoinj. To spine & abdomen$6.00Dec., 1882
126,476Morgan, Edwards Adoinjury to abdomen$4.00Jan., 1874
208,691Mitchell, James Hdochr.diarrh$4.00May, 1882
112,505Madison, Iradochr. Bronchitis$4.00......
162,032Mossman, Henry Cdog.s.w.l.thigh$4.00Aug., 1879
104,384Williamson, James Mdoinjury to abdomen$4.00July, 1870
200,108Widick, James Hdog.s.w.head$4.00Jan., 1882
217,545Long, John Wdog.s.w.l.shoulder$6.00Aug., 1882
210,338Parscal, Robert Ldochr.diarrh$4.00June, 1882
139,392Merrifield, Wm. Tdodis. Eyes$8.00......
154,802Nye, Ezra Odoamaurosis of rt eye$4.00Aug, 1878
177,378Williams, Robert Hdopar. Loss l. 2d finger, g.s.w.$2.00Oct., 1880
175,834Woodman, Sam'l Ndoinj.rt. shoulder$8.00.......
218,611Simpson, John Wesleydoshell wd.rt.eye & face$4.00Oct., 1882
131,020Scott, Jamesdog.s.w. of face$5.00.......
107,623Randall, Joseph Mdochr. Diarrh$11.33Jan., 1871
195,911Ripley, Sylvesterdopar.paralysis &debility &c.$12.00Sept., 1881
12,726Dodwell, Jamesdoinj. to abd. & dis. of spleen$10.00......
160,016Rardin, Wm.Cdog.s.w.l.hand$4.00May, 1879
160,489Collins, Nathanieldog.s.w.rt.hip & inj.to abd.$4.00June, 1879
193,172Torrence, Wm. Adominor$16.00Aug., 1881
191,977Logan, Sarah Mdowidow$10.00Apr., 1881
147,958Price, Wmdodis. of abdominal viscera$12.00......
68,095McKenzie, Sumnerdog.s.w.rt.shoulder & arm$18.00July, 1866
218,248Sproul, Wmdochr.diar., dis. of abd. Viscera$4.00Sept., 1882
33,441Willard, Dennisdog.s.w.l.thigh$12.00.......
172,421Boyden, Danieldodislocation l. Ankle$4.00Aug., 1880
126,840Steele, Robert Hdog.s.w.l.leg$4.00Feb., 1874
135,695Gibson, Wm. Ldochr.diarrh. &results$18.00.......
102,475Addington, Wm. Sdochr. diarr., dis. of abd. Visc.$6.00.......
128,394Hill, Wm.Hdowd.l.side of head$6.00May, 1874
14,136Pennington, Wm. Hdog.s.w.l.foot$6.00May, 1882
132,657Dunlap, John Tdog.s.w.rt.arm$4.00......
29,082Cross, Roxannasdowidow$8.00.......
128,328Best, Sarah Adodo $8.00Apr., 1869
117,615Collins, Henry Mdoch. Bronchitis$8.00.......
22,813Ledom, Thomas CHaverhillwd.of.l.arm$8.00......
76,716Hershey, Peter JHoldeng.s.w. of back(chest)$4.00......
21,109Hamiliton, Aquilla BIndianolal's rt. arm above elbow$24.00......
177,290Osborn, Elizabethdomother$8.00May, 1877
169,611Butler, MaryKeighleydo $8.00June, 1875
37,144Grunwell, RobertLeong.s.w.rt.leg$12.00Jan., 1865
41,659Case, Allendog.s.w.l.foot$10.00......
96,283Hood, John Hdowd.l.leg$8.00......
16,039Bassett, Arvinedoinjury to abdomen$15.00......
172,051Kelly, Eli Mdorheumatism l.knee$6.00
96,565Jones, John Cdog.s.w.rt.arm$6.00Aug., 1866
18,950Keck, Benj. Fdog.s.w.rt.side$4.00......
212,885Hood, Geo. Fdog.s.w.rt.lower jaw$4.00June, 1882
145,087Townsend, Wm. Sdoloss of index finger l. Hand$3.00May, 1877
218,565Van Landingham, Lewis Jdochr.diarrh. &chr. Laryngitis$6.00Sept., 1882
78,042Rutledge, Jamesdochr. Diarrh. & results$8.00......
187,199Suter, Henrydog.s.w.of head$8.00Apr., 1881
189,486Cosner, Josiah Bdochr. Diarrh$8.00June, 1881
189,437Russell, Benj. Fdodis.eyes$6.00May, 1881
3,786Mendenhall, Wmdowd.rt.ankle$4.00July, 1848
95,226Moore, John Ldog.s.w.l.eye$8.00......
162,348Dodson, Henry Tdoinjury to abdomen$4.00Sept., 1879
185,942Dungey, Charlesdovar.veins.l.leg$8.00......
213,729East, Jamesdopart'l deafness, dis.of lungs, &res.dis.of heart$8.00June, 1882
218,213Douglass,Wmdodis.eyes$4.00Sept., 1882
187,460Foulke, WatsonLorenadis.of abdominal viscera$2.00Apr., 1881
103,131McFarlane, Sam'l SMurdockloss left thumb$4.00Aug., 1876
205,593Wormele, HiramPalmyrasciatic rheum. & diarrh$4.00Mar., 1882
24,824Cord, Wm.Gdoch.diarrh$6.00......
181,169Burris, Jamesdominor$14.00May, 1878
25,008Wellman, JamesPine Grovesurv.1812$8.00Apr., 1879
135,515Townsend, Margaret JPlum Grovewidow$8.00......
69,933Bain,Wmdols.sight.rt.eye and chr. Diarr$8.00......
18,799Olinger, Marydowidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
81,257Strasser, Edwarddowd.rt.leg$6.00......
192,194Ferguson, Hollanddofather$8.00May, 1881
8,869Adams, Sam'lProvidenceinj.calf.rt.leg affecting knee$8.00......
144,128Leh, EliasRosaliag.s.w.l.shoulder$4.00Mar., 1877
172,080Blankenship, Wm.Cdoinj.l side$4.00Aug., 1880
29,184Wakefield, AnnisRose Hillwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1880
205,890Sloat, Ansel Wdodis.eyes and chr.diarrh$6.00Mar., 1882
46,742Samples, EzekielSycamore Springsg.s.w.l.arm$5.33......
173,512Hobart, Luther MTowandafracture rt. Leg$4.00Sept., 1880
202,383Hale, Wm.Hdols.part 1st and 2d finger r. Hand$3.00Feb., 1882
32,921Tucker, Joseph Wdog.s.w.rt.thigh & resultg. part. anchylosis l. knee, var. Vei$12.00......
55,451Snyder, Wmdog.s.w.l.breast and resultg.dis.lungs$8.00......
194,880Corey, Stephen Adog.s.w.both hands$2.00Aug., 1881
152,111Owen, Andrew Jdoerysipelas result.var.veins l. Leg$12.00......
93,394Rollings, Elias Wdopleurisy$8.00......
144,883Pickens, Geo. Wdols.of part rt. Thumb g.s.w.$2.00Apr., 1877
59,632Mooney, Osborndog.s.w.rt.shoulder$4.00Mar., 1866
167,221Maynard, Horacedodis.of rt.hand$2.00Apr., 1880
186,722Wilkins, Luciensdoinj.to rt.ankle$4.00Apr., 1881

Contributed 1997 Nov by Kim Nichols

World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing

Casualty codes are: KIA - Killed in Action; FOD - Finding of Death; DNB - Died, Not Battle; DOW - Died of Wounds


ADPLANALP, JOHN C. – 37208019 – PFC – KIA
ALLBRIGHT, WINER L. – 37247925 – TEC5 – DNB
APPLEGATE, CLAUDE L. – 20725964 – 1SG – KIA
BARBER, BYRUS L. – 6411867 – SSG – KIA
BARNHILL, WALTER G. – 39310393 – SGT – KIA
BATDORF, STANLEY M. – 37528107 – PFC – KIA
BELT, LEE C. – 6860190 – CPL – DNB
BEREMAN, CLAYTON D. – O-711317 – 1LT – FOD
BINTER, JAMES J. – O-661697 – 1LT – DNB
BLAKE, DALE A. – 375112625 – PVT – DNB
BLAKE, JAMES T. – 20725969 – SGT – KIA
BROWN, RICHARD N. – O-709765 – 2LT – KIA
BRUCKS, ROBERT H. – O-776507 – 2LT – KIA
BUTCHER, BUFORD E. – 17058581 – SSG – FOD
COLE, EDWARD A. – O-691634 – 2LT – KIA
CRONK, RAUL A. – 37723031 – PFC – KIA
DE LONG, PAUL M. – 37726226 – CPL – KIA
DOLES, JAMES A. – 37721400 – PVT – KIA
EDWARDS, FRANCIS D. – 37535909 – PFC – DNB
ESSEX, ISAAC M. – 37503418 – PVT – DNB
FITZWATER, JAMES M. – 17166538 – SGT – DNB
FLEMING, WILLIAM J. – 37527992 – SGT – KIA
FLINT, JUNIOR E. – 37744798 – PFC – KIA
FORBES, HAROLD A. – 17012744 – SSG – KIA
FRENCH, WALTER A. – 37214320 – SGT – FOD
GONZALES, FRANK A. – O-887338 – 2LT – KIA
GONZALES, SUS J. – 20725990 – SGT – DOW
GREEN, HAROLD L. – 37726316 – PVT – DOW
GRUVER, HAROLD W. – 37521138 – PVT – KIA
GUYOT, JAMES P. – O2063410 – 1LT – KIA
HADDOX, JOHN C. – 37012994 – PVT – DOW
HALL, MERLE J. – 37518223 – PFC – KIA
HARADER, WILFRED C. – 37233613 – SGT – FOD
HEARRELL, JACK B. – 37254092 – PVT – DNB
HIBBLER, HOWARD A. – 37210378 – SGT – DNB
HILTON, HAROLD L. – 37017158 – PFC – DNB
HOLT, DOYLE R. – 38272719 – PFC – KIA
HOPKINS, LESTER D. – 37733876 – PFC – KIA
HULL, HOBERT S. – 37733843 – PVT – KIA
HULL, LOREN A. – 17124857 – PVT – KIA
HUMBOLT, HAROLD L. – 37751724 – PVT – KIA
IRVINE, JESSIE J. – 37245715 – SSG – FOD
JACKSON, BRYCE W. – 37527077 – PFC – DOW
JACKSON, KENNETH D. – 37739022 – PVT – DOW
JORDON, WALTER L. – 3451563 – SGT – KIA
JUDSON, LEROY – O-864237 – 2LT – DNB
KING, ERNEST L. – 20726213 – SSG – KIA

LE MASTER, RAYMOND H. – 37529885 – PFC – KIA
LEWIS, BILLY G. – 37520947 – PFC – KIA
LIST, LEWIS A. – O-447969 – LTC – DNB
LISTER, WALTER W. – 37531588 – PFC – KIA
LOWE, ANDY M. – 37506994 – TEC5 – DNB
LOWRANCE, JODIE R. – 37141157 – CPL – KIA
LUSK, NORMAN B. – 37511628 – PVT – KIA
MADEN, GRAYSON C. – 37222430 – CPL – DNB
MAHANNAH, LYNN M. – O-757590 – 2LT – KIA
MAIN, DAVE W. JR. – O-701127 – 2LT – KIA
MARSH, JAMES W. – O-411720 – CAPT – DNB
MATHEWS, MAURICE L. JR. – 37520824 – PVT – DNB
MAXWELL, DALE L. – 37726299 – PFC – KIA
MC COLLUM, JAMES W. – 37737533 – PVT – KIA
MC GUIRE, LLOYD E. – 37730512 – PVT – DNB
MILLER, CURTIS – 37529842 – PFC – KIA
MOORE, HARRY F. – O1523915 – 2LT – KIA
NEWBY, ORIN C. – O-748021 – 2LT – DNB
PARKS, FREDRICK L. – 17002593 – PVT – DNB
PETTY, WARREN E. – O-829547 – 2LT – DNB
PHILLIPS, IRVIN E. – 19021057 – PVT – DNB
POE, JACK H. – 37217037 – PVT – KIA
PONCE, LEO J. – 37229664 – CPL – KIA
PRATT, LAWRENCE D. – 37147480 – SSG – FOD
RANDLE, ORDELLE O. – 17100482 – CPL – DNB
RENEAU, WILLIAM E. – O-705430 – 2LT – FOD
RUCK, ARTHUR W. – 37239182 – SSG – DNB
SCHMIDT, IRVIN H. – 37211227 – PVT – DNB
SEAL, JACK M. – 37511531 – PVT – KIA
SHANNON, CHARLES H. – 37726234 – PFC – KIA
SHOOK, ROBERT M. – 18048927 – PVT – KIA
SINGLETON, GLENN F. – 37070403 – TEC5 – KIA
SMITH, JOHN G. – 17096517 – SGT – FOD
STEWARD, LORAN J. – 37724721 – PFC – DOW
STINSON, FRANK J. – O1184592 – 1LT – KIA
STROUD, KENNETH L. – 37497778 – PFC – DNB
THOMAS, RAYMOND W. – 17099018 – PFC – KIA
THOMPSON, WENDELL T. A. – 37504020 – PFC – KIA
TIDBALL, GAROLD D. – 37521171 – PFC – KIA
WARREN, DONALD E. – 37528050 – PFC – DNB
WIDICK, GILBERT T. – 37219162 – SSG – KIA
WOOD, CLARENCE E. – 6935547 – TSG – KIA
WOODS, JAMES R. – O-778328 – 2LT – KIA
YELLEY, RICHARD G. – 17135459 – PVT – KIA

Source: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel from Kansas. (NWCTM-407-WWIICASARMY-KS)

Transcribed and contributed 1998 by Kenneth Thomas

Rural Schools (1854-1966)

Researched at the Butler County Register of Deeds by Joan Snyder

School NameTownshipDate StartedDate ClosedLegal description of School House, Consolidated into Another school district
Ellis (1)Sycamore twpBef. 18683/1/1924R6E, T24S, Sec 2, SE 1/4, Consol. W/ #92, Cole Creek U492 Rosalia/Cassoday
Happy Valley (2)Rt. 4 El Dorado3/1/1947Disorg. Into #8 West Branch, #10 Chelsea U490 - El Dorado
Rock Creek ? (3)Spring twp3/1/1947R5E, T27S, Sec 3, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #8 West Branch, #10 Chelsea
El Dorado (3)El Dorado twp1966R5E, T27S, Sec. 3 NW 1/4, U490 El Dorado
Vanora (4) (Sutton Branch)El Dorado twpR5E, T26E, Sec 28, NW 1/4, U375 Circle
Webster (5)Bloomington twp4/28/18716/30/1947R5E, T28E, Sec 16, NE 1/4, Disorg. Into #113 Haverhill/#87 Bloomington U205 Leon
***** (5)BentonR3E, T26S, Sec 35, SW 1/4
Towanda (6)TowandaReorg. 8/9/70R4E, T26E, Sec 9, SW 1/4, Part of U375 Reorg.
Ellet (7)Clay twp1/21/1947R6E, T29S, Sec 13, SW 1/4, Consol. W/#1 Ellis ?
West Branch (8)Lincoln twp1966R5E, T25S, Sec 2, NW 1/4, Part of U490 El Dorado
***** ( 9)Fairview twp4/2/1946R4E, T25S, Sec 7, NW 1/4, Reorg. 4/4/71 Consol. W/#89 Golden Gate/U206 Remington
Chelsea (10)Chelsea3/27/1868R6E, T24S, Sec 33, SW 1/4, Part of U490 El Dorado, U492 Rosalia/Cassoday
Morgan (11)Milton twp5/16/18685/7/1948R3E, T24S, Sec 14, NW 1/4, Consol. W/ #65 Pleasant Hill U206 Remington
White Station (12)5/28/18686/26/1959El Dorado Rt 1/Augusta Rt 2Disorg. Into #113 Haverhill
Augusta (13)Augusta twp7/17/1869Part of U402 Augusta
Science Hall (14)Chelsa twp12/7/18692/2/1953R6E, T25S, Sec 24, SW 1/4 or Hill Side, Consol. W/ #35 Rosalia /U492 Rosalia/Cassoday
Silverton (15)Towanda twp1/1/18707/2/1945R4E, T26S, Sec 33, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #6 Towanda U375 Circle
Green (16)Towanda twp3/1/18707/2/1945Consol. W/ #6 Towanda /U375 Circle
Browntown (17) FriendshipWalnut twp3/4/18705/20/1958R4E, T28S, Sec 9, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #153 Gordon /U402 Augusta
Union (18) BentonMurdock twp3/14/18709/7/1951R3E, T25S, Sec 32, SW 1/4, Closed, Disorg. Into #52 / #95 Whitewater U206 Remington /U375 Circle
Walnut City (19)Richland twp4/1/18703/1/1947R4E, T29S, Sec 5, NE 1/4, Disorg. Into #153 Gorden / #20 Douglass/ U402 Augusta U396 Douglass
Douglass (20)Richland twp4/1/1870U396 Douglass
Blue Mound (21)Clifford twp4/11/18703/1/1947R4E, T23S, Sec 26, SW 1/4, Disorg. Into #99 Potwin / #159 DeGraff / #156 Burns #65 Pleasant Hill or Grand View
Harrison (22), North Harrison, South Harrison4/14/18705/6/1924Consol. W/ #128, Cassoday U472 Rosalia/Cassoday
Brownlow (23)Hickory twp4/18/18702/26/1948R7E, T28S, Sec 8, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #42 Latham/#59 Leon / #134 Keighley
Fairmont (24)Fairmont twp4/21/18704/8/1955R3E, T23S, Sec 11, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #160 Elbing /U206 Remington
Fairmont (24) WalnutR4E, T28S, Sec 23, SE 1/4, Walnut
Merdock (25)Benton4/23/18704/23/1946Consol. W/ #6 Towanda U375 Circle
Fairplay (26)Benton twp5/24/18705/24/1923R3E, T26S, Sec 32, NW 1/4, Consol. W/ #52 Benton / U375 Circle
Rose (27)Bruno twp5/31/18715/31/1948R3E, T27S, Sec 32, SE 1/4, Consol. W/ #122 Andover / U385 Andover
Whitewater (28)Augusta twp3/14/18711/31/1946R4E, T27S, Sec 33, NW 1/4, Consol. W/ #149 Lily Lake /U402 Augusta
Springdale (29)3/15/187111/30/1945Towanda Address, Consol. W/ #36 Oil Hill / U375 Circle
Mount Tabor (30)Rock Creek twp3/20/18714/11/1951R5E, T29S, Sec 30, SW 1/4, Consol. W/ #20 Douglass / U396 Douglass
Lone Star (31) Atlanta3/20/1871U396 Douglass/ U462 ?
Rock Hill (32)El Dorado twp3/20/18713/26/1959R5E, T26S, Sec 23, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #4 Vanora / #59 Leon / U374 ?
Brainerd (33) Whitewater4/8/1871Unified 206 Remington
Ridge Way (34)Lincoln twp4/19/18714/21/1924R5E, T24S, Sec 23, NW 1/4, Consol. W/ #8 West Branch /U490 El Dorado
Rosalia #1 (35)Rosalia twp4/22/1871R8E, T26S, Sec 11, NE 1/4
#2Rosalia twpR8E, T26S, Sec 8, NE 1/4
#3Rosalia twpR8E, T26S, Sec 21, SW 1/4
#4Rosalia twpR8E, T26S, Sec 23, SE 1/4
#5Rosalia twpR8E, T26S, Sec 35, SW 1/4, U492 Rosalia-Cassoday
***** (35)Murdock twpR3E, T25S, Sec 36, NW 1/4
Oil Hill (36) LibertyEl Dorado twp4/25/1871R5E, T26S, Sec 5, SE 1/4, U375 Circle
Midian (37) High PrairieTowanda twp4/25/18712/21/1940R5E, T26S, Sec 12, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #36 Oil Hill
Elm Creek (38)Towanda twp4/25/18713/1/1947R4E, T26S, Sec 25, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #6 Towanda, #15 Silverton
Snow (39)El Dorado Rt. 15/3/18713/1/1947Disorg. Into #4 Vanora, #12 White Station, #32 Rose Hill, #113 Haverhill U205 Leon / U375 Circle
Osborn (40)Douglass twp5/11/187112/15/1909R4E, T29S, Sec 30, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #20 Douglass U396 Douglass
Clay Center (41)Clay twp5/30/18717/1/1953R6E, T29S, Sec 22, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #42 Latham, #31 Lone Star U396 Douglass, U462 ?
Hickory (42)HickoryR7E, T28S, Sec 18, NW 1/4, U205 Leon
Latham (42)Union twp5/30/1871R7E, T29S, Sec 9, SW 1/4, U205 Leon
Wing (43)5/31/187111/29/1945Consol. w/ #59 Leon, U205 Leon
Quito (44)Little Walnut twp5/31/187111/29/1945R6E, T27S, Sec 12, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #59 Leon, U205 Leon
***** (45)6/3/18713/1/1947Augusta Rt 2, Disorg. Into #113 Haverhill
Logan Center (46)Logan twp6/26/187111/15/1945R6E, T28S, Sec 10, SW 1/4, Consol. w #59 Leon, U205 Leon
Brown (47)Clifford twp6/26/18712/23/1947R4E, T23S, Sec 2, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #156 Burns/ #65 Grand View, U206 Remington / U398
Four Mile (48)Plumgrove twp7/5/18713/1/1947R4E, T24S, Sec 22, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #99 Potwin/ #8 West Branch, U206 Remington/ U490 El Dorado
Union (49)Bloomington twp7/5/18714/12/1946R5E, T28S, Sec 32, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #87 Bloomington, U205 Leon
Indianola (50)7/6/1871Augusta Rt. 1, U385 Andover
Star (51)Pleasant twp7/14/187112/3/1946R3E, T28S, Sec 11, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #118 Banner
Benton (52)Benton7/22/1871R3E, T26S, Sec 10, SW 1/4, U375 Circle
Victory (53)7/22/18714/23/1946Douglass Rt 2, Consol. w/ #20 Douglass, U396 Douglass
***** (53)Plumgrove twpR4E, T24S, Sec 8, SE 1/4
Hillside (54)Spring twp7/24/18712/23/1946R5E, T27S, Sec 45, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #134 Keighley, U305 ?
Knox (55)8/4/18718/18/1911Consol. w/ #6 Towanda, U375 Circle
Rock Valley (56)Cowley Co.1/19/18723/1/1947Disorg. Into #20 Douglass, U396 Douglass
Whitewater (57)Fairview twp1/20/18724/13/1945R4E, T25S, Sec 30, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #6 Towanda
Stone (58)Fairview twp1/20/18726/12/1950R4E, T25S, Sec 11, SW 1/4, Hopkins Switch Consol. w/ #36 Oil Hill
Leon (59)Little Walnut twp1/27/1872R6E, T27S, Sec 21, NE 1/4, U205 Leon
Superior (60)Richland twp1/27/18721/21/1947R3E, T29S, Sec 5, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #120 Floral
No Name (61)Bruno twp1/27/18726/9/1910R3E, T27S, Sec 17, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #122 Andover
Springdale (62)Spring twp1/27/18925/4/1920R5E, T27S, Sec 24, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #113 Haverhill
Providence (63)Richland twp3/8/18726/18/1923Consol. w/ #100 Richland
Rogers (64)Walnut twp3/15/18723/30/1954R4E, T28S, Sec 23, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into # 76 Tadlock, #153 Gordon
Pleasant Hill (65) or Pleasant CenterMilton twp3/16/18723/14/1955R3E, T24S, Sec 8, NE 1/4, Side Disorg. Into #174 Country
Claypool (66)Murdock twp3/16/18724/8/1957R3E, T25S, Sec 4, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #95 Whitewater, # 33 Brainerd
Bogle (67)Logan twp3/18/187211/29/1945R6E, T28S, Sec 7, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Economy (68)3/22/18726/5/1953Disorg. into #59 Leon, #35 Rosalia
Hunter (69)Fairmount twp3/25/18723/14/1955R3E, T23S, Sec 29, SE 1/4, Countryside Disorg. Into #174
Lone Star (70)Fairmount twp3/25/18723/14/1955R3E, T23S, Sec 36, NE 1/4, Disorg into #174 Countryside
Pontiac (71)Prospect twp3/30/18723/1/1947R6E, T25S, Sec 7, Disorg. Into #35 Rosalia
Farmers Point (72)4/6/18721/31/1946Augusta Rt 1, Consol w. #149 Lily Lake
Wilcox (73)Clifford twp4/6/18725/29/1961R4E, T23S, Sec 8, NW 1/4, Pleasant Center Disorg. into #160 Elbing
Muddy Creek (74)Douglass twp4/30/18722/21/1946R4E, T29S, Sec 13. NW 1/4, Consol. w/# 20 Douglass
Grant (75)Milton twp4/30/18724/17/1948R3E, T24S, Sec 29, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #10 Chelsea
Tadlock (76)Bloomington twp4/30/1872R5E, T28S, Sec 7, NW 1/4, U402
Dover (77)Rock Creek twp4/30/18722/15/1923R5E, T29S, Sec 27, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #107 Waverley
Diamond (78)Richland twp4/30/18726/18/1923Consol. w/ #100 Richland
Prospect (79)Prospect twp5/24/18724/10/1963R6E, T26S, Sec 8, NE 1/4, Disorg. Into #3 El Dorado
Maple Creek (80)Richland twp6/1/18722/26/1946R3E, T29S, Sec 30, SE 1/4, Muddy Creek Consol. w/ #110 Rose Hill
McCluggage (81)Richland twp7/1/18724/10/1908R3E, T29S, Sec 18, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #110 Rose Hill
Bryan (82)7/2/18725/11/1942Bryant Consol. w/ #42 Latham
Maple (83)Benton twp7/15/18725/8/1919R3E, T26S, Sec 14, SW 1/4, consol. w/ #52 Benton
Stone Chapel (84)Milton twp9/3/18728/31/1957R3E, T24S, Sec 35, NW 1/4, Disorg. Into #33 Brainerd / #99 Potwin
Trainview (85)9/5/18724/12/1955R3E, T23S, Sec 8, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #160 Elbing
Van Huss (86)9/10/18727/15/1946Leon Rt 2, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Bloomington (87)Bloomington9/19/1872R5E, T28S, Sec 34, NE 1/4, U205 Leon
Turkey Creek (88)Prospect twp9/28/18727/15/1946R6E, T26S, Sec 20, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Golden Gate (89)Murdock twp10/28/1872R3E, T25S, Sec 11, NE 1/4, U206 Remington
Hilton (90)Douglass twp11/1/18728/19/R4E, T29S, Sec 6, NE 1/4, Disorg. Into #120 Floral, #153 Gordon #100 Richland, #20 Douglass
Lorena (91)Bruno twp11/18/18728/18/1945R3E, T27S, Sec 14, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #122 Andover
Cole Creek (92)Sycamore twp12/6/1872R6E, T23S, Sec 27, SW 1/4
Flint Ridge (93)Bruno twp11/26/18723/1/1947R3E, T27S, Sec 14, SW 1/4, Disorg. Into #128 Cassoday
Teter (94)Prospect twp5/14/18733/1/1947R6E, T25S, Sec 29, SW 1/4, Disorg. Into #8 West Branch, #10 Chelsea #79 Prospect
Whitewater (95)Milton twp1/17/1873R3E, T24S, Sec 30, NW 1/4, U206 Remington
Harmony (96) No. 1, No. 2Pleasant twp2/25/18735/7/1928R3E, T28S, Sec 17, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #110 Rose Hill
Cave Springs (97)Spring twp3/10/18734/1/1946R5E, T27S, Sec 1, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #113 Haverhill
Washington (98)Spring twp3/10/18736/10/1960R5E, T27S, Sec 5, NW 1/4, #13 Augusta
Potwin (99)Murdock twp4/14/18737/1/1964R3E, T25S, Sec 20, NW 1/4, U 206 Remington
***** (99)Plumgrove twpR4E, T24S, Sec 20 (Potwin)
Richland (100)Richland twp7/7/18738/27/1961R3E, T29S, Sec 15, SW 1/4, Annexed to JT #20 Douglass
Centennial (101)Prospect twp7/18/18732/25/1947R7E, T25S, Sec 21, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #14 Science Hall
Cuyahoga (102)5/14/187310/3/1945Consol. w/ #6 Towanda
Pleasant Valley (103)Logan twp7/31/18733/30/1946R6E, T28S, Sec 33, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Harmony (104)Glencoe twp8/8/18733/1/194_R7E, T27S, Sec 5, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #55 Knox, #59 Leon, #134 Keighley
Brown (105)Glencoe twp9/2/18733/1/1947R7E, T27S, Sec 24, NW 1/4, Became part of #59 Leon, #134 Keighley
Gray (106)Glencoe twp7/2/18736/16/1950R8E, T27S, Sec _____, Consol. w/ #35 Rosalia
Waverley (107)7/2/18734/25/1953R4E, T23S, Sec 15, SW 1/4, part of JT #20 Douglass
Pleasant Center (108)7/19/18736/13/1956Annex to JT #65 Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Valley (109)Richland twp10/14/18736/18/1923R3E, T29S, Sec 23, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #110 Rose Hill
Rose Hill (110)Pleasant twp11/19/18737/1/1965Became U394 Rose Hill
Centennial (111)Plumgrove twp11/19/18733/1/1947R4E, T24S, Sec 11, SE 1/4, Became part of #99 Potwin
Cuyahoga (112)Spring twp12/15/18735/4/1920R5E, T27S, Sec 34, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #113 Haverhill
Haverhill (113)Spring twp12/27/18737/1/1963R5E, T27S, Sec 23, NW 1/4, U205 Leon
Logan (114)Logan twp1/5/18744/17/1946R6E, T28S, Sec 29, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #87 Bloomington
Rose Hill (115)Rock Creek twp1/6/18743/1/1947R5E, T29S, Sec 1, SE 1/4, Disorg. Into #31 Lone Star, # 59 Leon, #87 Bloomington, #107 Waverley
***** (116)Elk Co.1/6/18747/6/1930Consol. w/ #132 Gem
Center (117)Rock Creek twp1/13/18743/1/1946R5E, T29S, Sec 16, NE 1/4, Disorg. Into #6 Towanda
***** (117)Fairview twp
Banner (118)Bruno twp3/6/18746/10/1950R3E, T27S, Sec 35, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ #13 Augusta
Holt (119)Little Walnut twp4/13/187410/20/1945R6E, T27S, Sec 23, SW 1/4, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Floral (120)Walnut twp10/13/18747/1/1966R4E, T28S, Sec. 8, SE 1/4, Became part of U394 Rose Hill U402 Augusta
Zion (121)5/28/18746/14/1943Consol. w/ #41 Clay Center
Andover (122)Bruno twp6/29/18747/1/1965R3E, T27S, Sec 7, NE 1/4, Became U385 Andover
No Name (123)6/29/18748/18/1905Disorg. Into #161 Lone Tree
Union Valley (124)6/29/18748/24/1926Disorg. Into #35 Rosalia, #161 Lone Tree
Sunnyside (125)Reece6/29/18748/20/1945Consol. w/ 335 Rosalia, or Hughesville
Plum Grove (126)Plum Grove twp1/14/18763/14/1955R4E, T24S, Sec 6, SW 1/4, Disorg. Into #174 Country Side
Oakdale (127)3/7/18766/4/1946Cassoday, Consol. w/ #128 Cossady
Sycamore Springs (128)Sycamore twp3/7/18767/1/1966R7E, T23S, Sec 16, SE 1/4, U492 Rosalia/Cassaday
Low Cole Creek (129)El Dorado twp4/14/18763/1/1924R5E, T25S, Sec 23, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #92 Cole Creek
Tony (130)Glencoe twp9/20/18804/12/1946R8E, T27S, Sec 19, correction lot # 6, Consol. w/ #138 Beaumont
Independence (131)Benton twp10/13/18805/7/1945R3E, T26S, Sec 1, NW 1/4, Consol. w/ #6 Towanda
Gem (132)Union twp3/8/18816/23/1924R8E, T29S, Sec ___, Consol. w/ #42 Latham
Tolle (133)Union twp4/21/18812/9/1946R7E, T29S, Sec 29, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #42 Latham
Keighley (134)Glencoe twp6/30/18816/1/1956R7E, T27S, Sec 34, NE 1/4, Consol. w/ # 59 Leon
Satchel Creek (135)7/18/18816/7/1943Disorg into #2 Happy Valley
Durachen (136)Chelsea twp7/18/18817/7/1954R7E, T24S, Sec 20, NE 1/, Disorg. Annexed to #128 Cassoday #92 Cole Creek
Red Top (137)El Dorado twp8/20/18813/1/1947R5E, T26S, Sec 32, SW 1/4, Disorg. To #4 Vanora, #12 White Station
Beaumont (138)Glencoe twp9/20/18817/1/1947R8E, T27S, Sec 33, SE 1/4, Unified #205 Leon
Welcome (139)5/9/18823/1/1947El Dorado Rt, Disorg. Into #8 West Branch, #36 Oil Hill, #99 Potwin
Lone Elm (140)Latham8/10/18823/1/1947Disorg. Into #42 Latham, #138 Beaumont
Lost (141)Hickory twp8/10/18821/12/1935R8E, T28S, Sec 19, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #140 Lone Elm
Hickory Center (142)Hickory twp8/10/188211/15/1945R7E, T28S, Sec 14, SE 1/4, Consol. w/ #42 Latham
Enterprise (143)Hickory twp8/10/188211/15/1945R7E, T28S, Sec 27, SW ¼, Consol. w/ Latham
Plain View (144)Union twp3/27/18847/7/1921R7E, T29S, Sec 25, NW ¼, Consol. w/ #3 El Dorado
Pleasant Ridge (145)6/20/188412/28/1945Towanda/Augusta Rt 1, Consol. w/ #15 Silverton
Lincoln (146)11/6/18845/19/19041st Consol. in KS w/ #156, Burns, #Pleasant Hill
Prairie Queen (147)Leon, Rt 112/9/18842/25/1946Consol. w/ #134 Keighley
Elcoln (148)1/15/18853/15/1946El Dorado Rt 4, Consol. w/ #36 Oil Hill
Lily Lake (149)1/28/18857/1/1966Augusta, Rt 1, U402 Augusta
Foster (150)3/14/18857/22/1942Disorg. Into #14 Science Hall, #79 Prospect, #94 Teter
Pleasant Ridge (151)4/6/18856/7/1944Disorg. Into #128 Cassoday
Rock Vale (152)5/14/188511/29/1945Leon Rt 3/Latham, Consol. w/ #59 Leon
Gordon (153)9/17/18857/1/1966Augusta Rt 3,4/(Douglass), U#396 Douglass, U402 Augusta
Pleasant Hill (154)3/27/18868/2/1921Disorg. Into #42 Latham
Surprise (155)3/15/188610/1/1936Consol. w/ #106 Gray
Burns (156)
West Point (157)11/11/18863/1/1947Potwin, Disorg. Into #99 Potwin
***** (158)Marion Co.
De Graff (159)Lincoln twp4/9/188712/29/1962R5E, T24S, Sec 10, NE ¼, Disorg. Into #8 West Branch
Elbing (160)Pleasant twp9/24/18877/1/1964Elbing/Newton Rt 3, U206 Remington
Lone Tree (161)9/8/18883/1/1947Rosalia, Disorg. Into #128 Cassoday, #35 Rosalia
Benson (162)10/10/18893/1/1947El Dorado, Rt 3, Disorg. Into #10 Chelsea, #92 Cole Creek
Victor (163)1/19/18925/21/1951Benton, Consol. w/ #95 Whitewater
Pleasant Center (164)Pleasant twp7/5/18922/26/1946R3E, T28S, Sec 23, SE ¼, Consol. w/ #110 Rose Hill
Grand View (165)1/19/18931/12/1935Consol. w/ #140 Lone Elm
Prairie View (166)4/22/18935/17/1937Consol. w/ #156 Burns, #65 Pleasant Hill
***** (167)Harvey Co.
Prairie Dale (168)5/22/18973/1/1947Coyote Cassoday / Burns, Disorg. Into #92 Cole Creek, #128 Cassoday
Excelsor (169)Richland twp5/26/19004/10/1908Consol. w/ 3110 Rose Hill
Enterprise (170)7/25/19163/1/1947Rosalia, Disorg. Into #35 Rosalia
Long (171)7/25/19163/1/1947Rosalia / El Dorado, Disorg. Into #35 Rosalia
Brinkley (172)7/25/19165/24/1948Leon Rt 1 / Rosalia, Consol. w/ #35 Rosalia
Magna City (173)8/14/19208/1/1939Disorg. Into #31 Lone Star, 77 Dover, #115 Rose Hill
Countryside (174)3/19/19557/1/1964U206 Remington


Box School - Latham? Township
Edwards School
Tolle School
Berean Academy - Elbing Township
St. James School - Augusta Township
St. John's School - El Dorado Township
U205 - Leon Township, 7/1/1963, Consol. #59 Leon, #42 Latham, #87 Bloomington, #113 Haverhill, & RHS #1 Leon & #3 Latham

Contributed by Joan Snyder

1914 El Dorado High School Commencement Program

Tuesday Evening, May Nineteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen
High School Auditorium

Invocation: Rev. W. Bollinger, Grace M. E. Church, Winfield
Piano Solo: Mary Catherine McCaughan, Troisieme Ballade, Chopin
Address: Dr. W. L. Burdick, School of Law, University of Kansas
Vocal Duet: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wiley, Estudiantina
Presentation Class Gift: Roger Ewing, Class President
Acceptence: Principal John W. Charles
Presentation of Diplomas: C. M. Salisbury, Secretary Board of Education
Presentation of Medals and "E's": Supt. John B. Heffelfinger


Adamson, Ruby Kendall
Bollinger, Ruth Victorine
Brent, Robert Lawson
Brower, Maude
Browne, Ruth
Clark, Lavina Louise
Cooper, Ella Frances
Davidson, Mary Lois
Davis, Irene C.
Davis, Morrell E.

Dillenbeck, Robert
Doornbos, Stella L.
Eaton, Frank J.
Eckel, Marie F.
Everds, William H.
Ewing, Roger W.
Finney, Hazel E.
Gephart, Helen Rebecca
Hull, E. Ray

Kilgore, R. Hobart
Lill, Katherine
Lindley, Hazel Marie
McClellan, G. Fay
McKaig, Hazel
Mannion, May Margaret
Munson, Mahlon S.
Olds, Lucy I.
Pattison, Harriet Virginia

Rayburn, Donald Joseph
Rider, Edwin Dickerson
Robinson, Lena Moreta
Sandifer, James Allen
Smith, Guy E.
Tolle, Luther N.
Tripp, Hazel
VanDenberg Mary Isabella
Wagoner, LaVera Ada

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