A. V. Smith Insurance


Loans, Insurance and Real Estate.

There is no line of business that the public is more vitally interested in than the integrity, honesty, and uprightness of the loan, insurance, and real estate man. To be prompt, fair and accommodating in all dealings with the public is the secret of the successful business man - in fact, it is the best capital stock in all branches of business. It is a common idea that any one may become a successful insurance, loan and real estate man, but the progress made in this as well as in all other lines, demands that it should be followed by men who are thoroughly reliable and understand every detail of the work. Very prominent among the loan, insurance and real estate men of Cherokee County is A. V. Smith, located at 1615-1617 West 11th Street, Baxter. He has been engaged in this line since 1899 and has long been a recognized leader in this branch of business in this part of the county. He makes loans on farm lands and city property, writes all forms of insurance and deals in real estate. He is local representative of the AEtna Building and Loan Association of Topeka, with an authorized capitalization of $40,000,000, and has furnished more capital for the upbuilding of Baxter Springs than all other firms combined. He also has the largest farm insurance business in the county. Mr. Smith is a notary public and does conveyancing, furnishes abstracts and buys, sells and exchanges real estate of all kinds. He is one of our enterprising and public-spirited citizens and has always been counted as one of the community's most persistent and dependable boosters.


To be well dressed does not depend so much upon the expensiveness of the garments you wear as upon the condition in which they are kept. A man whose clothes are always clean and well pressed, is well
dressed. Baxter Springs is fortunate in its possession of the Royal Cleaners, located at 1135 Military Avenue, because the place is provided with the latest facilities for dry and steam cleaning, pressing, etc., and is under the direct supervision of a man who knows this line in all its details. They clean, press, repair and dye garments, also do high-grade tailoring at economical prices. Garments are called for and delivered to any part of the city. This business is owned by Fred Fraley. He is a young man who has made a study of this line and has won business and held it purely on the strength of his work and prices. He is courteous and painstaking and has friends in all walks of life. When in need of work of this kind you will find it much to your advantage to give the Royal Cleaners a trial.


Agent For Ford Cars and Fordson

In the automobile business of today one car stands out pre-eminent, head and shoulders above any other car on the market - the Ford. Henry Ford has made more money out of the auptomobile[sic] business than any two men in it. Why? Because he gave the public a good automobile, low in price, durable, with economy in cost and upkeep. The inevitable result is that, in the average community, more Ford cars are used than all makes combined. These well-known cars, together with Ford trucks and Fordson tractors are sold in Baxter Springs by R. M. Gilman, located on East 12th Street. This business was established in 1914 by Jaqueth & Gilman, and in 1919 Mr. Gilman bought Mr. Jaqueth's interest in the concern, since which time he has been the sole owner. The business is housed in a modern brick building which in finely adapted for the purpose it was intended and is used and contains floor dimensions of 48x142 feet. In connection with the salesroom, they maintain a well-equipped service department. A complete stock of Ford parts is carried, also tires, accessories, etc. During 1922 this concern sold 200 Ford cars in Baxter Springs and surrounding country. Mr. Gilman is one of the best known and most progressive citizens of the county and is always willing to do his share in matters calculated to benefit the community in which he resides.
Interior A. V. Smith's Office.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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