Hotel Baxter


  Modern Throughout - Prices Reasonable Home of
the Traveling Men and Tourists.
Large and Airy Rooms - Best Located in City.
Owner and Manager.
Corner 10th and Military - Just Across East
From City Park.
  Located at 1202 Military Avenue, Baxter Springs, is the up-to-date establishment whose business title appears at the head of this sketch. The Picher Electric Company carry a complete line of the latest electrical devices for the comfort and convenience of the home, office, store and factory, and are anxious and ready at all times to show and explain the opertion of their goods to the public in the most thorough and comprehensive manner. In addition to the business in this city, they have a branch house at Picher, Okla. At this location is handled the repair work and rewinding of motor and transformer equipment. It is the pride of this firm and their management that they have been able to found and build up a business in this territory handling their present considerable volume of business, not on a lavish outlay of capital, but on the accumulated result of the consistent effort that has been exerted to be a servant in the field. The bulk of their business being in the line of engineering, supply and installtaion of power requirements of the mining companies of the tri-State field, the company is always most sincere in passing to the list of their friends in the mining district who have furnished the patronage that has built the business, the credit for the maintenance and growth of the firm and to express their appreciation of these continued favors. Their manager, E. M. Confer, has been in direct contact with the mining industry from the viewpoint of power requirements for ten years and is anxious to merit this cooperation.

  This business is ideally located at the corner of 10th Street and Military Avenue, and is owned and managed by G. W. Smith. Mr. Smith has been engaged in this line here since July 1, 1921. He is a young man of progressive ideas and is meeting with success through open and modern lines. The Baxter Candy Shop carries a complete stock of fine candies, fruits, cigars, tobacco, cut flowers, etc., and the place is also equipped with a first-class soda fountain at
which is dispensed all kinds of temperance beverages and ice cream. This is also the waiting room for the Southwest Missouri Railway Company's interurban cars operating between Carthage, Joplin, Galena, Baxter Springs and Picher.

  One of the greatest factors in the progress of the community in which it is operating and an enterprise that has had a broad and steady growth from the date of its inception is the Joplin Supply Company, extensive dealers in mine supplies, rubber belting, hose "Sullivan" Drills, drill sharpeners, etc. This company maintains its headquarters at Joplin and has several thriving branch houses in the Tri-State District. It is a pioneer enterprise and one of the largest and most efficiently conducted houses of its kind in the Middle West. The Baxter Springs house is located at 7th and Ottawa, where the company owns a lot 240x3OO feet, extending from Ottawa Avenue to the Frisco tracks. The business has been conducted along the most modern and progressive lines from the very outset and its growth and development has been almost identical with that of the territory in which it is operating. The Baxter Springs branch is under the management of E. R. (Dick) Caskey. He is one of the most far-seeing and progressive of Baxter Springs' younger business men and is always among the first to aid any enterprise for the welfare and progress of the commuunity.

  The very heart of the commercial life of a community through which flows the financial current of business and upon which, to a great, depends its prosperity, is its banking interests, and no better criterion of the solidity of a municipality is afforded than a glance at the status of its financial institutions. The term solidity is amply typified in such an enterprise as forms the heading of this sketch. The Baxter National Bank is one of the pioneer institutions of the county. It was originally established as a State bank, but was nationalized on September 1, 1901. From the date of its inception, the history of the institution has been a part of the history of Cherokee County, which it has done its share to develop. It has a capital of $25,000.00; surplus and undivided profits $18,000.00, and deposits of approximately $450,000.00. It is a member of the Federal Reserve System and under the supervision of the United States Government. This institution transacts a general banking business, makes loans on approved collateral, pays interest on savings and certificates of time deposits and issues local and foreign exchange. Its facilities are of the very best, guaranteeing its customers the most prompt, efficient and reliable service at all times. This bank is directed and controlled by men whose standing in the business world and fame as promoters of great undertakings; is of the highest possible standard, and whose integrity and business ability is unquestioned.
  OFFICERS: A. R. Kane, President; L. D. Brewster, Vice-President; F. S. Hall, Cashier, and F. L. Brewster, Assistant Cashier.
  DIRECTORS: C. E. Rucker, L. D. Brewster, A. R. Kane, F. S. Hall, and A. L. Harvey. All are wide-awake, energetic and conservative business men of unlimited experience in business and banking, and take a just pride in advancing the best interests of the county, and its many commendable institutions.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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