Furniture and Undertaking.

  Not many towns of the population of Baxter Springs can point to as complete and up-to-date furniture and undertaking establishment as that known as Harvey's, located at the corner of Military Avenue and 11th Street. This is one of the pioneer enterprises of the city. It was originally established by J. W. Keenan and in 1885 Stough & Harvey succeeded J. W. Keenan, operating the business under that name until April 1, 1887, at which time A. D. C. Harvey became the sole owner. Since Mr. Harvey's death in 1911 it has been owned by his estate

One of Baxter Springs' Churches
and is known today as Harvey's. The premises utilized comprise a brick building 50x75 feet in size and two stories in height, also undertaking department 25x60 feet, and two stories in height. The stock comprises parlor, bed-room, dining-room and kitchen furniture, rugs, curtains, kitchen cabinets, etc., - in fact, everything necessary to furnish the home complete from the basement to the garret. They also carry a complete stock of caskets, robes and funeral requisites. In the undertaking department they have the latest and best of facilities for caring for the dead in the proper manner, including morgue, chapel, motor hearse, ambulance, etc. The latter branch of the business is in charge of licensed embalmers and funeral directors of wide practical experience and intimate knowledge of this very delicate profession. This business is managed by A. L. Harvey. He is one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of this section. He has made us home here for years, is a man of integrity and high ability and has contributed both time and money toward the onward march of progress of the community.


  Scientific plumbing is now an essential and one of the most important features in all modern building opeartions[sic] - a fact duly recognized by city and State authorities and Boards of Health. A local firm following all original and modern ideas respecting sanitary plumbing together with heating is the McCoy Plumbing & Heating Company, located at 1202 Military Avenue. J. C. McCoy, the manager, came here from Carthage, Missouri, six years ago and established the present shop. He was connected with this same line prior to locating here. He is an expert mechanic and a man who knows this line from A to Z. Mr. McCoy carries a full line of plumbing sup-
plies, pipe, fittings, heating equipment, etc., and handles work both in the city and adjacent territory. He makes it a rule to employ only the most competent assistants and guarantees his work to give absolute satisfaction. Contracts are entered into for work of any magnitude and no job is too difficult for the firm to handle and none is too small to receive prompt attention. Mr. McCoy is a young man of progressive ideas who is well known and well liked by our people. He is a firm believer in the future of Baxter Springs and a willing contributor to any cause advanced in its interests.


  In the restaurant business, as perhaps in no other, continued maintenance of a high standard of service is absolutely necessary if one is to succeed, and there is a reason for it. The average man cherishes, although perhaps unwillingly, the memory of a poorly prepared meal and when he gets what he considers poor service at a restaurant, he is very apt to try some other place next time. The best evidence that Shead's Whiteway Cafe is an establishment which, once tried, is always patronized, is shown by the fact that many of those who patronized the place when it was first established in 1918, are regular customers today. This is beyond question one of the most sanitary, most efficiently conducted and best equipped eating houses in the district. Few towns of the population of Baxter Springs can point to as complete and up-to-date establishment as that of Shead's Whiteway Cafe. It is a credit to its owner as well as to the city. Regular meals are served at the noon and dinner hours, and appetizing short orders are served at all hours. Popular prices prevail and no details are lacking to make of the establishment a leader in its line in its town and field. This business is owned by W. H. Shead. He is a young man of the most progressive type, is well known locally and has many friends in all walks of life.


  There is no kind of business more dependable upon its worth and usefulness than a first-class, reliable drugstore and as such it is a pleasure to call attention to the Nichols Drug Store, situated on Military Avenue, between 12th and 13th Strets.[sic] This is one of the most complete and up-to-the-minute drugstores in Cherokee County and is a credit to its owner as well as to the city. The house was established November 7, 1917. Here every department is carefully and intelligently supervised, the service rendered is absolutely correct, and the prices quoted are as low as those of any drug store in this section. The salesroom is spacious, well lighted and handsomely appointed, arranged with a view of conducting the business to the best advantage, and a complete stock of drugs is carried; also toilet articles, stationery, proprietary remedies, rubber and leather goods, novelties, physicians' supplies, cigars, tobacco, etc. In short, if it is anything in the drug line you are almost sure to find it at this store and at a price as low as consistent with quality. Particular attention is also paid to accurate prescription work. Another feature of the house is a large and handsome soda fountain. This, together with the oak fixtures and tile floor gives the store a metropolitan appearance. This business is managed by W. F. Nichols. He is one of the most enterprising, far-seeing and progressive young business men of the county, and takes a pride in advancing the best interests of his home town.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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