High up in the rank of representative business enterprises of Cherokee County and a pioneer concern that has had much to do with the development of this section, is The Murdock Hardware Company, located at Baxter Springs. This company devotes its energies to the sale of mine and mill supplies in a

Public Library, Baxter Springs
wholesale way. For forty-four years the house has been one of the leaders in the commercial realms of the community in which it is operating. This concern is located in spacious quarters on the Frisco Railway and South Street. They carry one of the most complete stocks of mine and mill supplies and heavy hardware to be found in the Tri-State district and draw trade from all surrounding territory. The broad and liberal policy pursued by the company has made friends as fast as it has made customers, and the name Murdock is synonymous with honesty and fair dealing in Cherokee County's commercial circles. The Murdock Hardware Company is managed by W. S. Murdock. He is known all over the district as a progressive and wide-awake business man, and has given freely of his time and money in the upbuilding of the city and county.


  The estimate that a stranger forms of a town upon first entering it is based chiefly upon the extent of its business interests. Persons coming to Baxter Springs for the first time are truly surprised at the array of different kinds of business represented and the air of thrift and progress which pervades the business section of the city. Among the leading retail houses of the town is at once noticed the Barnes Drug Company, a store that would do credit to a city of much larger population. This business has been established for many years, being one of the pioneer drug stores of the county. The present managementment[sic] assumed control about 5 or 6 years ago. The place is equipped with fixtures of the most modern and approved type, including a large and handsome soda fountain, serving tables, plate-glass counter display case, dust-proof wall-cases and cabinets and all up-to-date conveniences commonly found in the best of houses of a siimlar[sic] nature in larger cities. The stock carried is a large and comprehensive one, comprising pure drugs, chemicals, proprietary medicines, toilet articles, stationery and everything pertaining to the line. Special attention is paid to accurate prescription work, the latter branch of the business being in charge of a registered pharmacist of long practical experience. This
business is managed by R. B. Barnes. He is one of the best known, most alert and progressive men of the city and stands high in the estimation of all.


  Among the vigorous and successful lines of business of Baxter Springs is the Chubb Tire Company, located at 1635 West 12th Street. This firm makes a specialty of expert vulcanizing on tires and tubes. This department is presided over by a man of broad experience and the highest ability in this line, and their facilities are such that they can and do guarantee every job turned out to give absolute satisfaction. The Chubb Tire Company is also headquarters for high-grade tires of all kinds. Three of their special and celebrated lines are "Miller ... .. Goodyear," and "Kelly-Springfield" tires. This business is managed by Archie Chubb. He is a young man of executive ability and unquestioned integrity and by ceaseless attention to details and his policy of fair dealing he has made many friends in all walks of life.


  No line of business is more essential in any city or section than the modern garage. One of the growing and successful concerns devoted to this line of business is The Service Garage, located at 2106 West 12th Street. This business is owned by P. S. Wade. He is a young man who has had a broad experience in this line and is furnishing local and transient car-owners the most prompt and reliable service at right prices. Mr. Wade does a repair and storage business, deals in high-grade accessories, tires, tubes, gas, oils, etc., and exercises all the functions usually incumbent upon first-class establishments of this kind. He began business here on November 20, 1922, but was engaged in this same line at Fredonia, Kansas, before coming to Baxter Springs. He is an energetic business man who believes in a fair deal for everyone, and we predict for him a long and successful career in our midst. When in need of anything in his line, you will find it much to your advantage to give him a trial.


  This is one of the old established enterprises of the town, having been founded about 20 years ago. Like most successful concerns, it had a small beginning suited to the needs of the community in which it is located. The business is located at 1039 Military Avenue. Mr. Grantham was engaged in the music and confectionery business here for a number of years, but for the past six years has devoted his energies exclusively to the music business. He is a dealer in high-grade pianos, player pianos, phonographs, records, sheet music, music rolls and musical merchandise of almost every kind and description. He has built up his substantial and ever-increasing trade purely on the strength of the quality of his goods and prices. He does business on the theory that a satisfied customer is the best and most lasting kind of an advertisement, and the name Grantham is synonymous with honesty and fair dealing in the business circles of Baxter Springs and surrounding territory. Mr. Grantham is one of the best known and most progressive men of the county. He is a firm believer in the future of Baxter Springs and has contributed liberally toward the upbuilding of the city and district.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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