The younger of the present automobile owners can readily remember the first car to make its appearance in this section, and how he marveled and with what skepticism it was received by all. But now the remarkable progress made by the automobile is viewed with as much wonderment as was the first car itself. There are a number of well-known cars sold in this community and two that stands at the head of the list are the far-famed Ford and Lincoln. These well-known cars, together with Fordson tractors, are sold in Galena by the Kennedy Auto Company, lo-

Kennedy Auto Co.'s Building
cated at the corner of 3rd and Main Streets. Starting in business four years ago, this firm has developed into one of the foremost enterprises of its kind in the county. In addition to selling the Ford and Lincoln cars and Fordson tractors, they deal in high-grade auto tires, Ford parts, accessories of every kind, also maintain a well-equipped service department. The latter branch of the business is under the personal supervision of mechanics of the highest abiilty,[sic] and all work is turned out on short notice. This business is owned by C. and R. Kennedy. They are two of the most alert, far-seeing and progressive young business men that the town has ever had, and are always in the front ranks for improvement in conditions in the community.


  Disease, accident, ordinary sickness - "the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to" - render necessary in every community good drugs and medicines in sufficient quautities[sic] to meet requirements and within reach when they are needed which is often with the utmost haste. The men who deal in these indispensable articles and deal squarely with the public in handling them, are public benefactors and are entitled to high consideration from those who are the beneficiaries of their enterprise. Because of this and that he has provided for the wants and needs of our people in this line of trade, L. J. Haines, Galena's well-known and capable druggist, is held in high esteem by the citizens of the community.
  Mr. Haines is the pioneer in his line in Galena. He opened his doors for business here in 1880. He has always made it a rule to carry everything one would expect to find in an up-to-the-minute drug store and at prices as low as could be had anywhere. Forty-three years of continuous service to the public
has placed the Haines establishment among the aggressive leaders in the retail drug business in the Tri-State field. This store is located on Main Street, next door to the Galena National Bank. Mr. Haines is known to almost every citizen in the city and district, and he has not only witnessed every stage of the development of the community, but has also contributed both time and money toward the upbuilding of this section. He is a gentleman of courteous bearing and a firm believer in the future of this section of the country.


Jeweler and Optometrist.

  It is not the nature of things that the average person can hope to know the quality of a piece of jewelry by its appearance. Your safety lies in the reputation of the firm selling it and their disposition to protect you by their knowledge in buying the dependable kind, and selling you the goods for just what they are. B. F. Russell, Galena's well-known Jeweler and Optometrist, offers you the benefit of a wide experience, a reputation for square dealing equal to any firm in the country and with it one of the best selected stocks to be found in this section. This store is completely stocked with jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware, cut-glass, optical goods, ete. A special feature of the establishment is the optical department. Mr. Russell is an Optometrist of the highest ability and is thoroughly posted on all the fine points of his calling. He also maintains a well equipped watch, clock and jewelry repair department, and probably handles more work of this kind than any other man in the county. He has been established fifteen or twenty years and has long been a leader in his line in this city. He is a man of keen foresight, who is not only alive to his own interests, but to the advancement of the community as well, and whenever necessity calls he is sure to be found working faithfully to that end.


  It is a matter of pride among the citizens of Galena who have any public spirit to realize that our little city has facilities in every field which make it a community of independent resources. In the matter of garages, the city is particularly fortunate and one that ranks with the leaders in Cherokee County, is the O. T. Garage, owned by Harry Butler. This business is housed in spacious quarters which are especially adapted and equipped for this line and have two entrances - one on 7th and the other on Joplin Street. The O. T. Garage is an agent for the celebrated Reo automobiles and Reo Speed wagons and Federal trucks. These machines are known far and wide for their genuine efficiency, sturdy lasting quality and low cost of maintenance. Owners are their best boosters. Two more of their special lines are world-famous "Diamond" tires and Gargoyle motor oils. They carry a complete line of automobile accessories, tires, tubes, gas, oils, greases, etc., and also do a repair and storage business, making a special feature of jobs of repair work calling for the highest skill and ability. Mr. Butler, the proprietor, is a young man who knows this line in all its important details, is courteous and painstaking and a man with whom it is always a pleasure to deal. He assumed control of this business in May, 1921, and since that time has placed the O. T. Garage in the forefront among the leading garages of the Tri-State District.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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