You will travel far before coming across a more complete or more efficiently conducted hardware store, especially in a town of the size of Galena, than that of the Moore Hardware Company, located at the corner of 6th and Main Street. This firm carries a compete stock of staple hardware, mine and mill supplies, sporting goods, household necessities, etc. Much of the patronage of the house comes from the

Spring River Scenes
miners of the Tri-State field. They not only enjoy a substantial patronage from the citizens of the city, but have customers in all sections of the country within a trading radius of Galena. This business was established about 35 or 40 years ago by the late B. S. Moore, father of the present active head of the firm. For many years the concern has been a recognized headquarters for the obtaining of any and everything in the hardware and mill and mining supply line, and at a price as low as could be had anywhere. They have on hand one of the largest stocks to be found in Cherokee County. R. L. Moore is manager. He is one of our most enterprising citizens and much of the success of the firm has been due to his push, energy and business ability.


  Occupying a commodious building and centrally located at 408 Main Street, stands one of the best known as well as one of the most substantial retail houses of the city. Daniels' Big Racket Store was opened for business eleven years ago. From the first the house was given liberal support, and with the passing of time it developed into one of the foremost retail houses of its type in the district. Here the housewife can go far toward furnishing all the little details required in the home, to say nothing of
the numerous "handy" things and novelties and racket goods of every kind. It really must require much versatility on the part of the management to keep their stock up to the requirements of their large list of patrons. The store is modern in its appointments, the stock is neatly arranged and the interior presents an attractive appearance. This firm is composed of G. W. and V. M. Daniels. They are both widely known throughout this section and have many friends in all walks of life.


  In calling the roll of Galena's representative business interests, it is fitting that we devote some space to the Galena Exide Battery Company, located at 511 Main Street. This firm has the agency for the far-famed Exide storage batteries, does battery repairing, rebuilding, and recharging; also handles electrical construction work of every description. In the supply department. they carry a line of electrical supplies, gasoline, oils, etc. This business came into being September 5, 1921, and has since gained an enviable reputation for affording its patrons prompt service at economical prices. Raymond Williams is the active manager of the business. He is a young man of keen foresight and is strong for any measure that might place his home town in a more progressive standing.


  One of the most essential things to happiness is good living, and what is more essential to good living than good groceries? When you think of good groceries, you are bound to have in mind the establishment whose name adorns this sketch. The Corner Grocery Company, located at the corner of 7th and Main Streets, is successor to Dow Moore, the latter having operated the business for the past 15 or 16 years. The present company assumed control November 20, 1922. It is incorporated under the laws of the State and managed by Geo. Long. They carry a large stock of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, produce flour, feed, etc., and transacts both wholesale and retail business. Quality is a word that means much at this store and at the same time each article and commodity is marked down to a rock-bottom figure.


  Prominent among the well-known firms of Galena is B. Rothschild & Company, located on West Seventh Street. They are dealers in scrap iron, metal, junk, etc., also high-grade coal for both steam and domestic use. This business was established in 1902, and is a branch of the Rothschild Iron & Metal Company of Joplin. It has been a success from the first, due to their liberal policy and fair dealing with the public. They pay the highest cash prices for scrap iron, metal etc., and their operations extend throughout the Tri-State mining field. One of the specialties of the company is the sale of coal, deliveries being made on short notice to any part of the city. The business at Galena is under the capable management of J. F. Wyatt. Energetic and enterprising, he is counted among the real live boosters for the community in which he resides and has many friends here.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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