Spotted Poland China Hog


  Absolute confidence in the honesty and integrity of any enterprise catering to public patronage is one of the most necessary essentials to that concern's success, and this is responsible in a great measure for the popularity and splendid business enjoyed by the Shackelton Dry Goods Company, located at 607 Main Street. This firm carries a complete stock of dry goods, notions, shoes for the whole family, men's furnishings. etc. They first opened their doors for business on September 1, 1917. at 916 East 7th Street, purchasing the Lillian E. Baum stock, and moved to their present location on March 1, 1919. The business has been a success from the outset, due to the high quality of stock, liberal prices and square deal policy of the proprietors. They obtain their stock direct from the original sources of Supply and in sufficient quantities to warrant them in offering as attractive prices as can be had of any similar firm in this section. The proprietors of the store are Earl A. and Marie E. Shackelton. They are well known in this city and section and stand justly high in both business and social realms of the community.


  Among the well known and enterprising business men of Galena is J. B. McFadden, located on West 7th Street. He makes a specialty of high-grade automobile repairing and vulcanizing, also carries a liberal line of automobile accessories, tires, tubes, oils, gas, etc. He is a thoroughly capable and reliable mechanic and his intimate knowledge of this line enables him to furnish his customers absolutely first-class service at right prices. Particular attention is paid to vulcanizing both casings and tubes, his work being of such a satisfactory character that every job turned out is a standing advertisement in his favor. Mr. McFadden is a young man who is well-known and well liked by our people. He assumed control of this business in September, 1922. and since that time has placed his establishment among the vigorous and successful lines of business of the city.


  Quick to adopt any plan that has a tendency to improve, and with a sincere desire to please their many patrons, this well-known and successful es-
tablishment, which ranks as one of the leading variey stores of Southeast Kansas, has deevloped[sic] a patronage of which the management has every reason to feel proud. Morrison's Variety Store is owned by John F. Morrison. one of the best known, most alert and progressive business men of the city. Here is carried a complete stock of variety goods of every kind and description, and at prices as low as can be had in any of the larger trade centers of the country. He is a careful buyer and keeps his stock up to the requirements of all classes of patrons. This business is well located at 605 Main Street. It was established eight years ago and has since taken its place as one of the vigorous and successful retail houses of the city. The policy of the proprietor has always been to carry the best of everything pertaining to this line and offer same for sale at the lowest possible prices. This has made the store a favorite shopping place with hundreds of the best people in the district.


  There is not a cleaner nor more sanitary grocery store in the city than that of Pinson & Son, located at 706 Main Street, and beyond question one of the best stocked and most reliable retail grocery stores in the county. For the past 20 or more years the firm of Pinson & Son has been numbered among the recognized leaders in the sale of groceries in a retail way in Galena. They have always been firm believers in quality, service and right prices. This has made the house popular among all who like to buy the best pure food groceries at the lowest market quotations. The firm is a pioneer in its line and has always been accorded a liberal and substantial share of patronage. They carry everything pertaining to this line and afford the public the most prompt service at all times. The members of the firm are men of energy and marked business ability, and their success in the past speaks well for their future prosperity.


  Some wise man has said that a community is known by its banks. If that statement be true, then Cherokee County is fortunate in having within its confines so many admirable financial institutions. One of these widely known for its strength and prudent management is the Citizens Bank of Galena, located at the corner of 5th and Main Streets. The success of the Citizens Bank since its organization in 1890 has been almost identical with that of the territory in which it is operating, and is the best proof of the able manner in which the affairs of the bank have been looked after and the confidence reposed in the institution by the public. A recent official statement shows total resources $341,079.14; capital, $25,000.00; surplus, $25,000.00; and undivided profits, $3,759.33. It carries large deposits year in and year out, and people in all walks of life find here a courteous and satisfactory service of a high order.
  OFFICERS: E. B. Schermerhon,[sic] President; M. Robeson, Vice-President; John McCullagh, Cashier.
  DIRECTORS: E. B. Schermerhorn, J. H. Boice, John McCullagh, L. J. Haines, M. Robeson.
  The officers and directors are men of the highest standing and prominence, and their names are closely allied with the upbuilding of Galena and surrounding country.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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