The history of the development of Cherokee County has no more interesting chapter than the progress and rise of its financial institutions, for it is generally conceded that all well-regulated financial depositories are of the utmost value to any community as promoters of thrift and carefulness. They not only provide means whereby provision may be made for the traditional "rainy day," but they also present a medium for the accommodation of sums, which may be made the foundation of competency. That the thrifty and industrious citizens of Columbus are firm believers in the above is evidenced by the reports of deposits of our banks. This leads us to speak of The Cherokee County State Bank, one
The Cherokee County State Bank Building
of the strongest and most successful financial institutions of this section of the State. This bank was organized July 1, 1910, and since that time it has had a remarkably successful record of growth and expansion, and has exercised a powerful influence in the financial affairs of Cherokee County. It is loacted[sic] in its own home, a substantial and attractive structure on the northeast corner of the public square. It is equipped with fire and burglar-proof safes and vaults and fixtures of the most modern and approved type. The institution makes loans on approved security, pays interest on savings and certificates of time deposits, issues local and foreign exchange, and rents safety deposit boxes to its patrons. A recent financial statement of this bank shows Resources of $524,610.36; Capital, $50,000.00, and Surplus and Profits, $20,824.33.
  The Cherokee County State Bank is known as "The Friendly Bank." Patrons and visitors are shown the most polite and patient attention at all times. All deposits in this Bank are guaranteed under the guaranty law of the State of Kansas. The officers are as follows: Oscar Crane, President; David Dunbar, Vice-President; F. D. Sage, Cashier, and Mrs. Loree Grisham, Assistant Cashier. They are among the leading financial citizens of the community, stand high in all circles and have contrib-
uted much toward the material and civic betterment of Columbus and Cherokee County at large.


  Very prominent among the business houses that are fast making for Columbus a name high among the business communities of Cherokee County is Jackman's Variety Store, located in spacious quarters on the East Side of the Square. This store is completely stocked with variety goods of every kind and description, being one of the neatest and best stocked houses of its kind in this section. It is equipped with modern fixtures, and the interior presents a metropolitan appearance. A number of courteous salespeople are employed and patrons are shown the most polite and patient attention at all times. This is one of the firmly established enterprises of the county. R. C. Jackson. the present owner, assumed control March 2, 1921. He is a young man of unlimited energy and business ability, and stands high in both business and social realms of the community.


  Modren[sic] equipment, scientific methods and efficient and reliable service are characteristic of the Columbus Battery Station, located on North Indiana street. Starting in business here three years ago, this concern has catered to automobile owners through superior service and fair prices and is today one of the foremost enterprises of its kind in this section. The owners of this business are Wren Grant and Oliver DeCow. They are among the most progressive of Columbus' younger business men and take a deep interest in good roads and streets and all other movements for the betterment of the community. This well known firm is agent for the justly famous Willard Storage Batteries, repair, rebuild and recharge batteries of all makes; also specialize on generator and starter work. They are highly skilled in this line and make it a rule to employ only competent assistants. Every job turned out by the concern is of such a satisfactory character as to be a standing advertisement in their favor.


  The constant movement of real estate in Cherokee County and the many inquiries being made from outside parties relative to the resources of this section, is probably why we have real estate firms of the highest standing, and whose lists of property are so carefully handled. Among these firms there are none that enjoy the confidence of the public to a greater degree than The Aitchinson Realty Company, dealers in farm lands, City property farm and City loans and insurance. The Company has its offices in the Gilbert building, on East Maple street. They handle everything pertaining to the real estate, loan and insurance business. C. R. Aitchinson, the active head of the Company, is one of the best known citizens in this section. He has been in the present line since 1903. He was Postmaster at Columbus five years and in the mercantile business from 1879 until 1897. During the many years he has made his home here he has always been a faithful worker for the best interests of the town and County.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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