Cloud County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
19, 999Ames, ThurmanAmesinjury to abdomen$ 6.00- - - - - -
- - - - -Chartier, Norris"loss lt. leg 18.00- - - - - -
101, 602Guise, EzramCarmelinjury to abdomen 8.00- - - - - -
141, 124Paridis, Eucher"chr. bronchitis 8.00- - - - - -
171, 748Fry, Ambrose B."injury to abdomen 8.00July, 1880
158, 721Perry, Jos. T.Clydechr. diarrhea & dis of abdominal viscera 6.00Apr., 1879
210, 920McInturff, Pleasant"dis. lungs 4.00Oct., 1882
140, 736Streater, Hannah"mother 8.00Mar., 1870
84, 774Cornforth, Columbus"anchylosis lt. elbow 18.00Sept, 1864
181, 444Gaffney, Thos. J."wd. rt. leg & dis. lungs 6.00Jan., 1881
48, 037Williamson, Hiram H."wd. lt. thigh 12.00- - - - - -
50, 857Vining, Robt. E."loss lt. leg 18.00- - - - - -
121, 129Tipton, Geo. B."g. s. w. lt. side & lt. leg 4.00- - - - - -
135, 883Stimpson, Robt. E."saber wd. head 4.00Sept, 1875
57, 183Alderman, Wm. R."g. s. w. lt. hand 6.00- - - - - -
167, 780Harper, Marmion H."wd. lt. hand, loss 3 fingers, dis. joint of index fing. 14.00- - - - - -
134, 545Lusaddar, Danl. S."g. s. w. lt. hip 2.00July, 1875
41, 849Montgomery, Geo."loss rt. arm above elbow 24.00- - - - - -
210, 680McCord, Robt."dis. lungs 4.00June, 1882
218, 606New, Jno"dis. heart 6.00Oct., 1882
194, 826Page, Wm. H."dis. eyes 4.00Aug., 1881
121, 634Gaznon, Frank"g. s. w. rt. shoulder 14.00- - - - - -
62, 122Beatty, Wm. T."g. s. w. rt. leg 2.00- - - - - -
84, 525Lee, Daniel"loss left arm 24.00- - - - - -
168, 774Pattison, John A."w. r. side & frac. lt. leg 6.00May, 1880
188, 755Evans, LevereConcordiag. s. w. rt. foot 3.00Apr., 1876
21, 090Daniels, Theo."- - - - - - - - - - - 8.00Sept, 1873
211, 202Patrick, Rody"g. s. w. lt. foot 2.00June, 1882
67, 411Henrie, Jas. N."wd. lt. shoulder 10.00- - - - - -
107, 058Roe, Ezra"sunstroke 4.00- - - - - -
82, 188Fisher, Josh"loss lt. foot 18.00- - - - - -
180, 566Casterline, Wm."phth. pul. 18.00- - - - - -
128, 501Martin, Geo."wd. lt. shoulder & rt. thumb 8.00- - - - - -
55, 431Gifford, Fred'k"wd. lt. hip 6.00- - - - - -
120, 127Steele, David I."wd. lt. knee 4.00- - - - - -
81, 711Hunt, Melissa"widow 8.00Aug., 1866
118, 792Buck, Mathew"father 8.00Sept, 1868
162, 881Tankersly, Andrew J."dis. heart 8.00Sept, 1870
195, 646Dean, Harvey N."minors of 10.00May, 1882
140, 786Cararean, Louis"chr. diarrhea 8.00Aug., 1876
207, 377Ritchie, Wm. H."dis. chest 4.00Apr., 1882
223, 365Short, Jacob"dislocation rt. arm from shell wd., inj. to back 8.00Dec., 1882
214, 578Freshour, Geo. J."g. s. w. lt. arm 4.00June, 1882
221, 918Whitehead, Abraham"dis. stomach 12.00June, 1882
216, 676Ward, Chas."abcess lt. side 2.00Aug., 1882
157, 800Vanderbilt, Philetus I."g. s. w. rt. shoulder 12.00- - - - - -
204, 068Simmons, Richard M."shell wd. rt. side, res. dis. kid. 2.00Mar., 1882
126, 017Thompson, Obadiah"dis. lungs 18.00- - - - - -
223, 493Taggert, Jno. C."chr. diarrhea 6.00Dec., 1882
213, 685Smith, Samuel H."chr. diarrhea, part. paralysis rt. side 18.00June, 1882
35, 432Tate, Jno."g. s. w. through lt. thigh & rt. hip 18.00- - - - - -
120, 064Brown, Napoleon B."g. s. w. rt. ear, frac of skull 25.00Nov., 1872
210, 809Brown, Linzy"dis. eyes 6.00June, 1882
194, 580Bourne, Jno. B."inj. lt. side, restg. dis. lungs 12.00Aug., 1881
210, 811Brown, Daniel E."inj. lt. side restg. pleurisy 8.00June, 1882
165, 789Brooks, Fred C."injury to abdomen & lt. shoulder 10.00Mar., 1880
97, 888Brooks, Erastus I."g. s. w. rt. arm 8.00- - - - - -
54, 251Hallam, Wm. N."g. s. w. lt. thigh 10.00- - - - - -
80, 250League, David "wd. lt. hand & arm 8.00- - - - - -
44, 141Young, Nathan S."injury to spine 16.00- - - - - -
104, 433Whitehead, Jos. H."scurvy & chr. diarrhea 12.00- - - - - -
13, 596Wilcox, Wm. M."g. s. w. lt. arm & shoulder 12.00- - - - - -
106, 134Smith, Geo."g. s. w. lt. side 8.00- - - - - -
117, 549Sanger, Adna T."asthma 12.00- - - - - -
213, 103Stockton, Andrew J."dis. throat & lungs, inj. left leg & abdomen 10.00June, 1882
191, 307Dunn, Allen"chr. diarrhea, & injury to spine 12.00June, 1881
178, 203Dotson, Chas "chr. diarrhea & dis. of abdominal viscera 8.00- - - - - -
152, 998Daniels, Chas. C."dis. skin 18.00May, 1878
63, 460Dykes, Fideler"total blind 72.00- - - - - -
210, 836Darling, Isaac R."dis. lungs 4.00June, 1882
107, 442Elliott, Jno. C."rheumatism rt. forearm 18.00Sept, 1871
24, 280Emery, Wm."g. s. w. lt. side head, deaf lt. ear 8.00- - - - - -
87, 977Deweese, Marilla J."widow 8.00Dec., 1866
11, 094Leighton, Wm."g. s. w. rt. arm 8.00Apr., 1863
103, 169Wilson, Jno. D."inj. to rt. shoulder, resltg. dis. rt. lung 14.00- - - - - -
217, 671McHarrison, Jas."chr. diarrhea 6.00Sept, 1882
211, 678McNemar, Phil E."g. s. w. lt. foot 4.00June, 1882
203, 007Livingston, Isaac M."chr. rheumatism 12.00Feb., 1882
95, 328Learned, Orlando"g. s. w. lt. arm 6.00- - - - - -
27, 396Nones, Simon"loss lt. arm 24.00- - - - - -
196, 029Prewett, Jno."dis. lungs 12.00Sept, 1881
125, 881Parvin, Henry B."inj. forehead fr. kick of horse 8.00- - - - - -
83, 927Powell, Benj."injury to abdomen 8.00- - - - - -
95, 087Peno, Augustus "g. s. w. rt. hand 8.00- - - - - -
169, 009Newkirk, Jackson"g. s. w. rt. arm, inj. to spine 6.00June, 1880
198, 389Messick, Thos. J."g. s. w. head, dis. eyes, heart, lungs, chr. diarrhea 12.00- - - - - -
209, 700Rushton, Enos"rheumatism 8.00May, 1882
137, 666Richards, Chas"g. s. w. lt. leg 8.00- - - - - -
206, 998Price, Sylvester B."chr. diarrhea 8.00July, 1882
20, 691Porter, Seth"hypertrophy of heart 12.00- - - - - -
61, 642Porter, Rufus W."g. s. w. rt. hip 6.00- - - - - -
186, 210Glasby, Chas"inj. to spine 8.00Apr., 1881
188, 137Glidden, Jno. O."dis. lungs 6.00May, 1881
198, 321Chaffe, Albertus B."chr. diarrhea 3.00Nov., 1881
21, 646Carnagham, Archibald"wd. rt. shoulder 12.00- - - - - -
201, 948Bartlett, Wm. F."g. s. w. rt. leg 8.00- - - - - -
218, 545Corbett, Boston"chr. diarrhea, scurvy & rheumatism 8.00Sept, 1882
62, 912Hostetler, Cornelius"loss rt. leg 18.00- - - - - -
66, 745Ward, Enoch C."wound left thigh 14.00- - - - - -
50, 818Straight, Wilbur F."wound both legs 8.00- - - - - -
38, 598Lee, Benjamin F."wound left hand 6.00- - - - - -
148, 445Starkey, Caleb"dis. of eyes 12.00Oct., 1877
162, 312Griffin, James R."inj. lt. wrist, affecting hand 12.00Sept, 1879
144, 376Rains, John"rheumatism 6.00- - - - - -
74, 026Cobb, Cyrus W."bronchitis & general debility 8.00- - - - - -
48, 352Stilson, Franklin"wound right wrist 18.00- - - - - -
119, 084Dickey, William A."dis. of eyes 8.00- - - - - -
107, 093Thomas, Tate"wound left thigh 20.00- - - - - -
53, 614Mallory, Eliza J.Gillespiewidow 8.00Mar., 1876
68, 398Snyder, Henry C.Glascog. s. w. lt. elbow & rt. thigh 10.00- - - - - -
114, 584Studt, Jacob"g. s. w. both legs 8.00- - - - - -
33, 279Thompson, Jos. C."g. s. w. chest & rt. lung 31.25- - - - - -
129, 412Smail, Geo. W."g. s. w. rt. hand 6.00- - - - - -
64, 823Spalding, Henry H."wd. rt. leg 6.00- - - - - -
34, 961Wilson, Eliz. A."widow 8.00- - - - - -
68, 764Matthews, Sylvanus W."chr. ophthalmia 4.00Sept, 1867
64, 276Owen, Nephi"chr. diarrhea & dis. lung 10.00- - - - - -
218, 425Butler, Pierce E."g. s. w. lt. foot 2.00Sept, 1882
89, 351Burk, Phil"g. s. w. rt. shoulder 12.00- - - - - -
113, 555Copeland, Jno. M."accidental g. s. w. rt. foot 3.00Sept, 1871
155, 826Van Meter, Thos. G."partial deaf 6.00- - - - - -
130, 773Somers, Amos C.Gravesulcer left leg 2.00- - - - - -
22, 961Nicherson, Julius B.Heberg. s. w. rt. shoulder 8.00- - - - - -
- - - -Thomas, Phil. A.Jamestowng. s. w. lt. ankle 6.00July, 1878
41, 371Strait, Jacob W."g. s. w. left arm 12.00- - - - - -
132, 136Sutherlin, Samuel H."g. s. w. left side 4.00Feb., 1875
171, 962Andrus, Henry A."dis. lungs 12.00- - - - - -
198, 469Gorsuch, Stephen D."chr. diarrhea& dis. of abdominal viscera 12.00Nov., 1881
155, 920Comer, Jno. D."loss rt. eye, resltg impaired vision of lt. 8.00- - - - - -
219, 397Carpenter, Edward M."g. s. w. rt. hand & lt. foot 4.00Oct., 1882
70, 567Cutshaw, Jas. W."g. s. w. rt. hand 18.00- - - - - -
51, 148Jenson, Frederick"wound left leg 6.00- - - - - -
36, 748Clark, William"chr. rheum. & heart disease 4.00- - - - - -
22, 352Christy, Wm. J.Lawrenceburghwound lt. shoulder 8.00Dec., 1863
219, 110Stockton, Thos.Macyvilleshell wd. rt. arm & dis. lungs 6.00Oct., 1882
187, 270Lent, Robert Maltachr. diarrhea 6.00Apr., 1881
103, 658Carlisle, Julius N.Meredithwound left hip 4.00- - - - - -
105, 529Trowbridge, Lean. M."amp. lt. thigh 24.00- - - - - -
121, 277Grim, Mahala"widow 8.00Nov., 1868
141, 885Moonick, Anderson E."wound lt. hand 4.00- - - - - -
92, 464Mitchell, Theo. M.Miltonvalewound lt. thigh 6.00- - - - - -
61, 669Cole, Peter"g. s. w. lt. hip & thigh 6.00- - - - - -
122, 487Davis, Samuel M."g. s. w. lt. side of abdomen 12.00- - - - - -
39, 635Mayberry, Jno. R."g. s. w. lt. foot 8.00- - - - - -
162, 483Carouthers, Jno. A."dis. of eyes 18.00- - - - - -
41, 962Hall, Wm. R."wound rt. leg 8.00- - - - - -
150, 491Hayes, Wm. J."chr. bronchitis 8.00- - - - - -
82, 219Strite, Frank J."wound lt. eye 18.00- - - - - -
157, 939Moncey, DesireNelsonwd. rt. arm 2.00Mar., 1879
201, 162Dawson, Jacob R."rheum., chr. diarrhea 2.00- - - - - -
123, 468Wood, Josiah E."g. s. w. lt. arm & chest 8.00June, 1873
120, 871Brisbine, Wm. B."g. s. w. rt. shoulder 6.00- - - - - -
92, 963Cleveland, Vaker D."father 8.00Sept, 1869
196, 752Brown, Wm.Sulphur Springsinj. back & lt. thigh 8.00Oct., 1881
73, 674Sawestouski, Albertino"widow 8.00- - - - - -
218, 586Dunn, Jas. B."g. s. w. lt. shoulder 4.00Sept, 1882
208, 710Stoops, Robert W."total deaf rt. ear & slight deaf of lt. 2.00May, 1882

Contributed 1998 Nov by Kenneth Thomas

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