Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Cloud county ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the Coordinator. Please allow us to include your email address for interested parties to contact you.
Abbey, John S.
Abbott, Leslie E.
Ackerman, Margaret
Alexander, Edward J.
Anderson, Eaton
Angevine, Charles H., M.D.
Ansdell, Henry M.
Ansdell, William R.
Ashley, John H.
Asmussen, Hans
Atwood, F.J.
Avery, Arthur Augustin
Avery, Charles Daniel
Axelsson, Carl E.
Baker, Reverend F.D.
Baldwin, Charles N.
Banner, Louis J.
Barons, Samuel H.
Bartlett, Hon. G.W.
Bates, Mrs. Alice L.
Beach, W.B., M.D.
Beaver, Rev. John Nesbitt
Beck, Frederick Peterson
Beck, Hans F.P.
Beers, George W.
Beesley, John.
Belisle, Edmond A.
Belo, Julius Alexander
Berneking, W.C.
Biggs, Rufus R.
Billings, James W.
Bishop, Frank S.
Bishop, Leroy
Boggs, John
Boggs, John Newton
Bond, Susannah
Borton, Baker
Borton, Hon. Lewis Wetzel
Bourne, Daniel M.
Bowman, Walter W.
Bradford, Andrew J.
Brandon, Hon. William L.
Brierley, John Henry, M.D.
Brooks, John
Brown, John
Brown, Virgil A.
Burbank, James H.
Burgeson, Nathaniel Elias
Burkhart, Joseph Elijah
Burns, William McKindree
Burroughs, George W.
Bushnell, D.D., Horace
Butler, Pierce
Byrne, Dennis
Caldwell, Hon. W.W.
Campbell, A.W., M.D.
Cannon, Hon. William S.
Carnahan, Hon. A.A.
Carney, Albert Burton
Carpenter, Rev. C.E.
Carter, James
Cartney, Washington George
Casselman, George C.
Champlin, George
Chapman, George W.
Chase, John Connelly
Choquette, Napoleon Joseph
Christian, Valentine
Christianson, Anton
Christianson, William C.
Clemons, Theodore D.
Cline, Joseph H.
Clithero, James
Cloud, Col. William F.
Coate, Elwood
Coffey, I.W., M.D.
Coleman, James Alexander
Collins, Dr. James
Colton, Henry
Colwell, George R.
Corbett, Boston
Corning, Adelbert D.
Coughlen, Richard
Crans, Lewis
Crum, Gabriel
Crump, Hon. W.S.
Culp, A.J.
Culver, George M.
Cunningham, Bishop John F.
Cunningham, John V.
Cutshaw, James W.
Czapanskiy, William
Dailey, Murt
Davidson Family
Davidson, Ezekiel Calvin
Davidson, Garrett
Davidson, John M.
Davidson, Hon. Lorean Forest
Davidson, William
Davies, Hon. Gomer Taliesin
Davis, Charlie
Day, Owen
Dawes, Isaac B.
Dimanoski, Frederick
Doak, George W.
Doak, Nathan
Doran, Samuel
Doster, James L.
Duby, George S.
Duby, M.F.
Dunning, E.D.
Durkee, William Martin
Dutton, Chester
Duvall, Lot M.
Eberhardt, John
Elfstrom, Mrs. Hilda
Elniff, Christian H.
English, William
Everley, Hon. Simeon Oliver
Fahlstrom, J.S.
Fairchild, S.V., M.D.
Farr, William A., M.D.
Fell, J.D.
Fortney, Asa
Foster, Walter Scott
Franks, Charles Newton
Franks, Jacob
Franks, Samuel P.
French, Nicholas M.
Fuller, Gilbert L.
Fuller, Lyman Otis
Gaudreau Brothers
Gaylord, Rev. Hemingway J.
Gerhardt, A.W.
Gillett, Joseph
Giroux and Lavalle
Gould, Charles Irving
Gould, Edwin Adelbert
Gray, Henry
Gray, Lewis
Gregg, George Leroy
Groff, W.D.
Guipre, Fred
Guipre, Joseph
Hagaman, Hon. James Manny
Halderson, Iver B.
Hanson, James
Hanson, Hon. John O.
Hardesty, William Marion
Hare, John W.
Hare, Marcus L.
Harrison, Nelson & Co.
Hartwell, George M., M.D.
Hay, Frances
Haynes, Edward R.
Head, James W.
Heller, David
Heller, Moses
Hibner, George E.
Hillhouse Family
Hillhouse, William A.
Hitchcox, Carl
Hitchcox, William
Hoagland, Frank
Holtzman, Thomas B.
Honey, J.W.
Honey, Randal
Horn, Charles
Hose, John G.
Hubbard, Mrs. Catherine
Huff, John Henry
Huff, W.A.
Hurley, James
Hussey, George W.
Ion, William J.
Jackson, Thomas Jefferson
Jenkins, E.J.
Joiner, John W.
Jordan, Everett W.
Jordan, William
Judy, D.H.
Juneau, George F.
Kaad, George
Kelly, John
Kenyon, Edgar Martin
Kiefer, Elmer E.
King, Ernest V.
King, Hubert F.
Kirby, John L., D.D.
Klein, Nichols
Knapp, Sidney H.
Kocher, W.G.
Koster, Hon. Frederick
Kristofferson, Charles
Laing, Theodore
Lane, F.A.
Lane, Hon. F.E.
Lamoureaux, David A.
Larimore, W. L.
LaRocque, Joseph A.
Larson, Lawrence Patrick
Laughlin, D.F., M.D.
Law, James W.
Layton, Hiram D.
Layton, William
Leslie, C.F., M.D.
Lewis, Will F.
Libben, John Henry
Lindley, James H.
Lintz, F.W.
Little, Archie C.
Loftus, Anthony
Long, E.E. and Lee
Louthan, Edmund H.
Lundblade, Hon. John E.
Macy, George W.
Mann, Alfred Amos
Mann, John A.
Manna, F.X.
Marcotte, A.R., M.D.
Marlatt, Bertha A.
Marshall, Edward
Marshall, J. Austin
Marshall, Moses
Martin, Joseph H.
Mason, J.C.
Mathews, Hon. W.T.
McArthur, James
McBride, George
McBride, James
McBride, Mrs. Janet
McCall, Mary E.
McDonald, Hon. C.W.
McEckron, Hon. Boyd H.
McFarland, Hon. James J.
McIntosh, Donald
McKellar Hon. Duncan
McLean, Robert
McMillan, B.F., D.D.
Messall, Hon. E.J.
Misell, Robert
Moger, John H.
Mollier, Rev. Louis
Montgomery, A.H.
Montgomery, Hon. Andrew
Moore, Albert R.
Moore, Boyd R.
Morley, Benjamin P.
Nadeau Brothers
Neal, James H.
Neely, E.D.
Nelson, Henry
Nelson, Nels, Jr
Nelson, Rev. Nels
Neill, James
Newell, Adrastus
Newton, William Brown, M.D.
Nicol, James A.
Noe A. & Moore
Noel L.
Nowels, Stephen A.
Oakes, William Edward
Olsen, Hans
Olson, O.A.
Ott, Augustus
Page, Cary J.
Page, William H.
Palmer, Warren W.
Parker, William
Peck, Charles & William
Pennock, Alford B.
Pepperell, W.H.L.
Perrier, Very Rev. Joseph
Peterson, Oscar W.
Pigman, Samuel C., M.D.
Pilcher, Charles H.
Pilcher, James F.
Pilcher, James H.D.
Porter, Bert
Potts, Charles Van Trabue
Poulsen, Lars
Prentiss, Hon. H.J.
Price, James Voss
Price, Sylvester Baily
Priest, W.R., M.D.
Prince, Ferd
Proctor, Charles
Prosser, William
Pulsifer, Park B.
Raines & Nelson
Randolph, Hon. John F.
Ransopher, S.M., M.D.
Ray, W.E., A.M.
Reid, Albert Turner
Reid, William Emery
Renard, Arthur E.
Rigby, Isaac Albert
Rishel, Lewis M.
Rogers, Henry
Romeiser, Conrad
Rose, Capt. Benjamin F.
Rushton, Enos
Rupe, Frank B.
Rupe, Hon. John B.
Rushton, Enos
Sams, G.L.
Sargeant, Henry
Sawhill, W.F., M.D.
Schwartz, Michael
Scott, M.D.
Selleck, Arthur
Sexsmith, Joseph D.
Shafer, George
Shay, J.W.
Shea, James P.
Shea, Michael F.
Sheffield, Doddridge F.
Shelhamer, Hon. A.J.
Short, Hon. William T.
Shrader, W.E.
Smaile, George Washington
Smith, Benjamin P., M.D.
Smith, Dwight M.
Smith, Robert W.
Smith, Soren Peterson
Smith, Uriah J.
Smitley, Charles
Snyder, Phoebe
Sohlinger, Jacob
Soule, Harry L.
Southworth Brothers
Spalding, Hamilton Mack
Sparwasser, Anton
Spaulding, Aaron Hudson
Squires, Hon. John
Stewart, Hon. John
Stimson, Robert E.
Stockton, Martin Alexander
Strain, Hon. James
Strain, John O.
Studt, G.W.
Studt, J.P.
Sturges, Hon. F.W.
Sweet, Charles Edwin
Taggart, Oscar R.
Talg, John
Taylor & Ahlberg
Teasley, George W.
Teasley, James M.
Teasley, William Washington
Teter, F.K.
Thompson, Obadiah
Thompson, William
Thorpe, John M.
Townsdin, William S.
Trudell, Hon. Lewis M.
Turner, David, Sr
VanDeMark, Hon. Charles W.
VanLandingham, G.B.
Vernon, John M.
Vinnig, Robert H.
Watson, David Wesley
Weaver, Nicholas
Webster, Myron E.
West, Hon. R.P.
Westover, Judge Lorenzo
Wheeler, Hon. S.C.
Whipp, W.C.
Whitcher, E.C.
Wiard, Byron M.
Wilcox, Hon. O.W.F.
Wilkes, George H., Sr.
Williams, William Baker
Williamson, Enoch
Williamson, Thomas
Wilmoth, Alvin Lee
Wilson, G.C.
Wilson, John D.
Winter, Charles H.
Winter, William P.
Woodward, Mortimer L.
Wright, George A.
Wright, James I.
Wrong, Thomas
Zahn, William
Zimmerman, Adoniram J.
Zimmerman, Joseph
Zimmerman, Vivian E., M.D.
Effie and Vada ROLAND
I have two old photographs indicating that they belong to the ROWLAND and
LYNCH Families. The photographs included in this grouping are as follows:
- Dell LYNCH (believe that this is Della E. LYNCH) with Effie and Vada ROLAND
(believe that they are actually Effa and Nevada ROWLAND) which was taken in the
early 1900's with the three young women in their teens or 20's, identified as
"Cousins", no studio or location identified
#2 - Mae (believed to be Mabel
Elizabeth LANHAM) & Will LYNCH, also taken in the early 1900's I believe, no
studio or location, noted as "My Cousins", couple appears to be in their 20's or
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following
information regarding those identified in the photographs:
Effa “Effie” Sarah
ROWLAND was b. 23 Jan 1885 in Concordia, KS to parents Calvin Rooter ROWLAND
(1847-1909) and Sarah Jane KLEPPER (1851-1899) who were married 4 Mar 1884 in
Holmesville, NE. Effie had one sibling, a sister Nevada “Vada” Elizabeth ROWLAND
Effie married Alonzo LAYMAN (1877-1961) on 18 or 21 Jun 1924 in
Alameda County, CA or Nebraska and they had a daughter, Mary Ruth LAYMAN NELSON
(1927-2005). Effie died 16 Jun 1969 in Santa Cruz County, CA and is buried in
the Good Shepherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach, CA.
Nevada “Vada” Elizabeth
ROWLAND was b. 14 Aug 1888 in Cloud County, KS to the same parents and married
Harry Leslie ROBERTSON (1885-1963) on 20 Apr 1909 in Lexington, NE. The couple
had one daughter Helen Vere ROBERTSON (1911-1982). Vada died 26 Jul 1990 in
Santa Cruz County, CA.
Delcie or Della E. LYNCH was b. 19 Jan 1885 in Girard,
IL to parents Emery Wickliff LYNCH (1842-1924) and Susan Elizabeth “Lizzie”
KLEPPER (1846-1928). Della was one of 5 children born to this couple including
Lula or Lulie; James; Baby Girl; William “Will” Henry; and Delcie or Della E.
LYNCH, all born between 1868 and 1885. The family moved to Filley, NE in 1889
and in 1894 the family moved to Nora, NE.
Della married three times, first to
James C. LANHAM (1849-1926) on 7 Jan 1920 in Geneva, NE and second to George L.
TATE (1874-1955) on 16 Sept 1928 in Nora, NE, and third to Lawrence SMITH on 22
Jun 1960 in Nelson, NE. Della died 5 May 1975 in Superior, NE and she is buried
in the Nora Cemetery in Nora, NE. When she died her only surviving family member
was a nephew, Bill LYNCH of Nora, NE.
William “Will” Henry LYNCH was b. 25
May 1874 in Girard, IL to the same parents. Will married Mabel “Mae” Elizabeth
LANHAM (1887-1976) on 4 Jan 1905 and they had two children including William
Vick LYNCH (1916-1916) and Bill Lanham LYNCH (1920-1996). Will died 22 Apr 1962
in Superior, NE and is buried in the Nora Cemetery in Nora, NE.
Will’s wife
Mabel or Mable was b. 27 Feb 1887 in Nora, NE to parents Hamilton Edward LANHAM
(1857-1941) and Sarah Adeline LUCAS (1861-1945). Mabel was one of 7 children
born to this couple including Opal Pearl; Myrtle Ellen; Clarence Pete; Mabel
“Mae” Elizabeth; Benonie or Benjamin “Ben” Hoblet; Ralph Edward “Ed”; and Claude
or Claud Shelby LANHAM, all born between 1881 and 1892.
Mabel died 1 Aug 1976
in Superior, NE and is buried in the Nora Cemetery in Nora, NE. She was survived
by her son Bill and two sisters, Myrtle WOODHEAD of Nelson, NE; and Opal Pearl
COLES of Long Beach, CA.
I’d like to get the photographs to a family member
and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or
know someone who might be.
Thanks, Shelley Thorpe Cardiel,
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