Cloud County

County Burials 1888

Burial lots purchased on behalf of
Jan. 16Mrs.J. P. SnyderConsumption
Jan. 31sister of Mrs. J. P. Snyder
Feb. 2child of Mr. Mansfield
Feb. 3son of Mrs. Morningstar (Clemmie)Typhoid
Feb. 6Pius BeanWindmill accident
Feb. 29brother of L. H. Wo?n?consumption
Mar. 6Wesley McDonald, aged 71
Mar. 14child of H. N. Hanson
Mar. 15 child of ? J. Smith
Mar. 17J. B. Nickerson
Apr. 4child of N. Ponton
Apr. 11Mrs. Wesley Crider
Apr. 29Mrs. S. S. Eells
May 5child of J. A. Murphy
May 7child of T. A. Filson
May 15Ollie Dollardkilled by lightening
May 18Solomon Temple
May 31child of L. B. Spurlock
Jun. 5child of S. Haling
Jun. 6child of John Hubbard
Jun. 21child of W. H. Hagaman
Jul. 6child of Charley Wingard
Jul. 18J. B. Mackleymalarial fever
Jul. 20P. Wickofftyphoid fever
Jul. 20L. L. Holcomb, aged 69dropsy of heart
Aug. 14child of T. A. Wilson
Aug. 21child of J. J. Price
Aug. 29father-in-law of Mr. Lawrie
Sep. 1A. VansickleBright's disease
Sep. 1Maywood Scottconsumption
Sep. 3Nellie Dennis, aged 20consumption
Oct. 3grandchild of Mr. Fulmer
Oct. 11Mrs. Fustace, aged 42
Oct. 16son-in-law of J. P. Whelchel
Oct. 29E. R. Rogers, aged 61general debility
Dec. 10Wm. Haskett, aged 69typhoid fever
Dec. 12George Roelung fever

Contributed by Susan Hoppe

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This page was last updated 08/26/2024