Mrs. Maria Burt died on Thursday, May 25, 1922, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. V. Jackson, in Shimer-tp., this county, after a brief illness. During the past few years she had made her home with the Jacksons, and hence she had become quite well known in the neighborhood. Funeral services were conducted from the home on Saturday, and were in charge of Rev. J. B. Handy of the M. E. church. He spoke on "Jesus, the key to the Bible," his text being from Matthew 1:21. A large number of the neighbors and friends were in attendance at the funeral, and there were many expressions of the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Interment was in the Coldwater cemetery.Maria Neill was born in Montreal, Canada, on August 18, 1844, and at the time of her death was nearly 78 years of age. In Montreal she was united in marriage with John Robertson. To them a son was born while they yet lived in Canada, and later, after moving to Iowa, two daughters were born to them. The elder daughter, who became Mrs. Blair, died in Oklahoma a few years ago. The other daughter, survives and is now Mrs. W. V. Jackson of this county. The son, A. J. Robertson, now lives at Quinlan, Okla., and was present at the funeral. In the year 1872 the family moved from Iowa to Montgomery-co., Kansas. The husband and father died there after which the family returned to Canada and spent four years there. Later they returned to their Kansas home. In the winter of 1884 they came to Comanche-co., entering land near the present site of the Fairview school house in Shimer-tp. After the marriage of all her children, deceased was united in marriage with E. Burt, who was a former Montgomery-co. neighbor. Mr. and Mrs. Burt made their home near Shawnee, Okla., until Mr. Burt's death several years ago.
Mrs. Burt was loved by all who knew her. In early girlhood she joined the Episcopal church, but after moving to Iowa she and her husband united with the Methodist Episcopal church. Later, after moving to Oklahoma they joined the Baptist church, there being no Methodist church in their neighborhood. Mrs. Burt continued a faithful member of the church, and whenever she went she showed forth her Master in many deeds of loving kindness to those about her. Her Christian faith and her many ministrations of love and mercy endeared her to all. The surviving relatives have the sincere sympathy of many friends.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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