Snow in Protection, Comanche County, Kansas, 31 Jan 2005. Photo by Orlin Loucks.
- After the Ice Storm, January 4 & 5, 2005
A Gallery of Photographs by Dennies Anderson
- Comanche Pool Area Bird & Nature Tour, 21 May 2005.
Photos of birds courtesy of Kyle Gerstner
- Tornado seen from Protection, Kansas, 21 Mar 2005. Photo by Orlin Loucks
- A Gallery of Orlin Louck's Photographs, Comanche County, Kansas
- Coldwater Rodeo, Comanche County, Kansas, 1923
- The Eagle 1955: The Coldwater School Yearbook, 1955.
Courtesy of Buddy M. Bardot.
- Aftermath of a tornado at the Platt Ranch, 01 May 1927
photos courtesy of Teresa Chapman & Phyllis Scherich.
- Aftermath of the Wilmore Tornado, May 20, 1949: photos by J.R. & Gloria Cline,
courtesy of Rhonda Nickel.
- Wilmore Train Depot,
courtesy of Kim Fowles.
- TIGER 1953: The Wilmore School Yearbook, 1952-1953
Images of all 32 pages of the year book: Wilmore students, Seniors to First Graders, Administration members and Activities, courtesy of Doug & Rhonda Nickel.
- TIGER: The Wilmore, Kansas, School Yearbook 1958 - 1959
Images of all 23 pages of photographs of Wilmore students, Seniors to First Graders, Board of Education, Faculty and other school staff members, courtesy of Nancy Smith.
- The Wilmore, Kansas, School Attendance Center Yearbook, 1969
Images of all 5 pages of photographs of Wilmore students, Eighth Graders to First Graders, Faculty and other school staff members, courtesy of Nancy Smith.
WILDFLOWERS, Comanche County, Kansas
This gallery of photographs by Phyllis Scherich and Bobbi Huck pictures some of the wildflowers which grow in Comanche County, Kansas.What do wildflowers have to do with family history? Well, my dad told me of how my grand-dad would always start off early in the morning when going to the Wilmore Cemetery on Memorial Day, and that he and Grandma Nellie and their kids, if they still lived at home at the time, would stop and pick wildflowers on the way to memorial services so that they could put flowers on the graves of people who didn't have family still living in the area to decorate their graves. These photos show some of the flowers which were probably part of those bouquets.
(Note to Phyllis: It would be wonderful to see what the Come Home to Coldwater Quilters Club members made if they set out to make a "Wildflowers of Comanche County, Kansas" quilt based on your photographs of local wildflowers.)
- Hiram J. & Fidelia Jordan of Protection, Comanche County, Ks. Thanks to Connie Chancellor for this featured material.
- Snapshots of People in Comanche County, Kansas, from Wendel Ferrin's Collection
- Wendel Ferrin's Collection of Photos, Comanche County, Ks, circa 1944. Pictured: Nina Hope Annis, Junior Baily, Grace Calloway, Donna Chance, Dorothy Cline, Evah Ellis, Delmer Ferrin, Wendel Ferrin, Robert Hackney, Ernest Lawrence, Mozetta Mangels, Professor Oxley, Viola Peaster, Aleen Ray, Marie Schenk, Norma Scholle, Forrest Smith, Wesley Smith, Roberta Todd, Melva Toothaker, Jimmy Trummel, Marie Trummel, Paul Ward, Bob White, Patsy Wood, Bobby Woods, Francis Wright, Ernestine Zeigler.
- The Biography of John Edward "Ed" Schrock, Photographer in Wilmore, Kansas
- Obituary of James G. Murray, Photographer in Coldwater, Kansas
"In 1917 Mr. Murray opened a studio in Coldwater and continued the business 23 years, or until 1940, when his health forced him to retire to the farm. For a number of years he had been in failing health, due to poisoning from photographic chemicals."
- HACKNEY Harvest Crew, photograph circa 1906
Surnames: Deewall, Gard, Hackney, Hagan, Harbaugh, Harness, Knecht & Taylor.
- The Buttermilk, Kansas, Softball Team, circa 1950. Photo from the collection of Delmar Huck.
Surnames: Blount, Guizlo, Haas, Huck, Lohrding, Oller, Richardson & Wilson.
- The Wilmore Methodist-Christian Butchering Bee Prelude to Supper
A photograph of the 18 men from the Wilmore Methodist & Christian churches with some of the 8 hogs they'd slaughtered for the community's annual Methodist - Christian Brotherhood groundhog supper to which the entire community was invited. Pictured circa 1954 are: Ed Baker, Lew Baker, Rod Baker, Marvin Belcher, Jack Bond, Gene Dorsey, Ernest Ferrin, Wendel Ferrin, Bob Hackney, Louis Helm, George Kennedy, Charley Lenertz, Rev. Wayne Riggs, Homer Ring, Fay Smith, Melvin Smith, Leo Thornberry and Ord Trummel.
- Photos of People in Comanche County, Ks, from the collection of Alice (Norton) Bergeman
Photos: Christa Ashlock, Marjorie Brewer, Beverly Hoosier, Marcelline Hughes, Josephine Jantzen, Marjorie Lindsey, Bobby McFarland, Alice Lorene Norton, Donald Norton, Wanda Norton, William Robert Norton, Ruby Schultz, Anna Faye Tetrick, Dorothy Thomas, Roxie Young.
- Protection, Kansas, High School Seniors, 1950
Robert C. Graham, Sponsor; Wayne Woolfolk, Treasurer; George L. Cushman, Superintendent; Claude Junior Prilliman, President; T.M. Johnson, Sponsor; A. Junior Pfieffer, Vice-President; Dorothy Thomas, Secretary; Lewis Murphy; Wayne Webb; Vernon Webb, Reporter; Helen Louise Harvey; Ernest L. Rhodes; Alice Norton; Dennis Atkeson; Majorie Brewer; Sylvester Breit; Leslie E. Jellison; Majorie Lindsey; Robert Zane; Ruby Schultz; Donald Morlan.
- Sun City, Barber County, Kansas: Photos from the Kim Fowles Collection
- Cowboy Cemetery near Salt Plains, Woods County, Oklahoma.
Photos and information courtesy of Bobbi (Hackney) Huck.
- Photographs from the Collection of J.M. & Minerva Cline, printed from the original glass plate negatives by Russell Fay Cline.
- People's State Bank, Coldwater, Kansas, three historic photo postcards courtesy of Hiram Lewis.
- Hell's Half Acre - Comanche County, Kansas.
- Photos from Comanche County, Kansas - Kansas Geological Survey. (This off-site link will open in a new browser window.)
Comanche County in Pictures was printed in 1988 by the Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas. The County Coordinator was Lisa Brooks and the Publishing Consultant was Denise Reidel.
This 80-page, hard-bound book is a collection of photos contributed by past and present residents of Comanche County. It is organized by subject, is well-designed and has a full name index.
After the Ice Storm, January 4 & 5, 2005
A Gallery of Photographs by Dennies Anderson
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The USGenWeb® Project, KSGenWeb, Comanche County
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