Proceedings of the Board at the Regular July Meeting.Office of the County Clerk of Comanche County, Kansas, July 2, 1906.
The board of county commissioners of the above named county met at the above named place in the above named State in regular session; present: Chairman Arthur Ferrin, Commissioners Chas. H. Jackson and M. L. Baxter.
The following bills were allowed:
Pete Cole, assigned to F. M. McIntyre $32.00 Willie McKinnie $5.00 N. A. Lytle, assignee of John Shimer $2.00 F. M. McIntyre, assignee of F. M. Bain $2.00 D. F. Edmonds $6.00 W. A. Lonker, assignee of J. T. Webb $1.00 R. A. Callaway, assignee of Cary Henry $4.00 Wm. Hopkins $8.00 W. A. Lonker, assignee of John McSparren $7.00 W. A. Lonker, assignee of George Williams $6.00 Charlie Mullin $4.00 W. A. Lonker, assignee of Roy Bowman $1.00 R. O. Nevins, assignee of J. H. Tatum $1.00 Arthur Ferrin $8.00 Wm. Hopkins $6.00
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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