At the special election held in Coldwater-tp. on Tuesday of this week to vote on the proposition of the township taking over from the city the control of Crown Hill cemetery, only 111 votes were cast, which is about one-seventh of the total number of voters in the township. The vote on the proposition was one-sided, there being 107 votes for and only four against the proposition. This means that hereafter the entire township will be directly interested in the maintenance of the cemetery and each tax payer will contribute a small amount toward the upkeep and beautifying of the grounds. For several years past the cemetery has not received the attention it should have received, principally for the reason that there was a lack of funds with which to hire a caretaker. It is expected that in due time now a competent caregiver will be employed at least for a part of each year, and that Crown Hill cemetery will be cared for in a much better manner than heretofore.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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