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Administration: Mr. Eugene E. Luse, Superintendent; Renous Allen, Treasurer; Frank Daily, Jr., Clerk; Hobart McMillen, Director; Mrs. Doris White, Secretary.
High School Faculty -- Back row, left to right: Mr. Pittenger, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wilmoth, Mr. Kitchin. Middle row: Mr. Stotts, Mr. Mills, Mr. White, Mrs. Ely, Mr. Melia, Miss Jones, Mr. Young, Mr. Lane, Mr. Hohmann, Miss Davis.Grade School Faculty -- Back row, left to right: Miss Faucett, Mrs. Chase, Miss Davis. Middle row: Mrs. Melia, Mrs. Heintz, Mrs. Steele, Miss Snyder, Mrs. Gregg. Front row: Mr. Luse, Mr. White, Mr. Stotts, Mr. McEnferter.
Coldwater Senior Class of 1955 -- Back row, left to right: James Fleming, Kermit McMillen, Larry Herd, Charles Crouse, Kenneth Peterson, Raymond Fleming, Shelvay Frost, George Delmer. Third row: Jerry Melia, Eileen Wasinger, Kenneth Sizemore, Iva Lee Uselman, Donald Alexander, Elsie Bennett, Buddy Bardot, Patricia Cary. Second row: Luane Huck, Jerry Stotts, Anne Young, Claude Hanson, Patricia Beitler, Raymond Cox, Roberta Young, David Gillham. Front row: Joe Allen, Patty Pepperd, Donald Parcel, Roberta Bain, Leonard Jacobs, Frances Morris, Jerry Young, Margaret Frazier. View larger image.
Coldwater Juniors, 1955: Barbara Blackard, President; Richard Bean, Vice-President; Vickie Prophet, Secretary-Treasurer; Inez Young, Reporter; Lue Rita Bailey; Richard Bain; Alice Bennett; Darrel Bilyeu; Gary Boley; Patricia Bransom; Danny Burkhall; Gary Cline; Wayne Dale; Jimmie Dye; Jerry Heft; Dick Herd; Connie Lemon; Carol Lousch; Wayne Noonkester; Karen Palmer; Marion Palmer; Myrna Pepperd; Bill Procter; Kathern Savage; Shirley Scholle; Leon Smith; Alan Weber.
Coldwater Sophomores -- Sponsor: Mr. Ray Kitchin. Don Williams, President; Don Wallace, Vice-President; Marlene Nicholas, Secretary-Treasurer. Dewayne Dunbar, Patty Trummel, Don Frazier, Peggy Huck, Max Taylor, Ronnie Blackard, Clay Morris, Annie Diemer, Larry Ellis, Anita White, Dick Evans, Sandra Prophet, Roger Lousch, Roberta Lenertz, George Uselman, Elanor Gregg, Larry Myers, Jeanette Kimberly, Earl McVey, Betty McGinnis, Jon Swisher, Dana Mills, Max McIntyre, Sharon Smith, Ronald White, Dayle Heft, Darlene Little, Denzel Savage, Joe Diemer.
Coldwater Freshmen. Sponsor: Mr. Dallas Pittenger. Karen Bean, President; Heather Alder, Vice-President; Rita Harris, Secretary-Treasurer. Rochelle Deewall, Mildred Bain, Ella Lohrding, Dennis Tucker, Jimmy Copple, Marlan White, Gary Swarner, Earnest Bennett, Raelene Schultz, Karla White, Cora Klingensmith, Betty Evans, Phyllis Hazen, Carol McMillen, Wilma Sanders, Denton Nicholson, Jerry Cline, Donald Brown, Terry Huck, Alfred Hobson, Martin Jolly, Barbara Little, Sharon Deewall, Wanda Barnes, Doyle Wallace, Dick Young, Larry Young, Lester Young, Larry Lousch, Larry Cox.
Coldwater 8th Grade. Sponsor: Mr. Robert Mills. Linda Hilt, President; Duane Deyoe, Vice-President; Ronnie Lytle, Secretary-Treasurer. Lois Alwxander, Joe Atteberry, Gwen Burditt, A.G. Boley, Judith Blount, Virginia Blackard, Donald Bilyeu, Phyllis Beitler, Clifford Clinesmith, Billie Cox, James Fleming, Barbara Hadley, Ilene Lee, Judith Lenertz, Garth McMillen, James Monroe, Viva Morgan, Lester Robinson, Errol Savage, Vicki Stark, Jerry Thompson, David Usselman.
Coldwater 7th Grade. Sponsor: Mr. Chester Stotts. Ross Deewall, President; Ruby Metzker, Vice-President; Max Trummel, Secretary-Treasurer. Carlyne Alder, Jean Bardot, Laveta Barnes, James Barnhart, Michael Barnhart, Eddie Bennett, Clydean Bibb, Brenda Blackard, Donald Bowman, Ronald Bowman, Jimmie Burton, Jerry Coles, Myrna Cline, Linda Cummings, Sondra Deewall, Pierre Hobson, Janice Hazen, Jerry Hazen, Carol Kimberly, Gaye Lemon, Gary Lemon, Vera Love, Michael McEnterfer, Penne Marley, Stanley Marley, Elizabeth Nicholson, Shirley Pepperd, Larry Rose, C.J. Smith, Bill Shepard, Bill Sanders, Dolores White, Linnea White, Doris Wallace, Virginia Herd.
Coldwater 6th Grade: Beth Cline, Janet White, Donnie Booth, Dennis Wallace, Nina Diemer, Larry Hatfield, Bobby Bilyeu, Wesley Bennett, Jimmie Allen, Roger Meyers, L.G. McEnterfer (Teacher), Gary Shepard, Robert Lee, Jerry Lenertz, Joe Brown, Max Cary, Linda Dale, Nancy Thompson, Doris Klingensmith, Sandra Bramsom, Ann Houston, Mary Bain, Donna Cline, Joyce Colter, Patricia Hadley, Kemper Campbell.Coldwater 5th Grade: Butch Kimberly, Jackie Vance, Donna Lousch, Ellene Carter, Dixie McVey, Marilyn Atteberry, Marie Diemer, Billy Blacke, Howard Monroe, Retta Young, Victor Kropf, Gary Wilmoth, Jeff McIntyre, Miss Snyder (Teacher), Marilyn Houston, Lillian Colter, Pegge Marley, Nancy Barnes, Billy Jarnagin, Rodney Blount, Linda Lytle, Sara Ann Henderson, Alice Barnhart, Gary Morgan, Judy Peterson, Virginia Deewall, Betty Love, Loren Bowen, Steve Brass, Woody Beeley, Lynn Allen, Chuckie Copple, Ernie Harris, James Bowman.
Coldwater 4th Grade: Cheryl Griffith, Pamela Herd, Linda Williams, Martha Don_ Brown, Marion crouse, Jerry Alexander, Larry Trummel, Eddie Stotts, Bob Cooper, Clark Craig, Darrel Dirks, Kenny Colter, Mike Daily, Gary Smith, Jim Cole, Gloyd Hadley, Jr, Gary Gregg, Danny Hilt, Mrs. Frances Gregg (Teacher), Morris Deewall, Ronnie Beeley, Mary Alder, Patricia Lytle, Gena Weber.
Coldwater 3rd Grade: Mary Chase (Teacher), Wayne Carr, Janet Sanders, Jennie Allen, Deanna Parcel, Donald Alder, Herald Kroph, Douglas Hadley, Dennis Byrum, Teddy Dill, Charles Brass, Larry Sherman, Timmie Cole, Dorothy Barnhart, Connie McIntyre, Madeline Colter, Sue Nicholson, Martha Luse, Sondra Wasinger, Michael Robinson, Melanie McCoy, Marily Neukirch, Verna White, Jimmie Booth, Terry Richardson, Charles Bain, Vickie Buhl, Sheila McEnterfer, Sandra Stalcup, Billie Barnes.Coldwater 2nd Grade: Miss Fausett (Teacher), Linda Overocker, Mike Jameson, Rita Deyoe, Jimmy davis, Gary McIntyre, Ronnie Smith, Duane Butcher, Eldon Boisseau, Ian White, Carolyn Brass, Faye Gilchrist, Stephen Carrithers, Franky Peterson, Birdie Alexander, Jene Allen, Billy Dirks, Sheryl Love, Ricky Northern, Dorothy Carter, Ruth Wright, Elizabeth Herrington, Linda Rathbun, Janet Wasinger, Carla Rathbun, Linda White, Jackie Kimberly, Terry Burnett, Suzanne Burt, Johnny Paul, Randy Smith.
Coldwater 1st Grade: Mrs. Steele (Teacher), Mike Steele, Raymond Emerson, Cora McIntyre, Teddy Richardson, Leo Oller, Billie Thornton, Bonnie Byram, Lana Paul, Cathryn Hackney, Wayne Nicholson, Harold Wright, Mrs. Heintz (Teacher), Georgeanna Kirby, Patty Schultz, Terry Lousch, Mike Brown, Hal Herd, Judy Harris, Jackie Lemon, Billy Barlow, Tommy McMillen, Charles Crouse, Jane Weber, Becky Cline, Sue Ann Courson, Johnny Hecht, Bonnie Bilyeu.
Coldwater Kindergarten: Mrs. Melia (Teacher), Roberta Pepperd, Wayne Beitler, Jr., La Von Schroeder, Joe Coles, Christie Williams, Carol Timmons, Jacklyn White, Karen Malone, Bambi Stark, Dale Hadley, Ronnie McGinnis, Claudia Peterson, Ellen Beeley, Larry Smith, Betty Bird, Theron White, Glen Wallace, Chuckie Burt, Nicky Daily, Nina Rae, Cinda Cummings, Michelyn Burnett, Janice Vance, Billy Griffith, Judy Alder, Mike Hecht, Stanley Overocker.
Thanks to Buddy M. Bardot for scanning and contributing the above year book images to this web site!This website is being created by HTML Guy Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of many Contributors. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Please sign the Guest Book. This page was last updated 10 Jan 2005.