Herman Grauerholz was born near Chester, Randolph county, Illinois, September 9, 1858 and died at his home in Kensington, Kansas, May 26, 1931, aged 72 years, 8 months and 21 days.With his parents, he came to Smith county, Kansas, in 1872, taking a homestead in the German town vicinity. The Grauerholz's were among the earliest settlers of Smith county and experienced many of the hardships and privations of pioneer life.
On February 16, 1892, Herman was united in marriage to Josephine Bronson. Three children were born to this union, Elizabeth, John and Clara.
In 1910, the family moved from the farm to Kensington, where he resided until his death.
Since 1899, Mr. Grauerholz has been engaged in the insurance business in this community. His years of work in this line brought him an extensive acquaintance in the entire community where he was familiarly known to all as "professor."
In infancy, Mr. Grauerholz was baptized in the faith of his parents. In young manhood he assumed an active part in the organization of the earliest religious services at German town, being Sunday School superintendent and teacher for many years there. Upon moving to town he affiliated with the Methodist church of which he has since been a faithful supporter and regular attendant. "Professor" was a man, whose genuine religion was identified by upright daily living, honest business dealings and general stability of character. Among his outstanding qualities were his calm, even temperament, his generosity and his genial disposition.
In January, 1931, "Professor" became ill and remained bedfast for five months, during which time his cheerfulness and patience were a marvel to those about him. Scarcely less marvelous was the devotion of his loving wife, who tenderly cared for him during his long illness.
Mr. Grauerholz is survived by his wife and three children: Miss Elizabeth and John Grauerholz of Kensington, and Mrs. F. H. Moberly of Wilmore, Kansas, all of whom were at his bedside during his final illness and death; three grandchildren: Lawrence, Harold and Eula Jean Grauerholz; two sisters: Mrs. Martha Peterson of Alma, Nebraska and Mrs. Katie Bierman of Roosevelt, Okla. His only brother, John Henry Grauerholz, preceded him in death two years ago.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 at the M. E. Church and interment made in the Germantown cemetery.
(Reprinted from The Kensington Mirror.)
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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