A good sized audience assembled at the Pike Theater in this city on Monday evening of this week and for over two hours listened very attentively to an address by W. R. Woodward, a national K. K. K. lecturer. The speaker had not spoken long until all present were impressed with his thorough knowledge of history and of his earnestness and his convincing logic.His address was made up largely of extracts from lectures on historical and patriotic subjects which he has frequently delivered. He quoted history and cited many extracts from papers, authors, histories and others to prove his statements - first, that God did not intend that the races should mix as they have done; second, that the Roman Catholic church has no just right to its claim of superiority over civil authority; third, that the Catholics, the Jews and the Negro races are doing all in their power to gain the supremacy in this country; fourth, that respect for our flag and other evidences of true patriotism is rapidly dying out in this country; fifth, that this country is rapidly passing into the control and domination of aliens, and sixth, that organization on the part of Protestant Americans is necessary to combat the so called anti-American influences of the Roman Catholics and aliens.
The speaker claimed that our country is in great danger of disintegration and decay unless such influences are checked. His argument was presented in a very fair and convincing manner. It was, without doubt, the best K. K. K. address ever heard in Coldwater.
Note: This article is presented as a matter of historical interest, and should not be mistakenly construed as having anything to do with the views of the webmaster of this site, the present publisher of The Western Star, the present residents of Comanche County, Kansas, or anyone other than W.R. Woodward, the lecturer, and H.V. Butcher, who was publisher of The Western Star when the article was published, and who, most probably, was the author of it.
This website is being created by Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of many Contributors. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Please sign the Guest Book. This page was created 25 August 2006.