Life Sketches of Comanche-co. Pioneers ** Some of Their Struggles and Early-Day Experiences.
At left: Davis Taylor McIntireIt was on January 11, 1847, in Mercer-co., Kentucky, that Davis T. McIntire was born, but nearly 54 years of his life (he is now a little past 77) have been spent in Kansas, which fact clearly entitles him to be ranked among the pioneers of the Sunflower state. His boyhood days in Kentucky were spent on a farm, and it was there that he early in life laid the foundation for the years of perseverance, endurance and stick-to-itivesness which were so much needed on the plains of Kansas.
He was rugged, fearless and ambitious. That fact led him to turn his attention soon after he was 22 years old to the almost uninhabited stretches of prairie in western Kansas. His father was a Union soldier and saw active service in defense of the Union. Young Dave was the mainstay at home while his father was carrying a gun and wearing the uniform of a soldier.
Mr. McIntire started out on his journey westward not knowing just where Fortune would lead him. He spent almost a year in Missouri, driving a stage coach. Then, in company with three companions, he drove a herd of sheep from Missouri to central Kansas, which was then a broad, open range of country. They stopped near where Ellsworth is now located.
Young McIntire took to the plains as a duck does to water. He was soon the possessor of a freighting outfit, with four yoke of oxen as the motive power, and for a few months was engaged in hauling freight across the plains. He hauled the lumber with which the first house in Ellinwood was built, and was in Dodge City when the first house in that town was built. At that time, Indians and buffalo were plentiful in western Kansas, and Dave McIntire had many lively experiences with each. He spent a couple of years hunting buffalo, killing hundreds of them, principally for their hides. While located near Ellinwood he engaged in the cattle business.
Finally, in the year 1877, he came to Comanche-co., then an unorganized county, and started a cattle ranch on Mule creek, and since that time has been one of the leading stockmen of the county. He knows from actual experience what hard knocks and all the experiences incident to pioneer life mean. He passed through the grasshopper year of 1874, and later through the years of hot winds, hard times and various reverses which serve to try one's metal. But Dave McIntire was not of the kind of men to become discouraged and give up. He stayed with the country, and he has been well rewarded for so doing. He has made his home in Coldwater for several years, but still owns his fine ranch in the eastern part of the county.
There are not many people who are still living to tell the story of pioneer days in Kansas, but Mr. McIntire is one of that number. The story of his experiences on the plains of Kansas 50 or more years ago would read like a romance. He knew western Kansas like a book, even when Indians and buffalo were the principal inhabitants of the plains. He tells of occasions when he saw thousands of buffalo in one herd, also large numbers of Indians, and on more than one occasion he got into "pretty close quarters," as he puts it. He was in this part of the state at the time of the "Indian scares," and tells of the killing of two or three men in this county by the Indians.
Mr. McIntire has had much to do with the making of Comanche-co. history. He has taken part in about every prominent movement which had in view the development of the county - the herd law, court house bonds, railroad building, telephone lines, etc. He was a member of the first board of county commissioners in the county, and served as sheriff for four terms - from 1888 to 1892 and from 1896 to 1900. He made a good officer and was popular with the voters of the county, irrespective of politics. In 1902 he was elected to the legislature from this county and served one term. He has been a life long democrat.
Fifty four years in Kansas, 47 of which have been spent in Comanche-co., form pretty good credentials for D. T. McIntire to be enrolled as a real pioneer in the state. Not very many men can show a longer record, and very few have had a more varied experience with life in this state than has he.
On October 6, 1876, Mr. McIntire was united in marriage with Miss Acenith Bailey (sic), who has shared with him the vicissitudes which pioneer days always bring. They now are enjoying their declining years in a good home in this city, surrounded by many friends. Mr. and Mrs. McIntire are the parents of three children - Frank M., now of Cuates, New Mexico., and Thos. J. now a resident of Los Angeles, Calif., also one daughter, Florence, who died in infancy.
McIntire - Baker
MARRIED - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker, in Logan-tp., Comanche -co., Kansas, on Wednesday, December 31, 1902. Frank M. McIntire and Miss Alice Baker. Both bride and groom have lived in Comanche-co. for a number of years and each has a host of friend. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. McIntire, of this city, and is associated with the father in the stock business. He is also an industrious and worthy young man. The bride is popular wherever known and is worthy of the esteem she enjoys. The STAR joins in extending to Mr. and Mrs. McIntire congratulations and good wishes. -- The Western Star, January 2, 1903.
Also see:
Asenath Caroline (Bailey) McIntire, wife of Davis Taylor McIntire.
SOLOMON W. MILES KILLS DR. G. W. PRICHARD, The Western Star, May 10, 1890.
Letter from R.E. "Reb" GODDARD, The Western Star, February 4, 1921.
James W. Dappert: Reminiscences of Early Days in Comanche-co.
The Western Star, January 15, 1926.About Comanche-co.'s Twelve Sheriffs
The Western Star, March 4, 1927.Comanche County in the State Legislature
A Few Facts About the Men Who Have Represented This County in Topeka
The Western Star, January 7, 1927.A Terrible Tornado! Visits Coldwater on Tuesday Night, Leaving Death, Destruction and Desolation in its Path.
The Western Star, May 12, 1899.Estill Ranch, part of this ranch was purchased from D.T. McIntire.
Sheriffs of Comanche County, Kansas, 1885 - 2006
Comanche County Officers, 1885 - 2007
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