Let's gather today the beautiful flowers,
Our tokens of love, the rarest and best,
And cover the graves of these heros of ours,
Re-hallowing the spot where we laid them to rest,
Let's rest for today from our toils and our cares,
And listen again to the patriot's call,
Reviving the memories, the songs and the prayers
Inspired by our heros who gave their life, their all.Let the work that they wrought again be retold,
Let their deeds be recounted in song and in story,
That the minds and the hearts of the young and the old
May be rekindled with pride in "Old Glory."
That our hearts may be warmed with the Patriot's zeal,
Let the praise of our hearts be sung everywhere,
That his duty to county each person may feel.Then scatter the flowers o'er the graves of the dead,
And pay then the tribute they so richly deserve,
That of you and of me it may always be said
That we're true to each trust, with no that of reserve,
Then let us assemble and our tribute pay
To all the heroes of the days that are past,
And continue to keep our Memorial Day
Fresh in our memories while life shall last.H. V. B.
Coldwater, Kansas, May 25, 1923.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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