February 19, 1887 Word was received here last Wednesday morning, that John Cushion is dead. John left Nescatunga last fall, apparently in good health, for a winters visit in the north part of the state, and expected to return in the spring. He owned the quarter of land adjoining the town on the west.Another fire started at Mr. D. F. Fullers' about 15 miles south-east of town, on Owl creek. The roof of the house caught fire, they succeeded in putting it out, but some flying embers set the prairie on fire and it spread rapidly, the parties who suffered loss by this fire so far as reported are: Mr. Fuller stable, fifteen tons of hay, one cow burned to death and one horse severely burned; Mr. Yardley, 8 head of hogs, 200 bushels corn, stables, wagon, harness, saddles, feed and a large amount of posts. Such losses fall heavily on men who are not in circumstances to bear them.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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