Fine weather.Farmers getting ready to plant corn. Some tend to think next Monday. We think there is plenty of time yet to plant corn.
Grandma Chenoworth is slowly improving. Strong hopes are entertained for her recovery.
Miss Grace Fretz was visiting last week with her sister, Mrs. Shimer, near Nescatunga.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's little girl has been very sick with lung fever.
Mr. Stroud is digging the basement for a new house.
Mr. Will Harrod attended the prize fight at Coldwater last Wednesday.
School will begin in district 23 next Monday with Miss Paterson of Nescatunga, as teacher.
The largest rattlesnake that has been seen on this part of the country was killed Thursday by C. H. Shimer, on the premises of Mr. Henry Fretz. It had ten rattles.
BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown, a girl, on the 16th inst. Mother and child are doing well.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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