Thursday evening this section of country was visited by a terrific storm, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon a dark threatening looking cloud was seen raising in the north, soon it swept down with all the fury of the tornado blowing down houses and destroying property to the amount of thousands of dollars. Hail fell in large quantities, crashing window lights and completely riddling the growing crops; the damage done in the direction is incalculable for fields of corn that promised large yields, are now entirely worthless. The flood gates of the heavens appeared to have been opened for the rain fell in solid sheets, completely flooding the face of the earth to a depth of 8 to 12 inches on the level, filling cellars and washing every moveable thing away. From reports brought in from the country, we learn that the track of the storm was only about a mile in width; a half mile west of town the damage done to crops was slight; at Coldwater the wind was scarcely noticeable; three quarters of a mile east of town no damage was done to crops. Below we give an estimate of damage done to property in town, while is as accurate as we can give at present when the damages are properly estimated will no doubt exceed the estimate given below: Nearly all the windows in the north side of buildings are broken.Mr. Schlosser's two story residence on Michigan avenue is a complete wreck, loss about $500, no insurance. Mr. Schlosser and family were in the cellar when the house went over and escaped uninjured, with the exception of "Lin." who as soon as the house fell, ran out into the storm and received some slight bruises about the head from flying timbers.
The building used by Wray & Blake as a blacksmith and wagon shop was completely blown away, nothing remains but a few scattering boards to tell where the building once stood. Their damages to material etc. will amount to perhaps $75. The building was owned by S. P. Duncan, covered by insurance.
J. E. Tincher's damage will amount to a couple hundred dollars. A small frame warehouse blown away, leaving barrels and boxes piled up in the place where the warehouse stood. He also had a house on Click avenue that was moved off its foundation.
F. L. Lloyd's building on Broadway was completely demolished, and scattered to the four winds. The house cost about $200, but was fully covered by storm insurance.
G. A. Friedley's house on Glick avenue was blown off foundation, and racked in pretty bad shape, damage from $75 to $100, no insurance. Mr. Friedley's house was occupied by Uncle Jake Hands, their damage to furniture, dishes, clothing, etc. about $100.
E. L. Berry's carpenter shop was considerably racked, roof being caved in, damage some $25 or $30.
H. N. Cunningham's buildings were damaged about $50, and goods were damaged by the hail and rain to perhaps $150. His home used by Mrs. Yates as a millinery shop was moved back off its foundation about eight feet. Mrs. Yates' goods were greatly damaged, but no estimate has been made as to the amount.
Only one window light remains unbroken in the north side of the U. B. church, the floor was flooded with water and considerable damage done to books, etc., belonging to the school.
Duncan & Royee's building on Glick street was racked, considerably and otherwise damaged is covered by insurance.
The windows in the north side of the post office were broken by the hail, and the mail matter completely drenched, damage slight.
A stable belonging to J. N. Patterson was blown to pieces, loss about $100.
Its surroundings, Advantages, Necessities and Business Enterprises.
Nescatunga Enterprise, Volume 1, Number 1, March 20, 1886.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article and scan of the Nescatunga Enterprise colophon to this web site!
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