W. R. Patterson, who for a number of years had made his home in Avilla-tp., this county, died on Tuesday evening of this week. He was at work as usual on that day and was apparently in good health. At noon he complained of not feeling very well and later in the evening he expired suddenly, apparently from an apoplectic stroke and heart failure. Burial was made in the Coldwater cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, following funeral services which were conducted in the Antioch church in Avilla-tp., and which were in charge of Rev. H. G. Porter of the M. E. church.Deceased was born in Miller-co., Mo., 69 years ago. In the year 1879 he moved to this state, settling in or near Garden City. He was united in marriage in Crawford-co., Ill., on September 4, 1889, to Miss Minnie Banning. To this union two children were born - Melvin, aged 27, and Ormal, aged 24, both of whom with the wife and mother survive and whose home is in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson had lived in this county about ten years. Mr. Patterson was an upright and law abiding citizen, a good neighbor and a faithful husband and father. His death will be lamented by many good friends and in the home now bereft and where he was so dearly loved he will be greatly missed. Sincere sympathy goes out to the bereaved and heart stricken family.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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