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The Western Star, March 26, 1920.


A mass convention of the republicans of Comanche-co. was held in this city on last Saturday afternoon for the purpose of electing delegates to the district convention to be held in Dodge City on next Monday and to the State convention to be held in Salina on next Wednesday. The attendance was not very large, yet it was a representative gathering of republicans of the county, nearly every township being represented. Jay T. Botts was made chairman and Geo. R. Stewart secretary of the convention. The convention proceeded to choose delegates, as follows: To the district convention - Jay T. Botts, K. M. Gilbert and M. L. Baxter; to the state convention - W. V. Jackson, Loren Ferrin and Geo. Riner.

The convention then listened to a number of short talks - a kind of free exchange of ideas on candidates and principles. The dominant note in practically every speech was opposition to a system of compulsory military training and a demand for rigid economy in the expenditure of public funds. The convention did not instruct the delegates in regard to presidential candidates. It developed, however, that Wood, Lowden, Coolidge, Henry J. Allen and Will H. Hays each had a number of "First choice" supporters in the convention.

Upon motion, a committee of three was appointed to draft and report resolutions in regard to the candidacy of B. F. Arnold for election as one of the delegates from Kansas to the National republican convention in June. Following is the report of the committee:

We, your committee, beg leave to submit the following resolution:

RESOLVED. That it is the sense of the Republican of Comanche-co., in convention assembled, that we endorse the candidacy of Frank Arnold for delegate from this congressional district to the national convention; that we have perfect confidence in the integrity and high ability of Mr. Arnold as a citizen and a republican, and express our appreciation of his loyal and excellent work for the republican party in this and adjoining counties for many years, and hope to see him elected a delegate to the national convention.

C. E. Baker,
W. V. Jackson,
L. E. Baker,

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

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