Paul Schwartz died at his home near Evansville last Saturday morning, Feb., 4th, 1893, from that dreaded contagion -- consumption. Mr. Schwartz had been a sufferer from the malady that finally claimed him for a number of years, and though his death was somewhat unexpected at the time, his family and friends were resigned to the fate that must sooner or later overtake him. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his untimely death, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad hour of bereavement. Mr. Schwartz and his family have been residents of the county for a number of years, living upon their farm in Rumsey township during the time, where they have fixed up a comfortable home. The funeral occurred Monday, when his remains were peacefully laid to rest in the Aetna cemetery to await His call on resurrection morn."I did some research at Aetna cemetery when I was trying to find the grave of Paul Schwartz, who, according to an obit in the Wilmore newspaper, said he was buried at Aetna. He might have been - but there is no grave marked for him - and it is possible he was later moved to another cemetery.
Note that his name is alternately spelled Schwartz and Schwarz in these news articles and documents. " -- Phyllis Scherich, in an email to Jerry Ferrin, 16 June 2005.
Schwartz Mound, Comanche County, Kansas.
Photo by Phyllis Scherich, 29 March 2003.
"An early spring view of Schwartz Mound looking South into Schwartz Canyon. Near the middle of the picture on the horizon you will notice several scraggly trees. These are mulberry trees that were probably planted when Paul and Anna Schwartz lived there. The location of the Rocky Mountain Store was on the left hand side of the mound on the red flat area - near the trees. Remnants of a couple foundations (home & barn, probably) remain, as do several posts in the ground that probably were part of a corral. In the "broken" area between the foundations and mound there are lots of pieces of pottery, bricks, etc." - Phyllis Scherich.
Guardians Letters, Comanche County, Kansas.
Courtesy of Phyllis Scherich
"I don't believe these are the four children he left when he died because of the record of birth of the daughter that I sent the info for. The daughter would have been a legal child of he and his wife, Anna." -- Phyllis Scherich.
Rocky Mountain STORE
Three miles west of Aetna on the Camp Supply Trail, a full line of GROCERIES, FEED AND CAMP SUPPLIES.
Always on hand, and sold at Aetna prices. Freighters give me a trial and I promise you a fair deal.
"This is a copy of an ad out of the Aetna Clarion, May 12, 1887. His first ad that I can find appeared in the Clarion on November 25, 1886." - Phyllis Scherich.
Patent Record, Comanche County, Kansas.
Courtesy of Phyllis Scherich
"I can't account for the date on this: Nov. 16, 1904. I also have info. on a Quit Claim Deed Record where Anna Schwartz, widow of Paul, deeded her claim to Mortimer R. Platt, Jackson County MO, on June 20, 1899." -- Phyllis Scherich.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news obituary to this web site, and to Phyllis Scherich for the photos, comments and scans of documents!
This website is being created by HTML Guy Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of many Contributors. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Please sign the Guest Book. This page was last updated 15 July 2005.