The Star Plans to keep a list of the boys up to date as nearly as possible, to publish from time to time, giving the location of each, but to do this we must depend in their relatives to notify us when the boys move to a new location. We will be glad to have the information. Following is a list of the boys from Comanche county, now in camp, and the camp they are in, as nearly as we have them:Lew Simpson, Protection, Camp Polk, La.
August Metzger, Coldwater, Camp Robinson, Ark.
Meredith Freeman, Coldwater, Camp Robinson, Ark.
Edward Waller, Coldwater, Camp Robinson, Ark.
Claude Bailey, Wilmore, Camp Robinson, Ark.
Dan Sanders, Coldwater, Camp Robinson, Ark.
George Teter, Protection, Camp Robinson, Ark.
Raymond Knabe, Protection, Camp Grant, Ill.
Frank Metzger, Coldwater, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
Robert Helman, Protection, Ft. Riley, Kans.
Albert Scott, Coldwater, Camp not known.
William H. Avery, Coldwater, Ft. Knox, Ky.
David Leeper, Protection, Ft. Knox, Ky.
Dean Shoemaker, Protection, Ft. Bragg, N. C.
Clyde Hecht, Protection, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
Robert Terhune, Protection, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans.
James R. Parks, Coldwater, Ft. Sill, Okla.
Oliver Knabe, Coldwater, Camp not known.Below we give the name of inductees from this county who have been released from service:
Clare Cummings.
Jack Taylor.
Jay Malone.
William "Buck" Parks.
Monroe Harbaugh.
Myrl Dellinger.
Clifford Blount.Others in the service who claim Comanche as their home are:
Kenneth Henderson, in the navy.
Jack Henderson, a sailor in Hawaii.
Chas. Lenertz, Wilmore, Camp Roberts, Calif.
Clifford Case, Coldwater, training for Naval air service, Fairfax Airport, Kansas City.
Lloyd Waller, Coldwater, Camp Callahan, San Diego, Calif.
Doyle Coles, Coldwater, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
James Archie Hammond, Coldwater, Great Lakes Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill.
Harvey Myers, with National Guards from Dodge City, Ft. Benning, Ga. in infantry school.
George Monroe Huck, Coldwater, Camp Polk, La.
Alfred Seidel, in the navy in South Seas.
Frank Doran, in the navy.
Frank Winn, Protection, in the navy.
Harry Lemkey, Coldwater, San Diego, Calif., naval base.
Harry Page Stark, Protection, in the navy.
Billy Proctor, Coldwater, in the navy.
Jack Ellis, Coldwater, in the navy.
Joe Guizio, Coldwater, in the navy.
Max Replogle, Coldwater, in the navy air force at Miami, Fla.
Howard Burnett, Coldwater, in the navy air force.
Howard Rader, Coldwater, in the navy air force, Corpus Christie, Texas.
Eugene Rader, Coldwater, in the navy air force, San Diego, Cailf.
H. D. (Bill) Nicholas, Coldwater, in army from California.
Victor Carthrae in the navy.
Fred Deyoe, Wilmore, has joined the Marine Corps, and will leave Dodge City Sunday morning for some camp.
Billy Cozad, Coldwater, Kelly Field, Texas.
Lawrence Rowland, Protection, Godman Field, Ft. Knox, Ky.
John D. Schrock, Protection, in the navy on S. S. Cushing.
Richard McCorkle, Wilmore in the navy at Hawaii.
Garvin Hale, Protection, in the navy.
Charles Burt Jr., Coldwater, Army Air Corps. Soldier Field, Chicago., Ill.
Victor Robbins, Coldwater, in the army, Ft. Bragg, N. C.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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