Miss Genevieve Kimple of Coldwater, Kas., getting ready for another delivery of apples to Southwestern Kansas towns. She and her father, Frank A. Kimple, pioneer Comanche County settler, operate the Kimple farm with its sub-irrigated 10-acre orchard, located along a creek bottom.
In the last two years Miss Kimple has driven 10,000 miles delivering apples, pears, peaches and other fruits to merchants and housewives in many counties. Besides much orchard and farm work Miss Kimple has found time to be active in farm bureau and church work, and last year was Worthy Matron of the Coldwater chapter, O.E.S.
The orchard, which was started many years ago by Mr. Kimple, was enlarged by 800 trees in 1925. There had been only a small loss of trees until the devastating freeze last Armistice day, when a 25% loss was sustained.
Undated news clipping from The Weekly Kansas City Star.
( From "The Ollie Hackney Clipping Collection", courtesy of Bobbi Huck)This website is being created by Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of this website's "in-country" embedded Comanche County Correspondent and Content Contributor Bobbi Huck and many other contributors We welcome your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site. Please sign the Guest Book.
This page was created 24 May 2004 and was last updated 30 Dec 2005.