Eighteen men met at the Fay Smith farm east of Wilmore last Friday and butchered eight hogs. They were hung up in a shed to cool and were cut up and processed into sausage, hags and bacon sides on Monday for the community's annual Methodist - Christian Brotherhood groundhog supper on Wednesday of this week. However, due to the snowstorm the supper has been postponed until Wednesday evening, Febrary 8. Serving starts at 5:30 in the Methodist church in Wilmore and the public is invited to attend.
The above Western Star photo shows only a part of the eight hogs but all of the 18 men who helped with the butchering bee. They are: Front row, from the left -- Lew Baker, Marvin Belcher, Fay Smith, Bob Hackney and Rod Baker. Squatting at the right of the center hog are, from the left -- Gene Dorsey, Rev. Wayne Riggs, Wendel Ferrin, Homer Ring, Melvin Smith, Charley Lenertz and Louis Helm. Standing, at the rear are, from the left -- Ord Trummel, Ed Baker, Ernest Ferrin, Leo Thornberry, George Kennedy and Jack Bond.-- undated clipping from The Western Star, probably about 1954.
Source: Ollie Hackney Clipping Collection, courtesy of Bobbi Huck.
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This page was last updated 31 Oct 2003.