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Harvey County

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Harvey County Clubs & Organizations

Anti-Horse Thief Association - Burrton

A.H.T.A. Banquet - The Annual Banquet of the Anti-Horse Thief Association of Burrton was given last Friday night.  Promptly at six o’clock the tables were filled and at eight o’clock 800 Antis and their families had partaken of the feast.  They consumed 30 gallons of oysters, 125 gallons of milk, 1200 sandwiches besides apples, celery, cake, and other edibles. At eight o’clock the crowd had gathered at the Opera House where the public initiation was given for the amusement of the crowd.  The house was filled and many could not even get standing room.  Fourteen candidates were taken in at this meeting and there are several left for the next.  Burrton now has one of the largest A.H.T.A. Lodges in the state.  (Burrton Graphic, Feb. 12, 1909).

The Aurora Club (By Mrs. Ernest Boyle & Mrs. Warner Harris in 1948)

 The Aurora Club of Burrton was organized Nov. 9, 1933, and joined the Kansas Federation of Women’s Clubs the same year. The club was started for the younger married women and has always been a fun loving group together with their study club.  The ten charter members were:  Mrs. Ernest Boyle, President; Mrs. Harold Taylor, Vice President; Mrs. Edwin Sabin, Secretary; Mrs. A.A. Liggett, Treasurer; Mrs. Orval Matlack, Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. Chester Collins, Mrs. Kenneth Hill, Mrs. Albert Hahn, and Mrs. John Courtney. The meeting days were the first and third Thursdays of each of the nine winter months.  The programs have always followed the federated program plan.  In 1942 they won 100% on their year books, which is the highest honor given a club for their books.  Each club year is ended with a spring luncheon followed by the installation of the new officers. The Aurora club has cooperated with all community projects each year.  They have helped with the drives for Red Cross, cancer, tuberculosis, and Blue Cross.  The members also served and knitted for the Red Cross during the war years. In 1946 they entered a float in the community fair parade.  It represented the old woman in a shoe and was filled with children of the members of Aurora club.  In 1947 the club entered the float representing “Federated Clubs United for Peace,” and showed Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty riding together led by a dove.  In this same year the club also sponsored the organizing of a Parent-Teacher’s Association in the Burrton schools with one of its members as the first president. Mrs. Ernest Boyle acted as secretary to the county federation organized in 1940-41 and Mrs. Robert Rife held the same office in 1941-42. The presidents of the club for the past years are as follows:  Mrs. Ernest Boyle, Mrs. Edwin Sabin, Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth Davis, Mrs. Harold Hollis, Mrs. Orval Matlack, Mrs. John Dirks, Mrs. Robert Hill, Mrs. Orville Hollis, Mrs. Charles Hill, Mrs. Robert Rife, Mrs. Jack Graham, Mrs. Cecil Thompson, and Mrs. Ollen Swanson. The club now has 18 members and two associate members.  The officers for the coming year are as follows:  Mrs. Ralph Kitlen, President; Mrs. Raymond Matlack, Vice President; Mrs. Harold Scott, Secretary-Treasurer.  Other members are as follows:  Mesdames Ray Best, Ernest Boyle, Harold Harris, Charles Hill, Robert Hill, Frederick Jones, Neil Matlack, Orval Matlack, Wayne Matlack, William Maupin, Robert Rife, Ollen Swann, Lewis Short, Cecil Thompson, L.A. Tichenor, Warner Harris, and Wiley Canon.

Masonic Lodge - Burrton  (Written by Cyrus Warren in 1948)

The A.F. and A.M. No. 182 of Burrton was organized on March 31, 1879 by Masons who had moved to Burrton from other communities, in a special dispensation by the state Grand Master.  A charter was granted Oct. 16, 1879 to 16 members.  The organization currently has a membership of 170.  An interesting and prized possession of the lodge is an altar built by members.  The top of the altar was made by E.H. Dunsworth.  The Masonic design is inlaid of many different kinds of wood and contains 2,200 pieces.  The following is a list of all Past Masters in the order of their service:  Frank W. Calkins, John M. Parker, Wm. A. Hyde, W.L. Hamlin, Hiram Baughman, John A. Welch, Francis M. Payne, Edward J. Fairhurst, F.W. Miles, Andrew J. Saltzman, Hugh C. Vampbell, J.F. Remick, Edward H. Dunsworth, Eads E. Shive, Homer G. Harris, Wm. D. Paine, John S. Swanson, Richard A. Mahoney, Newton A. Seehorn, D.T. Davis, M.C. Nicholson, Reese E. Thomas, Joseph W. Myers, Wm. A. Rezeau, Harry Harris, James E. Cadwell, Charles B. Grover, William E. Baughman, Roy R. Williams, Herbert M. Grubbs, Claude W. McDavitt, Lloyd Baughman, M. Edson Williams, Claude Grandon, Lloyd W. Boyle, John W. Freeman, L.M. Hitch, Arnold C. Heidebrecht, Charles H. Eshom, Jess E. Baughman, Clarence H. Dick, Irvin Lee Myers, Fred J. Brown, Calvin L. Smith, Orvel G. Edwards, Everett R. Bishop, Wm. Briar, Aud Rue, Orville Hollis, Fred Morgan, and A.E. Rockhold.  Members listed in a photo taken May 17, 1913 include:  Howard L. Green, R.W. Roberts, S.M. Sholl, R.J. Jones, Rome Beckham, Tom C. Eales, Frank Saylor, C.P. Shive, James Gresham, D.T. Davis, Mr. Buchanan, Carmi A. Long, B.F. Giggy, E.P. Barrows, Chris Hanson, Will Payne, M.C. Nicholson, J.W. Shive, Wm. Gillespie, Wm. Stone, W.D. Payne, A.J. Saltzman, R.A. Mahaney, J.F. Remick, N.A. Seeborn, Sam Woodward, John Sawson, Ed Dunsworth, H.A. Baughman, Mitch Brown, Owen Jones, Reece Thomas, Harry Knight, & Perry Johnson.  The 1948 officers are Cyrus Warren, Worshipful Master; J.L. McMannis, Senior Warden; F.F. Crawford, Junior Warden; C.W. McDavitt, Secretary; E.R. Bishop, Treasurer; Arthur Davis, Senior Deacon; W.H. Branson, Junior Deacon; F.R. Neihardt, Senior Steward; Glenn Ethridge, Junior Steward; F.W. Freeman, Tyler.  Trustees:  A.C. Heidebrecht, F.J. Brown, Lloyd Baughman, C.W. McDavitt, and E.R. Bishop. 

Order of the Eastern Star - Burrton  (Written by Mrs. Bill Meschke, 1948)

The first Order of the Eastern Star in Burrton was organized April 27, 1892.  Those who petitioned the Grand chapter were Mrs. Susan Hyde (whose husband owned a blacksmith shop), Miss Lucy Thomson (our late Pet Houchin), Miss Lena Matlock, Mrs. Sadie Stroh, Miss Lizzie Hansen, Mrs. Mary Woodard, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, Mrs. Rose Jacoby, Wm. Hyde, Cornelius Stroh, Daniel F. Miller, M.G. Hansen, Sam Woodard, James H. Brown, Frank M. Payne, M. Jacoby and H. Emerson.  Mrs. Lottie Trouslett of Newton, who had been commissioned by the Grand Chapter, instituted our first chapter.  Some of the first members to receive the degrees were Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Baughman (father and mother of Ed Baughman), Mrs. Emma Gresham, and Miss Lizzie Payne.  These candidates were received into membership in May and June of 1893.  The O.E.S. chapter at that time met in a cement building which was located over on the corner where Kimmis now live, later moving to their present location. This chapter disbanded in March of 1898, due to the fact that a good many officers and members were railroad workers and were transferred, so our chapter which we have now really was instituted Oct. 28, 1904, and has been active ever since. Our first Worthy Matron was Mrs. Lizzie Hansen (who was the mother of Mrs. George Hess) and our first Worthy Patron was Homer Harris.  Our associate matron was Pet Houchin. We have two members in our chapter today who have been faithful members ever since 1905.  They are Mrs. Laura Hempstid, who was received into membership in February, 1905, and D.T. Davis, who was received into membership in June, 1905.  Our oldest living Past Matron and a charter member of our O.E.S. is Mrs. Sadie Stroh who is living in French Lick, Ind.  Our Eastern Star chapter today has a membership of around 160 and is an up and coming chapter.  Our present Worthy Matron is Mrs. Fred Morgan, and the Associate Matron is Mrs. Francis Fast. Members of the O.E.S. listed on a photograph taken May 17, 1913, include:  John Swanson, Sadie Dunsworth, Mrs. E.P. Barrows, Mrs. Jane Davis, Mrs. Ed Dunsworth, Elizabeth Davis, Mrs. Perry Johnson, Gretta Jones, Mrs. J.F. Remick, Mrs. Burris, Mrs. Jennie Gillispie, Mrs. Vinnie Sholl, Mrs. Laura Hempstid, Mrs. Jennie Long, Ella Shive, Mrs. Jane Thomas, Mrs. Slaughter, Mrs. B.F. Giggy, Mrs. Eva Boyle, Mrs. R.A. Mahaney, Mrs. Mattie Paine, Mrs. Kate Jones, Mrs. Lizzie Hensen, Mrs. Emma Osborne, Gertie Paine, and Mertie Paine.



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Kansas Genealogy