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Lincoln County


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Lincoln County Births from the 1870s

Birth announcements gleaned from Lincoln County newspapers.

Saline Valley Register, June 14, 1876

Born, on June 2, 1876, to Charles E. and L. Gertrude Metcalf, a boy. Weight, eight pounds. The little fellow has settled among one of the best classes of people in the west, and we hope his life may be as bright as are the present prospects of his native State.

Saline Valley Register, Oct. 18, 1876

Born � On Saturday 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ingham, of Monroe, a daughter.

Saline Valley Register, June 13, 1877

Mr. Patrick Lyden thinks his new boy, one week old, is as good a specimen of Kansan production as can be found in the state.

Saline Valley Register, Sept. 5, 1877

Last week we had four births to chronicle. This week we have but one, but it is a good one. C.H. Price and wife � girl � weight � 12 pounds.

Saline Valley Register, Sept. 26, 1877

Born � On Thursday, Sept. 20, 1877, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Russell, a son, weight 10 pounds in his stocking feet.

Saline Valley Register, Nov. 21, 1877

Born Nov. 10, 1877, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schiller, a son, weight 10 pounds. Oscar Schiller is one of our best citizens and we are glad to know that his name is being perpetuated.

Saline Valley Register, Dec. 11, 1878

Sheriff Walls has a new deputy � a chunky, heavy-set little fellow. He is highly spoken of by those who have made his acquaitnance, and especially does his dad take pride in telling his good qualities. He weights 10 pounds and has a keen eye. Good luck to the little man.
W.S. Rees is very proud of his new son. He thinks he is well fixed for farming now, while A.C. Jackson rejoices just as much over the birth of a chubby little daughter.

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