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Dr. L. A. Kerr Retires After Nearly 50 Years

Lincoln Republican, Dec. 30, 1954

After caring for the sick folks of this community for nearly 46 years, Dr. L.A. Kerr is announcing his retirement from the practice of medicine. After Jan. 1, he will no longer be available for calls and is closing his office. He has sold his office building and will dispose of his furnishings and all equipment.

Dr. Kerr, a native of this community, began his practice in Lincoln in 1908, following his graduation from the Medical university in Louisville, Ky.

He never was, strictly speaking, a "horse and buggy" doctor, for he owned a Ford car in which he made his calls. However, roads in those days were not built for horseless carriages and in bad weather he often had to use horses to visit his patients in rural areas. At times, he would be met at the highway by a member of the patient's family and transfer from his car to horseback. On several occasions when roads were blocked by snows, he was taken to his destination on a railroad handcar.

Early-day cars also were without the conveniences of heaters and Dr. Kerr wore a long fur coat in the coldest weather. Having a large rural practice, the doctor would often be away from home two or three days while caring for patients during the influenza epidemics.

Since starting out as a doctor, Dr. Kerr has seen vast strides made in the care of the sick, improvements in sanitation, drugs to combat diseases, as well as modernization of nearly every home in the county. Gone are the diphtheria epidemics, along with kerosene lamps, open wells, and many other health and accident hazards. Hospitals are available today where formerly all sick people had to be cared for in their homes. Where the mother was ill, Dr. Kerr occasionally pitched in and helped the family in getting something to eat or in straightening up the home.

Mrs. Kerr has for many years helped Dr. Kerr at his office and along with her husband has been kind and understanding with the young and old who came to his office with pains or troubles.

The decision to retire was a hard one to make, said Dr. Kerr, but he stated he has had it in mind for some time. He is looking forward to a good rest and come summer, he hopes to catch upon his fishing, which he has been neglecting for too long a time.

The thousands of friends Dr. Kerr has made and kept, regret he will retire from practice, but wish him the very best of everything in his well-deserved vacation.

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