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Dr. O. W. Shelksohn Moves Practice From Sylvan To Lyons

Sylvan Grove News, 26 October 1922

Dr. O.W. Shelksohn, who has been the leading physician in this city since June 1899, has taken his office fixtures to Lyons, Kan., where he is interested in a hospital, and expects to live there most of the time. However, his residence is still Sylvan Grove and Mrs. Shelksohn and their son will remain here.
Dr. Shelksohn is a graduate of Maryland University and of the Royal University of Munich, Germany, and he practiced medicine in Washington, D.C., for seven years where he held the position of police surgeon. He came here from Natoma in June 1899 and through all these years he has used his irrepressible energy and vigor in relieving suffering humanity. Most people do not appreciate how hard the life of a country doctor, is, making calls at all hours of the night, going through mud, snow or rain, and going when everyone else is afraid, and at times driven almost to desperation during an epidemic. Dr. Shelksohn is probably better known than any other individual in the town, and there is probably more genuine regret over his leaving than is usually expressed over a citizen’s departure. But as we say, he is still a citizen of Sylvan Grove and we have heard many express the hope that he will continue to be.
Dr. Shelksohn has served as coroner of Lincoln county, having been elected to that office in 1899. Eighteen or 20 years ago he and Mr. Witte conducted a drug store here.
Lyons will acquire a splendid physician and surgeon by Dr. Shelksohn’s removal there.

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Temporary Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

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