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World War II veterans from Lincoln County Kansas

World War II Veterans

Lincoln County Kansas
This page is dedicated to those men and women who served their country during the Second World War from Lincoln County Kansas. What we have included here is information taken from official directories, newspapers, etc. on military personnel. This listing is incomplete and we welcome additions from any of you with information on Lincoln County military personnel who were involved in this conflict in any of the military branches. As of now we only have one World War II source listed below. Clicking on it will take you to the Lincoln County site which also contains information on other source locations for the data included. As we find and receive more information we will further develop this page.



Lincoln County
Section from:

Published in Washington, D.C., in 1946 by the Adjutant General for War Department, Bureau of Public Relations. (Issued in separate pamphlets one for each state, the District of Columbia and the territories)

We have listed here from this government publication fallen soldiers in the Army and Army Air Corps from Lincoln County. Information included here from the book is name of soldier, grade (i.e. rank), and cause of death. The book also lists Army serial numbers for each soldier but we have not included this information as we could not be sure if we were reading the numbers correctly (see explanation following the listing). If you have further information on any of these soldiers please feel free to send it and we'll add it to the Lincoln County Kansas WWII web page.

Abbreviations found in the list below
Grade (i.e. rank)
1 LT......First Lieutenant
2 LT......Second Lieutenant
AV C.....Aviation Cadet
PFC......Private First Class
S SG.....Staff Sergeant
T SG.....Technical Sergeant
TEC5.....Technician 5th Grade

Cause of death:
DNB......Died in a non-battle incident
DOW......Died later from wounds received while in service
FOD......"Finding of Death" (Determined by interpretation of Federal Public Law 490. Read the online book's Introduction on definition of this term)
KIA......Killed in Action

Important Note... The complete booklet for Kansas (as well as other states) can be found online. Please read the guide below on the online location of the booklet containing this listing and possible availability of information on the soldiers listed.

Name: BOLTE, Evert C.
Grade (i.e. rank): S SG
Cause of death: FOD

Name: BORGSTADTER, Gerald A.
Grade (i.e. rank): SGT
Cause of death: KIA

Name: BREAZIER, Louis W.
Grade (i.e. rank): PVT
Cause of death: KIA

Name: CROMWELL, Herbert F.
Grade (i.e. rank): SGT
Cause of death: DNB

Name: DILL, Eugene D.
Grade (i.e. rank): CPL
Cause of death: DNB

Name: DOWLIN, Charles W.
Grade (i.e. rank): PFC
Cause of death: KIA

Name: DYER, Daniel A., Jr.
Grade (i.e. rank): T SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: GEERING, Dennis J.
Grade (i.e. rank): PFC
Cause of death: KIA

Name: GUY, Charles E.
Grade (i.e. rank): PVT
Cause of death: KIA

Name: HARPER, Eugene R.
Grade (i.e. rank): S SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: HODGE, Howard G.
Grade (i.e. rank): PVT
Cause of death: KIA

Name: LONG, Paul L.
Grade (i.e. rank): S SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: LOY, Darrell D.
Grade (i.e. rank): T SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: MABRY, Donald N.
Grade (i.e. rank): 2 LT
Cause of death: FOD

Name: MURER, Justice
Grade (i.e. rank): PFC
Cause of death: DOW

Name: MOSS, Jack R.
Grade (i.e. rank): 1 LT
Cause of death: DNB

Name: PAGAN, Kenneth G.
Grade (i.e. rank): PFC
Cause of death: KIA

Name: OETTING, Frederick D.
Grade (i.e. rank): SGT
Cause of death: FOD

Name: REED, Clarence A.
Grade (i.e. rank): PFC
Cause of death: KIA

Name: SHEPPARD, Frank P.
Grade (i.e. rank): S SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: SHERRELL, Floyd R.
Grade (i.e. rank): SGT
Cause of death: DOW

Name: SQUIRES, Charles W.
Grade (i.e. rank): S SG
Cause of death: KIA

Name: STEVENS, Jay R.
Grade (i.e. rank): AV C
Cause of death: DNB

Name: STRANGE, Ivan V.
Grade (i.e. rank): TEC5
Cause of death: KIA

Name: THAYER, Charles
Grade (i.e. rank): SGT
Cause of death: DNB

Name: WEATHERS, Preston B.
Grade (i.e. rank): PVT
Cause of death: KIA

Name: WHITE, Keith D.
Grade (i.e. rank): PVT
Cause of death: KIA


The above information can be found online on the National Archives and Records Administration "NAIL" (NARA Archival Information Locator) web page at

"Helpful hints":Go to this site and click on the box marked NAIL Standard Search. This will take you to a site called NAIL Standard Search Form. Scroll down until you come to two search boxes. Type Lincoln in the first and Kansas in the second. Scroll down further and push on the button, "Display Results." Hopefully this will take you to the results page! (Sometimes the system disconnects you here. You can also click on the "Submit Search" button although this will add an extra step to the search.)

What you'll get is a listing of titles of documents, films, recordings, etc. held by the National Archives containing the words, Lincoln and Kansas in them. The first 65 or so are an index of individuals living in Lincoln County, Kansas, during World War I, usually born in central Europe who had to register and sign an affadavit of allegiance. At about number 66 in the list you will come upon the above book title. Click on display FULL text.

The book for Kansas has been scanned as an image of the original. Click on "Links to Digital Pages" and you'll come upon the online table of contents to the online book. THERE IS A MAJOR PROBLEM WITH THIS SCANNED BOOK! The Army serial numbers of all deceased personnel are listed along with the above information. We couldn't read all the numbers as the scanned image is too small and very fuzzy. This is why we left the service numbers off the above list. We didn't want to mislead any of you with our readings of the numbers. At times we were also unsure of the spelling of names. If we have erred in spelling a name please let us know.

According to the web page the contact agency for this scanned book is: Modern Military Records (NWCTM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 PHONE: 301-713-7250 FAX: 301-713-7482

Searching the NAIL web site can be done in many different ways. You can limit your search to text only material. You can also go to a more advance search level which will allow you to narrow your search. Some other original documents have been loaded online including the afore-mentioned affadavits. It's a great site for finding out some of the resources available through the National Archives and Records Administration.



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If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:

Temporary Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinators: Tom & Carolyn Ward

Asst. State Coordinators:

Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.

