Marshall County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
98, 608Ash, John R.Axtellwound of head$6.00..........
26,205Packard, Willard O.doinjury to spine8.00..........
130,366Casterline, Theodore toes of right foot6.00..........
190,115Lewis, William R.doinjury to abdomen8.00June 1881
203,615Daniels, Wm. H.dow. l. forearm4.00Feb. 1882
137,491Mills, EbenezerBarrettdisease of eyes31.25..........
106,723Sylvester,Edwin R.dochronic diarrhea & hepatitis4.00..........
3, 595McKinley,Margaretdowidow8.00Aug. 1867
11,140McKinley, Thomasdoloss left arm above elbow24.00..........
185,673Wilburn, Clarissa A.dodep. mother8.00Oct. 1879
41,567Phillips, Asa. F.Beattiewound left elbow6.00..........
168,123Sheldon, Julius J.doblood poisoning & resulting disease of skin17.00..........
121,513Tyers, Frederickdog.s.w. right leg4.00..........
213,924Totten, Edwindog.s.w. right arm4.00June 1882
48,527Totten, Charlesdog.s.w. re-section r. humerus15.00..........
23,687Smith, Hubbard C.dowound right lung18.00..........
54,719Heisse, Daviddoloss left arm24.00..........
184,233McCoy, Johndochronic diarrhea8.00Mar. 1881
144,490Wilcox, James of face6.00Apr. 1877
67,906Button, Dewitt C.dowds. rt. arm & shoul., & inj to l. knee18.00Feb. 1878
13,106Moore, Celindadowidow8.00May 1865
182,128Bivens, JohnBlue Rapidspartial loss rt. thumb & dis. of eyes8.00Feb. 1881
186,869Choate, Benjamin F.doincised wd. r. foot with loss of great toe4.00Apr 1881
106,198Chambers, Andrewdog.s.w. left foot12.00..........
182,172Walters, Mary A.dodep. mother8.00..........
126,441Leslie, Warren left chest8.00..........
73,163Edinborough, Charlesdog.s.w. r. thigh & left hand7.00..........
173,231Kimball, Albert W.doinjury to abdomen8.00Sept. 1880
113,914Carr, Charles A.dochronic diarrhea8.00..........
6,154Crafts, Rufus W.dochronic diarrhea and results4.00..........
44,303Schermes, Gotthartdowound right arm....................
111,588Shumate, Joseph M.Frankfortg.s.w. left hip8.00July 1871
147,022Willis, George of abdomen1.00July 1877
41,450Ackerman, Thompsondog.s.w. left arm above elbow24.00..........
21,698Morlan, William right hand & should12.00..........
195,904Neal, Arthur left shoulder4.00Sept. 1881
194,284Long, Sarah A.dowidow8.00Jan. 1881
134,374Smith, Albert H.doinjury to abdomen8.00..........
24,469Coffland, Benjamindodisease of left lung4.00Feb. 1864
187,789Biabing, Thomasdochr.diarr.dis. of abd. vis. & rheum4.00May 1881
84,193Hight, Adam r.hand & loss 1, 2, & 3 fingers8.00..........
182,124Smith, Sarahdowidow8.00..........
167,317Marksman, Johndog.s.w. left thigh4.00Apr. 1880
97,950Miller, Josephdog.s.w. right thigh4.00..........
133,805Mathewson, Josiahdoinjury to abdomen8.00Aug. 1876
191,191Miller, Miltondochr.diarr. & dis. of eyes8.00June 1881
130,270Hazen, Sterling & back resulting in epilepsy12.75..........
13,894Collins, Wm. T.dowds. left leg & head8.00..........
126,907Baker, Johndowound left arm10.00..........
56,246Hopkins, Georgedog.s.w. back6.00..........
134,586Walters, Johndoaphonia, loss of voice6.00..........
159,835Mosher, Palmerdodisease of heart & lungs18.00May 1879
139,115Palmer, Geo. A.doinjury of left leg8.00......
169,528Emmit, Headingtondodo3.75June 1880
40,071Culver, Nathandog.s.w. left shoulder14.00Mar. 1865
159,989McAllister, Angelinedowidow8.00Oct. 1872
187,064Strong, William r breast, result'g dis. of lungs4.00Apr 1881
95,586Cook, Willis J.dowd. rt. thigh8.00..........
108,707Kane, JohnHerkimerg.s.w. left arm2.00..........
180,486Cowden, Nathan P.Irvinginjury to abdomen2.00Jan. 1881
61,985Shirley, Georgedog.s.w. rt. shoulder & arm6.00..........
217,160Stiles, Hermandochronic diarrhea4.00Aug. 1882
172,964Hunt, James A.dochronic nephritis6.00Aug. 1880
186,010Clapp, Mary E.dodep. mother6.00Nov. 1879
53,793Gaylord, Theodoredoloss right arm18.00..........
158,109Morrison, John right thigh4.00Apr. 1879
97,540Phillip, N. Raslerdoinjury to abdomen4.00..........
222,304Shaw, Frank V.Marysvilleg.s.w. of head4.25Dec. 1882
221,197Williams, Corneliusdog.s.w. left hand4.00Nov. 1882
38,227Smith, William H.dowound left shoulder8.00..........
197,187Broughten, John left leg6.00Nov. 1881
164,195Blocker, James H.doinj. of chest & resulting dis. of heart4.00Jan. 1880
53,137Blair, Henry H.dodisease of lungs & heart14.00..........
174,776Rhode, Charlesdoinjury to abdomen8.00Oct. 1880
88,918Slates, Harveydog.s.w. right shoulder8.00..........
133,524Crumb, Elumdodisease of lungs4.00May 1875
174,234Carter, John left thigh4.00Sep. 1880
123,472Bigham, Thomasdochr.rheum. & dis. of kidneys6.00..........
98,311Denoyer, Theodore H.dowound of head4.00June 1869
26,203Winkler, John right thigh5.331/3Apr 1864
57,509Wentz, Isaac C.dowound right shoulder4.00..........
121,281Kellogg, Andersondoshell wound of right breast4.00Jan. 1873
64,916Rogers, Wm.dowd. left arm & chest4.00..........
1,073Ellmaker, Thomasdoconjunctivitis8.00..........
68,683Miller, Wm.dodisease of heart & lungs24.00Feb. 1878
188,138Devore, Mary Anndodep. mother8.00May 1880
197,234Walter, Sydneydoinj. to back & res. dis.of abd. & incontinence of urine6.00Nov 1881
97,913Isard, Isaacdoch. conjunctivitis both eyes8.00..........
146,936Keiffler, Johndog.s.w. right ankle6.00Sept. 1864
43,987Le Valley, Ira N.dowound of face8.00..........
52,262Heydorf, Johndowound of left thigh6.00Nov. 1865
10,626Armstrong, Elizabethdowidow8.00..........
..........Hardin, Williamdog.s.w., loss of 3 & 4 fingers of l. hand6.00..........
62,693Lockner, Charlesdowound right side6.00July, 1869
72,529Brown, Johndoloss l. arm24.00..........
20,517Platt, JamesOketowound l. hip12.00..........
35,250Moore, Richard right shoulder18.00..........
90,505Petty, Joshuadow.l. foot4.00..........
166,898Shaw, Edward P.Reedsville2.4. thigh &c4.00Apr. 1880
40,481Callaghan, DanielSaint Bridgetloss l. leg18.00..........
178,686Wagner, JacobStolzenbachinjury to abdomen & varicose veins rt. leg6.00Nov. 1880
63,207Jennings, Racheldowidow8.00..........
31,576Parsons, Francis W.Vermillionwound right thigh18.00Dec. 1871
27,657Streckel, Jacobdog.s.w. left arm8.00Apr 1864
221,716Williams, Adamdoinjury to abdomen12.00Dec. 1882
174,777Thomas, William left shoulder4.00..........
92,513Wright, John F.doinjury to abdomen12.00..........
119,101Cunningham, Nancy M.dodep. mother8.00Sep. 1868
85,255Benfield, Geo.Watervillefracture clavicle4.00..........
167,058Peabody, Stephen F.doasthma17.00Oct. 1880
83,026Nichols, John rt. shoulder & rt. thi6.00..........
192,594Wiggle, Michaeldog.s.w. right forearm4.00July 1881
43,091Smith, Rudolphdodo5.331/3May 1865
44,280Burk, Cornelius J.doloss right leg & g.s.w. left leg24.00..........
92,453Slater, Henrydowound right arm6.00..........
159,949Clark, Jamesdog.s.w. left side of head2.00May 1879
59,241Coss, Harvey left side6.00..........
134,641Hogue, Clintondog.s.w. rt. leg & left hand6.00July 1875
157,759Whetstine, Johndodisease of eyes10.00..........
114,867Freeby, George W.dochr. diarrhea, rheumatism & dis. of heart16.00..........
95,033Davison, Johndowound left side8.00Jan. 1869
60,453Galpin, Arthurdofracture of left clavicle4.00Mar. 1866
85,554Mudgett, Albert G.dointermittent fever10.00..........
87,334Huffman, David J.dowound right leg14.00..........
50,569McKitrick, Jamesdowound left leg6.00..........

Contributed 1997 Oct by Alice Allen

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