Ness County

Marriage and Divorce Announcements

in the Ness City Times, Jun 1880 - Dec 1883

Thursday, June 24, 1880 edition:
Judge BARND issued his first marriage license last evening. Ralph C. DURIE and Mary C. PRESTON possess the two hearts that are henceforth to beat as one.

September 16 & 23, 1880:
Married, Sunday the 12th inst., by Rev. F. A. Goodrich, at his residence in Bazine, Mr. J. H. PHILPOT to Miss Geneva LONGMEYER.

September 30, 1880:
On September 24, in Larned, by the Rev. Charles STURVEDANT, Stephen A. WHITLEY, of Ness county, to Miss Lissie Jane LEE of New York City.

On the 22nd inst. by Justice A. WELLMAN in Highpoint township, Mr. Chas. F. WELLS and Miss Mary E. EAKIN

November 18, 1880:
Married on the 11th instant, at the residence of the bride's parents in Johnson twp. by Judge BARND, Mr. John P. JOHNSON, Jr. and Miss Emma R. WARNOCK, all of this county.

January 6, 1880:
Married - On the 24th day of December, 1880, at the residence of James CONNER, by Wm. CLINE, J. P., Mr. Elliott CONNER and Miss Laura DEITRICH. All of Waring Township.

May 19, 1881:
Marriage License Issued - On Monday, the 16th, to Mr. J. B. LONG and Miss Annie A. CRISWELL. Both of Bazine.

May 26, 1881:
[DIVORCE] Petition in divorce, Nathalia RASMUSEN, against Carl RASMUSEN, was filed at the District Court of this county on Saturday last, by Sam. A. Smith, Attorney for the plaintiff.

June 2, 1881:
Judge BARND issued a marriage license on Monday to G. H. CONNER, of Bazine, and Carrie CAMP, of Keimfield.

On Tuesday, to Andrew LARSON and Miss Ella E. CARPENTER, both of Highpoint.

June 9, 1881:
Married on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Alvin WELLMAN, J. P., Mr. Andrew LARSON and Miss Ella E. CARPENTER, both of Vernon. There was a happy wedding party, and the good things of Kansas, wedding cake, etc., were in abundance. The good wishes of numerous friends attend the happy couple.

July 21, 1881:
Wedding: Bazine, Kas., July 12, 1881.
One of the most enjoyable weddings at which I have been privileged to officiate in many a day, took place at my residence on last evening - Mr. Oliver ARMSTRONG to Miss Lissie ROBISON, both of Bazine. - F. A. GOODRICH

August 11, 1881:
On Tuesday Judge BARND issued marriage license to Mr. T. B. HARVEY and Miss Margaret O. FREASE, both of Franklin township.

September 1, 1881:
[DIVORCE] The wife of R. M. CHILDS has filed her petition in the District Court of Trego County, asking for a divorce. Our readers will remember that CHILDS used to carry the mail between this place and Wa-Keeney, and though pretty well known throughout the county, no one held him in very high esteem.

September 15, 1881:
Mr Lewis ABEL and Miss Annie GLOVER were united in the bonds of matrimony by Judge BARND, at his residence, on Sunday last [September 11, 1881]. The happy pair proceeded at once to the neat little stone residence on Lewis's claim, which had been put in readiness for the reception of his bride, and began "housekeeping". Numerous friends wish them a long life, prosperous and crowded full of domestic

September 22, 1881:
Marriage license was issued by Judge BARND, on the 20th to Mr. Wm. LYNN and Ella PETTY, both of Cyrus, this county.

October 13, 1881:
Last Sunday morning [October 9, 1881] the family and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HARDING assembled at Nevada to witness the nuptials of the genial Hugh FLEMING and Miss Mary A. HARDING, the charming daughter of the Nevada postmaster. Judge BARND performed the ceremony. After the happy twain were secured by the silken fetters of wedlock, the little party sat down to a sumptuous repast.

November 24, 1881:
Marriage license was issued by Judge BARND, on Saturday last; the happy candidate for connubial felicity being Mr. Thad. P. LEVAN and Mrs. Phoebe J. CLINARD-both of Eden township.

December 15, 1881:
Married - At the residence of Justice WELLMAN, in Highpoint township, on November 29, Mr. Arthur J. CARPENTER to Miss EMMA LARSON, - both of Highpoint township.

December 22, 1881:
Married license was issued by the Probate Judge, on Thursday last, to James COLE and Mary S. BRUNER-all of Eden township.

December 29, 1881:
Marriage license was issued by the Probate Judge, on Tuesday last, to Sanford ROWE and Sophia WOLFE. Both of Bazine.

January 5, 1882:
Married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Bazine township, on Sunday last [January 1, 1882], by Rev. Chas. S. MARVIN, Mr. J. B. CLASON to Miss Mary BUSHNELL. The Times wishes the happy pair continued bliss.

At the residence of the officiating clergyman, in Bazine township, on December 29, 1881 by Rev. F. A. GOODRICH, Sanford ROWE, Esq., to Miss Sophia WOLFE. Both of Bazine.

February 16, 1882:
Marriage license was issued by the Probate Judge, on Tuesday, to H. Addison FORRESTER, of Gove county, and Miss Ella A. STEELE, of Utica, Ness County.

April 13, 1882:
A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Robert NUSOM, near town, on Sunday last [April 9, 1882], Judge BARND officiating, Mr. William HOOVER and Miss Lola D. NUSOM being the happy contracting parties. The newly wedded start out on the sea of matrimony with the wishes of numerous friends for a happy voyage.

April 27, 1882:
A wedding took place at the office of Judge BARND, in this town, yesterday at eleven, the high contracting parties being Mr. Emil MAUTH and Miss Barbara RAU, both of Highpoint township. The ceremony over, the wedding party partook of a square meal at the St. James, and returned to their place of abode.

July 27, 1882:
Married: On Tuesday, July 25th, by the Rev. F. A. GOODRICH, Mr. Charles H. COWLES, of Highpoint, to Miss Nellie I. STORY, of Bonnie Doon. The editor acknowledges the receipt of a neat little box well filled with wedding cake, and wishes, with all the acquaintences of the happy pair, that their joys may be many, and their troubles, if troubles there must be, all little ones.

August 31, 1882:
Mr. J. W. KITTERMAN and Miss Martha MELOTT, of Franklin Twp., were married at the residence of Geo. W. KITTERMAN by C. A. CURTIS, J. P. on the 28th.

Mr. Geo. W. GRISSOM, of this place, was married to Miss Ollie HAWTHORNE, of Monitor, McPherson county, on the 13th inst. George brought his bride to Ness and they are keeping house at Clarinda. The Times wishes them a long life of happiness and prosperity.

September 7, 1882:
Married, at the bride's home, yesterday, by Probate Judge BARND, Mr. Geo. L. BLACKBURN and Miss Lena YASMER, both of Nevada Twp., this county. May the days of their wedded life be many and blissful.

October 5, 1882:
Married - At the residence of the bride's father, by C. A. CURTIS, J. P., on the 28th ult., Mr. E. H. BORTON, of Dodge City, and Miss Clara M. BILL, of Sidney.

December 7, 1882:
A quiet wedding ceremony was performed by Probate Judge BARND, at his residence, in this town, on Sunday last. The high contracting parties were Mr. John BALLIET, of Bazine, and Miss Ella C. BALLARD, of Lane county. May they live long and be happy.

November 8, 1883:
Marriage license was issued on the 29th ult., to R. W. MOREHEAD and Emma C. GALBRAITH, both of Alamota, Kansas, and:On the 5th ist. To Noah W. NEWMAN and Mattie HAGERMAN, both of Forrester, Kansas.

November 15, 1883:
The wedding party at the Bell House last Thursday evening was a very brilliant affair, indeed. The weather was fair, and, a large number of invitations having been issued, the house was well filled by the friends of the contracting parties. Precisely at 7 Miss Nellie L. FARON became Mrs. N. G. CARPENTER, and after receiving the congratulations of friends, the party was seated at a long table, well loaded with the good things prepared for the occasion. After the supper the numerous presents were inspected by the newly wedded, and a few hours were spent in pleasant conversation and singing. The happy pair enter upon their connubial career under favorable auspices, and all along the journey the Times wishes them well.

Marriages - At the residence of the bride's father, in Ohio township, on November 6th, by J. M NUTTLE, J. P., Mr. N. W. NEWMAN to Miss Mattie HAGERMAN. Both of Forrester, Ness county, Kansas.

On November 7th, 1883, by Rev. N. R. VANDEREN, at his residence, near Alamota, Mr. R. W. MOREHEAD to Miss Emma C. GALBRAITH. Both of Lane county, Kansas.

At the Bell House in Ness City, on the evening of November 8, 1883, by Judge BARND, Mr. N. G. CARPENTER to Miss NELLIE L. FARON. Both of this town.

Contributed by Lynn (Sellers) Mack, extracted from the Ness City Times June 24, 1880 - December 27, 1883 newspaper editions.

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