Aeby, Bertha, Farmer, S22T16R24, Ransom, 1886.
Aeby, Rev. Jacob, Farmer and Minister, S15T16R24, Ransom, 1885.
Anderson, W. P., Monuments, S27T16R22, Brownell, 1878.
Antenen, A. R., Farmer and Stockraiser, S26T19R21, Bazine, 1878.
Atchison, F.W., Photographr, Ness City, 1892
Bank of McCracken, J. S. Warden, Pres; J. E. Andrews, Vice Pres; J. W. Chenoweth, Cashier, General Banking, McCracken..
Barber, Henry, Postmaster and Dealer, in Coal, S25T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1889.
Barchers, Dick, Farmer and Breeder of Short Horn Cattle, S26T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1895.
Barchers, E., Farmer and Breeder of Thoroughbred Cattle, S09T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1899.
Barnett, J. M., Farmer, S21T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1885.
Barnett, G. F., Farmer, S18T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1878.
Barnett, H. M., Farmer, S21T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1879.
Basnett, O. C., Real Estate, Ness City, 1879.
Beamer, Alexander, Farmer, Stockraiser and Proprietor of Road Side Farm, S07T16R23, P. O. Ransom, 1884.
Beamer, H. C., Farmer, Stockraser and Proprietor of Old Cyrus Farm, S34T15R23, P. O. Ransom, 1885.
Bills, C. J., Attorney, Ness City, 1890.
Bondurant, D. E., Stockman and Dealer in Flour, Grain Meal Seeds and Coal, Ness City, 1880.
Bondurant, J. A., Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Thoroughbred Hereford Cattle, S24T20R22, P. O. Bazine, 1881.
Bondurant, T. E., Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor, Ness City, 1880.
Borthwick Bros., Farmers and Stockraisers, Ness City, 1887.
Bovard, B. M., Farmer and County Surveyor, S10T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1901.
Bowie, Daniel, Farmer, S20T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Bowman Bros., Stockraiser and Breeder of Thoroughbred Cattle, S14T17R23, P. O. Brownell, 1902.
Buckman, Frank, Farmer, Stockraiser, Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Proprietor of Pleasant Valley Farm, S29T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1879.
Burgner, C. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S09T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1902.
Burrell, J. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S19T16R36, P. O. Utica, 1892.
Butler, C. A., Farmer and County Commissioner, S20T16R25, P. O. Utica, 1892.
Butler, Ira, Farmer, Owner of Sunny Side Farm, S27T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1902
Carpenter, Geo. W., Farmer, S16T20R22, P. O. Francis, 1878.
Casey, Daniel, Farmer and Stockraiser, S31T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1891.
Casey, John, Farmer and Stockraiser, S04T18R21, P. O. Bazine, 1884.
Citizens State Bank, J. C. Hopper, Pres; J. M. Ford, Vice Pres; John Engle, Cashier. General Banking, Ness City, 1898.
Citizens State Bank, T. Peters, Pres; J. C. Hopper, Vice Pres; W. E. Traylor, Cashier; A. H. Foulks, Ass't Cashier. General Banking, Utica.
Clousten, J. W. & Sons, Farmer and Breeder of Mules and Standard Percheron Horses, S01T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1879.
Cole, John, Farmer and Liveryman, S31T18R21, P. O. Bazine, 1878.
Collins, J. G., Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T20R26, P. O. Manteno, 1879.
Connell, J. W., General Merchandise, Coal, Feed, Lumber and Hardware, Bazine, 1889.
Cornelsson, Ernst, Farmer and Proprieter of Blue Valley Ranch, S02T15R24, P. O. Ransom, 1884.
Coryell, Jerry, Farmer, Stockraiser and Proprietor of Walnut Valley Wheat Farm, S16T17R26, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Coughenour & Hartley, General Merchandise, S22T16R24, P. O. Brownell, 1895.
Cox, George, Farmer, S27T20R22, P. O. Riverside, 1878.
Cranston, Geo. A., Farmer and Stockraiser, S32T20R23, P. O. Ness City, 1882.
Cravin, H. L. W., Farmer and Stockraiser, S28T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Curtes, Floyd, Farmer and Stockraiser, S07T19R25, P. O. Beeler, 1901.
Curtis, C. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S16T20R23, P. O. Ness City, 1884.
Cutler, J. S., Farmer and Stockraiser, S34T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1885
Davidson, Fred., Farmer and Stockraiser, S31T17R21, P. O. Bazine, 1882.
Davis, Geo. W., Hardware and Lumber, S22T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1882.
Davis, N. B., Farmer and Dealer in Stock and Real Estate, S03T18R27, P. O. Alamota, 1900.
Day, W. H., Farmer, Stockraiser and Proprieter of Cedar Lawn Farm, S03T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1885.
Dubbs, A. M., Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Thoroughbred Hereford Cattle, S17T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1879
Ebert, E. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S33T19R21, P. O. Bazine, 1879.
Edgington, Daniel, Farmer, S02T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1889.
Elkinson, Mrs. L. M., Clerk of School Board, District No. 42, S31T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1902.
Elliott, Geo. A., Undertaker and Dealer in Household Goods, Ness City, 1885.
Ellis, G. G., County Commissioner and Stockraiser, S18T19R22, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Engel, John, Cashier, Citizens State Bank, Ness City, 1878.
Engel, J. O., Farmer and Carpenter, S14T17R24, P. O. Ransom, 1900.
Evel, Christopher, Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Registered Poll Angus Cattle, S15T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1879.
Evel, Peter, Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Registered Poll Angus Cattle, S14T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1883
Fear, James L., Farmer and Threshing Machine Operator, S31T16R21, P. O. Brownell, 1885.
Fehreneach, Konrad, Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T20R25, P. O. Manteno, 1892.
Fereking, Louis, Farmer and Stockraiser, S15T20R25, P. O. Ness City, 1902.
Ferrell, Lorin, Farmer, Stockraiser and Ex. County Clerk, S27T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1879.
First State Bank, M. C. Burton, Pres; O. H. Laraway, Vice Pres; R. A. Thompson, Cashier. General Banking, Ness City, Organized 1888.
First State Bank, J. S. Smith, Pres; M. C. Burton, Vice Pres; C. J. Shellenberger, Cashier, I. O. Shellenberger, Ass't Cashier. General Banking, Ransom.
Flegge, August, Farmer, S05T17R23, P. O. Utica, 1900.
Floyed, Howard I., Register of Deeds, Ness City, 1885.
Freeman, Ed. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S32T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1880.
Frevele, Lorenz, Farmer, S22T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1886.
Forbes, J. S., Postmaster and Dealer in General Merchandise, Bazine, 1878.
Foulks & Wilson, Attorneys, Ness City, 1878
Garrett, Geo., Farmer and Stockraiser, S36T18R22, P. O. Bazine, 1874.
Gibson, C. C., Farmer and Stockraiser, S12T20R25, P. O. Ness City, 1879.
Gilmore, H. M., Dealer in Live Stock, S19T17R22, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Goodman, Ezra, Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T20R26, P. O. Beeler, 1898.
Goodman, Laurel, Farmer and Ranchman, S28T20R26, P. O. Beeler, 1878.
Goodvin, Hon. I. N., Ex. Representative (1891-1893) Farmer and Proprietor of Spring Creek Stock Farm, S36T15R23, P. O. Ransom, 1886.
Gray, J. L., Farmer and Stonemason, Plasterer and Proprietor of Restaurant, S24T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1893.
Green, J. L., Real Estate, Ness City, 1886.
Gulick, Elmer, Farmer and Breeder of Short Horn Cattle, S24T18R23, Ness City, 1879
Hall, G. W., Farmer and Stockraiser, S05T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1887.
Hanson, Mrs. S. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S26T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1878.
Harman, V. C., Farmer and Stockraiser, S34T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1873.
C. C. Harkness, Farmer and Stockraiser, Ness City, 1886.
Harmen, J. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S08T18R22, P. O. Ness City, 1881.
Harper, G. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S30T16R21, P. O. Brownell, 1884.
Hayes, Simon, General Merchandise, Beeler, 1878.
Hermon, Cap., Dealer in Live Stock, Ness City, 1881.
Hettinger, John, Farmer and Proprietor of Big Tree Ranch, S15T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1901.
Higgins, James, Farmer, S24T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1878.
Hirschler, A. D., Farmer and Threshing Machine Operator, S06T17R25, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Hirschler, Peter, Farmer, S19T16R25, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Hollenbeck, J. C., Farmer and Stockraiser, S04T18R25, P. O. Ness City, 1876.
Hopper, J. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S22T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1892.
Horchem, Peter, Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Registered Short Horn Cattle, S35T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1887.
Horton, Jessie, Farmer and Stockraiser, S36T20R23, P. O. Riverside, 1880.
Hunt, Geo. R., Farmer and Stockraiser, S11T19R21, P. O. Bazine, 1881.
Huxmann, Julius, Farmer, S23T15R25, P. O. Arnold, 1886
Jackson, P. L. & Co., Farmers and Stockmen, S31T18R21, P. O. Bazine, 1878.
Jackson, Thos., Farmer and Stockraiser, S31T20R21, P. O. Hodgerman, 1872.
Johnson, H. W., Contractor and Builder, Ness City, 1887
Karst, Ben, Farmer and Blacksmith, S08T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1904.
Kauffman, J. J., Farmer, S03T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1898.
Kelson, A. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S25T18R22, P. O. Bazine, 1877.
Kerr, R. B. & Bros., Farmers and Breeders of Registered Hereford Cattle, S01T20R25, P. O. Ness City, 1902.
Knighton, James, Farmer and Stockraiser, S25T19R21, P. O. Wellmanville, 1878.
Kueffer, Gottlieb, Sr., Farmer and Stockraiser, S22T19R21, P. O. Bazine, 1878
Langellier, Moses, Farmer and Breeder of Registered Morgan Horses, S18T16R23, P. O. Ransom, 1881.
Laraway, O. H., Ranchman, S01T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Lennen & Wagner, Real Estate, Ness City.
Lewis, J. L., Farmer and Stockraiser, S19T20R23, P. O. Ness City, 1885.
Litchfield, A. M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S33T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1904.
Livingood, T. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S04T19R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Lohner, J. C. & Co., Real Estate, Ness City, 1878.
Lovitt, J. R., Real Estate and Insurance; Exchange, McCracken, 1881.
Lyon, Fannie, Farmer, Stockraiser and Prop. Cold Springs Ranch, S35T16R26, Utica, 1884
McAllister, Fred, Farmer and Stockraiser, S33T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1904.
McClure, Mrs. L. A., Farmer and Stockraiser, S14T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1886.
McCormick, A., Breeder of Poll Angus Cattle, S34T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1884.
McJunkin, I., Farmer and Stockraiser, S10T20R21, P. O. Wellmanville, 1886.
McMickele, Joe, Farmer and Stockraiser, S27T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Maranville, J. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1887.
Mast Bros., Farmers, S30T15R23, P. O. Ransom, 1879.
Meyer, Frank C., Farmer and Stockraiser, S34T19R21, P. O. Wellmanville, 1887.
Meyers, Dr. E. L., Farmer and Physician, S18T16R24, P. O. Arnold, 1888.
Mellies, W. D., Farmer and Stockraiser, S29T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1887.
Melott, Joe, Retired Farmer, S22T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Melott, Willis, Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Merritt Creamery Co., The, Estab;osjed February 1895; Incorporated May 1st. 1903. Manufacturers of Fancy Separator Butter. Capacity 10,000 lbs. Daily. Great Bend, Kansas..
Merritt, W. G., (The Merritt Creamery Co.) Great Bend, 1879.
Mettlen, L. B., Farmer, Carpenter, Stonemason and Breeder of Thoroughbred White Wyandotte Chickens, S29T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1884.
Miller, J. S., Farmer and Mechanic, S10T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1903.
Miller, V. T., Real Estate. Ness City, 1878.
Miller, W. H., Farmer and Breeder of Thoroughbred Percheron Horses, S32T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1877.
Miner and Elbert, Real Estate Dealers. Best Wheat Lands. Loans, Abstract and Insurance. Stock Ranches, Alfalfa Lands and Wheat Farms for sale. Correspondence Solicited. Farm Loans Negotiated. Ness City, Established 1885.
Mitchell, C. S., Contractor and Builder, Ness City, 1883.
Moore Bros., Farmers and Stockraisers, S29T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Moore, Wm., Farmer, S27T17R22, P. O. Brownell, 1878.
Moore, W. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S16T19R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Murdock, A. L., Farmer and Stockraiser, S03T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1886.
Murduff, Wm., Farmer and Proprietor of Summit Wheat Farm, S24T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Myers, Geo., Lumber, Arnold, 1882
Ness City, S. G. Burnham, Clerk.
Ness County, W.H. Weirman, County Treasurer; Noah Ross, County Sheriff; A. S. Foulks, County Attorney; R. D. McKinley, Clerk of the Court; B. M. Bovard, County Surveyor; J. H. Elting, County Clerk; H. I. Floyd, Register of Deeds; Edith M. Salisbury, Superintendent; S. G. Sheaffer, Probate Judge; County Commissioners, C. D. Foster, (Chairman) 1st Dist.; G. G. Ellis, 2nd Dist.; C. A. Butler, 3rd Dist..
Newman, N. V., Farmer, Breeder of Red Poll Cattle and Dealer in Real Estate, S25T16R24, P. O. Ransom.
Nimz, Herman, Farmer, Merchant and Postmaster, S09T20R22, P. O. Francis, 1878.
Norris, Wm., Stockraiser and Threshing Machine Operator, S03T17R22, P. O. Brownell, 1879.
North, S. B., Liveryman, Utica, 1902.
Nuttle, Thomas M., Farmer, S27T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1879
O'Brien, Peter, Farmer and Stockraiser, S06T20R21, P. O. Bazine, 1879.
Ogden, Wm. A., Real Estate, S25T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1878.
Oppliger, F. Oscar, Farmer and Proprietor of 101 Accommodation Ranch, S08T17R23, P. O. Ransom, 1894.
Oppliger, U., Farmer, S01T17R24, P. O. Ransom, 1895
Parks, Wm., Farmer and Proprietor of Pleasant View Farm, S25T16R23, P. O. Brownell, 1902.
Pausch, J., Farmer and Grain Buyer, S22T15R25, P. O. Arnold, 1886.
Pearce, A. S., Sr., Farmer and Dealer in Grain and Real Estate, 28T18R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Pearce, A. S., Jr., Farmer and Stockraiser, S35T18R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Pember, A. E. & Sons, Farmers and Breeders of Registered Hereford Cattle and Mules, S17T20R24, P. O. Ness City, 1886.
Pembleton, C. M., Farmer, Stockraiser and Clerk, School District 15, S27T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Pembleton, M., Farmer and Stockraiser, S27T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Peters, Tillman, Banker, Stockman and Farmer, S22T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1886.
Petersille, Herman, Farmer and Stockraiser, S14T20R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Petersille, W. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S11T20R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Pickerill, Thos., Farmer and Stockraiser, S25T19R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Powell, L., Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Thoroughbred Percheron Horses, S04T16R21, P. O. Brownell, 1885
Rader, C. L., Dealer in Live Stock, S15T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1899.
Rankin, E. C., Real Estate and Loans, Utica, 1882.
Reeves, Guy, Lumber and Hardware, Beeler, 1893.
Rhodes, Chas. W., Editor, S29T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1887.
Richardson, W. L., Liveryman, S22T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1903.
Ries, Alex & Bro., Farmers and Stockraisers, S23T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1904.
Rineley, O. P., Postmaster and Proprietor of Hotel, Beeler, 1880.
Ross, N. R., County Sheriff, Ness City.
Rountree, A. J., Farmer, S05T16R21, P. O. Brownell, 1886.
Rufenacht, Gottfried, Farmer, Stockraiser and Proprietor of Natural Lime Farm, S13T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1885.
Ruffhead, E. J., Farmer, Stockraiser and Clerk, School District No. 4, S18T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1885.
Ryan, Bros., Farmers, Stockraisers, Breeders of Thoroughbred Galloway Cattle and Proprietors of Elm Valley Stock Farm, S01T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1879.
Ryen, G. M., Stockman and Dealer in Grain and Lumber, McCracken, 1879.
Ryan, Thomas, Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Registered Hereford Cattle, S28T15R22, P. O. Brownell
St. John, D. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S04T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1884.
Salisbury, Edith M., County Superintendent of Schools, S08T20R26, P. O. Ness City, 1885.
Schmitt, D. C., Farmer, S15T16R25, P. O. Arnold, 1890.
Clousten, J. W., Farmer, Breeder of Thoroughbred Horses and Mules and Director, School District No. 16, S1T19R23, P. O. Ness City, 1879.
School District No. 31, H. H. Hair, Director; H.M. Gilmore, Clerk.
School District No. 37, Mrs. M. E. Abbott, Clerk.
School District No. 44, J. H. Fear, G. M. Harper.
School District No. 54, B. Sickel, Clerk.
School District No. 58, E. E. Kelson, Clerk.
School District No. 77, L. D. Rickart.
Schoonover, S. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S12T19R25, P. O. Ness City, 1880.
Schultz, L. C., Farmer and Clerk School District No. 5, S18T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1878.
Scott, Chas., Farmer, S03T16R23, P. O. Ransom, 1876.
Shaffer, L. E., Farmer and Stockraiser, S11T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1902.
Sheaffer, Sam G., Probate Judge, Ness City, 1878.
Shover, J. O., Farmer and Stockraiser, S28T18R25, P. O. Beeler, 1888.
Shover, Mrs. Useba, Farmer and Stockraiser, S30T18R25, P. O. Beeler, 1877.
Shugar, J. H., Farmer, Stockraiser and Threshing Machine Operator, S36T19R24, P. O. Ness City, 1885.
Sidebottom, O. L., Farmer and Stockraiser, S10T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1885.
Slagle, Geo., Farmer, Stockraiser and Postmaster, S25T20R26, P. O. Nonchalanta, 1884.
Smith & Peckham, Farmers and Stockraisers, S22T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1899.
Spangler, J. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, Ness City, 1879.
Stutzman, N. B., Farmer and Township Trustee, S06T17R23, P. O. Ransom, 1892.
Stephens, A. E., Barber, Ness City, 1877.
Stewart, H. A., Farmer, Stockraiser and Blacksmith, S34T18R26, P. O. Beeler, 1886.
Stidger & Wood, Attorneys, Ness City, 1885.
Stull Bros., Farmers and Breeders of Race Horses, S33T19R25, P. O. Manteno, 1879
Taylor, D. S., Farmer and Stockraiser, S95T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1889.
Taylor, W. S., Hotel, S23T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1887.
Telter, Ida, Farmer and Stockraiser, S11T18R24, P. O. Ness City, 1885.
Thomas, E. S., Hotel, Ness City, 1899.
Thompson, Geo., Farmer and Stockraiser, S14T18R26, P. O. Beeler, 1887.
Traylor, W. E., Cashier, Citizens State Bank, Utica, 1887.
Troudt, Henry, Farmer and Stockraiser, S15T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1904.
Trump, Philip, Farmer, S25T17R26, P. O. Utica, 1882
Ummel, Christian, Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Short Horn Cattle, S20T16R24, P. O. Ransom, 1885
Venard, Dr. Thos. S., Farmer and Physician, S27T17R26, P. O. Utica, 1879
Wagner, J. A., Real Estate and Insurance, McCracken, 1878.
Walters, E. J., Farmer, Stockraiser and Ex. Register of Deeds, S08T20R22, P. O. Francis, 1878.
Wardlaw, C. L., Farmer and Stockraiser, S01T20R21, P. O. Wellmanville, 1886.
Washaliski, W. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S35T17R21, P. O. McCracken, 1884.
Webster, R. C., Lumber, Grain and Real Estate, S23T16R26, P. O. Utica, 1892.
Webster, R. C. & Co., Wide Awake Real Estate Dealers, Utica.
West, E. T., Retired Farmer, S32T20R25, P. O. Ness City, 1886.
Westover, John, Farmer and Breeder of Percheron Horses, S15T16R22, P. O. Brownell, 1886.
Warton, J. C., Real Estate and Insurance, McCracken, 1884.
Whipple, Ira, Farmer and Stockraiser, S12T19R21, P. O. Alexander, 1872.
Whiteman, E. S., Farmer and Stockraiser, S02T18R21, P. O. McCracken, 1900.
Wierman, W. H., Farmer and County Treasurer, S15T17R21, P. O. McCracken.
Williams, J. L., Farmer and Stockraiser, S35T18R22, P. O. Bazine, 1885.
Willour, W. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S03T17R23, P. O. Ransom, 1885.
Woods, C. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S23T18R23, P. O. Ness City, 1884.
Wunderlich, John, Farmer and Stockraiser, S26T20R24, P. O. Ness City, 1886
Young, A. R., Farmer and Stockraiser, S19T18R20, P. O. Alexander, 1873
Zuehlke, E. and W. F., Farmers and Stockraisers, S15T19R25, P. O. Ness City, 1888
Extracted from 1906 Standard Atlas of Ness County, Kansas.
Ness County, in the central part of the western half of the state, is the fifth
county from Colorado, the fourth south from Nebraska, and the fourth from the
Oklahoma line. It is bounded on the north by Trego and Gove counties; on the
east by Rush and Pawnee; on the south by Hodgeman, and on the west by Lane. It
was created in 1867 and named for Noah V. Ness of the Seventh Kansas cavalry.
The boundaries were defined as follows: "Commencing where the east line of range
21 west intersects the 3d standard parallel, thence south to the 4th standard
parallel, thence west to the east line of range 26 west, thence north to the 3d
standard parallel, thence east to the place of beginning." The legislature of
1873 changed the western boundary so that it extended to the east line of range
27 west, thus adding 180 square miles and making the area 1,080 square miles.
Prior to the spring of 1873 no one but two or three cattle men lived in the
county. At that time Dr. S. G. Rodgers came from Chicago with half a dozen
families. He made up a fraudulent census showing a population of 600 and sent a
petition to the governor which he had signed with a lot of names taken from a
Kansas City directory. The petition was granted and on Oct. 23, 1873, the
governor proclaimed the county organized, named Smallwood City as the temporary
county seat, and appointed Charles McGuire, county clerk; Dr. S. G. Rodgers, O.
H. Perry and Thomas Myers, county commissioners. As chairman of the board of
commissioners Rodgers proceeded to issue bonds, this being his object in
organizing the county, and had himself elected to the legislature. He took his
seat on Jan. 13, 1874, and remained there for 30 days, when John E. Farnsworth,
one of the cattle men, not being in favor of county organization, exposed the
frauds of Rodgers to the legislature. He took a census which showed but 79
inhabitants and gave it as his opinion that the legal voters of the county did
not exceed 14. An investigating committee appointed by the legislature found
these claims to be true and upon presentation of a petition to Gov. Osborne,
signed by 20 citizens, the county was promptly disorganized. Rodgers was
unseated in the legislature and he took the money which had accrued from the
sale of bonds and left the country. The families which he had induced on false
representations to come to Ness county nearly starved before they could get
The county was without officers of any kind until June, 1878, when
Gov. Anthony appointed Alfred Page notary public. Settlers had been coming in
gradually and in 1879, J. W. Miller, deputy county superintendent of public
instruction, organized 22 school districts. In Nov. of that year the citizens of
Ness City petitioned Gov. John P. St. John for county organization, with that
place for temporary county seat. A meeting was held at Sidney about the same
time, and another in Jan., 1880. That town sent in a petition asking that it be
named the temporary county seat and making recommendations as to who should be
appointed as county officers. On April 14, 1880, the governor issued a
proclamation reorganizing the county, designating Sidney as the county seat and
appointing the following officers: County clerk, James H. Elting; county
commissioners, John E. Farnsworth, L. Weston and L. E. Knowles.
commissioners selected June 1 as the time for the election, when Ness City was
made the permanent county seat, and the following officers were chosen: County
clerk, James H. Elting; treasurer, B. F. Garrett; register of deeds, J. A.
Taylor; sheriff, Gilmore Kinney; coroner, Dr. B. F. Crosthwaite; surveyor, L. E.
Knowles; superintendent of public instruction, F. A. Goodrich; attorney, Cyrus
Corning; clerk of the district court, N. W. Shaw; probate judge, J. K. Barnd;
commissioners, John S. Lightner, William Harding and Samuel C. Kagrice.
The first newspaper was the Ness County Pioneer, established at Clarinda in 1879
by Henry S. Bell. A number of fraternal orders and a Farmers' Alliance were
organized about 1880. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. was begun in 1886
and reached Ness City early in Jan., 1887.
The number of acres under
cultivation in 1880 was about 20,000. The number in 1910 was 380,330. The value
of farm products in the latter year was $1,514,924, of which winter wheat, the
largest crop, amounted to $361,000; corn, $250,000; sorghum, $110,000; oats,
$95,661; tame grasses, $176,197; Kafir corn, $78,177; live stock sold for
slaughter, $138,779; eggs, $61,869; and dairy products nearly $100,000.
The county is divided into 10 townships: Bazine, Center, Eden, Forrester,
Franklin, High Point, Johnson, Nevada, Ohio and Waring. The postoffices are
Arnold, Bazine, Beeler, Brownwell, Francis, Laird, Manteno, Ness City,
Nonchalanta, Ransom, Riverside and Utica. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.
crosses east and west in the center through Ness City, and the Missouri Pacific
crosses the northern part east and west.
The general surface is nearly
level, the rise from the streams being so gradual that the bottom lands are not
clearly defined. The timber belts along Walnut creek and its south fork are from
30 to 40 rods in width and contain ash, cottonwood, elm, hackberry and
box-elder. Walnut creek, the principal stream, flows east through the center of
the county, its north and south forks uniting near the center. The Pawnee fork
of the Pawnee river enters on the south central border, flows northeast a short
distance, thence east and southeast into Hodgeman county. Magnesian limestone of
the best quality and sandstone are abundant. Gypsum exists in small quantities.
The assessed valuation of property in 1910 was $10,835,619. The population
in the same year was 5,883, which was an increase of 1,348 over the population
of 1900.
Contributed 2002 by Carolyn Ward, transcribed from Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago: 1912. 3 v. in 4.: front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar, Volume II, Pages 352-354.
The need for more and cheaper land to satisfy the demands of
their growing families compelled many of the descendants of the original
settlers of Ellis County to seek for new locations in different parts of the
state. In this manner a number of new settlements sprang into existence in the
course of time, and many already existing towns underwent a rapid development.
One of the latter is Ness City in Ness County, Kansas. The first Ellis
County people to settle in this district were the families of Carl Weibert and
John Weibert, who in 1913 took up farming some miles northeast of Ness City.
In 1915 they were followed by the families of Melchior Weibert, Andrew
Bollig, George Rohr, Jacob Gabel, Martin Wendler, John Leiker, Paul Befort, Carl
W. Dechant, John Heili, Conrad Boxler, Anthony Engel, and Joseph Schiffelbein.
The following year one more family, that of Elias Pfarmenstiel, moved to Ness
City from Topeka.
The contract for the present church was let April 22,
1912. The edifice is of frame construction, measuring 46x28 feet. It was
completed in the spring of 1912, at a cost of $1142.50. Not until June 19, 1912,
was the new church dedicated. The first Sunday services were held on December 29
of the same year.
The first permanent pastor was Rev. Fr. Alban Hammel, O.M. Cap., while the first superior of the Sacred Heart Hospice, which was erected later, was the Rev. Basil Heim, O.M. Cap. The present superior and pastor is Rev. Fr. Cyril Zeller, O.M. Cap.
Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926
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