Ness County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
60, 120Smith, Albert T.Alienrig. s. w. lt. arm$ 6.00- - - - - -
137, 723Stone, PhillipAshlandg. s. w. lt. breast 4.00Feb., 1876
117, 874Davidson, JohnBaxinedis. abdominal viscera 4.00- - - - - -
205, 779Dickson, Joseph W."dis. of lungs 6.00Mar., 1882
159, 315Zinn, Jacob"g. s. w. rt. arm 4.00- - - - - -
64, 545McGee, David C."wound of face 6.00- - - - - -
124, 348Rawlings, Isaac L."dis. eyes 18.00- - - - - -
191, 537Chaffin, Levi H.Challacombeloss sight right eye 4.00June, 1881
55, 429Dickson, Andrew S.Danbyloss rt. leg 18.00- - - - - -
47, 197Ere, Lilbourne H."wound left arm 18.00- - - - - -
106, 839Hockenbarger, Peter A."injury to abdomen 8.00Dec., 1870
175, 943Campbell, William H.Elm Valleyg. s. w. rt. hip, thigh & throat 12.00Oct., 1880
175, 245Smith, Jos. M.Forresterchr. diarr, rheum, & reslt'g dis. of abd. viscera 18.00- - - - - -
28, 334Slagle, Francis M.Francistotal blindness 72.00- - - - - -
70, 246Henry, JamesKansadag. s. w. lt. hip 18.00- - - - - -
66, 466Stephens, JohnNess Cityg. s. w. lt. leg 10.00- - - - - -
59, 789Lewis, Vashti"widow 8.00Feb., 1870
191, 046Crim, Morris"chr. diarrhea 6.00June, 1881
156, 781Holmes, John W."injury to abdomen 8.00Dec., 1878
137, 209Skinner, Wm. H."g. s. w. lt. breast 6.00- - - - - -
134, 101Large, Charles H."g. s. w. lt. thigh 12.00- - - - - -
158, 412Brown, John W."shell wd. rt. chest 2.00Mar., 1879
19, 946Cockren, PhillipSaint Sophiag. s. w. rt. knee 4.00- - - - - -
215, 913Dunstone, JohnSchohariedisease of eyes 4.00July, 1882
176, 168Sheaffer, Samuel G.Shilohshell wd. rt. breast 6.00Oct., 1880
198, 811Brumbaugh, CalvinSidneychr. diarrhea & dis. lungs 18.00Dec., 1881
142, 374Lindville, Richard B."g. s. w. rt. side 3.00Nov., 1876
196, 708Rees, Lloyd"dis. lungs & throat 24.00Oct., 1881
190, 494Spidle, Jacob B."g. s. w. rt. thigh 8.00- - - - - -
127, 603McMellen, Richard L."epilepsy 18.00- - - - - -
132, 083Dawley, HoseaWellmanvilleg. s. w. lt. leg 6.00Feb., 1875
16, 651Davis, Elizabeth W."widow 1812 8.00Jan., 1879
119, 591Ward, Bidwell J."g. s. w. head, dis sight & smell 8.00Oct., 1872

Contributed 1998 Nov by Kenneth Thomas

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