The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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under M. J. Fitzpatrick; served as deputy register of deeds for two years under Nat L. Baker from 1876 to 1878.

In 1882 he had charge of a party employed by the Rocky Mountain Oil, Mining and Transportation company with headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska. He located some very valuable lands for them on the heads of Powder (Poudre?) and Big Horn rivers in Wyoming

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have raised a family of seven children, five boys and two girls: T. A. their eldest son first took the land where Peppinger now lives but sold it to Elder Howard.  He ran a dray for some years in Norton; is now on a farm in Garfield township; he was married to Miss Susie Payton. They have had seven children, three are living, four dead.

Charlie, their second son, married Mrs. Newton. He is now engaged in farming and stock raising at Curtis, Nebraska.

Nettie, their eldest daughter, married Frank Williams as previously described.  William married Hattie Eibert, and now lives on a farm in Garfield township.  They have had four children: three are living, one dead

Frank Merchant married Lettie McCormick December, 1890; he is a barber by trade and lives in Norton; they have one child.  Howard their youngest son was killed by being kicked by a mule at Medicine Bow, Wyoming in July 1890

Mrs. Rogers was born June 13, 1836 in Clinton county, Indiana; was married to W. B. Rogers May 19, 1853

She is an active member of the Presbyterian church and takes a prominent part in all social and charitabe [sic] work.  During the many years she kept boarding house in Norton, she became well and favorably known to everybody in the county.  Her house was more like a home than a hotel, at least it always appeared so to the writer whose good fortune it was to make his home under her roof for many years.  Mrs. Rogers has fifteen grand children.

mckie.JPG (32541 bytes)James McKie was born in Fulton county, New York, February 14, 1815; was a shoemaker by trade; worked at that business twenty-five years.  Came to Missouri in 1862; settled at Lathrop in Clinton county; came to Kansas in 1872; stopped one year in Republic county.  He settled on Buck creek in this county in the spring of 1874, on the Jerome Cox land where his family now reside.  Mr. McKie was always a republican.  He was married to Martha Baird in 1837; they had two children, Edward and James; their eldest son Edward, lives in Republic county, James lives on the old home farm.  He was born in 1862. He owns 1200 acres of land and 200 head of horses and cattle.  James McKie Sr. died in February 1892 of consumption and is buried in the Densmore cemetery.

Michael O'Toole was born in Ireland in 1826: came to America in 1847, learned the moulder's trade and followed it twenty seven years.  He was married to Ann Brady at Norwalk, Ohio, in 1851.

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