The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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He settled at the mouth of Walnut Creek in this county in the fall of 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole raised five children of their own and two adopted children.  Mrs. O'Toole died in Ohio in 1867.  He was married to Joan Mulvihella, his present wife, in 1868.  Mr, O'Tool's [sic] two youngest sons, James and John, live in this county.  They married sisters by the name of McMulkin.  They both own farms in Rock Branch township.  Mr. O'Toole adopted a son who lives at home with him; they live on the same farm he located when he came here.

In October, 1872, D. M. and W. W. Robinson came in and took claims on what is now called the Robinson draw, one mile north west of Norton; their appearance left a favorable impression on the few settlers here at the time so that when they started east promising to return in the spring with their families, considerable speculation was indulged in by the boys as to whether they would ever come back or not.  On March 28, 1872 a few of the settlers were at Newell's store when three covered wagons come in sight.  Some one remarked that was Robinson coming and sure enough.  When they drove up, it proved to be Robinsons and their brother-in-law John F. Madden.  Business was temporarily suspended and all went out to the road to greet the new settlers.  They had brought in the fattest and best horses that had been seen in this country; of course they attracted the attention of all the men after they had driven in.  The topic of conversation naturally turned on to the new settlers, various opinions were expressed about them all of course favorable, but for different reasons.  Among the various observations that were dropped at that time was one by Sol Marsh. "By gracious! I'll bet them folks is all right: the women and children all had clean faces - did you notice that, boys?"

John Madden took the land north of Robinson's where he has resided continuously ever since.

madden.JPG (34920 bytes) John F. Madden was born in Hampshire county, Virginia, August 15, 1845.  In 1865 his father located in Walnut township, Jefferson county. Iowa, his mother lives on the same farm yet at the ripe old age of 74 years.  His father died there of heart disease in 1884.  John Madden lived at home with his parents until he was married to Nancy C. Robinson in 1868.  She was born in Miami county, Ohio in 1850.

Mr. and Mrs. Madden have raised nine children, eight boys and one girl: Their eldest boy, Fred, was born July 5, 1869 and married Zella Price February 23, 1893. Frank J. was born January 2, 1871; William E. born June 8, 1872, C.B. born September 5, 1873, George H. born Januay [sic] 30, 1875; Ralph, born August 8, 1870; Ray Seaton born May 15,1879, Gus V. born February 22,1881, Olive Edna born December 2, 1884, and died September 4, 1885 and Nettie May born August 12, 1886,

Madden lived on a rented farm in Jefferson county, Iowa. from the time he

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